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Page 11

by KD Jones

  Esan moved closer to her and began fingering the edge of her bra. “Let me help you out of that.”

  He reached his arms around her and undid the hooks holding her bra in place. He tossed it over his shoulder. Then he cupped her breasts. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her so that his warm skin rubbed deliciously against hers.

  “You look and feel amazing,” he growled as his fingers pinched her hardened tips.

  Nina sucked in a breath at the combination of pain and pleasure. It wasn’t her first time with a male, but this was so much more than what she had experienced in the past.

  He walked them back toward the bed, then lowered her down on her back. He came with her, taking care to make sure not to put all his weight on top of her. She appreciated the gentleness with which he was treating her, but she wanted more.


  “Yessss?” He nibbled his way down her neck then nuzzled his face against her breasts. “I love thessse.” He squeezed her with his hands as he took a nipple into his mouth and began suckling her. Then he gently closed his teeth over her and pulled.

  “Oh…” She felt that all the way down to her toes.

  “You like that?”

  “I like everything you do,” she said as she arched her back to get closer to him.

  He teased her with his hands and lips and moved down to her slightly rounded stomach. That was the one area of her body about which she felt the most self-conscious.

  Esan kissed her belly and rubbed his hands over her. “I love how sssoft you are. I’m usssed to hard and rough and you feel like velvet to me.”

  “I don’t think anyone has ever said anything that nice to me.”

  “I’m not nice,”

  She laughed, “You are to me.”

  He gave her a devlsih grin. “I’ll show you how nice I can be.”

  He gently removed her panties, then spread her thighs open. His shoulders kept her thighs parted and gave him full access to her. He could see everything. She had never felt more exposed in her life.

  “May I tassste you, Nina?”


  He slowly lowered his head, licking her lower lips. Growling with pleasure, he increased the pace of his motions. She watched him taste her, his eyes on her making sure that she liked what he was doing. Nina had to admit it was one of the most erotic things she had ever seen.

  Nina reached down and ran her hands over his scales, loving how warm and smooth they were. It must have been an erogenous zone for Esan because he doubled his efforts to pleasure her with his mouth.

  Esan inserted his tongue inside her. His tongue did that weird thing by splitting into two, and it felt like he was fucking her with two tongues. She nearly yanked at his hair as he hit her core. It was more than she expected and she found herself screaming his name as she reached her climax.

  As she floated back to her body, she felt him kiss his way back up her body, which got her stirred up all over again.

  “Are you ready, Nina?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Nina felt the tip of his cock nudge her entrance. He moved slowly as if he was afraid of hurting her. She was the one that felt suddenly aggressive wanting all of him immediately. Esan was determined to take this at his speed, slow and deep. He didn’t stop until he was fully seated inside of her. Then he began to move in and out keeping a slow and steady pace.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. The feel of him filling her was incredible. The fires of desire were rising inside her, and she needed him to do more.

  “Please Esan, move harder ... faster.”

  “My love.” Esan listened to her pleas and gave her what she wanted.

  He plunged forward until he was fully inside her. He pulled out slowly, then moved forward again, repeating until he created a rhythm with each thrust and pull. Soon he increased his pace. She couldn’t help but scratch him with her nails as her need increased.

  Instead of causing pain, her nails made him more aggressive. The slight pain from her nails seemed to spike his desire as well. She did her best to keep up with him, but at one point their bodies were moving hard and fast and she wasn’t sure whether she was as meeting him at every move or just holding on for dear life. My God, the man could fuck!

  It was like they were climbing a mountaintop, every step bringing them closer and closer. Then they reached the peak of pleasure. She could feel herself flung over the top flying in the air. Oxygen seemed unimportant in that moment and she was thrilled to know he was right there with her falling as their climaxed.

  Esan held her to him as the slowly came back to reality. She had never felt more connected to another person in all her life. She kept her eyes close as she felt him move to his side but keeping them locked together — or, rather, his cock seemed to be swollen firmly inside of her.

  “Esan, something seems a little different here.”

  “I should have told you about that. I swell a little at the end. As long as we don’t move a lot, the swelling will go down shortly. Am I hurting you?”

  “No, it feels weird, but ... not in a bad way. Your swelling is pressing against my g-spot and…oh my.” Nina felt her pussy pulsing and another smaller orgasm hit her suddenly. The sudden burst surprised the hell out of her.

  Esan chuckled as he nibbled on her neck. His hands were back on her breasts and she knew they would be exploring one another all night. There were things they still needed to discuss, but those would have to wait until the morning. Right now, all she wanted was to see how quick Esan’s recovery rate was.

  Chapter 18

  Esan had tried to call Valkri that morning to cancel their lunch date but couldn’t reach her. It was frustrating. All he wanted was to go back to Nina’s and climb into bed with her again. He remembered the conversation he’d had with her right before he left.

  “I don’t want to keep you from seeking a mate you truly want, but I can’t be on standby.”

  “Nina, you are the only female I want.”

  “What about Valkri?”

  “She isss an interesssting female, but she doesss not compare to you.”

  “Is this a fling or something more?”

  “I hope it will be sssomething more. Only time will tell. I want to give thisss a try.”

  “I do too. We’ll take it one day at a time.”


  Before he left, he kissed Nina as she lay half-covered in his bed. It was the hardest thing he had to do. However, if he wanted a future with Nina, he had to settle his past.

  He knew that he needed to send Valkri back to her home world. What he told Nina was the truth. Valkri was interesting but couldn’t hold a candle to Nina. His sweet Nina was everything he could ever hope for in a mate. It didn’t matter to him that she was human. Esan was determined to tie up the loose ends from the past few days so that he could concentrate on a relationship with Nina.

  Not only did he have to send Valkri away, he needed to deal with Shrake. His foster father was up to something. Why would he come now after all these years and bring females he handpicked? Then he hadn’t even shown up to the gathering or the GCFA fight. He had left a ticket for the VIP section for Shrake, just in case he wanted to come. It was foolish of him, but there was still a small part of him that had longed to have a close relationship with a father figure. It was the reason he had thought about moving back to his home world eventually.

  Esan’s phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Esan?”


  “This is Frank Walters your financial representative.”

  “I didn’t know I had one of thossse.”

  “The GCFA employs my firm to help monitor its employees’ accounts for security measures. Most employees never hear from us unless there’s a problem.”

  He stopped walking as he focused on what that last part meant. “There’sss a problem with my account?”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed that someone has tri
ed to withdraw credits from your account on several automated banking locations on board the GCFA ship. There were quite a few attempts close together, which raised a flag. If you are aware of these attempts and they were approved by you…”

  “No, I did not know about it and I certainly didn’t approve of anything.”

  “Just for confirmation purposes, have you used any automated banking locations in the past forty-eight hours?”

  “No. What can you tell me about the transssactionsss?”

  “We don’t have all the details — only that there hae been ten occurrences in the last forty-eight hours and some were at the exact same time, so there may be more than one individual involved. Now that we know these transactions are fraudulent attempts, we will contact GCFA security so that they can further investigate. They may have the culprit on video and will be able to get the IDJ involved as necessary.”

  “I’ll go to sssecurity now and have them contact you for exact datesss and timesss.”

  “Excellent. You should have my number on your caller ID. It’s my personal phone and I’ll be available for the next couple of hours.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Walters.”

  He hung up and changed directions. He went back to the elevator and traveled to the lower level where the security offices were located. The door was closed, so he knocked. The door opened and one of the GCFA ship security guards stood there.

  “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “I need to ssspeak with Rachel or Trig.” Rachel Kegan and Trig Roberts were heads of GCFA security. Both had previously worked as special agents for the GCFA and both were now mated with GCFA fighters.

  “Rachel is on maternity leave, but I could page Trig. He’s doing security rounds.”

  “Do that. I need hisss help immediately.”

  “Come inside. Trig is really good at responding to his pages.” The security guard motioned for him to take a seat. Esan didn’t feel like sitting, but the room was small and both he and the security guard were large and took up a lot of room.

  The guard’s phone rang. “Sr. Officer Roberts, I have Mr. Esan here and he needs to speak with you…I’ll let him know.” The guard hung up the phone. “Trig is on his way.”

  Five minutes later Trig walked in. Trig was often mistaken for one of the GCFA fighters because he had a large physique and build.

  “Thanksss for coming, Trig.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “My financial represssentative jussst called me and notified me that sssomeone hasss made multiple attempts to accesss my bank account through the automated banking sssystemsss on board in the lassst forty-eight hoursss.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t something you authorized?”

  “Yesss. I’ve been too busssy training, fighting and attending my gathering to even go near any kind of automated bank.”

  “Is this the first time someone has tried this?”


  “Could it have anything to do with the visitors we had from the Reptan home world?” Trig asked.

  “I haven’t thought of that.”

  “Give me the list of everyone who came and anyone still here.”

  “I alssso have the number of the financial represssentative who called me. He will be able to tell you exact datesss and timesss of the transssactionsss.”

  Trig dialed the number that Esan gave him from his caller ID. He put Mr. Walters on speaker phone and Esan gave him permission to answer Trig’s questions. As he listened to the conversation, he realized that the attempts had not begun until after the Reptan visitors came on board. Were one or more of the females trying to steal from him? Quite a few females had asked him about his money. Something Mr. Walters said suddenly caught his attention.

  “Excussse me, Mr. Walters, when did you say the last attempt was made?”

  “This morning, around seven.”

  He looked at Trig. “There are only two Reptans still on board the GCFA ship today.”

  “Who are they?”

  “A female named Valkri and ... my foster father Shrake.”

  Chapter 19

  Nina had returned to her suite, and had just finished getting dressed when her phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Nina Sssinclair?” a voice asked.


  “Thisss isss Valkri, from Reptan. I wasss planning to meet Esan for lunch but decided that thisss wasss not the life I want to lead. I will let him know I am leaving, but I believe I lossst my passsport at the gathering.”

  She was glad to hear that the female was leaving on her own terms. Nina didn’t want to be the cause of another person’s pain. “Did you look for it in the arboretum?”

  “I tried, but there wasss a sssign sssaying that it would be closssed for ssseveral daysss for maintenance.”

  Nina didn’t know anything about maintenance. “I could call the manager of the arboretum.”

  “I hate to bother anyone elssse. If you have accesss, could you go with me to open it up ssso I could sssearch for it? I believe it fell underneath the bench that Esssan and I were sssitting on.

  Nina hesitated. She had this weird feeling inside that something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. It was ridiculous — she was probably just feeling unease about seeing the Reptan after her night with Esan. As the event coordinator, she had access to the venue,, and it wouldn’t take that much time. She was filled with guilt.

  “I guess I could let you in.”

  “Great, I’ll meet you there in ten minutesss.”

  “Okay.” She hung up and went to grab her shoes. This shouldn’t take too long. She just had to avoid any mention of Esan.

  She left her suite and headed down the hallway to the elevators. Something kept bothering her about this whole thing with Valkri. Why would she wait two days after the gathering to fetch her passport? Maybe she didn’t even know it was missing until today when she decided to leave.

  A few minutes later, she approached the arboretum doors. Valkri was already waiting for her. Sure enough, a paper posted on the door stated that the arboretum was closed for maintenance.

  “Let me get my access card…”

  “That won’t be necesssary,” someone said from behind her.

  She heard the hissing sound in a man’s voice and thought maybe it was Esan. She turned to find a slightly older man with a stern expression on his face. “Who are you?”

  “You’ll find out sssoon enough.”

  There was only one other Reptan man on board the GCFA ship other than Esan. It had to be Esan’s foster father. “Are you looking for Esan?”

  “Esssan will be looking for usss.” He held up a stun gun in his hand.

  Her heart skipped a beat. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re going to help usss handle Esssan.”

  “I don’t know what you mean…”

  “You will sssoon enough. Now get inssside the arboretum.”

  She couldn’t fight both of them, so she thought she would go along until she could escape. They both seemed a little off to her. “You’re not going to get away with whatever you’re trying to do. Workers have to come in here to keep up the plants.”

  “We’ve taken care of them already,” Shrake told her.

  She didn’t like the sound of that. “What did you do with the workers?”

  “They’re ... tied up.” Valkri laughed.

  She entered the arboretum. Shrake pushed in the direction of the center pavilion. There was a chair sitting there. “Ssssit down.”

  She glared at Shrake and sat down. “What do you think I could possibly help with?”

  “I knew that if I came here with femalesss that Esssan didn’t choossse, he would be too dissstracted to notice when I took hisss banking card. Unfortunately, none of the passswordsss I tried worked. Valkri was sssupposssed to flirt information out of him, but didn’t have enough time to do that. She did, however, notice how the two of you looked at one another and sssussspected that
you were clossse. He’ll come for you and do whatever I sssay to keep you sssafe.”

  “That’s because he has honor — unlike you, asshole!”

  He glared at her. “Shut her mouth. I tire of hearing her speak.”

  Valkri tied her hands in front of her, then placed tape over her mouth. She watched as Valkri sashayed over to Shrake and the two of them kissed. Holy shit! Shrake and Valkri were lovers. How did this escape everyone else’s attention? Esan was going to lose his mind with rage. She prayed that Esan stayed away from this, stayed safe. Hopefully he would let security handle everything, because she couldn’t take it if anything happened to him. She realized now that she loved him. She had fallen in love with Esan.


  Esan left Trig to contact the IDJ. Trig wanted to have the authorities present when they took Shrake and Valkri in for questioning. Also, he wanted the IDJ to intercept the transport ship taking the other Reptans back to their home world to question them as well. Esan couldn’t believe that his foster father would have anything to do with stealing from him. As far as Esan knew, his foster parents had been well off and Shrake was a respected member of the Reptan Council. This had to be a mistake.

  He entered the elevator with the idea of going back to Nina’s to tell her what was happening. After he stepped in, he pushed the button and stepped back, but just as the door was closing, a hand appeared and stopped the doors. Then a man wearing a hoodie stepped inside. The doors closed and the stranger moved to stand slightly behind him. He felt something poke into his side.

  “Push the button for the top level. Don’t make any sssudden movementsss or I’ll shoot you. You will go where I tell you when I tell you. If you don’t, your human girlfriend will die.”

  The stranger was Shrake. “What do you want?”

  “You’re going to do exactly what I sssay. If you call out for help, I’ll kill you, then kill your human whore.”

  The door to the elevator opened on Nina’s floor but neither of them moved. Other people got on and off, and the whole time, Esan was struggling against his instinct to fight Shrake. He had to get to Nina and make sure she was okay. When they reached the top level, Shrake shoved the weapon he had in Esan’s side and motioned for him to get off.


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