Book Read Free

The Heart

Page 25

by Iris Bolling

  Her movements had Al mesmerized. “Mmm,” He moaned in response to her question. “I can taste that and more Morgan.”

  “That’s good Al, because I want to give you more.” She eased her hand under the lace trim of her boy shorts. Her body instinctively reacted when she touched herself.

  He couldn’t reply for the anticipation of her next actions were too strong. Helpless was not an emotion Al was used to. Yet, that was exactly what he was feeling as he watched Ryan. But like the good man he was, he knew it was time for him to take over. “Is that one finger or two?”

  “That’s just one.”

  “You’re going to need another to feel like I’m partially there. Can you give me another one Morgan?”

  Holding his eyes, Ryan smiled, “I can give you whatever you like.”

  Al smiled as he sat forward, “Is that so? I really want you to enjoy this moment, Morgan. Take your thumb and circle your bud until you just can’t stand it anymore.” He spoke in a low aroused voice. “Now I want you to slowly pull your fingers out.” He watched as she followed his instructions. “Ease them back in.” he waited, then said, “Do it again.” He saw her body squirm, as she reentered herself. “That’s it babe. Keep moving just like that while I talk to you.” He licked his lips as he spoke. “The first time I saw you, I wanted you. Those sexy hips mesmerized me. All I could think about was how deep I could immerse myself into you. The first time we made love, when the very tip of me touched you, I lost a piece of my soul.” She stopped. “Don’t stop baby, keep going.” She did. “Entering you was like sliding on a glove made just for me. You were hot. Everytime I entered you, the heat of you made me want more. Can you feel the heat around your fingers?” he smiled as she nodded. “I like the way your inner muscles squeeze around me. Can you squeeze your muscle for me now Morgan.” He heard her moan. “I need you to go a little faster babe—a little deeper still. That’s it babe, keep going. For that juice you are about to release is as sweet as nectar, and is as necessary for the nourishment of my soul as water is necessary for the survival of my body. I can taste your sweetness on my tongue right now Morgan, but I need more babe.” He watched her body heaving as she began to go deeper into herself. “More babe and more. I need all that babe, let it go. Let it flow onto my waiting tongue. Can you feel it, waiting right at your gate for me to lick every drop of your sweetness?” He not only heard her release, but seeing it made him want to fly out to California just to catch what was flowing down her thigh. He watched as she lay there, with her eyes closed.

  “Damn.” Was all she could say.

  “Sweet dreams babe.”

  Al disconnected the conference and began counting the hours until he could taste her in person.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  It was three in the morning when Monique’s phone buzzed. At first, she ignored the sound, turned over and closed her eyes. But before she could return to a sound sleep, it buzzed again indicating there was a text message, not a call. Curious as to who would be texting at this time of night, Monique snatched up the cell and read the text: 12 Angels. “What?” Monique slammed the phone back on the nightstand, laid back down in a huff. A few seconds later she sprang back up grabbing the cell. She looked at the text again. It didn’t come through on her number. The phone vibrated in her hand. It was Ned.

  “Good morning, Spicy. Did you get the message?”

  Pushing her hair back from her face, she replied. “Yeah, but I have no idea what it means.”

  “It’s a code.”

  “Yeah, I got that. But a code for what? And who would send a code at three in the morning. I mean the Senator doesn’t have the phone. It’s at the office in a desk drawer.” Monique questioned as she walked into her kitchen.

  “Maybe the message is meant to be received tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Hmm, could be. Can you tell where it came from?” She asked as she prepared a cup of coffee.

  “West Coast is all I can tell you at the moment. But I’ll keep digging.”

  “That’s a big area. Do you think you can narrow that down just a little?”

  “I’ll get back with you as soon as I have something.”

  “Thanks,” Monique said as she sat at the counter, waiting for the coffee. “Do you ever sleep, Ned?”

  “I’m here to grant your every wish Spicy. I don’t sleep until you do.”

  “Awe, you’re my personal techie.”

  “I handle every member of Absolute’s team.”

  “How many members are there?”


  She yawned, “Well thanks for being on the other end. Will we ever meet?”

  “Not in this life. The only reason you know Absolute is because he was instrumental in bringing you on board and you’re family. If you ever meet any other members, you’ll never know it. We all have our roles here. They rarely cross paths.”

  “But you know all of us?” She asked as the coffee finished.

  “That I do, my love. Here’s your info. The tower used was in Los Angeles.”

  “California?” Monique frowned as she sipped her coffee.

  “Yeah, you know, Hollywood, land of the fairies.”

  She sat her cup down, “Los Angeles, the city of Angels. The code—12 Angels.”

  “Hum, I don’t believe in coincidences. We better pass this code on.”

  “What coincidence? And who are we passing this on to?”

  “The last time Absolute checked in he was on his way to Los Angeles. This may have something to do with what he’s working on.”

  “He did come by the office last week to see the Senator.” Monique thought for a minute, “What’s the 12? It could be an address, a date, a room, time…I bet that’s it Ned. It’s a time. What time did the code come in?”

  “Three o’clock your time.”

  “That puts it at around midnight LA time. But twelve could also be noon. So we know the where is probably LA, the question is the time twelve noon or twelve midnight? And what? We still don’t know what all this is about or what to do with the information.”

  “We’ll put the info in Absolute’s hands. He’ll know what to do. Good work, Spicy.”

  “Appreciate that Ned, but I want to know where this all leads.” Monique ended the call and placed her cell on the counter. Sitting back drinking her coffee, the mini mystery of the text continued to plague her. She picked her cell back up to check her calendar. Nothing significant was on there.

  Now wide awake from the mystery text message and the coffee, she turned on the television that hung from the cabinet in the kitchen. There was nothing interesting on until she reached the 24 hour news channel. The anchor was discussing the drop in the market and since she invested heavily, she stopped to listen. The topic changed to politics and the first story covered Jerry and his wife on the trail in Tennessee and Kentucky. His wife really was pretty, Monique thought as she watched the couple shaking hands and kissing babies. She wondered if his wife knew, all she had to do was give him a child and Jerry would stop stepping out on her. Maybe she’ll send her an anonymous letter. Next up were her Uncle JD and Aunt Tracy. She had to smile because they looked damn good out there. The crowds were a little larger than Jerry’s and a lot more diverse. She turned the sound up to hear the announcer’s take on the Arizona and Nevada rallies. Then he announced the candidate would be in Los Angeles tomorrow speaking with community leaders at nine and at the Los Angeles Police luncheon at noon. “Talk about a contrast,” the announcer said. Monique laughed, that was her Uncle JD trying to bridge the gaps. That’s one thing she really did admire about him. He looked at everyone as a person. To him it didn’t matter if the person was a gang member, a senator, a hooker or a teacher. Everyone was worth listening to in his book. This country really needs him to show people how to be accepting of others. Once the story ended, she was about to turn the television off when the words from the announcer played back in her mind.

  Monique ran into her office to pull up the Inter
net on her computer. She typed in JD Harrison and Los Angeles. The story of his visit and schedule of events appeared. Grabbing her cell, she started to call Ned back. But this was family. She had to warn her Aunt Tracy. She pushed another button and waited.

  “Monique?” Tracy questioned as she answered the phone. “Is everything okay?”

  “No. Aunt Tracy, I really need to speak with Uncle JD.”

  “He’s talking with some people right now. Can I help?”

  “No Aunt Tracy this is very important. I really need to speak with him now.” There was a moment of silence. “Aunt Tracy, how many times have I ever called to talk to Uncle JD?”

  “Never that I remember. But Monique he is really busy.”

  “This is more important than anything he could be talking about. This is life or death Aunt Tracy and that’s not an exaggeration.”

  “Okay,” Tracy sighed. “Let me see what I can do.”

  Monique waited.


  “Uncle JD, call me from the hotel phone at this number.”

  “Are you alright Monique?”

  “I am, but you are not. Call me now. I’ll hold. Dial the number as I give them to you.”

  JD sat on the bed as Tracy watched. “Go.” He dialed the number recognizing what it was. “Why am I calling you on a secure government line, Monique?”

  “You’re going to know this soon so here it is. I work for the CIA. I was recruited while at Howard. My current assignment is to unveil information on some possible bad connections the Senator may have. I believe an assassination attempt will be made on you tomorrow at noon during the Police luncheon and the Senator is involved.”

  “Why do you believe that?”

  “A week ago the Senator was given a disposable cell phone. I took down the number and had my techie to place a trace on any calls. Tonight a coded text came through that read 12 Angels. Los Angeles is the city of Angels. Twelve noon is your scheduled event with the police department. Guns will be everywhere. The assassin will go undetected. Uncle JD, you have to cancel that event.”

  JD held the line without speaking. What Monique said about working for the CIA did answer a lot of questions. “What’s your code name?”


  He laughed. “It fits. Hold on.”

  While she held the line, Monique walked into her bedroom closet, pulled out a pair of jeans and a top. Once the next call was made, she had to be ready to leave.


  Monique stood straight up. Oh hell, she thought. “Yes sir.”

  “Tell me what you have.” After a few silent curse words, Monique told Joshua how she broke the code. “Good work, but wrong move. Your first call is always to me. Your first, your last, your everything goes through me. Am I clear?”

  “Yes sir. I hear you, but this was family. Just like you, I have to protect my Country and my family.”

  Joshua liked the spunky new recruit. “Report in, but keep the phone call out. Clear?”

  “Clear.” Monique replied then disconnected the call. “Whew.” She gathered her purse. Dropped her cell phone inside and pulled out her keys. Traffic should be light this time of morning. Instead of taking the Metro, she would drive to the office.

  The night watchmen sat at the console in the security office and watched as Monique walked into the elevator on the top floor. Must be a booty call, he thought as he noted the time. He never saw her get off.

  Chapter 17

  Security was tight on a normal day’ it was relentless today. Brian’s security team was stretched thin. There was now a credible security threat. Like it or not, Secret Service was needed. Today, Brian not only had to ensure his staff was on point; he had to deal with and tame the superior attitudes of the Secret Service. Fifty of the agents that accompanied them on this trip were needed. There was a definite need to set boundaries on the two teams.

  Brian stood in the center of the conference room of the hotel wondering when the man speaking would get tired of listening to himself. Waddell Calhoun, Deputy Director of the United States Secret Service, had taken over the meeting with a misconception. JD and James requested Brian’s complete cooperation with the group of Special Agents. But his patience had just run out.

  “Deputy Director Calhoun, I believe we are getting a little ahead of ourselves.” Brian spoke as politely as he could. “If I’m not mistaken, your command begins once Governor Harrison moves into the White House. While we do need your men and you, the direction of this mission comes from me.”

  “You have a problem with being proactive on this mission, Thompson?”

  Calhoun had been Brian’s commanding officer when he was with the FBI. The two bumped heads then and would probably bump heads now. However, things were quite different now. This was Brian’s turf. All planning, participants, and assignments went through him. Apparently, Calhoun had missed the memo. “Not at all, but it seems you are about ten years late on the proactive issue. We’ve been protecting the governor for a while now.” He pointed to JD who was sitting quietly in a corner. “Evidently he’s still alive.”

  “The number of death threats this candidate has received dictates are need to be here. The President understands this country would be torn apart if Harrison was killed. How many attempts were made on his life during your reign? How many bullets did you take during that time frame? How many lives were lost? I’m here as a result of a directive from The President of the United States. You want us out, talk to him.”

  The agents in the conference room turned to Brian, as did James with an understanding look in his eyes. James hesitated to interfere with the jockeying for position, but he knew Brian was the authority here, not Calhoun. The sooner that was established, the sooner the testosterone levels in the room would drop and they all could get to what’s important—protecting JD. He looked at JD and nodded.

  “Deputy Director Calhoun, if I may address the group before Mr. Thompson responds.” Calhoun nodded giving JD the floor. Looking the group over, it seemed they all needed a drink or something to loosen them up. “It’s pretty early in the morning and I’m sure all of us need a few hours of sleep. I can’t begin to tell you the hell I will have to deal with if as much as a hair is harmed on me.” The group smiled in understanding. “My wife will kill me before any assassin has a chance. We have been on this journey for ten years now and I know this is not a small undertaking. We have dealt with threats both foreign and domestic. While we appreciate and certainly welcome your participation, we all need to be very clear on the chain of command. As of today, your commander is Brian Thompson. If the good people of this nation elect me as your President your orders will then come from Deputy Director Calhoun. I understand, this is a little different than what the Service is used to and will accept the decision of anyone who wishes to step down from this assignment at this time, without prejudice. The door is open.” JD waited.

  “We are here to serve our country’s best interests. At this moment, that’s you,” one agent stated. “We follow your command.”

  “Thank you,” JD replied, then continued on. “Deputy Director Calhoun will be available as a resource, for he knows the skill level of his people. Are all the roles clear?” With the nods of heads JD turned to Brian. “Mr. Thompson, you may respond now.”

  Brian stood. “It doesn’t seem necessary to answer your questions at this point, but I will. In ten years I haven’t lost any men. I’ve been shot twice, once in the arm and four times in the back. The only time any of my protectees were injured was during the time I worked for the Bureau and was restricted by their limitations. In this position, I make the calls; there is no red tape. My plan is to keep that record intact.”

  Calhoun was clearly pissed with Brian’s response. Truth or not, he didn’t appreciate the jab from the past. “Clearly, my presence is no longer needed here. I’ll take my leave.”

  Brian watched as the man walked towards the door. Against his better judgment, he offered an olive branch. �
�Deputy Director Calhoun, actually I do need your expertise in some areas. I would appreciate it if you’d hang around for awhile.”

  Calhoun nodded then took a seat.

  “There is a confirmed threat against Governor Harrison. Against my better judgment, he refuses to make my life easier by cancelling the event. Therefore, to keep me from having to deal with his wife, I would appreciate it if you all will keep him alive.” He saw one or two smiles break through and thought that’s a start. “Okay, here’s what we have. The assailant has been identified only by his alias. Frankly, I don’t give a damn what his name is. I want two things from this mission. I want him stopped and I want the name of the person or person that took out the contract.” He hesitated. “Let’s be clear. There is a possibility that this is a foreign threat and this mission could have international implications. But more importantly, I want to make sure that every face that is in this room returns after this mission is complete. Be careful. With details on the suspect, Special Agent Lassiter, who’s been on the trail of this assassin for a while now.” He nodded as Joshua stood.

  “I thought you wanted the man to live long enough to give us a name,” one agent joked.


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