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Pearl's Possession (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 10

by Lee Savino

  I groaned. "So full."

  Orion was at my mouth again, then leaving to take his turn in my ass. I grunted as his long prick speared me, but I was stretched and ready. I almost hated the way a cock felt in my ass—hated and craved it.

  Samson finished deep inside me and I hurtled over the edge, more stimulated than I'd ever been in my life.

  Brock took his turn in my mouth. He and Orion sawed in and out of me, finding a smooth rhythm. More hands brushed my breasts and sides.

  "You're so beautiful, lass. We love watching ye move between us," Brock whispered.

  "Next time, we will make you kneel down and service us, and we will paint your body with our seed," Orion said. "Would you like that, Pearl?" The thought made me weak, and, as long fingers flicked my overstimulated clit, I started shaking.

  The men sped up their motions. By the time they'd sated themselves, I was a hot, sweaty mess. Cum trickled out of my pussy and ass. My whole body felt deliciously sore. I flopped onto the bed, smiling, but so tired.

  The last thing I heard was Brock chuckling. "She needs a bath."

  Chapter Six

  After that, bath times became a regular occurrence. My men loved it when I fussed over them, and I felt it was a minor triumph.

  I didn't know why I was suddenly on this quest to learn more about them. The craving I had for them when they were my regulars at the Petticoat had deepened, and I wanted to know them. Truly know them. I needed connection. Perhaps it was my way of balancing out the secrets between us.

  My husbands all reveled in the attention. Growing up in an orphanage, they did not have the chance to be cared for as they should have been. And they all needed different things from me. It took me a while, but I finally discovered this, and set out trying to understand and decipher the differences between them.

  I started with Samson, knowing it would be easy to connect with him. My gentle giant wanted nothing more than to touch and be touched.

  One night, after sitting with all my men, I whispered to him to meet me in my bedroom. A few seconds later I bid everyone goodnight and he stood and followed.

  "Turning in so soon, brother?" Brock asked.

  "Our wife wants me." I heard the pride in my gentle giant's voice.

  Once inside the bedroom, I undressed and let him brush my hair. The long, meditative strokes led to kissing, kissing led to touching. Pushing his shoulders gently, I lay him down and worshiped his large body. Bidding him lie still, I started by stroking his hair, nibbling his earlobes, and then letting my hair wash over his muscular form. I used my fingers, tongue, and breasts to caress the muscles of his massive chest, massaging his arms, working my way down between his legs. After I sucked him down, he bade me lie down so he could give me the same pleasure.

  "So soft," he whispered, marveling at my body. He licked and kissed every inch of me, enjoying my gasps of need or bliss. When he finally entered me, I was so primed I shattered into orgasm.

  We lay close together, our bodies still molded together, lips touching softly.

  "Thank you," I whispered.

  He lay a big hand alongside my face, looking at me with almost a fierce expression.


  "I'm glad you're with us, Pearl. I love how you care for us."

  Turning my face, I kissed his palm and he relaxed. "It's my pleasure, love." Thinking of Orion's comment, I laughed. "I suppose I was mothering you all a little."

  "I wouldn't know," he said shyly. "I never had a mother."

  Tucking my face close to his, I held his gaze. "Tell me."

  "I've always been large, even when I was in the womb. They say my mother stretched and swelled around me; she couldn't walk at the end. When it was time, she labored for days, finally dying. They cut me out."

  His hand still rested against my cheek and I covered it in mine. "I'm sorry, my love. Is that how you ended up at the orphanage?"

  "After my mother died, I was sent to live with my aunt. She also died in childbirth. The baby would've been her tenth."

  "And then they sent you."

  "My uncle could not handle another child."

  My heart ached for the little boy, now a grown man, who lived with the knowledge that his mother had died bearing him.

  "If your mother could see you today, she'd be so proud of you."

  His eyes widened.

  "I've never met a man who's so kind and gentle with womenfolk. You're the strongest but also the sweetest man I know. You took the burden of your mother's death, and it made you tender."

  He said nothing, but stared into my eyes. Reaching out, I laid a palm against his beating heart.

  "I'm glad to be your wife, and get the benefit. I trust you with my whole heart, when I never thought I could trust anyone again. And for that, and your care, I'll love you my whole life."

  His hand tangled with mine, and then he pulled me close, holding me tight. "Pearl." Was all he said.

  Tears pricked my eyes, and I knew a few of his fell on the top of my head.

  We held each other a long, long time.

  * * *

  Glowing with that first success, I turned my attention to the rest of my men. Samson I could love with my sweetness and caresses, but what did Cash need from me? Kisses and caresses were welcome, but he soon set me aside and went about his work. We saw each other often because most days he stayed in the house, doing sums and making plans for the ranch.

  Which is how he caught me one morning, when all the rest of the men had left. Jonas had teased me before he plugged me, and left me hot and ready. Unable to concentrate on my sweeping, I lay on my bed and slipped my fingers under my skirts to rub my little nubbin.

  "Pearl," Cash called from the door. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm sorry," I stammered, flushing because I'd been caught. One of the other men might tease and then join me, but not my stern master.

  "Do you really need us so badly you can't wait? Perhaps you need more chores." Taking a rope, he brought me into his office and bade me kneel on the carpet. He tied my ankles together, and hands to each other with enough slack to move, then set me to polishing the tackle he was repairing.

  Still full of desire, I squirmed and sighed until he went and got the wooden spoon. I'd found that common household implement stung worse than anything when he used it on my ass. Cash gave me a look as he laid the innocuous object on his desk, and from then on I was quiet. I finished the work and sat pouting.

  "Do you know how to sew or knit?"

  I hesitated, but I did.

  With a triumphant look, he walked out, and returned with a lumpy sack and dumped the contents on the floor. I stared at the pile of shirts and socks.

  Going to his shelf, he took down needle and thread.

  "Get to work."

  My mornings were set after that. After cleaning, I sat and sewed. With five men wearing out their clothes, it was all I could do to keep up. I didn't mind though; it was a new game where I was rewarded and punished as a dutiful wife. The first rule was clear—Cash said if he caught me pleasuring myself without one of the men, he'd punish me. I agreed when I saw the playful gleam in his eye.

  For my sewing, usually I sat in a chair or outside, but once he came by and saw me daydreaming with the needle idle in my lap.

  "Bored? I can think of a few interesting ways to pass the time."

  My pulse quickened at the thought of his games.

  With the rest of the men out of the house, he had me strip naked in his office and tied my legs apart and attached each ankle to the legs of the chair. He also bound my breasts with rope. Arms free, I sat and darned socks, in his line of sight. Every once in awhile, he would come by, reading an almanac or a sum, and absently stroke my breast. The casual touch drove me mad.

  For lunch, he unbound my breasts and tied my arms instead, then fed me by hand. Noticing my intense arousal, his hand sometimes dipped between my legs, delivering the barest touch just to tease.

  "Having fun, Pearl?"

was so filled with desire, I could barely speak.

  He crouched in front of the chair, thumbing my little pearl while his dark eyes held mine. "This is why we married you. So responsive. So willing to give over every part of yourself. Cum for me, wife," he commanded, and I spasmed in my bonds.

  When I came down from my orgasm, I begged to suck him off, to please him, anything to show my gratitude.

  He leaned on the desk and waited until my blabbering died away. "Maybe later," he said, exercising his perfect control. "When my brothers are here."

  I apologized to him and he looked surprised. "I did not mean to leave them out, sir. I just want you now."

  "I know, Pearl. You never have to apologize for your honesty. The truth is, I want you too." His tented trousers were enough evidence of that.

  "Are you afraid your brothers are jealous of us spending so much time alone together?"

  "Jealous? I have not heard that they are jealous. There is no need." He shrugged.

  "Most men wouldn't want to share one woman. And even if they did, I would think that they'd fight to make sure they were getting an equal share."

  "You make us men sound like children." As he untied me, his fingers lingered on my breasts and I gave him a pointed look. He laughed. "Perhaps we do act like boys sometimes, but don't worry about causing division between us. I would never be jealous of my brothers receiving pleasure, and even if I felt some, it would serve no purpose. After all I have but to ask and my own needs will be met." Releasing my ankles, he massaged my legs a little to get rid of the faint lines. He was always careful not to bind me too hard.

  "What do you need from me?" I asked boldly.

  He looked puzzled at the question. "Nothing more than you already give. I enjoy having you as my wife."

  "Yes, but what do you enjoy most?"

  "I like watching you with my brothers and seeing how you hold nothing back. It also pleases me when you do things for me."

  He left it at that, but I had an idea. If the little tasks I did were ways of serving him, perhaps a few more would prove my love.

  I surprised him one day with his boots, polishing them until they shone. He looked delighted.

  "Thank you, Pearl. You didn't have to do that."

  "I know." I beamed at him. "I wanted to."

  From then on, I knew what he needed. He seemed to love my submission, and the way I served him.

  The next night I requested he sleep with me in the bed. I arose that morning early, before him. He'd spanked and made love to me the night before, and I wished to show him how much it meant to me.

  Moving quietly so as not to wake the others, I made coffee and returned with a tray of food and drink. I set it on a chair before finishing my other preparations.

  When he woke soon after, he found me kneeling beside the bed. I'd found the rope and wore it loosely around my neck, binding my hands.

  "Good morning, sir," I said softly.


  I took the coffee and offered it to him. "Here." He took it, but still looked at me quizzically. "I want to serve you." I told him, and understanding widened his dark eyes.

  "Sit with me." Taking the rope, he looped it around me, and bound my body expertly. He lashed my breasts up, high and tight enough that every breath would stimulate them, and then secured a rope between my legs, drawing it up tight between my pussy lips. My arms were tied behind me in one stiff line, and then he finished off with a rope around my neck.

  "Stand there, while I finish my breakfast." I did, and let him look at me, enjoying the sight of the ropes crisscrossing my body.

  "I laid out your clothes and polished your boots, sir."

  "Go bring me my shirt," he ordered.

  I walked slowly, the crotch strap rubbing between my legs. To reach his clothes, I had to turn and bend my knees, bringing him his shirt with my free fingers.

  "Now my trousers."

  Slowly I made the trek while he watched and drank his coffee.

  When I returned, he checked the ropes. "Too tight?"

  "No, sir."

  "Good." His hand caressed my face. "I enjoy seeing you submit to me."

  Turning, I knelt carefully, then bent as far as the crotch strap would allow, and kissed his hand.

  He petted me for a moment, and then ordered with a sly smile. "Now my socks and boots."

  I went to follow his order to discover I didn't know how to collect all of them. Finally, I got the socks in one hand. Kneeling, I took the boot laces in my teeth, and carried my load back to my master, my face flushed with humiliation.

  "Good girl, Pearl." He stood and pointed to the floor and I knelt. "Face down, arms up." I obeyed and he undid a few of my bindings, but left the crotch strap. The smooth rope slid in the wetness between my legs.

  "Dress me," he ordered, and I worked as his valet, cheeks still burning at how he'd humbled me.

  When he was dressed, he tested the ropes again.

  "Did you like serving me?"

  Biting my lip, I nodded.

  He raised a brow.

  "Yes, sir," I amended.

  "Good girl. Take your reward." He tugged on the crotch strap, sliding it over my ready clit. I stiffened and swayed as I came. He caught me in his arms and laid me on the bed.

  "This is what I love. How you give yourself over to me."

  He took advantage of my satiated state to retie me, kneeling on the bed, thighs lashed to calves, breasts still wrapped, and hands bound behind my back. He tipped me face down on the bed, making sure I turned my head so I could breathe, then left and flung open the bedroom door. "Pearl wants her husbands this morning."

  By the sound of their cursing, Orion and Jonas nearly spent themselves just at the sight of me.

  "Is this what you learn in those books of yours?" Brock asked, running his hand over the ropes and my flesh.

  "I need to learn to read," Orion muttered.

  "Does it hurt her?" Samson looked concerned.

  "It doesn't hurt," I assured him.

  "On the contrary," Brock said, slipping his fingers into my wet center. "She's excited.

  They tipped me forward and had their way in my cunt, ass, and mouth until they were spent. Cash was last, and he untied me and cleaned me up.

  To my surprise, he pulled me into bed and lay beside me, fully clothed, and cuddled me. Usually my Cash was more reserved.

  "This is what we wanted, Pearl. To enjoy you."

  "I enjoy you too."

  "The time we spent at the orphanage was so hard, we didn't think we'd know anything else. We banded together to fight back against our tormentors, but also our loneliness." I held my breath, feeling it was the first time he had shared. After a pause, he kissed my forehead. "We will never be lonely as long as we have you."

  I felt a pang, but pushed the painful thought from me. Before I left them, I would know that I'd done my best to heal them.

  * * *

  My next breakthrough came with Brock. My big Scot liked narrating all the dirty things the men did to my body, so on our night alone, I attempted to vocalize more.

  "I love your cock inside me," I told him shyly, and watched his hazel eyes heat. "Pull my nipples to make me ride you faster."

  He did and as I sped up, the wet slapping of our bodies together grew more pronounced. "I'm so wet for you. Do you hear that? My cunny is soaked."

  "Oh, lass," he groaned, getting close.

  "I want you, Brock. I want your cum deep inside of me."

  Afterward, he held me, his big hands stroking up and down my back.

  "Did you like that?"

  "I did, lass." Cupping my chin, he kissed me, then groaned. "Oh, Pearl. You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I could spend a lifetime looking at you."

  "I feel the same way about you." My hand rubbed the stubble on his cheek. "I love you."

  His eyes widened for a moment and he didn't speak. I wondered if I had crossed a line. As much as the men loved to coddle and care for me, it was hard f
or them to accept the same. And yet they craved my tender touch, my gentleness. There had been so little of it in their life.

  The next day, I was working in the garden and rose to go into the barn for a hoe. A shadow fell across my path, and a dark form pulled me into an empty stall. I gasped and then realized it was Brock drawing me close.

  "Say it again, lass," he breathed.

  It took me a moment but I finally understood. Putting my hands on either side of his face, I looked deep into his eyes. "I love you, Brock."

  He kissed me and I melted into him, enjoying the desperate, needy pull of his lips. We sank into the hay, our mouths locked together. A few minutes later, my cries filled the barn.

  We left holding hands, and from then on, our small, shared touches and secret glances had deeper meaning. Every night I took him to my bed, I whispered my love for him. Sometimes his big body shook as if I'd touched the core of him.

  I felt supreme satisfaction knowing I'd touched the heart of one of my men. I was determined to connect the same way with the rest.

  "I love you," I told Orion one night we were together.

  "I love you too," he smiled at me, but my words didn't seem to have the same force. The next day, I spent the afternoon sweeping out the great room, and looked up to see Orion in the door.

  "Where have you been?" His forehead was creased with dismay. "I've been out in the garden, waiting for you." He seemed almost angry, so I apologized and put my broom away. It seemed such a simple thing—to work with him side by side, but it made him so happy. I made sure I didn't miss our shared work in the garden again. One day I asked if he would take me riding on his morning chores, and he lit up with delight.

  I packed a picnic lunch, and all day we rode together, checking on the fences they'd built for their horses, even riding to the far reaches of the cattle herd. He talked non-stop, pointing out how they rotated the fields, and planted some with grain for hay that would last the winter. I hung on around his waist, and the horse's movement and constant rubbing against the lean, muscled blond had me hot for him by the time we stopped for lunch. Spreading the blanket in a thatch of trees by the stream, I knelt and undid his placket.


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