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Choosing Hearts - The Fighter's Passion (Gritty, Explicit Romance Novel) (A Lusty Stand Alone Story)

Page 11

by Quippley, Diana

  “You’re a wonderful man, Rogan.” Julia moved in closer, placing her hands on his face. “You may have had a troubled past, but now you’re here - free of it… here to be with me.”

  He gazed into her large eyes in silence and saw the purity of her love for him there. So much like Alicia, it sent a shiver down his spine. Julia leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, gently. Rogan stiffened at the sensation of her soft warm lips on his. And again he thought of Alicia. Part of him screamed to push Julia away and yet, another part urged him to give in to his need for this young woman nestled in his arms.

  He was a man of pure ideals and principles, but his body was made of flesh and blood like any other. It had its wants and needs and he had fought his natural desires for too long in this hellish future. Giving in finally to the awful truth that he may never find his way back home, he let his body take over from his mind at last. He returned her kiss tenderly, feeling her lips and her tongue, savoring every moment of her passion for him.

  Julia moaned softly. Her delicate hands caressed his broad shoulders and moved over his deep chest. He felt her pull his blue shirt apart and run her slender fingers over the curly hairs of his dense muscular chest. It felt strange and also wonderful. Alicia loved to do that too, but he pushed that thought away, replacing Julia’s smiling face in his mind. Though it hurt him, it was about time to move on with his life - to live and love again. He slid his large hands down her supple back, touching her with passionate intent for the first time since he had met her more than two weeks ago. She welcomed his nervous touch, her moans and sighs encouraging him.

  “Oh, Rogan.” She whispered huskily. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.”

  He said nothing, gently caressing her soft curves instead and letting her peel off his shirt and trousers. She shook off her blouse and guided his hands to her exposed breasts, inviting him to caress their yielding softness. Her nipples were hard like sugared dates, yearning for his hungry mouth.

  “Come on, Rogan… I’m all yours… do me, baby.” She moaned, pulling his head over her naked breasts.

  The huge warrior obeyed her like a little lamb, taking a tender breast in each of his hands and alternatively kissing the throbbing buds. She stiffened and arched her back, gasping and moaning softly. Her hands trailed down the broad expanse of his back, feeling every densely muscled ridge and bump.

  “Talk to me, baby.” She purred. “Tell me how much you love me, how much you like my body…”

  “I adore you, sweet Julia.” Rogan whispered. “You are more comely than I had ever envisioned.”

  “Make love to me, Rogan.” Julia pleaded. “Do with me whatever you wish.”

  Rogan smiled at her, quashing the inner demons that plagued his mind for the time being. He stripped her completely naked and dropped the briefs he had taken up to wearing in this strange world. His arousal jutted out toward her, eliciting a gasp of admiration from the policewoman. A flash of fear crossed her wide eyes at the prospect of being impaled by his monstrous organ, but she quelled it. She wanted him more than anything she had ever in her young life. She had dated a few men before, but nothing made her feel the way being with Rogan did. She spread her legs wide inviting him in.

  Rogan explored her moist arousal with interest, tasting her sweet wetness on his fingers and smiling at her as she blushed. He knew that the two of them were more than ready to go all the way and there would be time for other games of love later on. He positioned his foot long organ, letting her guide it over the right spot. She screamed as he entered her, filling her up like she had never been before. Momentary pain gave way to eternal pleasure and Julia clung on to him like one possessed.

  “Rogan, oh, Rogan.” She wailed. “You’re more than I could ever dream of… the perfect man. I can’t believe I could ever be so lucky.”

  “I would say the same, my love.” He acknowledged her, thinking of himself to be even more fortunate to have found perfect love for the second time in his life.

  Julia gasped as he ground his thickness into her tight pussy, making her body feel sensations it never had before. She shook violently as her orgasm hit her, forcing her to cry out and claw at his back and buttocks. Rogan came alive , taking joy in the sensation of being in love again, his mind and body as one. He groaned out aloud as he released days of stress and anguish, letting his body levitate into a state of ethereal bliss.

  “Rogan… oh, baby…” Julia babbled incoherently. “Oh, this is so good.”

  Rogan held her tight, feeling her love juices gush all over him as he filled her with his seed. The union was almost as perfect as it always was with Alicia. Perhaps only marred by the little pang of guilt that ate away at him even as he strived to push his past life away and move on.

  “Oh, was it good for you too, baby.” Julia kissed him all over his grinning face as they lay in each other’s arms on his little bed.

  “I cannot remember a time I have had such a glorious union.” The warrior smiled down lovingly at her.

  “Well, that’s good… I think.” She smiled back. “And even if you had better, I’m glad you have no memory of it now.”

  “We are one, fair Julia.” He caressed her hair, gazing into her eyes. “I have accepted my fate and moved ahead in my new life… with you.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad.” She gushed. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my life, Rogan… and I think I won’t recover if I ever lose you.”

  “I swear, with my life.” Rogan said firmly, his fingers grasping the amulet in them. “I shall never leave your side.”

  Julia closed her eyes and held him tightly, feeling safe and warm in the huge man’s powerful embrace. She didn’t see the misty far away look in his green eyes or that he brought the glowing pendant to his lips and kissed it tenderly. She didn’t see his lips move, saying the name of his lost love.

  ~ ~ ~


  “That’s the eighth medal he’s earned in less than three weeks on the Force.” The Commissioner of Police Norman Holloway smiled wide. “You’ve got to be commended, Captain Foster, for recruiting and training such an inspiring officer as Rogan here.”

  “What can I say?” Foster grinned. “Rogan’s been a powerhouse from day one, all thanks to his mentor Officer Julianne Kincaid.”

  “Yes, of course.” Holloway smiled at the young policewoman as he pinned a medal on her breast pocket. “Officer Kincaid deserves this as much as anyone else.”

  “Why thank you, Commissioner.” Julia blushed. “It’s been a real honor working with Rogan.”

  “And thanks to you and Rogan here, crime in your precinct is down by sixty five percent.” The chief of police beamed. “Why, I’m tempted to reassign Rogan and you over at central. I’m sure you two would make us proud there too.”

  “That would be great, Norm.” Foster cut in. “But it’s early days yet and I won’t have you stealing my ace team away so soon.”

  “Don’t sweat it, old friend.” The Commissioner laughed as Foster led him away to the buffet table. “I’ll let you keep your ace team for the rest of the quarter.”

  “We’re the best, Rogan.” Julia squeezed the large man’s thickly muscled upper arm excitedly. “The best team this precinct has ever had. Can’t you feel all the green envy aimed at us?”

  “The only green I see are all the herb dressings on those rib-eye steaks beckoning to me.” Rogan rubbed his growling belly.

  “Then let’s have at them, Sir Rogan.” Julia laughed. “No mercy, no quarter.”

  “No matter how many times I see it, I’m never getting used to this man’s appetite.” Foster walked back towards the pair as Rogan heaped his platter with half a dozen slabs of succulent grilled beef steaks. “That tray would choke a Kodiak.”

  “And don’t forget the few gallons of beer.” Julia added with a snort. “He’ll eat as much as the rest of the precinct, if he can.”

  “Would you like to wager on that, fair Julia?” Rogan grinn
ed, sinking his teeth into the juicy meaty treat.

  “Not a chance.” Foster laughed. “We’ve both seen you eat and apart from fighting, it’s the only other thing no one’s going to bet against you on.”

  Julia laughed heartily along with the few men and women standing around them, and then watched Rogan enjoy his meal. Her eyes shone with love and admiration for this man she had known for the last four weeks. He had given a new meaning to her life. It didn’t matter that he was different from any other man she had known until then, his heart was pure and he really cared for her. She sighed deeply barely nibbling at the piece of fruit she had on her plate while her lover wolfed down his third beef steak.

  “Enough of stuffing your face, Ro… let’s go dancing.” She slapped his arm.

  “Your wish is my command.” He grinned and emptied another mug of beer. “I am every ready.”

  Julia grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. Everyone there knew by now that the pair was more than just partners in uniform. They had done little, if anything, to hide their affection for each other. The other dancers made way for the heroic duo and cheered as they took to the floor.

  For all his skills as an agile, volatile fighter, Rogan was a surprisingly awful dancer. His tight and explosive musculature was honed and perfected for combat and woeful underdeveloped for graceful movement. But he didn’t care if he had two left feet, and neither did his new love, Julia. The two of them shuffled around the dance floor with the others encouraging the duo on as Rogan tripped the light not so fantastic with Julia in his arms, lifting her high in celebration of their success and love for each other.

  “Oh, Rogan.” Julia exulted, waving her hands high. “These are the best days of my life. I’m so happy.”

  “As am I, my love.” Rogan smiled back, letting her back down on her feet and leading her to their seats by the window. “These last few days, I have lived life again as it should be lived.”

  “Come on, Rogan.” She whispered sultrily. “Let’s go to my apartment and take our celebration to a more meaningful level.”

  “As ever, my love.” The tall warrior grinned. “I am willing and able.”

  Julia laughed and let him lead her away from the bustling crowd of the annual policeman’s ball and out into the cool air of the night. They could barely keep their hands off each other in the cab ride back to her apartment. Rogan carried her inside, cradling her in his massive arms as she hugged his neck and kissed him all over the face. The bed creaked in protest as they fell on it, ripping the clothes off their backs and laughing into each other’s faces.

  The excitement of the evening and the anticipation of night had heightened Julia’s senses like never before. Over the past few weeks their lovemaking had grown in intensity, becoming more animalistic and physical. Julia enjoyed the natural freedom of letting her inhibitions go as Rogan brought out the woman in her to the full. She reveled at his touch, gentle at first and then more aggressive as their playfulness grew more serious. He made her base nature, her every natural instinct as a sexual being, come to the forefront. She had never craved so much for man in her life.

  Rogan was unlike any other man she had ever known. He was like something out of a fantasy. Like a character from a book written centuries ago. Pure, forthright and genuine, without the guile and misgivings of the few men she had been intimate with through her sporadic love life. She gave herself to him completely, letting him do as he wished and as she experienced his love for her explode inside her again, she had multiple releases, showering him with her satisfaction.

  Rogan rolled off her and lay on his back, his deep chest heaving and his breath coming in short gasps. She let the last throes of her orgasm ebb away before propping herself up on an elbow and gazing at him lovingly. He had his eyes closed and a slight smile of satisfaction on his face. She noticed the little pendant on his neck.It was glowing slightly. She had seen it before - a few times during their love making and didn’t really care much about it, but of late it had been bothering her. She couldn’t fathom why. He had never told her anything about it or why he constantly wore the pendant and she hadn’t asked him about it, but it did seem to nag her more and more with each passing day.

  “Oh, Rogan… I had the best time ever tonight.” She whispered, caressing his chest with her fingertips. “You’re such a fantastic lover.”

  “You make me so, my love.” Rogan whispered back, his eyes still closed.

  “Am I as good a lover to you, baby?” She asked gingerly, twirling the thick blonde hair around his neck with her fingers.

  “Your love gives me strength, Julia.” He smiled, looking deep into her eyes as she leaned over his face.

  “No, I mean… am I as satisfying to you as your lover… are you having as good sex as I am?” She watched him intently.

  “With certainty, my love.” Rogan nodded, tracing a fingertip over her lips. “Why do you ask so?”

  “I’m not sure… I must be paranoid or something.” She looked away. “I always seem to sense you’re expecting something more when we make love… I can’t explain it… some kind of feeling of inadequacy comes over me sometimes.”

  “I assure you, Julia, I am satisfied beyond my need with you.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  She grabbed his hand and pressed it close between her breasts. “I’m so afraid sometimes, Rogan - afraid that I’ll lose you. I get the feeling that you’ll soon remember everything and leave me… for the other woman that you love.”

  Rogan remained silent, his mind filling with images of Alicia and his heart getting heavier by the moment. He wished Julia would not be speaking of such things, but he knew being close to someone meant opening oneself up more than just physically, but emotionally and psychologically as well.

  “Does your silence affirm what I fear, Rogan?” Julia whispered hoarsely. “Tell me, baby… don’t let this insane fear of mine ruin it for us.”

  “Julia, for you I would bare my soul.” He said grimly. “But I fear the truth will pronounce me mad in your judgment… and it is far better we leave the past as it is.”

  “Ohmigod, Rogan.” She gasped. “Have you regained your memory? And you have chosen to stay with me instead?”

  “If it only were that simple, fair Julia.” He shook his head and sighed.

  “What? What ever do you mean by that?” Her eyes widened and she stared at him open-mouthed.

  “I thought never to have to say this to anyone, but I have grown too close to you to cause you any grief.” He said sadly. “I must tell you all, it would seem, to ease your mind… from the torment you have expressed.”

  “Yes, Rogan, tell me everything.” She pleaded. “I won’t judge you. I won’t even care if you’ve done the worst things ever.”

  “It is not what I did, but what was done to me,” he said, a slight glint of anger flashing across his eyes. “I have been cast away, fair Julia, cast away far from where I belong and forced to leave everything I had… even the love of my life.”

  “You’re an exile from your country?” She gasped. “From where… there still has to be some record.”

  “There are no records - no scrolls that any scribe has written in this time.” He took a deep breath, looking right into her watering eyes. “I have been cast away from Kirk Falls, four hundred years before this time.”

  “Wha… say that again?” Julia jerked back, a look of confusion blooming on her face.

  “As I feared, the truth will make a fairy tale look more viable.” He smiled sardonically. “It is the truth I speak, Julia… I am from the year 1585. A master of dark mystic arts banished me from my home and sent me here four hundred years in the future.”

  Julia sat in silence for a while. She didn’t know for how long. Staring blankly into the eyes of the man she loved. He let her remain that way for a while and then stood up, reaching for his clothes.

  “You may think me mad and I lay no blame on you to do so,” he said softly. “I would think the same had anyone s
poken of such insanity to me.”

  She kept staring at him blankly, her brow furrowed lightly and her lips twisted as if she were holding back an outburst. Her hands trembled as she wrung her fingers, red painted nails digging into her own smooth skin.

  “If you so require, I will take my leave. I pray that you forgive me, Julia.” He sighed, turning away from her. “I will trouble you no longer.”


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