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Conquered by the Commander

Page 3

by Pippa Greathouse

  Arabella straightened, trying to breathe, in the tightened corset. "If we are lucky, he will believe we perished in the pirate attack. Word of such disasters often travels fast, according to my dear Gregory." Talking was a bit more challenging now that her lungs were compressed for the sake of fashion.

  "Corsets are instruments of torture," Chloe remarked, looking up from her book.

  Dress pulled firmly in place, Arabella turned to look at them. "I believe it. How do I look?"

  "Breathtaking, as always."

  It was hard to believe the two had once been adversaries. Lily had come to depend on her dear new friend in the last few weeks. "What do you think, Bella? Are you sure I should wear this dress? The color doesn't wash out my face?"

  "If you saw the expression on Lord Darby's face whenever he sees you in it, you wouldn't ask such a question, Lady Lily." Bella giggled over Lily's new title.

  Lily laughed. "All the way across the Atlantic, I resented you because you were 'titled'. And now that I have a title, you, dear Bella, don't resent me at all. I hope to be more like you, someday."

  But Gregory's voice from the doorway brought them all back to the present when he stuck his head into the cabin. Lily, Chloe, and Bella all turned to see him.

  "Hurry, my love. There is to be a carriage waiting for us in a few moments. Mercer has gone to fetch them."

  "I'm coming, Gregory. Don't fret." She watched him disappear and turned back. "Chloe, are you sure you won't come with us?"

  Chloe held up her copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. "No, ma'am, but thank you. I'm going to read the book you bought me."

  The captain spoke again, but Lily didn't hear him. She was busy giving herself a final glance in the mirror. She couldn't believe they were actually going to see the wretched Mr. Picou, after all this time.

  "Perhaps we'd better hurry off to meet our husbands." Bella laughed. "I so enjoy teasing Gregory when he's unable to take me to task for it. Ready?"

  "I'll be there soon. I must stop by the cabin first." Lily waited until Bella left and then kissed Chloe on the cheek and ran around the starboard side cabin that she and the commander shared. Her husband reached the cabin just as she did and greeted her with a deep kiss. "You look beautiful tonight, my love." Taking her hand, he led Lily to the side where the captain was introducing Bella to a strange man. As she approached, she heard the captain explaining to Bella that he was an investigator for an insurance company.

  Darby led her toward him. With a big smile, he introduced her as the former Miss Lily Collingwood, who was now "Lady Darby".

  "Charmed, sir." Lily gave a slight curtsy, exchanging glances with Arabella.

  "I don't understand." Arabella glanced curiously up toward her husband.

  Carlson bowed. "Ah, but I do. And what I see deserves some further investigation into the affairs of Mr. Claude Picou. It seems there have been some dealings with privateers recently that are quite suspicious. I'm sure your husbands would like to know that he took out an insurance policy on both of you ladies before you were due to leave England."

  Lily heard Arabella's gasp and stared at him in disbelief. "On us?"

  He nodded and repeated, "On both of you. I suppose each of you will go down and greet him, and I'd love to escort you. I must say, I can't wait to observe his face."

  Gregory's scowl was mutinous. "You may escort the ladies down, but the commander and I will be following behind each of them quite closely. That's the only way we will allow it. That must be understood."

  Carlson nodded eagerly. "Of course." He held out an arm to Lily. "Lady Darby?"

  Lily was fretting. What would Picou do when he realized he'd not only lost a bride but a mistress, as well? Was he armed? She hoped there would be no trouble. She turned to Arabella and asked, "Bella? Would you like to go down first?"

  Arabella's eyes left her husband's. "I'll wait, Lily," she said softly. "Gregory and I have a perfect view from up here."

  She leaned over and kissed Bella's cheek. "Thank you, my friend." She tucked her hand into Carlson's offered arm and slowly started down, glancing back to make sure Darby was following closely behind. She heaved a sigh of relief when she studied his protective stance. He refused to allow her to get more than a foot and a half ahead of him.

  But they were about three steps down, when Gregory stopped them. "Wait. Carlson? The policies Picou took out on Arabella and Lillianna. How much were they for?"

  Carlson turned back. "Two hundred fifty thousand American dollars. Each."

  The glances the commander and the captain exchanged blazed with fire. "Bloody bastard," they both growled at once.

  "And you might also like to know this," Carlson added. "He attempted to insure the Charlotte, as well. But when I assured him that any payment would go to the owner of the ship, he withdrew the offer. I do hope, however, that you had her insured."

  Lily turned back to look over her shoulder at her husband. Like the captain's, his jaw was pulsing. She could tell he was furious. Then she glanced down at Mr. Picou, who was waiting on the dock.

  "I can't fathom what I ever saw in Claude Picou," she affirmed. "Next to my Darby, he is the devil himself."

  Darby attempted to hide a grin. But as he drew closer, he could see half a dozen men surrounding Picou, watching as Lily came slowly down the plank. At first, Picou's face fell. He was perhaps disappointed that the woman he'd paid to have killed had survived? Darby's jaw clenched.

  Picou's recovery was quick, however. He moved forward and rushed the last few inches to greet her, reaching to take her white, silk gloved hand and raising it to his lips. Turning back toward his friends, he appeared to flash an arrogant smile. "I am so glad you managed to survive, my beautiful Lily. I declare, the lovely shade of your dress makes your eyes fairly sparkle."

  "Do you like it, Mr. Picou?" Lily replied. "I must admit; I didn't select it myself. I worried the color might wash out my eyes." With a delightful laugh, she turned to take his arm. "My husband was quite insistent that it would be fetching on me, and he was so sweet not to balk at the cost. It's made from pure silk, you see."

  Darby, behind her, worked at keeping his face straight. He watched the shock play across Picou's face and caught the shaking of Lily's shoulders. She was barely avoiding giving in to a fit of laughter.

  "Your…" Picou's voice sounded suddenly dry "…husband?" His mouth dropped open, and his friends started chuckling.

  "Oh, how rude of me," Lily continued. "I forgot to provide the proper introductions. Claude Picou, may I present my husband, Lord Darby? We just call him Earl, though, as he is soon to be the Earl of Darbyshire."

  "Darby, my dear," he quickly corrected her.

  Mr. Carlson spoke up. "As Lady Darby is both alive and well, I take this opportunity to tell you the claim you've submitted is null. I shall submit this to the board as I understand they are doing some investigation into your affairs."

  Darby stared down Claude Picou, no sign of his general smile showing. "My wife will not be taking on the position as your 'secretary' as you said in your letter, Picou. She is a lady and well above any position you might care to offer her. Good day, sir."

  Lily's eyes had moistened at his declaration. She threw her arms around her husband and murmured, "I love you," into his ear. Smiling, he kissed her forehead and led her toward the waiting carriage where they could observe the coming confrontation with Bella and Gregory.

  He lifted her by the waist into the carriage. But Lily's first move was to climb up on her knees and face the back so she could see. He grinned and smacked her bottom.

  "Ow!" she protested.

  "A fine lady you make, brat. That was quite a show you put on."

  "He deserved it. Shh! I want to hear what happens!"

  He turned in the carriage seat, so he could both see and hear better, giving Lily a wink. Picou was still standing with a baffled expression on his face, while Arabella began to make her way down the plank. Behind her, Gregory stayed close.

/>   The laughs were heard clearly as Picou's friends mocked him for bragging about having his mistress arriving. One man pointed out the obvious. "And you thought the wife of an earl would settle for being your mistress? You were boasting again, Picou. Admit it."

  His nose rose in the air. "Did you notice the name on the ship? It's called the Arabella, after my intended. She was truly beautiful, sweet in disposition and virginal as new fallen snow. Even in death, she inspires such devotion, the captain christened his new ship after her."

  Lily's sharp intake of breath earned her a chastisement from her husband. "You should never have made me promise not to punch him, my love."

  But Lily was still glaring in Picou's direction. At least she got some satisfaction in watching his expression in the coming moments. He stood frozen as he stared, speechless, at the bride he'd assumed was dead.

  "Look at him; he's such a bastard."

  A hard swat landed on her bottom, and she flinched, rubbing it.

  "Language, Lillianna?" His deep voice sounded his displeasure. But when she turned to study him, his eyes were crinkling with mirth.

  "Well, that's what you called him." She frowned.

  "So I did. And I shouldn't have, in your presence."

  Once again, however, Picou had lost the attention of his friends. They were no longer looking at him. The eyes of the men behind him were fixed on Arabella as she continued downward, her elegant and soft blue gown flowing gently in the breeze along with the ribbons on her bonnet. The other men began to say among themselves that Picou was truly lucky to have won such a prize.

  Lily glanced at her husband. "You are correct, Lord Darby. I should have let you punch the bloody bastard," Lily announced, wincing as another swat landed. "I'm sorry, but it wounds me to see the pain of betrayal on Bella's face."

  She watched in fascination as her friend faced down the man who had betrayed them both. Arabella walked away, head held high when the confrontation was over. It was not fair for the cad to walk away without punishment. Turning to her new protector, Lily bid him to do something. Erupting like a miniature volcano, she seethed, "Look, Charles—Darby—whatever the hell I'm to call you. You must go and punch him in the face immediately. Someone has to go and defend her honor."

  He couldn't help but laugh, ignoring her language this time. "Relax, my love. I've taken care of it. And may I remind you, it was you who begged me not to resort to violence."

  The other couple left Picou on the dock and walked to meet their carriage. Instead of joining them, the captain helped his wife inside. "Arabella, I have some unfinished business with him. That's all. I need to return the fare for Lily's voyage. Stay here, young lady." He turned on his heel, leaving her there.

  "Don't forget our agreement, Gregory." The commander gave his friend a wicked smile.

  "I trust you will take care of the women until I return," the captain threw back.

  Arabella climbed up on her knees in the seat next to Lily, who scooted over. Darby put a hand about his bride's waist and pulled her nearer to make room. He grinned. They both resembled little girls on a buggy ride who wanted to see what went on behind them.

  "What do you suppose is going on?" Lily asked in a whispered tone.

  "Heaven knows," Bella answered. "Mr. Picou seems quite alarmed."

  "Maybe the captain is going to break his nose?" Lily offered, with Darby grinning next to her.

  Both ladies turned to frown at him before watching the unfolding scene again. "I am afraid Lord Darby is quite correct. If there is anything I know about my new husband, it is that he has a strong sense of what is acceptable and what is just not done. Maybe if they were alone, with no witnesses, he might give Mr. Picou a stern talking to. But with the crewmen from all these vessels watching…"

  Lily looked up. Bella was right. Not only were crewmen leaning over the side of their ships, people were stopping in the street to watch the captain and Picou.

  "Darby was of a mind to deck the bastard," Lily confided, earning herself another firm smack on the backside. "Ouch," she groused, turning to him. "Sir, you are a titled man. Do mind your manners!"

  "I'll stop smacking you when you learn to watch your mouth, Lillianna. I keep thinking you'll learn."

  With a withering glance, she turned away. "By the by, I had to make my husband promise not to attack the man. Strange, but he evidently agreed." She turned her head to study her husband. "For a man who is not given to change his mind when it's made up, why did you do it this time?"

  "Because you appeared quite distressed, my love. I sought only to make you happy." He winked at her, all but admitting trickery was a foot.

  She eyed him suspiciously. "Did you hire men to administer justice after we leave?" Lily demanded. "I will be most put out if you spent your money for that and I don't get to see it."

  "Bloodthirsty little beast, aren't you? But no. I did not hire strange men to administer justice." He smiled.

  "My Gregory just said he was returning the cost for your trip aboard the Charlotte," Bella interrupted. Lily turned back to watch.

  "Darby? Did you pay for my passage?" Lily asked but did not face him, lest she miss another moment of the drama. "Do you know how much of my wardrobe we could have replaced with that sum, sir?"

  "I believe I've taken care of that, Lillianna. Don't worry."

  But the scene on the dock was heating up now. Picou had just given an aloof shrug and snatched the envelope from the captain's hand. Gregory's smile was dangerous, his eyes glittering.

  "Oh no," Bella whispered. "I know that face."

  A moment later, the captain's fist plowed into Picou's face.

  Shocked, Picou stumbled backward and stared, his hand raised to his jaw. Bella shrieked with alarm; Lily, however, gave a gleeful shout.

  "Cheers, Captain," Darby murmured softly, reaching out to make sure neither lady attempted to exit the carriage. "Stay put, you two." Then he grinned at Lily. "As promised, my love," he said to her. "I did not lay a hand on Picou, nor did I hire thugs to do so. I paid Gregory to do it for me."

  As they watched, Gregory's smile increased, but he was speaking through clenched teeth as he said, "The commander was not as forgiving, however. That was for Lady Darby."

  Lily sighed and leaned down to give her husband a kiss on the cheek. "You've restored my honor, sir," she whispered with delight.

  Then, the captain suddenly turned back again and punched even harder, hitting Picou on the left this time. Shaking his fist as if to get the feeling to return, he adopted an even bigger smile. "Perhaps," he said, cocking his head. "I'm not as forgiving as I first assumed, either. That one was for my wife."

  Bella sighed with content. She knew she should have been appalled by her husband's brutality, but instead, she had a feeling of satisfaction. Justice had been done.

  Picou's eyes were large, now, as he stood there, rubbing both sides of his face.

  Gregory, turning away again, got a few feet toward the carriage before he paused again and turned back to the frozen Picou. A third smash of Gregory's fist into his face sent Picou crashing to the ground.

  Gregory stood, a wide grin on his face, looking down at him. "I must admit; I feel much better now. That one, you bloody bastard…" he said gleefully "…was for my ship." He turned toward the carriage, flashing his wife a huge grin and saying over his shoulder, "And if the underwriter's investigation comes back as I'm sure it will, I'll send you a bill, and you'll have the opportunity to purchase me a new one. Don't doubt me."

  Mimicking the two women, Darby gave a dramatic sigh. "Now, we can return to England knowing justice has been served. Shall we sample some of the local cuisine, ladies?"

  Setting sail for home…

  Lily snuggled into her husband as he prepared to leave the cabin.

  "We're about to leave for home, sweetheart. I'll be busy today, and I want you to behave. What are your plans for this morning?"

  "Bella and Chloe are going to begin teaching me how to be a lady."
/>   A wide grin crossed his face, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Hmm. Listen to them. I may test you on it later."

  She sighed, and Darby leaned down and patted her bottom.

  "You think I'm kidding, my girl?"

  "I think it's hopeless."

  He threw back his head in laughter. "Don't give up so soon. I have faith in you."

  Another kiss, this time to her mouth, and he was gone.

  Lily glanced at herself one last time in the mirror and strolled out onto the deck. The ship hadn't launched yet, and she moved toward the stern to look for Bella or Chloe.

  Bella was already out, leaning portside over the Arabella and watching the dock as the men were loading the last of the cargo Gregory had arranged for. He was not far off and was going over his lists, deep in concentration.

  "Oh! Good morning, Lily. Chloe is still in the cabin reading, with instructions to relax this morning. I hope the seas are calm today." Bella glanced at her husband, who, upon hearing her voice, returned a wink and a grin.

  Lily laughed. "Remember our trip here, when things were so unsettled?"

  Bella's face was rueful. "Yes. How could I forget it? It wasn't just us. It was the ocean."

  "And the stowaways and the disappearance of the food. And the fact that the captain hated the idea of having women on the ship. But now look at him." Lily was grinning. "I don't think I've ever seen a man so contented."

  Arabella's face was wistful. "Oh, I hope so. I still have this nagging worry that he married me out of a sense of duty, just to protect me from Mr. Picou." She nodded toward the commander, who was on his way to see Gregory. "The commander, now, that man is in love."


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