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Page 4

by KD Jones

  Hammer chuckled. “In this situation you are.”

  She was not to thrilled to be referred to as a bone. “Look, Mr. Hammer…”

  “Just Hammer.”

  “Right, Hammer, I have a job to do. Could you go get Esan for me?”

  “No need, he’s on his way out now.”

  Just as Hammer said that, the doors to the gym swung open and hit the wall hard. Nina winced at the loud sound it made. Esan looked like a madman as he glanced around looking for something. Then his eyes landed on her and she couldn’t help but take a step back out of fear.

  Hammer once more stepped between her and Esan. “Calm down, Esan, you’re scaring the female.”

  “Get out of the way, Hammer.”

  “Not until you take three deep breaths.”

  Nina couldn’t see what was happening, but Esan must have taken the breaths and calmed down because Hammer relaxed and moved out of the way. Esan did look less angry but she wasn’t going to get too close to him.

  “Leave. Nina and I have thingsss to discusss.”

  Nina moved to step closer to Hammer. “Hammer can stay.”

  “Then we’ll leave.”


  “No?” Esan looked confused and furious.

  “I’m not sure I want to be alone with you.”

  Esan ran a hand through his flat hair. “Why not?”

  “You’re angry.”

  “Yesss I am, but I would never hurt a female no matter how angry I got.”

  She wasn’t sure she believed him. She glanced over at Hammer. He gave her a nod, trying to reassure her, but she wasn’t feeling reassured.

  “I ssswear on my sssissster’s life I would not harm you.”

  She looked into his dark dangerous eyes. He exuded violence but not toward her. She believed him when he said he wouldn’t hurt her. She turned to look up at Hammer. “It was nice meeting you, Hammer.”

  “You should come over for dinner while you’re here and meet my mate and the kids.”

  Esan quickly took her elbow and moved her past Hammer. “She’ll take a raincheck on that. The kidsss would take her down in lesss than thirty minutess.”

  “Hey, that’s insulting!” Hammer yelled at him.

  “But it’sss true!” Esan yelled back.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Sssomewhere private.”

  Her mind immediately went to her bedroom all the wonderful things she had fantasized about the previous night. She felt her body heat up at the thought. Down girl! He just wants to talk.

  Chapter 6

  They ended up going to the swimming pool area. A few people were swimming, but there was an empty area in the corner that contained a set of benches. It would be the perfect spot to allow allowed them to have a private conversation. Once they got to the benches, Esan let her elbow go. She turned on him.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about in there with Jet?”

  “He wasss pushing me for a fight.”

  “Did ... did you fight him?”

  “No, Rage ssstopped usss before either of usss could throw the firssst punch.”

  “Rage must have a lot of power.”

  “He’sss taking over the training for the fightersss ssso that he could ssspend more time with hisss mate and baby. One word from him and I could be taken off of the next circuit and sssince Jet is still under his probationary period, he could be let go without compensssation. Now, it’sss my turn.”

  “Your turn for what?”

  “What makesss you think I’ll let you handle my gathering?”

  Nina sat down and motioned for him to sit next to her. He didn’t sit but instead just stood towering over her. She really hated that, but she wouldn’t let him get under her skin. She crossed her legs and acted like it was nothing to her. Keep it cool Sinclair.

  “Your sister has asked me to help organize things because she would not be able to be here to help. She loves you and only wants the best for you.”

  Esan’s tension in his body lessened. “I love my sssissster but I can pick my own mate.”

  “I’m not here to pick your mate for you, only to organize the gathering.”

  “What doesss that entail?”

  “I will be able to help you with choosing the right venue on the ship, helping you to pre-screen the females and making sure that you have enough time to spend with each of the potential candidates.”

  “Wait, what do you mean by ‘venue on the ship’?”

  “Your sister suggested prescreening the potential females, then have them come here for the gathering for further screening. She felt that you would be more at ease with a familiar environment, and it was important to her that your friends and coworkers surround you with support. Also, your sister made a very vaild point. If a female is going to mate you, she would need to see the lifestyle she will need to get acquainted with.”

  Esan finally sat down next to her some of his tension eased. “I could have handled all that. Sssersssan should not have gotten a ssstranger involved.”

  She ignored the irritation of being referred to as a stranger, but she had to admit it was the truth. She had only been around Esan a few times. He didn’t know if she was trustworthy either. Nina tried to imagine how she would feel if her mother and sisters planned a matchmaking event for her. How would she feel?

  “I know this is probably weird for you, it is for me too. I usually meet with potential clients several times before I agree to take on a job. I like taking time to get to know my clients, their likes and their dislikes. We’re at a disadvantage because we haven’t had a chance to get to know each other. However, I do know your sister and she has given me some insight on you. She loves you and thinks you are an amazing brother. That says a lot to me about your character.”

  “What did she tell you?”

  “She said that when others wanted to separate you as kids, you fought to keep the two of you together. That you never left her or betrayed her and that ... you’re a male worthy of love.” She noticed a blush come over him as he looked away.

  “I jussst did what any brother would do.”

  “That’s not what she says.”

  “My sssissster only ssseesss the good of thossse around her, which leavesss her open to being usssed and taken advantage of. Of courssse I had to protect her from her own naivete.”

  She didn’t quite believe his dismissal. He wasn’t one who liked to talk about himself. That was probably why his sister wanted to make sure he had help arranging this gathering. If it was up to Esan, he might end up pushing the females away instead of winning them over. No wonder his sister was determined that he get assistance.

  Sighing, she put out her hand to shake his. He looked surprised, but then took her hand and shook it in response. “We had a rough start. I think we need a do-over. Hi, my name is Nina Sinclair and I’m the new event coordinator for the GCFA.”

  His lips twitched as if he was about to break out into a smile. “Esssan, GCFA fighter in need of an eventcoordinator for my Reptan gathering.”

  “Nice to meet you, Esan. It just so happens that I have an opening.”

  “Great, you’re hired.”

  “I don’t come cheap,” she warned with a wink. That caused him to burst out into a full throaty laugh.

  “I think I can afford you.”

  Wow, he had a great laugh, and that smile was rare for him which only made him more appealing. Oh boy, he was dangerous. She also realized she was still holding his hand. She quickly pulled back.

  His eyes darkened as he looked down at her. “We’ll disscusss the venuesss tonight ... over dinner.”

  Whoa, that was presumptuous. “Sorry, I can’t tonight. I have two other weddings on board the GCFA to plan this week and next. I’m meeting with one of my couples tonight.”

  “They can wait. I take precedence.”

  Oh, he was going to be a demending client, she could see that right now. “I have already made commitments and I am not
someone who breaks a commitment once I make one. I meet with my other clients tonight, but their rehearsal is three days from now and their wedding is not until the weekend. I can meet you for lunch tomorrow and show you some of the venues I think you might like.”

  “I have morning practice but should be available around one in the afternoon. You can come to my sssuite.”

  Um, being alone with him in his suite was not a good idea. Just his laughter did things to her. No, they needed to keep their meeting public.

  “I’ll meet you at the first-floor grill and bar at one,” she said, standing up. He stood up as well and walked her out of the swimming area. They parted ways as he went back to the gym. She couldn’t help but glance back and admire his backside. Damn, that man was fine.


  Esan watched Nina walk away admiring the sway of her hips. He felt his body respond to her and knew it was not appropriate but he couldn’t control it. Maybe a sparring match could get his mind off his libido.

  He stepped inside the gym and noticed almost everyone was gone, except for Rage. He was moving one of the training mats but stopped as soon as he caught sight of Esan. He dropped the mat and approached Esan. The reprimanding look Rage gave him made him feel like he was fifteen and had been caught sneaking out.

  “Look, before you get on my cassse, I know I wasss out of line.”

  “And…” Rage prompted him for more. He expected an apology.

  “I’m sssorry for disssrupting practice.”

  Rage grunted as he turned to lift another mat. “Jet was out of line. He’ll be docked ten thousand off his first month’s pay.”

  “That’sss all?”

  “He made a mistake.”

  “He wasss insssulting to Nina and me.”

  “He challenged you without any right and is going to pay for it, literally. If he does it again, he will be taken off the circuit roll call.”

  “I don’t think it’sss good enough. I’ll have to have a little talk with him myssself.”

  “Let it go, Esan. That’s not a suggestion. It’s an order.”

  Esan growled with frustration. “Fine, I’ll go hit the treadmill and burn off some of my energy.”

  “Good luck with your gathering thing.”

  “Doesss everyone know about it?”

  “Pretty much. We’re like family around here. At least that’s what my mate says. Besides, Nina came her to ask your friends insight on what you might like.”

  What the hell! “Who did she talk to?”

  “I don’t know, everyone. She spent the most time talking with Zen.”

  “Oh God no.”

  Rage chuckled. “Go burn off that energy before you see Nina again.”

  “Sssee you tomorrow morning for practice.” Esan turned and headed toward the weight room. Hopefully hitting the treadmill would help work out some of the anger he still felt toward Jet’s bold flirting with Nina. H couldn’t believe Nina talked to Zen of all people. What did Zen tell her?

  Nina Sinclair — she was something special. She didn’t back down from him and she used calm reasoning to handle him. Normally, he would be irritated, if not enraged, if someone tried to handle him. He was intrigued with her. She wasn’t an drop dead beauty but she wassexy and... cute. When she was talking about her job her eyes would sparkle with excitement. The idea of “cute” usually didn’t do it for him, but he was still hard from sitting so close to her in the pool area. The chlorine had been strong but he could sense her pure essence, and it was simply delicious.

  Hell! What was he thinking? She was human, not the pure Reptan he was seeking. A Reptan female was the only way he could bring honor to his name and honor to the family. Sersan deserved to finally be looked upon by their society with respect. It wouldn’t matter that she mated a different species, not as long as Esan mated a full Reptan female with prestige.

  As the only male in the family, it was his place to bring that honor to them, and he would. He was determined to make that happen. He would not let a cute, curvey human distract him from his goal. Not when he was so close to getting everything he ever wanted.

  Chapter 7

  Nina showered and dressed in quick order to get ready for her final walk-through dinner with her clients. Mary Desmond and Richard Burk were a lovely couple. Both were human and both were in their early thirties. They were thoughtful with every decision they made; unfortunately, they took forever in making each and every decision. She had been working with them for months and, often, just when she thought they had narrowed something down, Mary would have a meltdown and take back whatever decision they had just made.

  She made her way to the ornate entrance of the fine dining restaurant. Thank goodness she was wearing her favorite elegant pantsuit with three-inch heels or she would have looked out of place. The maître d’ greeted her.

  “Do you have reservations?”

  “Yes, I’m meeting with the Desmond-Burk party.”

  “Oh, they just arrived a few minutes ago. Follow me and I’ll take you to your table.”

  Nina followed the maître d’ through the busy restaurant. She smiled at the couple as they approached the table. Richard stood up, showing his good manners.

  “Good evening, Nina,” Richard smiled as he pulled out her chair for her.

  “Good evening. Are you both getting excited? It won’t be long now — just a matter of days.”

  Mary looked over at Richard and smiled. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening. All the months of planning and in just a few days I will finally be Mrs. Richard Burk.”

  “Oh, you decided to take Richard’s last name? I thought you wanted it to be hyphenated,” Nina asked, then paused when the waiter asked what she would like to drink. “I would like a glass of galactic Chardonnay.” It was her go-to drink when with clients. It was the same as a regular Chardonnay except that it was infused with a spice that amplified the flavor. One of her sisters had introduced her to it.

  Richard answered her question. “We decided that if she was going to work with me at the firm, that she would be better off taking my full last name without a hyphenated name added to it. It would be confusing for staff.”

  “Oh, I see.” Nina took the glass of wine and sipped it immediately to keep from making a comment that may make Richard angry. She had watched as Richard had slowly, little by little, taken over making decisions for Mary. It had surprised her to hear that Mary was giving up her job with the PR company she worked for. She really wanted to ask why but it wasn’t her place.

  “Did the band we wanted for the reception get in okay?” Richard asked, drinking his glass of wine.

  “Yes, they did. They are practicing tonight and will be ready for rehearsal. I asked them to let me know if they have any issues with the sound system. The only person we’re waiting to check in is—”

  Mary interrupted her, sighing. “My father, right?”

  “Yes. He missed his flight and had to wait another day to catch the next one.”

  “That sorry piece of…” Richard growled angrily.

  “Richard, please! He’s my father.”

  “He should remember that and stop being selfish. This is our wedding but he has caused one problem after another. He insisted on being the one to walk you down the aisle instead of your stepfather. He refused to pay for the whole wedding insisting that your mother chip in. He didn’t like the food we selected stating that he had an allergy to shellfish, which no one believes Then he made us change our original wedding day because he was going to be on vacation.”

  Mary clasped her hands together on the table worriedly. “I’m sorry. I know he can be difficult, but he’s my father. I always dreamed of having my father walk me down the aisle.”

  Richard reached out to take one of her hands in his. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I just want this to be perfect for you.”

  “It will be perfect no matter what my father or anyone else does. I’m marrying you. Nothing else matters,�
� Mary said, smiling at him.

  Nina felt a little out of place watching such a touching moment. It was clear that the two of them truly loved each other. Despite Nina’s own reservations, she knew this was the reason she had accepted them as clients to begin with. Their love, like that of the other couples whose weddings she helped coordinate, demonstrated how individuals who were different could still fit together in perfect harmony. Watching them also reminded her how lonely she was. She really did need to find a date when her events were all done with. No wonder she found herself constantly thinking about Esan.

  Ever since Sersan’s wedding, she had not been able to get the feel of Esan pressed against her in the little alcove out of her head. God, the heat from his body and his scent was intoxicating. If she had a hard time resisting him, the female Reptans will find him just as irresistible. A tiny bit of jealousy spurred inside of her. She had to steel herself, this was a job and nothing more.

  “Nina, would you like to order?” Mary asked, getting her attention.

  She had been so caught up in her thoughts of Esan that she hadn’t realized the waiter was back and waiting for her to order. “Oh, yes, could I have the grilled chicken with pasta, please?” She reached for her glass of wine and took a sip. “So, everything else is going smoothly. Your flowers have been dyed to perfectly match your bridesmaids’ dresses. The caterers have hired extra staff to make sure that there is enough staff on hand and the lighting expert is inspecting the changes we made.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Mary smiled widely.

  Their meal continued with pleasant conversation that focused on the upcoming wedding nuptials. An hour and a half later she parted ways with the happy couple as they headed out to go dancing, and she headed to her suite ... alone. She really needed to get a social life.

  Entering her suite her cell phone started ringing. Her caller ID stated it was one of her younger sisters, Maisy. She answered immediately. “Hello, little sister.”

  “Nina! How are things going with the new job?”

  “Fine, Maisy. I have one wedding down, two to go, and a Reptan gathering I have to plan for in the next few weeks.”


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