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Mafia Romance Series

Page 15

by Smanta Howard

  Ray noticed there was something different about Belinda. She seemed jumpy, almost as if she was afraid of something. He noticed that she already had dinner on the table and she had lit candles that put off a romantic glow. Suddenly he was famished, and couldn’t wait to eat.

  Belinda was just about shaking in her boots. How is Ray going to react to finding out he is going to be a father? She was soon going to find out. She didn’t feel like she could go through the evening before telling him. As it turned out, Ray made the decision for her when he opened the bottle of wine and started to pour her a glass.

  “Don’t pour one for me,” Belinda said.

  “Why not? Don’t you like this kind,” Ray asked.

  “Oh, I like it just fine. But it will be a while before I can drink it,” she said.

  Ray was totally confused. He had never seen Belinda turn down good wine. And what did she mean by it would be a while before she can drink it?

  “I don’t really know how to tell you this, so I guess I just need to spit it out. I had a doctor’s appointment this week and while I was there I learned that I am pregnant,” she said.

  The room was totally quiet and Belinda didn’t know whether to bolt and run or stay and wait for Ray’s reaction.

  “Ray say something, please. I know you wasn’t expecting this, but neither was I. Kids were not in my plans for the immediate future. If my calculations are correct, I got pregnant the first night we spent together.”

  Ray felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He had felt that Belinda was probably the woman he would want to spend the rest of his life with, but he wasn’t planning on moving this fast. They were still getting to know each other and were having a lot of fun doing it. Now they were going to have to make some decisions about what they wanted their future to look like, and a baby wasn’t going to wait for them to decide. Ready or not, babies had a habit of being born on time.

  “Have you decided what you want to do,” Ray asked.

  “I don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I do know that I want to have this baby. I can’t imagine getting an abortion, and I can’t imagine giving it up for adoption, so I guess I will be making an appointment with an OBGYN and get started on prenatal care. I have to do everything I can to keep this baby healthy,” she said.

  “Well, I am not going to let you go through this alone. This is my baby too, and I want to be involved in everything that comes with it, right down to going with you to the doctor whenever possible.”

  Belinda thought of her experience with the doctor earlier in the week, and didn’t think she could stand it if Ray was in the room while the doctor poked and prodded at her private parts. She had never been to an OBGYN before, but she assumed they would probably want to do their own exam to determine if mother and baby are healthy.

  “Why don’t we just go ahead and enjoy our evening. There is no need to worry about what is to come. Babies are a big deal, but we will face this together. I would never even think about deserting my own child. We still have some time to decide exactly what we want to do,” he said.

  In spite of everything, Belinda did enjoy her evening with Ray. The dinner was delicious and she always enjoyed his company. He had a way of making her calm when she would otherwise be falling apart. She was somewhat relieved that he had not turned and ran when he found out about the pregnancy, but he wasn’t exactly overjoyed either.

  Ray did not make love to Belinda that night, but it wasn’t because he didn’t want her. Now that he knew that she was carrying his child, he wanted to find out from a doctor if it was safe. He had never had any experience in dealing with a pregnant woman, and he just wanted to keep both mother and baby safe.

  Belinda made another doctor’s appointment to get started on her prenatal care. She had confided to her roommate that she was pregnant and asked for suggestions for an OBGYN. Her roommate recommended The Bailey Clinic in North Chicago. They had a great reputation and had been in practice for many years. When she told Ray about the appointment, he insisted on going with her. She tried her best to talk him out of it, but he refused, saying that he was going to be involved through every step of this pregnancy.

  Again Belinda found herself sitting on the edge of an examining table with nothing on but a gown that was open in the back, and a sheet to wrap around her. This time Ray was sitting in the chair on the other side of the room. Belinda didn’t know how she was going to get through the exam with Ray there, but he insisted.

  Ray sensed that Belinda was probably embarrassed by this process, but he knew that he wanted to experience everything with this pregnancy. He got up and walked over to Belinda and took her hand.

  “Please, don’t worry about this, and don’t be afraid. I am here with you and if you want I will stand right here beside you and hold your hand. I just want to share this whole experience with you,” he said.

  Belinda heard a knock on the door and was relieved when she looked up and found the OBGYN was a woman. Dr. Jensen introduced herself and held her hand out to Ray.

  “So, is this the baby’s father,” Dr. Jensen asked?

  “Yes mam, my name is Ray Porchelli. I have told Belinda that I want to be involved in every process of this pregnancy. I insisted on coming with her to this appointment,” Ray said.

  “Well, I think it is great when the father wants to get involved this early in the game. Most men want to skip everything except showing up on the day of the birth. You are very fortunate Belinda,” Dr. Jensen said.

  Dr. Jenson’s exam was much more thorough than her previous exam, but Dr. Jenson assured her that both she and the baby were doing well. She advised Belinda to start taking prenatal vitamins and make an appointment to return in a month.

  “Dr. Jenson, does making love pose any harm to the baby,” Ray asked.

  Belinda could feel the color rising in her cheeks.

  “There is absolutely no reason for you to abstain from sexual relations just because Belinda is pregnant. Many women feel comfortable with continuing relations right up until the time of birth, but that will be Belinda’s choice. She will know when she no longer feels comfortable. Staying in shape and trying to keep her weight gain under control will help her get through the pregnancy much easier,” Dr. Benson said.

  Ray was satisfied that Belinda and the baby were doing well, and he was relieved to learn they could continue with their lovemaking. His plans were to help Belinda get through this pregnancy on her back as much as possible. He reached his hand down and checked his pockets to make sure the ring was still there. He had decided that he wanted to marry Belinda and build a home for her and the baby. He had planned on asking her to get married a few months down the road, but nature changed his plans and told him that now was the time. If they planned a quick wedding perhaps Belinda would still feel like enjoying a honeymoon in the Bahamas. Ray had not yet talked to his dad, but he was sure that he and Belinda could take advantage of the family jet to take them on their honeymoon.

  Chapter 6

  Ashley smiled at the changes that were happening in her family. The family was growing, but it was also changing. Her two children had both found the person they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with, and both were planning on getting married. Ray had the greatest urgency. He had told both his parents that Belinda was pregnant. Ashley and Davio were going to be grandparents. That was still sinking in for Ashley. She always expected her kids to get married and have their own family, but it was all happening so fast. Before long it would just be her and Davio living in this huge house all alone. It had been 24 years since she and Davio had this place to themselves. But in the meantime, she had agreed to help her children plan their weddings.

  Belinda and Ray had decided they wanted to have their wedding at the big house because they wanted to have a lot of guests. Jasmine had graciously agreed, looking forward to bringing some life back to the place. The Spencers were delighted to have their daughter marrying Ray. The two families had done business for years, and th
is union was welcomed by both sides. Belinda was familiar with Ashley’s reputation as a superior interior decorator and she asked Ashley for her help choosing a nursery. Ashley couldn’t wait to get started. It had been a while since she had to opportunity to work in a nursery, and this one would be very special.

  Jenna was also demanding a lot of her mother’s time. She had already picked out her dress because she worked at the premier bridal store in the country, but there was so much more to do. She and Marty had chosen to get married in the sitting room of her parent’s home because they wanted to keep thing on a much smaller scale. Ashley reflected on her two children and realized that Ray was very much like his father, while Jenna was very much like her. Ray was a social person who had many friends and he enjoyed being a part of the crowd. Jenna was quiet and reserved, preferring to spend time alone with Marty instead of being the center of attention. The next few months were going to be very interesting for Ashley.


  It had been three months since Belinda’s wedding, and she found herself with her legs up in stirrups and feeling like she was being torn in two. When she found out that she was having twins she was excited, but right now she cursed the day she ever let Ray touch her. When the pain took over her body she screamed every curse word she could think of, trying her best to squeeze his hand hard enough to crush the bones. The pains were coming quickly and she finally felt that she had to push. She grabbed the rails of the bed and pushed as hard as she could, all the while screaming at the top of her lungs. Finally, she felt the first baby slide from her body. She watched as the doctor held up the baby for Ray to cut the cord. For just a minute she was totally focused on her beautiful daughter who was telling the world that she had arrived.

  Belinda only had a few minutes to enjoy her daughter before the horrible pain started again. She was so tired, and she just didn’t think she could do it again this soon. But there is one thing about babies, once they start coming, there is no stopping them. Fortunately, the second baby didn’t take very long. Her son was born exactly 30 minutes later, screaming every bit as loud as his big sister.


  Jenna and had been married for a month, and the honeymoon was still going on. She and Marty were so happy and they neither seemed to get enough of the other one. Her mom had just called and told her the twins had arrived, and that all were doing well. Jenna couldn’t wait until Marty got home so they could go see them.

  Later, when they were standing at the nursery admiring the newest members of the Porchelli family, they were both glad they had chosen to wait a while before trying for children. Their marriage was so young and they had so much they wanted to do before starting a family. The twins were cute as buttons, and Jenna was going to love spoiling them, but she was glad they belonged to her brother.


  Ashley and Davio spent the evening alone at their dining table. Their children had lives of their own now and Ashley was thankful that they were both happy. But now what would she do?

  Davio seemed to read Ashley’s thoughts. She was feeling a little lonely now that the house was empty. He supposed that it was different for the mother, but he was actually looking forward to getting some alone time with Ashley. She was just as beautiful now as she was on the day he married her. He stood up from the table and held his hand out for her to take it. As usual, she did what Davio wanted. She was a little surprised when he headed toward the basement apartment.

  As soon as they reached the downstairs basement, Davio started taking off Ashley’s clothes. He still desired this woman just as much as he did the first tie he made love to her. Her body had matured over the years, but it only added to her beauty.

  Ashley stood naked before Davio, allowing him to adore her body with his eyes. She slowly walked over to the bed and stretched out on her back. She still enjoyed feeling Davio bury himself deep inside her, but she also enjoyed all of the little things he does to get her excited. She voluntarily spread her legs to allow Davio access to her womanhood. She closed her eyes and waited for his hot mouth to do its magic and bring her to the very brink of desire. She had learned over the years that placing a pillow under her hips gave Davio better access to all of her jewels. She lifted her hips and placed the pillow beneath her just before her body exploded in pleasure.

  << The End >>


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  Free Full Length Story

  Biker Love


  Meri Kee has spent a sheltered life. Her parents had always provided her with everything she needed, but that life had been shattered when Meri’s dad was killed in Afghanistan. Meri and her mother grew close after her father’s death. Meri was glad that her mom had just completed her education to become a nurse practitioner. They would need the extra income, especially since Meri had her heart set on going to college and becoming a registered nurse. She had never really been interested in boys because she didn’t want anything to interfere with her career plans. Of course, Meri knew about the birds and the bees, but she didn’t know the first thing about passion. She had plans to save herself for marriage, and that was going to be after she had passion of her state nursing license.

  Daniel Turner was ruggedly handsome, but had a bit of a reputation. His weekend hobby was riding his Harley Heritage Softtail with the group of friends he had known for several years. They often spent the weekend on the road, stopping at various bars and spending nights in motels along the way. Biking was his freedom. Throughout the week he was the lead investigator for the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department. Memphis had a high crime rate, and Daniel’s tough treatment of the perpetrators gained him a bit of a reputation. His weekend rides helped Daniel clear his mind after an aggravating week chasing criminals. Often women would throw themselves at him while he was out on the road. Women seemed to be attracted to rugged men on motorcycles, and even though they knew they would probably never meet again, they offered their bodies for a night of pleasure. Daniel was happy with this life until he met his forbidden stepsister. Meri aroused things in him he had never experienced before. Would she be the one who finally stole his heart and broke the heart of all those willing women along the road?

  …The Story begins…

  Chapter 1

  Meri Kee was excited! She had just been accepted at Memphis State University. It was one of the few medical colleges in Tennessee and she couldn’t wait to get started. She had known for the last few years that she wanted to follow her mother’s footsteps into the medical field, but the death of her father in Afghanistan during her senior year almost derailed everything.

  Meri and her mother had been devastated when the news came of her father’s death. Her mother, Amanda had decided to return to college and complete her education to become a nurse practitioner while her husband had been deployed. She made good money over the last 10 years as a registered nurse, but the Army allowed her to continue her education while her husband was active. She thought it would be a smart move to take advantage of what was being offered to her. Her 10 years of nursing experience went a long way in helping her achieve her goals. There were plenty of experiences along the way that helped Amanda learn more and more about the medical profession. She had discovered that helping people to feel better was a great comfort to her. Because she loved her job so much, she was like a sponge soaking up all the knowledge she could. She would have been content to spend the rest of her life as a registered nurse, but when her husband had been deployed, she was lonely at home without him. Meri was still in high school, and was involved in a lot of high school activities. Wh
en the opportunity came up to allow Amanda to keep working while continuing her education, she jumped on it.

  Amanda had just completed her advanced studies when she got word of her husband’s death. She remembered the day like it was yesterday. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and she and Meri were at home doing their usual Saturday morning chores. Amanda heard the doorbell ring while she was upstairs cleaning one of the bathrooms. She ran down the stairs to open the front door. Her heart sank when she saw the Army Chaplain and two guards standing there. She had heard stories of others who had received visits like this, and they usually did not end well.

  Amanda invited the men to come into the house. She called for Meri to join them once they were seated in the living room. The Chaplain started out with his usual, “I am so sorry to have to deliver this news to you.” She sat there in disbelief while she listened to the Chaplain tell her about her husband’s death. His platoon had been traveling the roadways of Afghanistan when his jeep ran over a bobby-trapped landmine. The following explosion killed all that were in the jeep with him.


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