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When Hell Freezes Over

Page 7

by Darrien Lee

  “Keaton Lapahie!”

  “I’m kidding. I’m sure if she’s anything like her niece, she’s very beautiful. Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll be well-rested by the time we leave.”

  Yawning, she said, “On that note, I guess I’d better turn in. You, too, Keaton.”

  “I guess you’re right. Goodnight, Meridan.”

  “Goodnight, Keaton. Sweet dreams.”

  With a smile in his voice, he answered, “Oh, that I’m sure of. I’ll talk to you in a few hours.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  They hung up together and, at the same time, let out a loud sigh. Meridan reached over and turned out the light on her nightstand before settling under her comforter. She wasn’t lying to him when she said her body was still tingling. Their encounter left her anticipating the moment he would make her complete.

  On the other end of town, Keaton fluffed his pillows and turned over for hopefully more dreams of an angel. He couldn’t wait to see her after she got off work. If given another chance, he’d make sure he was prepared for Meridan St. John.


  The next morning, Keaton got up bright and early. He wanted to show Meridan how much fun he’d had last night. The two stops he made were unusual and he had to laugh about it himself.

  Meridan had already seen two kids with strep throat and three others with ear infections. She had a few minutes before her next appointment and took the time to make a few calls. When she sat down at her desk, her receptionist called her office.

  “Meridan? You have a delivery up front. Do you want me to bring it to your office?”

  Meridan looked confused, since she wasn’t expecting a delivery.

  “Sure, Ashley. Thanks.”

  She hung up the telephone and picked up her appointment book. About that time Ashley walked in with a basket full of inflated latex gloves. They were arranged in the basket like a bouquet of flowers. Meridan burst out laughing as soon as she saw it because she knew only one person could’ve sent them.

  Ashley sat the basket on Meridan’s desk. “Do you know who sent this?”

  Meridan removed the card. “I have a good idea. It’s from a very good friend.”

  “From the way you’re smiling, I take it you mean a male friend?”

  “Yes. Thanks for bringing it in for me.”

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy!”

  Ashley gave Meridan her privacy. Once alone, Meridan sat down and opened the card.


  This is just a little something to let you know that you could never have too much latex. Hehehe! For the record, I’ll never be caught without my latex again. Hope I made you laugh and I can’t wait to see you.


  Meridan laughed again and picked up the telephone. She dialed Keaton’s cell phone.


  “You’re so bad, Keaton” she said, laughing.

  He chuckled. “I take it you got my delivery?”

  Twirling in her chair, she said, “Yes, I did. You’re so crazy and your little note was even funnier.”

  “I’m glad you like it. So are you going to let me cook dinner for you tonight?”

  She stood, playing with the latex gloves.

  “I guess that could be arranged.”

  Keaton smiled.

  “Great! You’re coming over for dinner. Is it okay if I pick you up around five-thirty?”

  “That’ll be fine. Thanks again, Keaton.”

  “The pleasure was all mine. I’ll see you at five-thirty.”

  Meridan hung up the telephone and left her office to attend to more patients.

  Hours later, Keaton worked diligently in the kitchen preparing dinner. Winston arrived home first with MaLeah and Fredrick.

  She danced around the room, yelling, “Uncie Key!”

  He looked down at her. “Hey, Shorty. What you know, Fredrick?”

  MaLeah ran over and hugged her uncle’s leg. Keaton stood at the sink, rinsing off vegetables.

  Winston put Fredrick in his highchair. “What’s for dinner, Bro?”

  Since Keaton had been in Philly, he volunteered to be the cook since he was at home all day.

  “Just a little sumptin’ sumptin’. Meridan’s coming over for dinner tonight.”

  Winston gave him a sneaky grin.

  “Oh really? That’s so sweet. You guys must’ve really had a good time the other night. You got in kind of late. Is there anything you want to tell me?”

  Keaton wouldn’t give Winston the satisfaction.

  “Yeah, Man, we had a good time. I told you I like hanging out with her.” Winston gave Fredrick his milk.

  “That’s good. How’s your throat?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He took his jacket off. “I don’t want you to strain your voice before the wedding.”

  Keaton put a dish in the oven. “Forget you, Winston! I told you, my name is all over your motorcycle. You have the wrong guy.”

  “How would you like to sweeten the deal?”

  Throwing the dish towel over his shoulder, Keaton folded his arms. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’ll tell you what. If I’m wrong, I’ll go in with you on that Sports Bar and Grill you’ve been talking about opening. If I’m right, you’ll have to go in with me on that summer house in Florida Arnelle has been eyeing.”

  Rubbing his hands together, Keaton yelled, “Damn, Winston! This is going to be so easy. You’re on!”

  As Winston walked out of the room, he said, “By the way, Craig, Venice and the kids are coming over for dinner, so make sure we have enough.”

  “I’ve got this,” he assured Winston.


  When Keaton arrived later with Meridan, MaLeah was in the process of pushing her brother full speed down the hallway in his walker. As usual, she was going too fast, causing Fredrick to hold on for dear life. Winston and Arnelle were nowhere to be found but he knew they weren’t far away from the kids. More than likely they were somewhere tangled up in each other’s arms.

  Keaton frowned and yelled, “Shorty! Slow down before you kill your brother!”

  She giggled and yelled, “K!”

  Noticing Meridan standing beside him, she yelled, “Doctor MeMe!”

  Meridan leaned down, stroked MaLeah’s ponytails, and said, “Well, hello, MaLeah. How are you this evening?”

  She put her hand over her mouth and giggled. Keaton stood, watching two of his favorite women.

  He asked, “Where are your mom and dad, Shorty?”

  “In the kitchen,” she answered, while hugging his leg.

  He swung her up in his arms, kissed her on the cheek, and said, “Go tell them we’re here.”

  He sat her back down, then without hesitation, he leaned over and kissed Meridan slowly on the lips.

  MaLeah squealed out loud, “Ooooo! Uncie Key kissed Doctor MeMe! Mommie! Daddy! Uncie Key kissed Doctor MeMe!”

  She ran toward the kitchen to broadcast the news. He looked at Meridan and said, “Sorry!”

  “It’s okay, Keaton. You know how children are.”

  “I guess we’d better go face the music, huh?”

  “Lead the way.”

  Keaton took her hand into his and led her toward the kitchen to join the others.

  Dinner went off without any problems. After MaLeah finished giggling over Keaton kissing Meridan, they were able to enjoy the delicious meal he’d prepared. As they ate, Arnelle complimented Meridan on the pink cashmere sweater she wore with her black leather pants. Her black boots put about three more inches on her height, bringing her even closer to Keaton. He couldn’t help but admire the way the leather fit to her shapely backside. It was hard for him not to stare as they sat side by side. Winston and Craig smiled throughout dinner as they observed Keaton’s obvious weakness around Meridan. They continued to talk about the upcoming Mississippi trip and, before long, it was time for the children to go to bed. MaLeah cried because she wanted Meridan
to help her with her bath. When Winston and Arnelle protested, she cried even louder.

  Meridan stood. “Arnelle, it’s okay. I don’t mind helping MaLeah with her bath.”

  “Are you sure?”

  MaLeah ran over and hugged Meridan’s leg.

  “It’s not a problem at all. Come on, MaLeah. Let’s get you ready for bed.”

  Keaton stood also. “I’ll go so I can show you where everything is.”

  As Winston, Craig, Venice and Arnelle cleaned up the kitchen, they couldn’t help but discreetly discuss how soft Keaton had become since he’d become involved with Meridan.

  Winston said, “Arnelle, I guess you know, your brother’s halfway to the altar.”

  Craig wiped off the table. “I agree. He’s like a different person.”

  Venice put the leftovers in the refrigerator. “Don’t ya’ll think you’re jumping the gun a little?”

  “Hell no!” Winston loudly answered. “You guys must not have eyes.”

  Arnelle said, “We have eyes. It’s just that my brother doesn’t seem like the marrying type.”

  “It’s different, now that he’s hooked up with Meridan,” Craig explained.

  Turning, Arnelle asked, “What do you mean?”

  Venice said, “Don’t pay Craig and Winston any attention, Arnelle. If it’s meant for Meridan and Keaton to be together, they will be. I think they’re a cute couple.”

  Winston gathered the trash bag. “I don’t care what ya’ll say; I think his playa days are over.”

  Arnelle opened the garage door for him. “You don’t think he’s getting serious about her, do you?”

  “I guess time will tell, huh?”

  At that time, Keaton walked in and noticed the surprised look on everyone’s face. Sensing that he had walked in unexpectedly, he asked, “What?”

  Arnelle turned her back to him to place a plate in the cabinet.

  Winston smiled and asked, “What do you mean…what?”

  “You all look like you’re up to something,” he said with a frown.

  Venice and Craig tried to keep busy with the dishes so they wouldn’t give away the fact that Keaton was the topic of their conversation.

  Arnelle walked over to him. “You’re imagining things. Is Meridan doing okay with MaLeah?”

  “Yes, and I gave Fredrick his bath. Is his bottle ready?”

  Arnelle pointed over to the bottle warmer. “Keaton, you’d make a great daddy.”

  He hissed, “Please!”

  He turned and walked out of the kitchen. As he climbed the stairs, he felt chills run over his body. Daddy? Arnelle has lost her damn mind.

  After he walked out, everyone burst out laughing.

  Venice walked across the room. “Ya’ll are so wrong to do Keaton like that. Skeeter, you don’t need to be messing with him; you were the same way about Arnelle.”

  Craig said, “She got you there, Bro!”

  Winston said, “Oh! Ya’ll teaming up on me now, huh? Anyway, that was different. I wasn’t going around talking about never getting married.”

  Craig laughed. “No, you were just trying to be the Playa-of-the-Century.”

  Arnelle waved them off. “Please! Don’t remind me.”

  They all laughed together.

  Venice responded, “Well, we’d better get the kids and get out of here. It’s getting late and they’ve been asleep for a while. Brandon had a good time playing with MaLeah.”

  Winston said, “So did MaLeah. It would be wild if they end up married one day, huh?”

  Everyone froze and looked at him.

  Craig hugged and kissed Arnelle. “Tell your husband to slow his roll.”

  Venice hugged Winston. “Well, I would be honored to have MaLeah as a daughter-in-law.”

  “The same here, Venice.” Craig shook hands with Winston and said, “Skeeter…Arnelle, thanks for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome,” they answered in unison.

  “Keep us posted on the love birds,” Venice requested.

  Winston smiled. “We will. Let me help you guys get the kids to the car.”

  Before returning to Fredrick’s room, Keaton stopped by the bathroom to check on the ladies.

  Leaning against the door frame, he asked, “How’s everything going in here?”

  Meridan was in the process of drying MaLeah’s body. She looked up at him with sparkling eyes. “We’re almost done. What are you doing?”

  In a daze, he responded, “Getting ready to give Fredrick his bottle.”

  “Okay…and Keaton?”



  He curiously asked, “For what?”

  “Everything,” she whispered.

  “You’re welcome, Meridan.” He blushed.

  Smiling, he grabbed MaLeah’s ponytail. “Kiss.”

  MaLeah puckered her lips for her uncle to kiss her. After the kiss, she giggled loudly.

  “Uncie Key! You have to kiss Dr. MeMe, too!”

  Meridan blushed as she looked up at Keaton.

  He smiled. “You heard her. Kiss, Meridan St. John.”

  Meridan blushed one last time as Keaton leaned down and kissed her, lingering to taste her soft lips. MaLeah put her hand over her mouth and screamed with laughter.

  Keaton finally pulled away and said, “Jesus.”

  Breathless, she answered, “Ditto that and I’ll meet you in Fredrick’s room in a couple of minutes so I can tell him goodnight.”

  Turning back to MaLeah, he took a breath and said, “Okay. MaLeah, give me a goodnight hug.”

  MaLeah now had on her pajamas as she jumped into her uncle’s arms, giving him a big hug. Afterwards, Meridan took her by the hand and led her back downstairs to her parents.

  After coffee, dessert and a yawn or two from Meridan, Keaton knew it was time to take her home.

  He stood and said, “Well, guys, I’d better get Meridan home.” Looking in her direction, he asked, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, it’s been a great night. I had fun with the kids. Winston, Arnelle, it was so nice to see you guys again. It was also good to see the Bennetts and the kids, too.”

  They all stood together and Winston said, “Same here, and we hope to see more of you. The kids really love you.”

  Winston looked over at Keaton and winked. He went on to say, “And I must say, Keaton is a changed man since you two have been hanging out.”

  Keaton took Meridan’s hand. “Don’t listen to him. Let me get your jacket.”

  Keaton walked out of the room. Arnelle hugged Meridan and whispered, “Winston’s right. Whatever you did to my brother, I want to thank you.”

  Meridan felt a little awkward, not realizing exactly what they were giving her credit for. She said, “Well, I’ll see you guys later and I’ll make sure to take good care of him in Mississippi.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Winston said, grinning.

  “Goodnight. Keaton, are you ready?”

  Glaring at his sister and brother-in-law, he said, “Yes, I am.”

  Walking them to the door, Arnelle said, “Keaton, drive carefully and, Meridan, have a wonderful time visiting your family.”

  “I’ll try. Goodnight.”

  In unison, Winston and Arnelle said, “Goodnight.”


  Meridan and Keaton arrived at the Jackson Airport early Friday morning. When they stepped off the plane, Keaton could immediately tell he was back in the South. It was a welcomed feeling and the humidity was no joke. Meridan had on some faded jeans, a white, button-down blouse and brown suede boots. Before coming home, she got some microbraids that hung a few inches past her shoulders to keep her hair more manageable during the trip home. Keaton, also dressed in jeans, adorned a white T-shirt and leather jacket.

  On the plane ride there, Keaton occasionally played in her hair, causing chills to run down her arms. Meridan, on the other hand, was starting to get a little nervous about bringing Keaton home. She’d never taken a man home to
meet her family before.

  As soon as they exited the plane she heard a familiar voice call out her name.

  “Meridan! Over here!”


  Meridan ran over to her father, who stood at least six-feet four-inches. He smiled as his youngest daughter jumped into his arms. Keaton followed close behind her and watched the loving exchange.

  A few tears fell from Meridan’s eyes as her dad whispered, “Welcome home, sweetheart.”

  She kissed him and wiped her tears away.

  “Daddy, I’d like you to meet—”

  Extending his hand, he said, “This man needs no introduction. Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing home the Chief?”

  “Chief? Daddy, this is Keaton Lapahie,” she announced.

  Keaton laughed. “Nice to finally meet you, Mr. St. John.”

  “Chief, you can call me William. I can’t believe you’re the friend Meridan was talking about bringing home.”

  Confused, Meridan asked, “Daddy, why do you keep calling him the Chief and how do you know him?”

  Mr. St. John put his arm around his daughter. “You mean to tell me you don’t know?”

  Keaton helped by saying, “Mr. St. John, Meridan doesn’t know. I really hadn’t got around to telling her yet.”

  “Got around to telling me what?” she asked in confusion. “What’s going on?”

  Keaton turned to Meridan. “Meridan, people nicknamed me the Chief when I played in the NBA with the San Antonio Spurs.”

  Her eyes bulged out in shock as she listened to him. She punched him on the arm. “You mean to tell me you played in the NBA? Why didn’t you tell me? You were going on and on about me and you didn’t say a word.”

  Mr. St. John stepped between them. “Now, now. Meridan, I’m sure Keaton didn’t mean to keep that info from you on purpose. Did you, Son?”

  He turned and winked at Keaton, then went on to say, “That was a few years ago anyway. You busted your knee right, Keaton?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He turned to her again. “Meridan, I was going to tell you, but I wanted to surprise you like you surprised me. I didn’t know your father was going to recognize me right away.”


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