The Heart

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The Heart Page 12

by Iris Bolling

  The two children began the journey down the road leading to Tony’s house. Neither considered the distance or how long it would actually take to get there.

  Ryan was sitting in the security rooms watching the monitors drinking her second cup of coffee for the morning, when she noticed the two children walking up the road. “What are they up too?”

  “Who?” Magna asked from the doorway.

  Ryan turned her way, “Good Morning. Take over the monitors while I see what those two rug rats are up to.”

  Ryan walked out the door and down the road until she was a few feet away from them. The two were holding hands, swinging as they walked along. Gabby’s hair was all over her head and Tony’s clothes were hanging off of him. “Where are you two going?”

  The children turned and smiled up at Ryan. “We’re going to get my wagon so we can surprise Grandma Martha.”

  Ryan returned the children’s smile. She walked over, pulled Gabby’s hair together and put it in a single braid. “Your mother would have a fit if she knew you were outside with your hair like this.” She finished the braid. “Now, that’s better.” She then turned to Tony and fixed his clothes properly. “Now, how about if I give you a ride there.” The children bobbed their heads up and down. Ryan took them by the hand and walked them to her truck.

  Al watched the scene from the office window upstairs. “She’s good with kids,” he said, then went back to what he was doing.

  Ryan and the children walked in the back door of Ashley’s house. “Good Morning Clair.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Ryan. What brings you by so early in the morning?” The Brooks’ housekeeper asked.

  “This little one would like to get his wagon. Is that okay?”

  “Of course it is.” Clair pushed a button. The doors to the garage slid open. Tony ran in and came out with his wagon in tow.

  “Thank you, Clair,” Ryan said as she loaded the wagon in the back of her truck and pulled off. She dropped the two at the back door of Tracy’s house. She watched as the children walked inside with the wagon, before she pulled off.

  Now armed with the laundry detergent in the wagon, and clothes in their arms, they were off to the water.

  It was a little before eight in the morning when Lena awakened to water running. She sat up and looked out the bay window of the guesthouse and noticed the fountain that sat in the center of the lawn was on. The fountain was not always running, but whenever there was a function on the lawn, it was turned on. Thinking nothing of the fountain, she returned to her pillow and closed her eyes. They didn’t stay that way for long as visions of Al and the Ryan girl came back to her. It would be nice to see him settled down and happy. Lord knows he deserved it. She wasn’t the best mother in the world, but she did the best she knew how. Her other children seemed to have accepted who she was and had forgiven her, but there was still a polite rift between her and Al. The telephone chimed. Lena picked up her cell phone and saw her husband’s handsome face. “Good morning, darling. How was the trip?”

  “It was a great gathering.” Senator John Roth replied. “There were at least five thousand people there to hear JD speak. The place rocked, as the kids would say.”

  Lena smiled. It was her husband’s dream to get JD elected. She hoped it all worked out. ”How was Tracy?”

  “Lena, that girl is a natural. She has your charm and my brains.”

  “Not to mention my good looks,” Lena joked.

  “She had the crowd eating out of her little hand.”

  “You sound like a proud daddy.”

  “I am, sweetheart. I know it was difficult for her to accept me as her father, but I think we are doing all right. I have a nine o’clock meeting I need to prepare for. But I had to hear your voice first. I missed you last night.”

  “You didn’t miss me. You missed that pole in our bedroom.”

  “That too,” John laughed. “Love you.”

  “Love you back.” Lena closed the phone, stood and stretched. The fountain came into view. “Now that’s different,” she said. She shrugged her shoulder, began striping out of her nightclothes and walked into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, Lena was standing at the kitchen window fresh from her shower pouring a cup of coffee. Something about the fountain caught her attention. “Now that’s over doing it a bit.” She laughed at the sight. She poured the coffee into a cup and walked out of the door thinking she would get an early start with the children.

  Lena walked into the kitchen from the patio door, for that was closer than the back door. As she walked in she watched Brianna, Gabby, Samantha and Tony walk by. “Good morning, little soldiers.”

  “Hi, Grand’Mere,” Brianna and Gabby smiled.

  “Hi, Ms. Roth,” Samantha smiled. A wave was al Tony managed.

  Lena stood there watching the children. “They’re on a mission,” Mrs. Gordon said.

  “Looks like it.” Lena turned, walked over to the island and took a seat. “How are you this morning, Mrs. Gordon?”

  “I’m better than alright, but not quite good.”

  “I can understand that. I thought I’d give the real grandmas a little help with the kids this morning.”

  “Those are the only ones up. I haven’t heard a peep out of the others yet.”

  “They were up kind of late playing on that Wii game.” Lena said as the four children marched back through the kitchen with clothes in their hands. “What are they doing?” She asked as they walked out back.

  Mrs. Gordon smiled. “They think they are helping by putting the dirty clothes in the laundry room.”

  “Aw. That’s nice.”

  At the security house, Al was making sure his signature was everywhere the x was on the mortgage papers for Monique’s new condo. Tucker assured him it was in a nice area of DC and a good investment. Once Monique finished Georgetown, he could sell it for twice the amount he paid for it, or possibly rent it out. All in all, it was a good investment. When he reached the last page, he heard Ryan scream. Then he heard footsteps running out of the guardhouse. Al quickly made his way downstairs to see what the commotion was all about. Ryan and Magna had left their post, but had not sounded the alarm. Al walked over to the monitors to see what was going on. One monitor showed Ryan running full stride across the lawn, Magna with her long raven black hair, not far behind her. Another monitor showed four children walking in the same direction with something in their hands. The third screen showed the water fountain streaming beautifully upwards and cascading down the sides. The fountain itself was filled with bubbles. “Bubbles?” Al said aloud. The next thing he saw sent him into shock mode. Each of the children empty the load of clothes from their arms into the fountain turned and was marching back towards the house. “Oh, hell!” he ran out the door.

  Lena watched as the four children marched back by them and walked up the stairs again. Then she looked up to see Ryan and Magna running across the lawn at full speed. Not a minute later, Al was running behind them with his locs flying around him. “What in the hell is going on?” She stood and walked out the back door. She walked around the patio until the fountain came into view.

  Mrs. Gordon came to stand behind Lena with her gun in her hand. “What is it she called out?”

  Just then the children walked out with another bundle of clothes. “‘Scuse me, Mrs. Gordon,” Brianna said.

  Mrs. Gordon stepped aside, her attention still on Lena. The children marched around the other side of the patio, right up to the fountain and dumped the clothes in.

  “Stop,” Ryan yelled as Magna was handing her wet clothes from the fountain. She knew JD and Tracy did not curse around their children, but this situation called for something strong. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Awe, Mrs. Ryan you said a bad word. Daddy is going to spank you.” Brianna said pointing a finger at her.

  Lena began laughing hysterically.

  “Hi, Uncle Turkey. Are you going to help us wash clothes for Grandma Martha?” Gabby asked as she ran into
her uncle’s arms.

  Al lifted the child for he couldn’t think of anything else to do and because he couldn’t think of anything else to do, he smiled.

  Ryan turned to the other children with her hands on her hips. “Brianna, you are the oldest. Explain.”

  “We’re washing the clothes so Grandma Martha won’t have to.”

  “Then we can stay up late, cause she won’t be tired,” Samantha finished.

  “Does this look like a washing machine to you?” Ryan yelled.

  “The washing ‘chine was too small,” Tony explained.

  “Yeah,” Brianna agreed, it would take too long in the washing machine.”

  By this time, Lena was bent over laughing. Al had sat Gabby back on the ground as Mrs. Gordon, put her gun in her apron pocket and walked over to the fountain. “Ain’t no need trying to understand their logic. It’ll just make you crazy. Take the children in the house and let’s get the clothes inside.”

  Ryan stood there with her mouth wide open. She turned and looked at Al who was only smiling, but she could tell he wanted to laugh. “Don’t you dare!”

  Al threw his hands up in the air, “What,” he laughed?

  Ryan grabbed the children by their hands and stormed by a laughing Lena who was now on the ground rolling.

  Thirty minutes later, the other children came down stairs had their breakfast and were heading outside to play. James Jr had the basketball in his hands as, Elliot, JC, Jaden and Calvin, followed him out the door. A minute later, JC came back into the house. “Hey who put the bubbles in the fountain?”

  Lena and Mrs. Gordon fell out laughing, Ryan looked at the boy as if she was ready to kill and Al just smiled. “We thought it would look nice with bubbles.”

  “Cool,” JC shrugged. “Next time we need some with color. You know, like the rainbow.” He turned and walked out the door.

  Ryan frowned at Lena, who just could not get herself together. Al gave Lena a pleading look and she took a few deep breaths, just as Ashley and Cynthia walked through the door. “What happened to the fountain?” Lena let go again as Ryan slammed her coffee cup on the island and stormed out the door. Al walked out and brought her back in.

  “Okay, let’s all take a breath.” He sat Ryan down in the chair facing Lena. “There’s enough responsibility to pass around. For example, let’s examine the adult’s responsibility in what took place.” Al looked at Lena and Mrs. Gordon. “You two sat here and watched the children march back and forth with clothes in their arms and said nothing.” He looked at Martha and Gwendolyn, “You two weren’t even up with the children as you should have been. And you,” he turned to Ryan, “you not only helped them get the wagon, you made sure they looked good doing it.” He folded his arms across his chest. “You all are just as responsible for what happened this morning as the children.”

  Everyone in the room looked from one to the other until finally, Ryan began laughing. “I can’t believe they washed the clothes in the damn fountain.”

  Finally, her smile was directed at him. He liked it. He liked it a lot. Within minutes the adults were all laughing with the exception of Ashley and Cynthia. The two just looked at each other. “I guess you had to be there,” Ashley said as she shrugged her shoulders.

  That was round one. Round two happened a little after two in the afternoon. Jada and Jazzy were watching America’s Next Top model when they decided it would be more fun in real life. “My mom has a lot of pretty dresses in her closet and she don’t even wear them.” She twisted and turned for emphasis. “And my daddy buys her a lot of pretty jewelry, like diamonds and stuff and she won’t wear them either.”

  “My daddy buys my mommy jewelry, too.” Jada replied, “But they keep them in a safe.”

  “My mommy lets me wear hers all the time. Want to see how pretty I look in them?”

  “Your mommy won’t be mad?”

  “No, we play dress up all the time.” Jazzy stood up, “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Magna was the first to see the silent alarm flash across the screen. She adjusted the monitors to the room indicated on the monitor. In the room she could see, Jazzy and Jada near the door. “Hey Al, the outer door of the safe in Tracy’s closet was just opened. Any chance JD or Tracy gave Jazzy the combination to the safe?”

  Al stood behind Magna as they watched the screen. “I don’t think so?”

  “So how do you suppose Jazzy opened that door?”

  Al stood there and watched as Jazzy manipulated the numbers until the safe door popped open. “I’ll be damned. She popped that safe.”

  Magna stood, “The little safecracker.” She looked over her shoulder at Al who appeared amazed. “I can’t believe you are marveling at a little girl’s skill at safecracking.”

  “She’s what, eight years old.” Al bragged. “There are maybe ten people in the world that can do that in less than five minutes.

  “Oh, no. No!” Magna screamed.

  “What?” Al looked at the monitor. “Oh, hell.” He took off running. Magna wasn’t far behind.

  Ms. Gordon was wrapping things up in the kitchen when the patio doors flew open, followed by Al and Magna running up the back staircase. At the top of the steps, Martha, Lena and Gwen were relaxing with drinks and sandwiches in Tracy’s office as Al and Magna flew by them running towards the master bedroom. Martha sighed, “What now?”

  Lena laughed as she stood and quickly followed them.

  Gwen shook her head and looked at Martha, “Shall we wait here, or follow?”

  Martha walked down the hall to the game room. JC, James Jr. Elliott and Calvin were on the Xbox playing a football game. “Well they’re accounted for. The small children were taking a nap. That only left Jazzy and Jada.”

  Gwen stood, “Lord only knows what those two busy bodies have gotten into.” The two grandmothers walked down to the double doors that were wide open. They walked through the sitting area, then the bedroom and into Tracy’s closet. They walked by the everyday clothes, the gowns, shoe racks and coatroom until they reached the last turn. From there they could see Al at a door working on a number pad and Magna standing over him with a hand held monitor in her hand. “What’s going on?” Gwen whispered to Lena.

  “I’m not sure,” Lena replied as she leaned casually against the outer doorframe.

  “Why are you trying to break into the safe?” Martha asked.

  Al ignored the question as he continued maneuvering the numbers. Magna walked back to them and showed them the monitor.

  On the monitor, the drawers inside the safe were hanging open as Jazzy and Jada were sitting on the floor covered in bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Lena began to laugh.

  “Oh my lord,” Gwen chuckled. “Oh, I like that one.”

  “Which one?” Lena asked.

  “The rubies and diamonds Jada has around her neck.”

  “That is nice, but look at the sapphire ring Jazzy has on. Oh, I could work that.”

  “Al,” Martha called out as the two women continued gawking at the monitor. “Are they getting any air in there?”

  Everyone looked up at her, then to Al’s back. “Not for long.” He continued to work.

  “Shouldn’t we call somebody? Does anyone have the combination to the safe?” Gwen asked.

  “Yes,” Magna replied, “Tracy and JD. Either of you want to call them and ask for it. Grandmothers that were supposed to be watching the children?” She smirked, “I didn’t think so.”

  The grandmothers just looked at each other. “Well how did they get in there in the first place?” Gwen asked.

  “She cracked the safe.” Magna replied then walked back to where Al worked on the door.

  Martha and Gwen looked at each other, “Who did?”


  “Awe, that girl is after my heart,” Lena placed her hand on her heart and just shook her head.

  “How are we going to get them out of there?” A concerned Martha questioned.

  “Al will get them
out. This is child’s play to him,” Lena boasted.

  Just as the sentence was complete, the doors opened. Al stood and sighed.

  “Hi, Uncle Al,” Jazzy looked up at him smiling. “What took you so long?”

  The child looked so much like Tracy with those big brown doe eyes all he could do was smile. “How did you know I was coming?” he asked as he reached down to begin placing the jewelry back in the compartments.

  “Only you and JC could open the door.”

  “I was scared when the door closed,” Jada smiled. “But Jazzy said we could get out just like we got in.” She held a diamond bracelet up to him. “Isn’t this one pretty?”

  “Yes,” he replied as he took the bracelet and placed it in a drawer.

  “Both of you come here.” Martha called in that grandmother means business tone.

  She began taking the items off of them and handing them to Gwen to put back in the drawer. “Your mother is going to have a fit when she finds out about this.”

  Jazzy proceeded with caution around Martha. “Grandma we play with mommy’s jewelry all the time.”

  “Your mother does not allow you to play with this jewelry and you know it. And I know she didn’t teach you how to open a safe. Now did she?”

  Jazzy turned and looked at her Uncle Al, then back at her grandmother. “No.” the child replied and hung her head.

  Martha gave Al that you are in trouble look as she took her two granddaughters’ hands and stormed out of the closet with Gwen following.


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