The Heart

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The Heart Page 9

by Iris Bolling

“I still can’t believe it, Turk, working for the government. That brother-in-law of yours is indeed a miracle worker.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  “Then you should protect him at all costs.”

  Al sat back in his chair and frowned. “Is there a cost?”

  “A great one I’m afraid.”


  “We refused, however tempting.”

  “Foreign or domestic?”

  “Domestic my brother—practically in his back yard.”

  “Appreciate the call.”

  “If he is indeed a good man, watch his back and yours, my brother.” The call ended.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Babe,” JD called out as he entered their bedroom suite. There was no answer. Walking through the room he pulled his shirttail from his pants and began unbuttoning the shirt. After reviewing foreign and domestic policies with Calvin there was only one thing on his mind—his wife. Her visit to his office left a few questions. What was she up to? He couldn’t think of one reason why Al needed to stay at their place while they were away. His mother always stayed with the children whenever they had to travel. That’s why the mother-in-law suite was added to the house. His sweet innocent little wife was up to something. He just had to decipher what?

  JD stopped when he reached the bathroom doorway. The vision in the tub did exactly what it always did—stopped him dead in his tracks. His wife was in the Jacuzzi tub with her hair pinned up, her body submerged in bubbles. The sensuous vanilla scent was like a mating call to his nostrils. Whenever he went away, he would take a pair of her panties with him to help him sleep at night. Did that make him a freak? Hell, he didn’t care one way or another, as long as he had the essence of his wife near him. Seeing her in the tub brought back memories of the first time they made love. He had multiple memories of his wife, but two stuck with him just about every day, the first time they made love and their first conversation about the propensity of violence. At the time he wondered why a person so young had such a sad take on life. After learning about the ups and downs of her life, he definitely understood her stance. Watching her now and thinking of the first time they made love was making him hard as steel. Making love to her eleven years later was still as sweet as it was the first time. Stripping out of his clothes, a smile instantly appeared on his face.

  The sound of the door closing caught her attention. Tracy opened her eyes to see her husband walking towards her. The look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. That was the look of pure sexual intent. The man was so good looking, in or out of his clothes. Her nipples hardened just at the sight of him. His body clearly displayed how physically fit he was. The six pack was still intact from his football days and those thighs—they looked so strong and powerful she closed her eyes and moaned. Riding them had always been her joy. “Are you joining me or are you going to just tease me with your sexy body?”

  JD climbed in the tub behind her. “Was that supposed to be a trick question?”

  “You want to get the thingy off of me?” Tracy giggled.

  “That thingy wants to get inside your thingy. We still have eight more children to produce.” He kissed the side of her temple.

  “You get one more from me, mister. Remember, number six is on you.”

  JD took the sponge from her hand, dipped it into the water, than squeezed it between her breasts. “I may need your help with that one.”

  “You’re about to become the leader of the free world. Surely you can handle carrying a baby full term then take a few hours to squeeze it out of your body.”

  “Baby, the leader of the free world can do a lot of things, but if it’s a male, I’m not sure he can do that. Besides, you do it so well. Look at our children. They are beautiful and well behaved.”

  “Ha.” Tracy laughed. “Is Jasmine still a part of this family?”

  “Jazzy isn’t bad, she’s just spirited.”

  “I don’t know how it happened, but Jazzy is a little Lena Washington.”

  “Lord help me if that’s true.” JD sighed. “I guess I should pull out the shotgun and have it cleaned. Jazzy, Briana and Gabby are going to have boys knocking on this door before you know it. We should have been a little more specific when we asked God for children. We should have told him we wanted all boys. I knew girls were going to have your eyes and that smile that caught me.”

  Tracy laid her head back against his chest and smiled. “I wouldn’t give them up for anything in the world.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I would kill anyone that tries to take you or them away.”

  “See, there’s that propensity for violence I told you about.”

  “I remember that conversation at the old condo,” he smiled. “It was the first night you stayed at my place.” She could feel him growing against her backside. “You called me on a few things that night. You said if someone I love was in danger that the propensity for violence would rear its ugly head and you were right.” He rubbed the sponge down her stomach. “If someone harmed you or the children I would kill them.”

  “No you wouldn’t. It’s not in you.”

  JD kissed the side of her temple, thinking yes he would. But he didn’t say that to her. “Yes baby, you’re right. I’d have Al do it and I’ll watch in case he missed.”

  Tracy laughed, “Turk doesn’t miss. If he wants you eliminated, you might as well start planning your funeral. That’s why I want him here with the children while we’re away.”

  “Is that the only reason?” JD felt her body tense.

  Tracy turned in the tub, sitting at the other end facing him. She lowered her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t detect the little white fib she was about to tell. “What do you mean is that the only reason?”

  JD smirked, “You know exactly what I mean. Al can very well handle the security on the children without staying at the house.” He pulled her leg down to him, effectively pulling her into his lap. He placed a finger under her chin tipping her head up so her eyes met his. “Are you playing matchmaker?”

  “No.” She stammered. “With whom?”

  “Al and Ryan,” JD replied as he held her head up.

  “Why would you think that? I’m not sure they even like each other.” JD gave her that look that said you can do better than that. Tracy smiled, “Okay, maybe a little.” She hurried on before he could speak. “I’m so tired of watching those two watch each other. I want Turk to have what we have, Jeffrey. And I believe Ryan is the woman that does it for him. I want him happy.” She pouted.

  “Babe, did it ever occur to you that Al might have a reason why he hasn’t stepped to Ryan yet?”

  “What reason could there be? I mean, he’s free and so is she.”

  “Al is single, but he only recently became free.” JD pulled Tracy closer and wrapped her legs around his waist. “It could be that Al wanted to clear up his past obligations before bringing someone he really cares about into his life. I know I would.” He ran the sponge down her back as she eased a little closer to him.

  Her voice dropped an octave as he used his other hand to massage the lower part of her back. “So you think he really likes her, too?” she kissed his neck and draped her arms over his shoulders.

  JD dropped the sponge, gathered her at the waist and pulled her barely a breath away from his manhood that was now throbbing to slide into home plate. “I do,” he spoke barely above a whisper.

  Tracy sat firmly on his powerful thighs as she tilted her body to him. “You’re not upset with me for interfering?”

  JD lifted her by the waist and entered her with one powerful thrust. His head rested right above her breast, and her chin rested on the top of his head as they both exhaled from the intense impact. “Ahhh, babe,” he sighed, “No, I’m not upset.” His heart began to race.

  Tracy ran her hands down his back, “I’m glad,” she breathed, as JD lift her until only the tip of him was embedded in her, then he eased her back down. They both
sighed. “Oh, God, I want him to feel that.”

  JD began to chuckle between her breast. “No, babe.” He sighed, “I don’t want Al or any other man to feel that.” He lifted her and pulled her back down again, “or that,” he did it again, “or that.”

  Tracy tightened her legs around him, no longer listening to his words, only feeling the impact of his touch. She leaned back to allow more access and JD complied. He took her nipple between his lips and sucked then gave the other the same treatment. The water pulsating around them intensified the sensations flowing through them. “Jeffrey,” Tracy urgently whispered.

  “I know babe—I feel you. God, you feel so good.” Her nails scraped the skin on his back just as he increased their movement. Both bodies, merged as one, cascading into the depth of their love, until the explosion left them both breathless.

  JD sat up and pulled her to him, tucking her head under his chin, her ear right above his heart, listening to the racing rhythm caused by their lovemaking. Moments passed before either of them could speak. He held her gently as he spoke. “Tracy, Al is a man. He will approach Ryan when he believes the time is right. I’m not sure he will appreciate you interfering in his life.”

  Tracy drew circles around his nipples. “Are you telling me to back off?”

  “No. I’m telling you to tread lightly. I would hate to have to kill Al.”

  There was a light knock at the door. “JD.”

  It was Brian’s voice on the other side of the door. “Yeah.” JD answered.

  “We have a situation.”

  JD exhaled as he held Tracy a little tighter. “We have a situation, babe.”

  Neither of them moved. They weren’t ready to break the connection.

  “JD?” Brian called again.

  “Get away from my door, Brian,” JD yelled.

  Brian laughed. “I get pulled from my wife, so do you. Let’s go.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Monique knocked on the door of the hotel suite in the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC. The man answered the door with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her inside. “Howdy do, my little chocolate drop?” He closed the door.

  “Surprised you are here while your father is away.”

  “I’m full of surprises, darling. How did the apartment hunting go?”

  Grabbing the lapel of his blazer, she pushed him backwards onto the bed. Then she straddled him. “I found the perfect place,” she said as she ripped his shirt apart. She ran a sharp nail down his chest. “It’s secure, private and discreet.”

  He grabbed her hands and held them from him. “And the interview?”

  “Hired. I’m sure the idea of JD Harrison’s niece working for him thrilled your father.”

  He smiled, “How much do you need for the apartment?”

  She pulled her hands from him and ran them up his chest. “I don’t want anything from you. I like being an independent woman.”

  He reached up and pulled her down by her neck until their lips met.

  A few hours later, while the man slept, Monique went into the bathroom, closed the door and sent a simple text –In.

  Chapter 7

  Early Monday morning, Al arrived thinking this would be a normal first day on a new job. Well, officially, he never really had a real job. Everything up to this point in his life had been about adventures. First there was the adventure of being a brothel house manager. Ms. Sunshine taught him that business, regardless of its nature should be run as such. You go to work on time, work hard then play harder. During the adventure of the leader of a street organization, he learned that if you help others achieve their goals, you would gain a lifetime of loyalty. Alejandra Mateo was proof of that. They were enemies on the street when Mateo attempted to take him out. The failure was the best thing to ever happen to Mateo. Instead of Al retaliating, he took Mateo under his wing and taught him how to strategize. Those lessons led him to the leadership role he now has and gained Al as a friend for life. His last adventure as a mediator between the government and street gangs taught Al that there are different levels of gangs, the government being the largest and most powerful. However, none of those positions had prepared him for the adventures this day had in store for him.

  It began at 5:30 am. That was the normal wakeup time for him. Most of the things he needed to do within a day were finished by the time most people were going into the office. Entering through the back door that led directly to the kitchen he found Mrs. Gordon was there to greet him.

  “Good Morning, Mr. Al. How are you this fine morning?” she said while setting a hot cup of tea on the island for him.

  Al kissed her on the cheek. “I’m fine. How are you?”

  “Same aches and pains as before.”

  “Here,” he took her by the shoulders. “You take a seat. I’ll cook breakfast this morning.” Al pushed the cup of tea she’d prepared for him in front of her. “Give me that apron.”

  “Now, Mr. Al, you going to cause me to lose my job.”

  Al laughed as he took the apron and put it on. “Tracy will never let you go anywhere and neither would JD.” After washing his hands, he walked over to the large refrigerator and pulled out eggs, milk, butter, strawberries and blueberries, then placed them on the island. “Besides, if they did let you go, I would hire you on the spot.” He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out flour, baking powder, and confectioners’ sugar. Opening the cabinet under the island, he pulled out a large bowl and the mixer. “Are waffles and fruit okay with you today?”

  Mrs. Gordon sipped her tea. “Sounds good to me. What are you doing here so early? You know Mr. JD and Ms. Tracy are leaving today.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I’ll be staying in the east wing while they are away.”

  “I thought Mrs. Martha was staying with the children.”

  “She is. I’ll be around to help with security.” He continued preparing the batter.

  “Are they expecting trouble? You know I know my way around a gun as well as I know my way around a kitchen.”

  Al smiled up at the woman. “I know you do. But we won’t tell Tracy that.”

  “What are we keeping from my wife?” JD asked as he came down the backstairs wearing sweat pants and a black t-shirt. He kissed Mrs. Gordon on the cheek. “Good morning, Mrs. Gordon. Al.”

  “Morning, son.”

  “Hey, man.”

  JD walked over to the coffee pot. “What are we keeping from Tracy?”

  “Mrs. Gordon’s gun,” Al replied as he put the batter into the waffle maker.

  JD took a sip of his coffee and sat at the island next to Mrs. Gordon. “No, we don’t want to mention that.” He looked up at Al. “I don’t think that’s enough batter.”

  Al laughed. “I’ll make more for the kids when they wake up.”

  Mrs. Gordon laughed, “He’s not talking about the children, at least not the small ones.”

  “I know Brian will be walking through the door any minute. It’s enough here for him, too.” He walked back over to the refrigerator and pulled out some bacon. Taking a pan from the baker’s rack above, he sat the pan on the stove and placed the bacon in. “What time are you pulling out?”

  “We’re scheduled to leave at ten. I’m sure Brian has the car scheduled for around 9:30.”

  “We made a small change in those plans. Melissa Sue will be taking you to the airport in the helicopter. We think it’s safer.”

  “Did you clear that with James?”

  “I’m sure Brian will handle it.”

  “Speak of the devil,” Mrs. Gordon said smiling at the man walking through the door.

  “You’re doing homemade waffles, man?” Brian asked as he took a seat next to JD.

  “And good morning to you too,” Mrs. Gordon laughed.

  “Caitlyn didn’t cook this morning?” JD asked laughing at Brian.

  “Yeah man, she did.” He poured a cup a coffee. “It just wasn’t food.”

  “TMI man,” Al said as he placed
a plate of waffles, fruit and bacon in front of Mrs. Gordon and JD.

  “Don’t be jealous.” Brian smirked.

  Al sat a plate in front of him. “Man, we don’t need to hear about your love life this early in the morning.”

  “Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  “I’m good like I am.”

  “That’s what we all said right before we fell.” JD said as he gave Brian a pound and continued eating. “Any other changes made after the meeting?”

  Brian and Al exchanged a look. “Nothing you need to know.” They decided not to mention the tip Al received until they had more information. “Joshua will report in this morning. Donnell has a report on the men from the attack he wants to brief us on before we leave.”

  “What time is that meeting?

  “This morning at seven.”

  JD looked at his watch. “I should be able to make that.” Al and Brian exchanged another look. JD caught it, “What?”

  Al sat his plate on the island and took a seat. “You don’t need to be in on the security meeting.”

  “Why not?”


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