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The Heart

Page 19

by Iris Bolling

  They both moaned, “Ahhh…”, then paused to savor the moment.

  He waited, but once she tightened her thighs around his waist to pull him deeper, he lost all sense of decorum. Pulling out to the tip, he surged back into her. The warmth of her inner muscles heated his manhood like a cashmere blanket, and it was just as smooth. Each withdrawal and reemergence warmed his blood and stole a piece of his heart. Her inner muscles squeezed and pulled until he had no choice but to burst, just like the tea kettle cap would release its steam. His head shot up as he howled just like a wolf that had just captured his prey.

  After they showered, he took a fluffy towel from the rack and began to dry her off. His touch was just as arousing as his tongue. He gathered her into his arms as they cuddled together on the bed in the bedroom of the pool house. He wasn’t prepared for the protective instinct that engulfed him when her head touched his chest. From this moment on, he would live his life to protect, love and cherish this woman that gave him the feeling of finally being home.

  Ryan had never been so content, she thought as she wrapped her arms around Al. This man, some called ruthless, her family called a thug, made her feel secure, loved, and for the first time in her life, happy to be a woman. From this moment on, she would protect him and his heart with her life. She closed her eyes, sighed and fell peacefully asleep.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  An hour later, a movement or a sound, awakened Ryan. She slowly reached over and pulled her weapon from the nightstand where Al had placed it. She swung around quickly with the weapon drawn and ready to fire.

  Al quickly reached out and lowered her arms, taking the weapon and securing it. “Turn your head man,” he said to Tucker as he stepped inside the room. Tucker did as he was told as Al placed the weapon back on the table then covered her with the bedspread. “What’s up?”

  Tucker turned back around. A grin as wide as the state of Texas was on his face. “So,” he said as he took a seat across from them then crossed one foot over a knee, “you two finally scratched that itch. It’s about time. You two were driving me and everyone around you crazy.”

  Ryan looked over her shoulder at Al. “If you had allowed me to shoot him, we wouldn’t have to listen to this.”

  Al kissed the back of her neck. “I take it you have a purpose for this visit.” He said to Tucker.

  Sitting forward, Tucker’s smiled faded. “Intel just came in. We have a situation in Mexico.”

  Al sat up. “Don’t coat it.”

  “Someone took exception to our visitor.”

  “Would you give us a minute?” Ryan hesitated, then wrapped in the bedspread she walked out of the room to the shower.

  As she walked away Al found his pants then walked to the gazebo. A moment ago he was in heaven, now his life was going to hell. “Captured?”

  “Yes.” Tucker nodded. “Our messenger is safe.”

  “Contact the council. Advise them we will meet within the hour.”

  Tucker smiled. Whenever the council met, it led to one of Al’s undercover missions. He always enjoyed them. The last one was on a dirty police chief. The sight of the man literally pissing in his pants had them laughing for weeks. “You know, we are getting too old for this stuff.”

  Al smiled, looking over his shoulder as he walked back to the pool house. “Never.” Seeing Ryan in the dress disappointed him. He wasn’t ready to let the night end. “Will you come home with me?”

  The question surprised Ryan. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but she certainly didn’t expect him to say that. “I thought you had business with Tucker.”

  “I do.” He walked over to her, “But I’m not nearly finished with you.” He started to kiss her, but stopped. “Are you finished with me?”

  “Not nearly.”

  Al smiled, “Then I say let’s take this show to a more comfortable location.” He kissed her, leaving no doubt that they had more to do tonight.

  Thirty minutes later Ryan was standing on the inside of Al’s kitchen. She had been there before whenever Tracy and the children visited, but this was her first time at Al’s invitation. Well it really wasn’t an invitation, it was more on the line of, you’re going with me and don’t ask any questions. Ryan was in no way complaining, for she enjoyed the tools he used to convince her.

  “Are you ready to step into my world?” He reached out his hand.

  Looking at his outstretched hand she wondered if she was truly ready for this man. She wasn’t sure. But one thing was for certain she decided as she closed her hand around his. After the way he made love to her, she never wanted to be outside of his world. “I’m ready.”

  Al smiled as he turned and looked at a picture.

  To her surprise the wall in the hallway of his kitchen parted. Stepping inside she was amazed at the equipment. The room looked like the command center at the estate and more. As she stepped inside, the wall closed as if the opening never existed. She hesitated before taking another step.

  Walking over to the console, Al took a seat and watched as she took it all in. He pushed several buttons and the monitors mounted on the walls above came to life. Ryan took a few steps in to see what was on the monitors. She immediately recognized the exterior of Tracy’s home on one monitor. Walking over and standing next to him, she pointed to the second monitor.

  “Monique’s condo in DC.”

  Nodding her head in understanding she moved on to the next, “Where’s that one?”

  “Julianna St. Clair, in Spokane, Washington.”

  She looked down at him, “The woman that Jonas Gary kidnapped.” Al nodded. “Why are you doing surveillance on her?”

  “She is special to Tucker. Whoever is special to him has our protection as well as all that are special to me.” He held her gaze.

  Slowly pulling her eyes from his trance she looked at the last monitor. “Whose place is that?”

  Al frowned at her, “You don’t recognize that place?”

  Taking a closer look she gasped, “Is that my apartment?”

  “The one you never stay in, yes.” Al replied.

  Placing her hands on her hips in defiance she replied, “That’s because I’m always working. I don’t spend a lot of time there.” He pushed another button and the monitor that previously showed her apartment, split into four smaller pictures. “That’s my father’s house,” she declared, “And my brothers’ homes. Why do you have them or me under surveillance?” she asked a little disturbed.

  He took her hand, pulling her down into his lap. “Because you—are special to me,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “The people that are special to you are now special to me as well.”

  “Is that so?” she asked staring at his lips.

  The pupils of his eyes turned darker as he held her stare, “That’s so.”

  Looking up into his eyes she couldn’t turn away. “Suppose we don’t want or need your protection,” she seductively asked the question.

  Her voice soothed him, especially here, inside his home. “Needed or not you have it.”

  Normally she would have a good comeback for him, but she couldn’t think when she was this close to him. She stood to try to clear her mind, not sure how she felt about being watched constantly.

  Al could read the thoughts going through her mind. She was fighting those old demons of proving she was just as much a man as any of her brothers to her father and didn’t need anyone to watch over her. Taking her hand, he walked to the far side of the room where a conference table and chairs sat next to several office machines. He placed his hand on a pad near the wall. The walls separated.

  “How many damn walls do you have around here that open?”

  Laughing, Al guided her into another room. The only thing in the room was a king size bed. Al walked towards the bed as he stripped out of his clothes. “Join me,” he said as he leaned back against the leather covered headboard.

  The sight of his naked body turned her on. She reached down, pulling the gown over her head and stood th
ere with her hands on her hips with nothing but her weapon strapped to her thigh.

  His erection began to jump at the sight of her. Damn if she wasn’t the sexiest gun toting woman he had ever seen. The only thing missing to complete the vision was a cowboy hat. “There appears to be a new Sheriff in town,” he smiled, “Are you going to take me down?”

  The smile that radiated from him was contagious. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling back until she saw his body react to watching her. Suddenly the smile disappeared as heat rushed through her body. She wet her lips with her tongue as she stepped over to him.

  Al closed his eyes as he waited for the moment she would straddle him. His eyes shot open as he felt her lips close around him. The next few moments were a blur as surges of pleasure forged through his body while she did exactly what he asked. She took him down.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  It was thirty minutes later when the doors to the command center opened. Tucker looked at his watch. It was two in the morning. “Nice of you to join us.”

  Al took his seat at the console. On the monitor above were two other men, representing territories 1 through 4 of the United States. While working for the government, Al had divided the Gang Reduction Initiative into regions. The regions were referred to as T1—Northwest, T2—Southwest, T3—Northeast and T4—Southeast. Each region had a commandant. Their job was to know every gang, its leaders, its product and its control area. They did their jobs well. To protect them and their families, their names were never used. They were referred to as T1, T2, T3, or T4. This was the first time he’d needed them since leaving the organization and they were more than willing to assist with whatever information he needed.

  Tucker pulled up a group of pictures on another monitor. “This is where he is being held. These satellite pictures were taken about an hour ago.”

  “Who has him?” Al asked as he reviewed the terrain of the area.

  “That’s the problem.” Tucker responded curiously. “Is it possible that the Cartel infrastructure is in disaccord?”

  Looking up from the pictures, Al shook his head, “It wasn’t mentioned. Why?”

  Tucker nodded to T2, whose territory covered the Southwest. “Recent activity shows Miguel Santiago has been quietly recruiting. He seems to be creating an elite force within the Cartel. In fact, Santiago is indicating that the request for elite soldiers is coming directly from Alejandra Mateo. However, our source indicates Mateo is not aware of the activity.”

  “Is Santiago descending from the Cartel?”

  T2 put a picture up on his monitor. “There seemed to be a discord between Mateo and Santiago centering on this woman. Her name was Ariella Vasquez. She is now Ariella Vasquez-Mateo.”

  “Mateo’s wife.” Al smiled. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Quite,” T4 replied. “Her family owns Vasquez Imports, specializing in Cuban cigars-drugs.”

  “Ahhh, Mateo is strengthening his stronghold in Cuba.” Al summarized.

  “All are not happy with the move.”

  “Santiago being at the top of the list,” Tucker questioned.

  “I’m afraid so,” T4 replied.

  “Here’s where things get a little complicated.” T2 chimed in. “None of the commands to the recruits come directly from Santiago, therefore, no one can prove to Mateo that his right hand man is making a move to dethrone him.”

  “The person that has our friend reports to Santiago, not Mateo.” Al stated as he looked up at Tucker then back to the men on the monitors. “Thank you for the intel, gentlemen. Until next time.” He waited until the monitors were clear, sat back in his seat and chuckled. “Do you remember how we eliminated the two fractions in the 34th street gang?”

  Tucker nodded his head, “I do. But this is another country and the Cartel, uncharted territory.” Al gave him that look. The one that tells him everything he needed to know. “I’ll make the arrangements. When are we leaving?”

  Al grinned, “Give me a few more hours.”

  Tucker stood, shook his head and laughed as he walked towards the exit by the kitchen. He waved his hand in front of the monitor. “I sure hope you two are using protection.”

  Al froze at the opposite side of the room just as he was about to wave his hand in front of the monitor at the exit to the bedroom. He turned with a deer in the headlights look. Tucker laughed harder as he walked out of the exit. Unlike other men, Al did not walk around with condoms in his wallet, frankly because he did not have unplanned sex. Whenever he was intimate with a woman, he had planned every encounter. He placed his hand on the pad and the exit appeared. Standing on the other side in his bedroom, he marveled at the sight of Ryan spread out in his bed. Bringing her home with him was the best decision he had ever made, she belonged there. He kicked off his slippers and stripped out of his clothes. Lying next to her warm body was playing havoc on his senses but he was determined to let her sleep.

  Not sure if it was the heat from his body, or the intensity of his stare, but something reached the recesses of her consciousness and told her to open her eyes. The sight that rewarded her made her smile. Al had his back to the headboard, bare chest; locs loose, arms folded staring at her with a crooked smile. “Good Morning,”

  He leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Are you always this breathtakingly beautiful in the morning?” Her skin became flushed at his compliment. He tilted his head to the side. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”

  Not sure why, but she suddenly became aware of her nakedness and pulled the sheet, that felt like pure silk, up to cover her breast. “Look,” she hesitated as she scanned the room. “You don’t have to do this.” She sat up, not sure how to leave.

  “Do what?” Al asked, as he watched her trying to determine what she should do next.

  “You know the whole, you’re beautiful thing. I’m comfortable with who I am.” She pushed her hair down, thinking it must look a mess. “I’ll get dressed and leave,” she looked around the room for her gown.

  Reaching out, Al pulled her and the sheet to him. They were face to face, her clinging to the sheet and him clinging to both. He held her chin up with his free hand to get her to look into his eyes. She tried to look away, but he refused to let her. “In 1588 Shakespeare wrote, ‘Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye, not utter’ d by base sale of chapmen's tongues.’ Benjamin Franklin in 1741 wrote: ‘Beauty, like supreme dominion, is but supported by opinion.’ David Hume's Essays, written in 1742 state, "Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them’. Then Margaret Wolfe Hungerford broke it down in 1878 when she wrote, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". My words to you are simple. Your beauty is as rare as a pure heart and as admired as a Nubian Queen. For your beauty is more than skin deep. It lies within your soul.”

  When he began talking Ryan held his eyes, because she had no choice. His voice was as sensual as it was commanding. She had been privy to both and she had to admit, the sensual voice was lethal. As he continued he held her eyes captive, for she felt he was revealing his soul to her. Then the words began to touch her in a place she’d never allowed anyone in—her heart. When he said my words her gaze fell to his lips. She felt a shiver travel down her spine. “Damn, that’s good.” She murmured.

  He dropped his hand from her face. The sheet slid to her waist. “I didn’t wait all my life to allow any woman in, Morgan.” He kissed her lips softly. “I waited for you. What makes you think I would let you walk out of here?”

  “Let?” she raised an eyebrow.

  “Lips as sweet as wine, words as sharp as knives.”

  “I think that was a criticism, but you said it so sweetly, I’m not sure.”

  “Morgan you can physically leave anytime you like, but your soul will always be here with me.” He’d lain back against the headboard and folded his arms across his chest. “I’ll wait until you come to terms with that.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him. Ryan knew he was right. The truth was, i
n five years she had not been able to shake this man and she really didn’t know him. Now, she knew he loved children, his family and friends to the point that he cared about what they cared about. Loyalty should be his middle name, and protective should be his surname. Yet, he had the gentlest way about him. If he weren’t so handsome, you would never notice he was in a room.

  Watching her come to her own conclusion wasn’t easy for Al. He was used to saying this is the way things are going to be and that was that. But with this woman, he had to let her reach her own conclusion. When her eyes began to soften, he knew she had accepted the situation.

  “I’m mouthy, blunt and opinionated.” She pouted, “I don’t like men treating me like I’m helpless because I’m not. I don’t like being told what I can and cannot do.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I get evil when I’m on my monthly period, and I get cramps real bad.” She wiped the tear away. “And I lash out at times.” She looked up into his eyes.

  “I like mouthy, opinionated, man hating evil women. I can apply heat and rub your back when your monthly period comes around. Then, there’s the lashing out thing. I have a cure for that too.” He pulled her to him. “I’ll simply kiss you to shut you up.” He proceeded to demonstrate. When he finished, he pulled her to his chest. Ryan lay in his arms so content; she never wanted to leave.


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