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Prince of Stone (Imperia)

Page 11

by Gena Showalter

  He dared not hope. “Prove it. Give me the statue. You never should have taken him from me. Never should have denied me my vengeance.”

  “I will give you anything…except that.” A shudder nearly rocked her off her feet. “Never that.”

  “Curse you!”

  At last, she met his gaze. He pierced her with the full force of his fury, but she continued to hold his stare with a proud tilt of her chin. “Jorlan is my son, just as you are, and I would not see him suffer for my sins.”

  For his most hated enemy to receive such words of devotion…it cut deeper than a double-edged talon. “By sending him to another world, you punished me. Does it please you to see me suffer?”

  “I cherish your happiness, just as I cherish his. I cannot allow you to sentence your brother to a life of imprisonment.” A dark angel amid white sands, she sank to her knees and scooped a handful, letting the grains sift between her fingers. Tears rained upon the crystal grains, creating mud. “Had I the power to break his curse, I would have done so instead of sending him away.”

  Percen’s nostrils flared. Throughout his childhood, he had prayed for this woman’s attention, had craved it with every fiber of his being. But she had not returned for him. Not one time.

  He supposed he shouldn’t blame Alana for abandoning him among her people. What mother could adore a son so hideous to gaze upon? He knew his scarred, haggard exterior was, at times, too much to bear.

  ’Twas another reason he despised Jorlan so passionately. His brother possessed the beauty and strength of a warrior. A brawny, handsome giant who felled his enemies with a masterful skill few possessed. Jorlan received praise for his every action; Percen received rebukes.

  “He is your family, Percen,” she said softly. “Set aside your animosity and free him.”

  “He is my greatest foe, Mother. I will find him and I will bring him back on my own. He will spend the rest of his eternity only able to watch me as I destroy everything he’s built.”

  She hung her head as if ashamed. “You need a mate.” Absently, she scooped another handful of sand. “Someone to heal the hurts within you.”

  “What woman would have me?” He laughed, the sound harsh and bitter in his ears. “What woman would have a man whose skin is marred with so many scars and his body twisted and bent?”

  She answered without hesitation. “What does appearance matter? You have the potential to be a wonderful man, if only you change course.”

  “You lecture me about potential? You, who dared to—”

  “Do not say it.” She jerked up her chin. “Do not voice your next words.”

  “You mean do not dare to speak of your sins for all the Druinn to hear? I know what you did, Mother. I know what you did to the mortals—”

  “Percen,” she barked, once again cutting him off. She stood, her spine ramrod straight. “That is enough.”

  Aye. Enough—for now. When the perfect opportunity presented itself, then. That moment. He would tell everyone.

  He lifted his head to gaze at the heavens. Twin moons glowed, casting beams of violet light. The third moon was hidden by clouds. Why could life not be simple? A man lived, loved and died. No more, no less. Instead, he lived, he suffered and he continued suffering.

  “I will keep your secrets,” he said, “if you tell me where you sent Jorlan.”

  Her eyelids fluttered close, as if she prayed for patience. “I sent him far away where a loving maiden will one day set him free.”

  “No, Mother.” Percen slammed his fist against his palm. “You condemned him to a more painful death. Because, if some lovely maid does free him, I will kill her while he watches.”

  She studied his features, shadows dancing in her irises. “How can you be this way?” she asked gently. “You are using your own hurts as an excuse to hurt others.”

  “You are right. I am hurting others due to my own hurts. And I’m not finished. Mayhap I’ll use the stone spell…on you.”

  Aye. Oh, aye. As stone, she would not hurt him with words. Could not leave him alone and destitute. Could not choose Jorlan over him once again.

  The color drained from her cheeks as she backed away. “Percen, do not do this.” When she clasped the amulet around her neck, intending to portal to another plane, he curled and waved his fingers to release a stream of magic, stopping her.

  His powers far exceeded hers, all because she’d left him with the Druinn. “I will give you time to think about your past actions and choices. Mayhap then you will begin to understand the damage you have caused.”

  Panic glazed her features. “Percen—”

  “Just remember,” he interjected with a grin. “’Tis I, and I alone, who has the power to free you from this spell. One of life’s greatest ironies, I suppose—the same person who has harmed you is the very one who can save you.”

  Tremors shook her. “Percen—”

  “Be silent!” Not allowing himself to consider the ramifications, he held out his hand and summoned his scepter. The weapon appeared in his grip. He lifted it high in the air, the jeweled hilt glistening in the moonlight, casting shafts of colored light onto the sand.

  “Flesh and blood thou may be,” he intoned, focusing his energy onto his mother, “but stone is all eyes shall see.”

  “Do not do this,” she rushed out, her tone laced with horror.

  He shut his ears to her pleas. Had she listened to his pleas all those spans ago? Nay. She had been eager to leave him. Scowling, he finished the curse. “Cold as marble, hard as rock, with this curse I thee lock. The Stone Queen you shall forever be, until my life’s blood sets you free.”

  Wind burst forth, as if a prince of darkness had huffed and puffed to blow the Druinn temple down. Because there was no roof, he saw every lightning strike that erupted in the sky before crashing the sands. Bit by bit, Alana’s flesh hardened into silver stone. There. ’Twas done. A beautiful stone enchantress.

  Her expression seemed to proclaim: You are my greatest disappointment.

  I know, Mother. I know.

  He did not feel the ease of suffering he’d expected. Nay, he felt a new tide of shame, now mixed with sorrow and regret. For so long, he’d yearned for this woman’s love. Now, after this? He would never get it.

  Sometimes sacrifices had to be made.

  His shoulders slumped. Overhead, storm clouds gathered, stars slowly disappeared. A roll of thunder echoed. It was almost as if his emotions had changed the weather.

  “Time passes differently from one world to the next,” he told his mother. “One day has passed in Imperia, but how many days have passed for Jorlan? Was he ever freed? Was the curse fully broken? Either way, I will bring him home. If need be, I will curse him again. He will spend eternity at your side. Just the way you wished, eh?”

  Leaving Imperia, even for a short time, was not wise for sorcerers like Percen. He drew the bulk of his power from the land itself. What’s more, he knew something dark hovered just over the horizon. Something the citizens were not prepared to face. He did not know what it was, a war, mayhap, but he knew many lives would be lost soon.

  Even still, he would leave. His vengeance meant more than the safety of his world.

  Raindrops fell, gently at first, but gaining in intensity. Droplets ran down his mother’s cheeks like tears.

  Percen dropped to his knees and pressed his forehead against her midriff, wishing she could wrap her arms around him.

  “Do not worry, Mother. You will not be alone for long. I will search the galaxies, if need be, and I will find him. Then, I will bring him back to you.” Broken and destroyed. “You have my word.”


  WHILE KATIE MANEUVERED the enchanted transportation along winding roads, Jorlan fought the urge to whisper sweet, seductive somethings in her ear. Sunlight streamed through the window to paint her in a golden glow. Her pale locks appeared as soft and smooth as silk. He found his curiosity about her life, her hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes, was just as stro
ng as his lust.

  “What kind of male did you prefer before my arrival?” he asked. As soon as he spoke, he wished to snatch back his words. The thought of her with another male caused a dark, primitive blaze of jealousy-tinged possessiveness to uncurl deep inside him.

  She shifted in her seat and tightened her grip on the wheel. “That’s a difficult question to answer.”

  “It is difficult to describe appearances and personality traits?”

  Another shift. “Well, I never liked any of them enough. If that makes any sense.”

  Aye, it made sense. It also doused the blaze. “You have never been in love.”

  “Never. What about you? And what were your dates like?”

  “I was in love only once, but I was a foolish youth who did not see past the woman’s pretty face.” But not even Maylyn had affected him as strongly as Katie.

  He’d thought of Maylyn often, but not constantly. He’d wanted her, but not obsessively. His emotions for her had been as gentle as their lovemaking. Afterward, he’d entertained no urge to cherish her, or share anything more than his bed. Katie never left his mind. He wanted to cherish her. And ravish her. Hard. He felt anything but gentle. Nay, he wished to dominate her.

  Own her.

  He simply had to have her. Her lips were so sweet, her scent so delectable and her body a perfect fit for his.

  If he’d had the time, he thought he would have taken things as slowly as she preferred. Thought he would have waited forever to have her—however long she required. But he couldn’t take things slowly, and he couldn’t wait.

  He could have a right-now with her, or he could have a forever without her.

  Only a fool would choose now over long term.

  Or, perhaps his mindset needed adjusting? Perhaps only a fool would choose long term over the present, as no one was ever guaranteed a tomorrow.

  “To be honest,” he said, “I never took the time to get to know the women I wanted.”

  “Because their place was in your bed, and not your life?”

  “Such was my mindset, aye.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I crave more.” Everything she had to give? “You mentioned having brothers.”

  “Yep. I have five, and they are all older than me. They are rough, crude, sometimes rude, but they’ve always got my back, and I love them dearly. What about you?”

  “I have one brother. He is older than me as well as the one who cursed me into stone.”

  “Ouch. That’ll certainly make family barbecues interesting, though, huh?”

  Barbecues? “We were still lads when our father died in battle. Our mother soon remarried. She took me to her new home, but left Percen behind to train with the Druinn. From then on, he wanted nothing to do with me.”

  “I’m sorry. That sucks.”

  “To this day, he does not understand that he got the better end of the bargain. Our mother’s new family was not kind.” Whippings had been the norm. Until Jorlan started fighting back.

  To his shock, and delight, she reached over to pat his hand. “I lost my mother at a young age, too, and I’m sorry for your pain.”

  “I…thank you.” He liked this. Liked sharing his life and learning more about hers. Liked the give-and-take. Liked knowing someone understood him. Truly a first.

  They reached their destination: the house with the garden. The only home he’d known for centuries. He both missed it and despised it.

  Katie parked in front of the home, emerged, and he followed suit. The sun heated the land to a boil. Sweat beaded all over him, quickly dampening his clothes.

  They rushed to the porch and entered the much cooler domicile side by side.

  When he caught himself staring at Katie as she gathered certain tools, he realized he had work of his own to do. Not on the house, but himself. If he did not rid himself of his fascination with her, he would experience one of two fates.

  1.He returned to stone, and had to watch her live her life without him.

  2.He returned home, free of the curse, and had to live without her.

  Wait. There was a third and fourth possibility.

  3.He returned to stone, and she left him, wherever he happened to be.

  4.He returned home, and took Katie with him.

  Despite the chill in the air, he began to sweat more profusely. Katie…in Imperia… Would she agree to leave her family behind? Probably not, and he couldn’t blame her. Would his people accept her? Again, probably not. They would expect her to act as other females, keeping her head bowed, her eyes downcast, never speaking unless spoken to. A fate worse than death for one such as Katie.

  Now he had only to figure out which fate he desired.

  * * *

  KATIE SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED drop-kicking herself. Again and again today, she’d softened toward Jorlan. So much so she’d decided to throw caution to the wind and kiss the air from his lungs.

  He’d been so charming. So interested in her life. He’d experienced highs, and he’d experienced lows. For both, she’d wanted to hug him close and never let go.

  Finally, she allowed herself to dissect the kiss. Not fully. Not yet. That would come later, when she was alone. For now, she let herself consider the end result.

  Drumroll please…

  Five gold stars! Expert skill (of course). Amazingly soft lips. And out-of-this-world taste! As sweet as cotton candy.

  Her body had ached so desperately, she’d considered shoving him into a shadowed corner, ripping off their clothes and gifting him with her virginity.

  Thank goodness they’d stopped! She never should have kissed him in the first place. If you didn’t take the first hit, you wouldn’t crave the drug; it was as simple as that.

  But she had taken that first hit. She knew he could make her feel good. No, great. No, amazing. She yearned for more.

  “What thoughts roll through your mind, katya? You seem out of sorts.” Jorlan leaned his massive frame against the wall and crossed his arms.

  Heat scorched her cheeks. “Oh, uh…nothing.” Truth! Right this second, her thoughts revolved around nothing but panic.

  He straightened, intrigued, and closed the distance. When he stood before her, he clasped a lock of her air and brushed the strands against her lips. “Now I really must know.”

  Shivers plagued her. “I just…I like this new side of you.” He’d shown her kindness and consideration, he’d displayed curiosity about her life, and he’d respected her wishes anytime she’d voiced a want, even when he’d hoped for something different.

  His gaze locked with hers, and a long, protracted moment passed in silence, the air around them crackling with electricity.

  She stayed exactly as she was, afraid to sever the tentative bond that was growing between them, but also afraid not to sever it. She didn’t know which would be better for her, couldn’t think straight.

  Her cell phone beeped, shattering the moment. Jorlan stiffened and stepped back, then clasped his hands together, brisk and formal, as if they’d never shared such an intimate moment.

  She checked the screen and pursed her lips. The battery needed to be charged. Of course.

  “What labor would you have me do?” Jorlan asked. “I am eager to begin.”

  “And I’m eager to watch you.” Crap! What an admission to make. An admission he hopefully did not understand…even though his eyelids had just dipped to half-mast. “I mean, yep, I’m ready to work, too. Let’s see, let’s see. Oh! I know. I will lo—like you forever if you move the large rocks that line the edge of the driveway to the back fence. It’s a tedious and backbreaking chore, and I hate to ask you to do it—okay, that’s a lie. I love asking you to do it because it means I won’t have to do it later. Sorry.” She shrugged, all, What are you gonna do?

  The blue depths of his eyes seemed to ripple like the surface of an ocean, whenever a rock skipped over the surface. “It will be my pleasure to do this for you, katya.” He strode to the door, purring his next words. “I’m certai
n it will be your pleasure to watch me.”

  With the teasing taunt lingering in the air, Katie found herself alone.


  Just like that, her lungs opened up and she sucked in a mouthful of air. Until this moment, she hadn’t realized she’d held her breath as he’d exited, already mesmerized by his fluid grace. And yeah, okay, his butt. What? That thing was a work of art.

  I’m in trouble, aren’t I?

  She sank onto a pile of floor tiles, rested her chin upon her upraised knees and finally let herself relive their kiss in all its shining glory. Gah! How had she gone from not thinking about it, to pondering the end result, to performing a mental autopsy?

  Did the answer really matter? Her brain chanted, Kiss, kiss, kiss!

  With a sigh, Katie let her thoughts descend into her memory gutter. No, gutter wasn’t the right word. Her memory playhouse? Yeah. Better.

  When Jorlan had wrapped his arms around her waist, his sandalwood scent seducing her senses, she hadn’t wanted to run, as she’d done before. A shocker. She’d wanted to feel and touch him…wanted him to feel and touch her, too. And oh, how he had touched her.

  He’d stroked his tongue against hers, sending scalding heat through every inch of her. The world had faded to black, her awareness centered on Jorlan, and only Jorlan. Desire had coiled deep in her belly, tightened her nipples and pooled between her legs. She’d been completely lost for him. Lost, as if she no longer existed as a separate being. She’d reveled in every moment and hungered for more. More of the glorious sensations, the consuming ache, the unwavering need. Her every cell had come alive, each nerve ending aching for a climax.

  She’d been kissed before. Of course she’d been kissed. For some reason she didn’t want to ponder, this one had been different from any of the others and far more than a simple meeting of lips. This had struck her as a communion of souls, as if the chemistry had been exactly right for the first time ever.

  If a kiss had affected her so strongly, how much more would sex affect her?

  I’m going to sleep with him, aren’t I?

  No longer could she deny the inevitable. If she continued to resist him, she would spend the rest of her days wondering about what could have been. Besides, she’d played things safe with Jorlan so far and look where that had gotten her. Frustrated and unsure. Confused. Needy. Desperate. Why not experience the ultimate pleasure while she had the chance?


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