The Heart

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The Heart Page 8

by Iris Bolling

  Ryan jerked away. “I am not in love with anyone. I don’t mean any disrespect but you don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Tracy stood there in her black trousers, red shell top, pearl earrings and necklace looking like a Black Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Arms folded across her chest and hair up in a roll, she smirked at Ryan. “Yeah—Right.” She walked over and put her arm back through Ryan’s arm and walked to JC’s room. “You save that for someone that doesn’t know.” She turned the light on her sleeping son. The spread was on the floor. She picked it up and placed it over him, kissed his head and walked back out the door. “You like Al. I know it, Ashley knows it, Cynthia knows it, Roz knows it, and hell even Carolyn knows it. So, on a serious note, what’s holding you back?”

  They walked into the upstairs family room. Tracy sat on the chaise lounge facing the window, while Ryan took the chair. Both kicked off their shoes and pulled their feet up under them as they had done many nights before. “Okay, Talk to me.”

  “Your brother has enough women.”

  “He doesn’t have that one in his life that makes it meaningful. I think it’s time you let him know you are that woman.”

  Ryan laughed.

  “You two having fun without me?” Ashley asked as she ascended the stairs.

  “Hey Ash. We’re talking about Turk.”

  “Oh good,” Ashley sat in the loveseat next to Ryan. “We’re finally letting that horse out of the barn.”

  “Whatever you two are thinking—you’re wrong.”

  Ashley looked at Tracy. “I’m thinking Ryan is hot for Al. What do you think?”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re right. I also think Turk is hot for Ryan. Let me qualify that. I know he is hot for Ryan.”

  “Professor Woods,” Tracy and Ashley laughed together. “So, what are we going to do?” Ashley pulled her feet under her after kicking off her shoes. “I’m so tired of waiting for the two of them to do the right thing.”

  “Well Brian said Turk and Ryan will be working security together while we are gone. I was thinking this would be a perfect time for Ryan to put some moves on him.”

  “You mean like using her womanly wiles?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

  “You two do realize I’m sitting right here,” Ryan sighed, “And I don’t have womanly wiles.”

  “All women have wiles,” Mrs. Gordon, Tracy housekeeper said as she walked into the room. “Some women just need help bringing it out.” She glared at Ryan. “Men like to see the feminine side of their woman every once and a while. Now, a man like Mr. Al is special. He’s one of those rare men that can see inside a person and know what’s in their heart. And Ms. Ryan that rough exterior of yours is a smoke screen that intrigues him.” She grinned, “You need him as much as he needs you.”

  “I don’t need a man. I can take care of myself quite well.”

  “Try as you might, but there are one or two things that need a man’s touch every now and then.” She laughed. “You know what I mean? Ask Ms. Cynthia one day about her brotherman and how she threw it away the moment she met Mr. Samuel. She’ll tell you, there are certain things that only a man can handle.”

  “Ha, no she didn’t go there,” Ashley laughed.

  “I think she did,” Tracy joined her.

  “I get mine, Mrs. Gordon,” Ryan laughed.

  “Really? When was the last time you got yours and was it good?”

  “Mrs. Gordon,” Ryan blushed. “You can’t ask questions like that!”

  “Don’t avoid the question, child. When was the last time?”

  Ryan looked at Tracy, then Ashley. Both of them were waiting for her response. Ryan stood, “I’m not answering that question.”

  “Just what I thought,” Mrs. Gordon snickered. “Girl, you better stop playing shy and go get that man. You ain’t going to give nobody else none because that man has gotten under your skin.” She waved Ryan off. “Do you ladies want something to drink before I retire for the night?”

  “I’ll take a glass of wine,” Ashley replied.

  “I’m good Mrs. Gordon, thank you,” Tracy replied.

  Mrs. Gordon looked at Ryan, “Do you want a beer?”

  “I want to know why you’re calling me out like this?”

  “Child, you are walking around here pining after Mr. Al, when all you have to do is strip out of those jeans, throw on a dress with those spiked boots and add a little lipstick. Mr. Al will bang your brains out.” Mrs. Gordon turned and walked off, fussing. “Lord these young ones don’t know nothing about getting a man.”

  Tracy gave Ryan a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry Ryan, but I do agree with her. I want to see Turk happy and I think you could do that for him.”

  “She’s right about something else,” Ashley crossed her legs and smirked. “A little makeover wouldn’t hurt.”

  Ryan stood, “I am not a girly girl and you two know that. If a man can’t accept me the way that I am, the hell with him.” She stormed out of the room.

  “That didn’t go the way we planned,” Ashley looked at her friend.

  Tracy smiled, “I disagree. You know, Professor Woods once said, the result of the seeds you sow is not always immediately visible. The garden has to be cultivated and nurtured.”

  “So you sowed the seed with Ryan. Now you’re going to sow a seed or two with Al.” Ashley laughed, “Okay, while you do that, I’ll put Cynthia and Roz on notice that their services will be needed soon. I suggest you find and hide all of Ryan’s guns. She is not going to like us playing matchmaker.”

  Tracy smiled, “Well someone had to start that train, neither of them was making a move.”

  “You remember that when she pulls out her guns.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Al “Turk” Day sat in his sister’s family room laughing at JD’s renditions of one of Jazzy’s antics. “I swear to you Al, Jazzy is going to be the death of me. I spanked her little behind when she threw the dirt in JC’s eyes. Then she had the nerve to look at me and say it was mommy’s fault because she wouldn’t make JC play with her.”

  “What did JC do?”

  JD took a sip of his drink and smiled. “You know JC takes after Tracy. He told me, as her older brother it was his job to teach her right from wrong. Since he didn’t do his job he should get a spanking, too.”

  “I have to have a long talk with him. I hope you’re ready.” Shaking his head Al laughed. “You are going to catch just as much hell with Jazzy as I caught with Monique.”

  “Hell, I certainly hope not,” JD laughed as he sat his glass down. “Monique was hell on wheels before you came home.”

  Turk turned to JD, locs swinging as he shook his head, “She is still hell on wheels, just in a different way now.” He turned back to the window. “I thought four years at Howard would have slowed her down. But it seems like it fueled her even more. Tell me how she can hit the dean’s list every semester and stay in the streets like she do?”

  Learning comes easy for her, just like it did for you and Tracy. Not many people can say they were accepted into Georgetown Law on the first try, without connections. You should be proud of her.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Turk shrugged his shoulders but did not say anymore.

  JD picked up the bottle of scotch and poured the smooth brown liquid into Al’s glass. “What’s bothering you, Al?”

  Turk took the glass but didn’t reply. JD looked over his shoulder to the Secret Service agent standing at the door. He had become so used to having a protection detail around him. But there were times, like now when he needed privacy. Nodding his head at the agent he waited until he walked outside the door.

  After swallowing the scotch, Turk looked knowingly at JD. “How many people you know do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Get into Georgetown without a hookup.”

  “I don’t know the numbers, but I’m sure Calvin would be able to tell you.”

  Turk laughed. “Hell, Calvin coul
d tell you the names and years of graduation. “Seriously, what do you think the odds are that a girl from the projects, who attended Howard, would get into Georgetown without a recommendation from you or any of your connections? I understand how intelligent Monique is and I know she will handle her own at Georgetown. But let’s be real, her reputation is not pristine and her attitude leaves a lot to be desired.”

  JD knew the look Turk had on his face indicated pieces to a puzzle did not fit for him and he wanted answers. “What do you think happened or should I say who do you think happened?”

  Turk sat the glass on the table and clasped his hands together. “Someone gave her the necessary reference to get in. I want to know who. I don’t have access to the people that can answer that question, but you do.”

  JD put his hand up, “Say no more. I’ll get the information. But don’t be surprised if she did this on her own. After all, she is your daughter.”

  There was a knock at the office door. “Is it okay to come in?” Tracy asked from the doorway.

  JD’s eyes brightened. “Of course you can.” Tracy walked behind the desk and kissed her husband, then took her place in his lap. “Ashley went home already?”

  “Yes. She knows this is our last night home for a while and thought we could use a little private time.”

  Al stood, “That’s my cue.”

  “No, Turk, don’t leave. I wanted to ask a favor.”

  “Sugie, you know whatever it is the answer is yes.”

  Her eyes brightened and her smile spread. “Thanks Turk. I will feel so much better if you stay here with the children while we are away. With everything that happened, it would give me piece of mind knowing you are right here in the house with them.”

  “You want me to stay here at the house?” Turk asked as he noticed the questioning look on JD’s face.

  “Babe, mom is going to be here with the children and so will Ryan and Magna.”

  “I know, but I would feel so much better about the children’s safety and Momma Harrison’s safety too if I knew Turk was here at the house. You can stay in the west wing. That will give you all the privacy you will need. And it’ll just be until we come off this road trip.”

  Turk was not in the habit of saying no to his sister even when he had the feeling she was up to something. However, his baby sister had an unusual flaw—she couldn’t lie worth a damn. “Okay, Sugie. I’ll bring a few things over tomorrow.”

  Tracy jumped out of JD’s lap and ran over to Turk and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Turk. Love you.” She turned to walk out of the room. “Sit back down, Turk. I’ll let you two get back to what you were talking about.” She ran out of the room.

  JD began laughing as Turk sat back down. “You know that was a bunch of crap, right?”

  Turk laughed, “Yeah, she’s up to something. But have you learned to say no to her yet?”

  JD shook his head, “No, is that normal?”

  Turk laughed, “I haven’t either and of course it’s not normal. You two are perfect for each other. You were never meant to have a normal life. You are destined for great things, my brother. That’s why God gave you an extraordinary woman. Embrace your destiny.”

  Chapter 6

  Al was walking into his house just as his cell phone vibrated. Checking the number he saw it was his daughter, Monique. “Hey, baby girl. Where are you?”

  “Hi Daddy, I’m still in DC. I was calling to let you know I found a little place here.”

  Al snickered, he knows his child. A little place is not in Monique’s vocabulary. “Where?”

  “NW. It’s really a nice area and it has a great view of DC.”

  “How far is it from the university?

  “Walking distance Daddy, and it has a wonderful walk-in closet. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a place with a decent closet in DC.”

  “How much?”

  “Not too much. It has granite counter tops, original hardwood floors throughout, with Berber carpet in the master suite. And Daddy, you wouldn’t believe the size of the master bath!

  “How much?”

  “You already asked me that Daddy. Did I tell you it has a doorman and twenty-four hour security?”

  “Yes. But I couldn’t help but notice you haven’t answered my question.”

  “The price shouldn’t be your biggest concern. I’ve found a place that I am comfortable in and it meets your security standards. But most of all, it has all the comforts of home. Isn’t that what you want for your baby girl?”

  “Avoidance will not get you the condo. How much is your comfort going to cost me?”

  “Daddy, it’s only one point two.”

  Al laughed. “I’m sure you mean has only one and a half bathrooms?”

  “No Daddy. It’s one point two million dollars and it’s a good investment for you. Besides, you won’t have to worry about my safety anymore.”

  “I will always worry about you, Monique. Have the paperwork faxed to my office number tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I really want you to come and see. You’re going to love it. And Daddy, this place is fabulous enough for me to live here.”

  Al shook his head at his daughter’s antics. She could have simply told him she needed the money to buy a condo and he would have had the funds transferred to her account. For whatever reason, Monique felt she had to justify things with him. It wasn’t necessary. He would give her the world on a platter if he could—no questions asked. For the first few years after his release from prison, they went through some rough times.

  When he came home Monique was on the wild side, hanging with the wrong people. The first thing he did was get custody of her and moved her in with him. It was hell there for a moment. Telling a teenage girl who was used to hanging out all hours of the night, that she had a curfew and chores did not go over well. By the time she reached her senior year of high school they understood each other very well. He was her father and she was the child. What he said was law. If she wanted it different all she had to do was get a legal job, an apartment she could afford and she could do whatever she wanted. To prove his point, he gave her a job. Her job was to go to school. If she skipped a class, her paycheck was deducted. If she did a mediocre job and brought home mediocre grades her paycheck was adjusted accordingly. He charged her rent for her room and gave her a portion of utilities to pay for the house. If she did not pay the electric bill, he had the electricity in her room disconnected. She had to pay for her own cell phone and Internet service. After several disconnections, she learned how to manage her money and time. During her senior year of high school she wanted a Mercedes. He told her she had champagne taste on a beer budget. She needed to look at what she could afford. She asked why, you can afford it—you’re loaded. He said yes I am, but you’re broke. He ended up buying her a small Mercedes more because of her grades then her antics. Just like this condo. He was certain there were other condos in the area that were less expensive. But his daughter had champagne taste in everything—except men. She still wanted to hang out with the boys on the corner. He was the last person to judge them, for that was how he made his living for years. However, the street game was different, more dangerous than before. The last thing he wanted was to lose her to the street. Al was determined to keep her from the street life the way he did with Tracy, whether Monique liked it or not. It seemed those moments of chaos between father and daughter was worth it.

  Monique was now a graduate from Howard University and was accepted to Georgetown Law School. As a father, he could not be prouder of her. Whatever he could do to make her journey easier he would do. If she wanted the condo, he would make sure she had it. However, there was something puzzling him and until he had the answer, his baby girl was still on his watch list.

  Walking upstairs to his bedroom, he pulled out his cell phone to call Tucker when it rung.

  “Hola amigo.”

  Recognizing the voice, Al frowned. “Dos minutos.” He walked into the bedroom, looked
at the picture and watched as the wall separated. He stepped inside and waited for the wall to close. Taking a seat at the desk in the secure office, he pressed a button on his console. A few seconds later the monitor filled with the face of an old friend.

  “We have three minutes. It’s good to see you my brown brother.”

  “You as well, my black brother.”

  “I understand congratulations are in order.” Al sat back and smiled. “You got married on me, my man. I wish you the best.”

  “I have the best and that’s not an exaggeration my friend.” Mateo smiled. “What about you? Have you found that special lady yet?”

  “I don’t think there’s one around that can handle me. But then again, I’m not looking.”

  “Ah, my man, there is nothing like having the woman you love to come home to. I tell you what I know.” The heavy Spanish accented voice replied.

  “Listen to you. You’re getting soft man?” Al chuckled.

  “Some say yes. I say I’m just getting wiser.”

  Al nodded, “You need wisdom in your line of work.”

  “Ahhh, that is true. But so do you playing both sides.”

  “Just one—totally legit.”


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