The Heart

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The Heart Page 13

by Iris Bolling

  Magna and Al had replaced all the items and were walking out of the safe when Lena smiled at Al. “I’m proud of you son, passing on the family skills and all.” Then she laughed, “But you are in trouble. Those are real mommas and you are going to catch hell for this.” She shook her head and walked off.

  Magna looked at him with empathy. “I’m sorry, Al.”

  “What? I’m not scared of them.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Al was sitting in the kitchen at the island. Lena was standing behind him, while Gwen stood next to him with her hands on her hips and Martha in front of him laying him out.

  “As enjoyable as this scene is, let’s be real. There is enough blame for the events of the day to go around. Pointing fingers at Al is not going to change anything that has happened.” Ryan said from the doorway. She walked over and sat at the far end of the island. “Besides Mrs. Harrison, you were the one that said all the children could stay. And you two,” she pointed at Lena and Gwen, “said you would help watch the children. Al is here for security. So when JD and Tracy hear about all of this, they are not going to be looking at Al. Oh no, they will be gunning for you. So I suggest we all settle down, laugh a little and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.”

  “You have a point,” Martha acknowledged. “I’m still upset with you.” She said to Al. “Teaching a child how to crack a safe is wrong—it’s just wrong.”

  “Look at it this way, if you ever get locked out again, we don’t have to call a locksmith. That’s a special talent,” Lena offered. “Come on ladies, let’s go have a drink.”

  “I could use one,” Gwen said as she turned to walk up the stairs.

  “I second that,” Martha followed.

  Lena walked towards the stairs and looked back at Al. She liked the way Ryan came to his defense. She winked at him then followed the ladies.

  Ryan bit into the apple she took from the bowl, as Al turned to her. She smiled and pointed a finger. “Let’s examine the adults’ role in all of this.”

  The laughter that filled the room sparked something deep inside of her. Examining it would cause her to get angry because it touched her heart. Instead she decided to enjoy the moment.

  Round three took the cake. It was well after nine. The July sun had just set with the stars shining brightly in the sky. It looked to be the beginning of a peaceful night as the grandmothers sat in the game room playing Gin Rummy. The grandmothers had laid down the law on the children. They could not make a move without asking them first. The adults were now in charge.

  “Grandma,” JC called from the doorway. “Is it okay if we go outside just for a little while?”

  “It’s dark out,” Martha replied without looking up.

  “We just want to sit out back for a little while,” Jaden replied.

  “They’re boys and they haven’t given us any trouble today,” Gwen smiled. “Let them go out for a little while.”

  Lena grunted and shook her head. “Sounds like famous last words to me.”

  Martha looked at her grandson. “Stay away from the fountain and the pool.”

  “Okay, Grandma,” JC kissed her on the cheek and ran from the room.

  Martha smiled, “Little devil, looks just like his granddaddy.”

  Ryan and Magna were sitting at the monitors with their feet up taking a breather. It had been over six hours and no issues out of the children. They were not completely at ease, but a lot more settled than a few hours ago.

  “This day reminds me of why I don’t have kids,” Magna laid her head back against the chair.

  “I don’t know. I think it would be fun to have a boat load of kids,” Ryan replied.

  Magna’s head shot up, “The way those kids acted today, no way.”

  “Come on. You’ve been around these kids as much as I have. You know they don’t act like this when JD and Tracy are home.”

  “Really, none of them are bad separately. All of them together is an entirely different story.”

  “But, I have to agree. It has been a trying day.” Ryan laid her head back. “I could use a little down time.”

  “Hey ladies,” Al called as he entered the room. “All quiet on the home front?”

  “For now,” Magna sighed.

  He looked at Ryan, “You did good today. With the kids, I mean.”

  She was almost tempted to smile at the sincerity of his voice. “Is that an admission that I was right to be concerned?”

  He shrugged his shoulder, “No. We made it through the day and they are all still alive,” he joked—maybe a little too soon.

  Suddenly, sounds of gunfire filled the air. Ryan and Magna pulled their weapons and ran out the door as Al hit the button securing the grounds and all entrances into the house. “What direction, Boss?” Magna asked as she activated her Bluetooth.

  “Back of the house!” Al yelled while examining the scenes from the monitors that had all come to life. He could see the women in the game room looking around startled at the sound. The next monitor showed the small kids looking out of the window. The girls were in the bedroom looking out the back. “Where are the boys?” he wondered as he looked at each monitor. He scanned around the pool house, stopped, then went back. The boys were behind the pool house kneeling on the ground. Suddenly, all them ran back towards the structure just as the sound erupted again, this time the sky lit up with an array of fireworks.

  Magna and Ryan looked up at the sky from their position on the ground and cursed. “What the hell?”

  Ryan stood, holstered her weapon and angrily marched towards the pool house. “I’m going to kill them with my bare hands.”

  Al watched as Magna stood, but then the small computer on his belt vibrated. “Ryan, take cover. We have an intruder on the grounds. Magna, go to your left, circle around the fountain, and stay low.”

  Al grabbed a gun from the rack and ran around the house to the right with the handheld. “Ryan, can you reach the boys?”

  She was on the other side of the pool house, when another round of firecrackers went off.

  “Wow. Look at that one,” she heard Jaden say.

  “Yeah,” she stayed close to the house until she reached the back then looked around the corner. The boys were standing in the shadows looking up at the sky. She watched as their heads traveled up following the spark as it went backwards and landed on the roof of the pool house. “Oh, hell.”

  Al watched the figure on the monitor as he came through the woods to the grass area. He ran faster to get to the pool house. The monitor picked up a second figure he believed to be Magna approaching from the other side. “Ryan do you have the boys?” he yelled. He waited, and waited, no reply. He cut through the flower garden to reach the right side of the pool house. That’s when he saw the fire. Al ran past the commotion of Ryan and the boys with his gun raised high ready to fire, just as he recognized the figure. “Shit! Stand down, Magna, its Joshua.”

  Al and Magna ran back and turned their attention to the fire on the roof of the pool house. “Go get a bucket and some water from the fountain,” Al yelled at the boys.

  “Grandma told us not to go near the fountain,” JC explained.

  Joshua walked by all of them, pulled out what looked like a laser gun from his inner pocket, sprayed a liquid on the roof and the flame evaporated in a snap. He then pulled out a pin, which was actually a flashlight to examine the roof. “It’s out.” He turned to the group. “No one told me we were doing fireworks tonight.” He said with his hands held out. “I had some serious stuff we could have used.”

  The boys ran to Joshua, “Like the ones you had before? Do you have them with you?” Elliot asked.

  “Better man—better.”

  “Whoa, let’s light them up,” James Jr. grinned.

  Al grabbed James and Elliott by the back of their shirts. Magna snagged Jaden. Ryan grabbed JC and Calvin. As she walked by Al she snarled, “They’re just children. We can handle them.” She rolled her eyes and continued dragging the boys along.

  “What?” Joshua yelled as the boys were marched towards the house, “No more fireworks?”

  By ten o’clock that night every child was with their own mother, with the exception of Tracy’s. They were each in their own room forbidden to leave until Al allowed it.

  Ryan walked around the perimeter just for her own peace of mind. Al decided to join her.

  “You knew all this would happen. Didn’t you?”

  She laughed. “I’ve been around these kids all of their lives. I know them as if they were my own and love them just as much.” They continued to walk. “They are good kids, but when their parents aren’t around they will try you. Four, you can handle. Double that and you are asking for trouble.”

  “I should have taken you a little more seriously. Will you forgive my stupidity?”

  She stopped and looked up at him. Her body immediately reacted to those smoldering eyes and that crooked smile. This time she didn’t fight it. She punched him on the arm. “This time, but don’t let it happen again.” She smiled.

  The air crackled as they held each other’s stare.

  “You are a beautiful woman. Do you know that?”

  The blush on Ryan’s face could be seen even in the dark. “No. But thank you for saying it.”

  Al took a step to close the distance between them. He tilted his head toward her lips. The anticipation of kissing her was so strong he licked his lips as he watched her mouth tilt up to him.

  “Hey. What are you two up to?” Joshua grinned. The daggers sent his way by both parties as they turned to him would have killed a normal man. But not Joshua, he just smiled at them. “I’m not interrupting anything—am I?”

  Ryan sighed, “I’ll be in the bunkhouse,” and walked off.

  Al stood watching her with his hands in his pockets then turned to Joshua. “I could kill you right now.”

  Joshua threw his hands in the air and laughed. “What?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I had to let you know I’ll be out of the country for a minute.”

  “Why?” A frustrated Al asked.

  “I’ll find out when I get there.” He hit Al on the shoulder. “You need to get laid. You seem a little grouchy—tense. You need to loosen up.” Joshua laughed and walked away.

  If Al could carry a gun he would have shot him.

  Chapter 9

  Joshua stood on the roof top balcony of Prince LaVere’

  Ashro’s of Emure palace. He had received a message that the Prince had requested to see him. Joshua had a number of feelers out regarding the possible assassination attempt on JD. But so far, nothing had panned out. Normally, nothing would deter him from his mission. But LaVere’ was a friend and he’d indicated the situation was urgent. “Shall I check my rooftop for explosives,” LaVere’ greeted Joshua as he extended his hand.

  It was good to see LaVere. The last time they saw each other his brother Samuel was marrying the woman LaVere had selected as his wife. “Not this time.” Joshua shook his hand. “How are things with you?”

  “Quite well, thanks to you. I can never repay the debt of you saving my sister’s life. However, I do hope the information I’m about to give will be beneficial.” LaVere pointed to the chairs around the table on the rooftop. “Please have a seat.” They both sat as a servant placed a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. Once the servant walked away, LaVere pulled out a hand held computer. “I think it would be beneficial for you to find this man.”

  Joshua looked at a video clip of what appeared to be a Mexican man meeting with a Middle Easterner. The clip showed the two talking then an envelope being passed between them.

  “Why would this interest me?”

  LaVere pulled out a manila envelope. “This is the envelope obtained from this gentleman when my brother’s men apprehended him on another matter. The man is a well-paid assassin. My brother, who is now King, knew of my connection to this family and thought I should be made aware of the discovery.”

  Joshua opened the envelope to discover a picture of JD Harrison and his travel itinerary.

  After interrogating the assassin, Joshua was a little on edge. A few facts troubled him. The realization that the contract was real and the target was a man he liked and respected. Some of the men he had worked for in the past he really didn’t give a damn about, it were the Country that he vowed to protect. With JD, it was different. He liked the man and everything that he stood for. Did he understand that once JD became President, he would have to curtail the way he operated—yes. He could deal with that. JD didn’t have it in him to take a life. Well there was that one time when Joshua had to talk him down from killing the man that killed his father. But other than that, JD was a good man and Joshua would count it as an honor to serve him. Someone was trying to take that from him. The disturbing fact was the itinerary the assassin had was a duplicate of the one Joshua had. That meant that someone from JD’s camp supplied that itinerary. The last issue was the most dangerous. With assassins, there was always a contingency plan.

  Joshua sat on the private jet provided by LaVere, stretched his legs across to the other seat and crossed them at the ankle as he pulled out his phone. “Hey big brother, where are you?”


  Joshua laughed, “That sounds like fun.” He became serious, “The threat is real. The first wave has been eliminated, however, other layers exist.”

  “That’s not good. Where are you off to next?”

  “The trail leads to Mexico.”

  “Hostile territory to travel alone.”

  “It’s the only way I travel.”

  “You need to be vigilant, big brother.” He hesitated for a moment. “The man’s itinerary was found on the assassin.”

  Samuel took in the information. “We have an insider.”

  Joshua disconnected the call, then hit another button.

  “Al, are you finished playing with children?”

  “Funny. You did not help matters much.”

  “You should be happy that call came in from LaVere’ or I would have never been at the house that night. Kids playing with firecrackers, you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Al sat back at his desk and laughed, “Imagine my surprise to discover you provided those fireworks.”

  “Man, they talked.” He laughed. “They gave me up.”

  Al smiled. “All right, on a serious note. What did the Prince have?”

  “More than we want to deal with. I need you to arrange a meeting with your contact.”

  Al could hear the change in Joshua’s voice. “Dangerous territory.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “I consider him a friend.”

  “As a friend you should tell him I’m coming. He can open the front door or I can knock it down. You know what I prefer.”

  “Where are you?”

  “On my way.”

  “I’ll arrange a hook up.” Al disconnected the call, then dialed Tucker.

  Twenty minutes later Ryan was at the monitors laughing at Magna, who was telling her about her date the night before. “Did you hurt the boy is all I want to know?”

  “Wore his little soul out,” Magna laughed. “I taught him about playing at the grown up table.”

  “Hell, I’m not mad at you. At least you got your cookies wet even if it was with 2% and not whole milk.”

  “I’m sure he has some friends that could wet those cookies for you.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.”

  Magna smiled, then looked away. “I see you and the man are doing better. No bickering for a few days.”

  She shrugged her shoulders, “He’s not so bad.”

  “Seems like a pretty decent person to me. Last week certainly showed me another side of him.”

  “With the children?” Ryan grinned while shaking her head. “No, I’ve seen that side of him before. He loves kids.” She looked sideways at Magna. “What surprised me was actually hearing them talking to the kids together. Tracy is going to be happy to se
e the progress those two have made. I think he feels pretty good about it, too.”

  “And, what about you? How do you feel about him now?”

  Ryan blushed a little as she nodded her head. “He’s really a good brother.”

  Magna smiled. “Finally let someone in,” she shoved her shoulder. “About time.” She turned back to the monitor. “Whoa, I don’t think I’ve ever seen legs that long.”

  Ryan looked at the monitor, smiled, then pushed the button. “That’s her style. Melissa Sue. What in the hell are you doing here?” she asked as the woman walked through the door.

  “The man calls, I come no questions asked.”

  Magna tiptoed next to her, “How tall are you?”

  “With or without the shoes?” Melissa Sue turned with the grace of a gazelle.

  Magna looked down at the four inch stilettoes and frowned, “Never mind.”

  “Melissa Sue.” Al called out as he walked off the elevator.

  “Good to see you again, Boss.” She walked over kissed him on the lips. “Which way?”

  Al held his hand out towards the elevator as Ryan and Magna looked on. “Well,” Magna said as the elevator doors closed. “What do you make of that?” Ryan watched as they stepped off the elevator upstairs, walked down the hallway into the office and closed the door. “Are you going to just stand there and watch until they come out?”


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