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Home Temptation: Volume 3 (Taboo Erotica Book Bundle)

Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  “Because it’s okay if you were,” she said, continuing. “I just saw you with you big thing out like that, and figured…”

  “Yeah mom, I was,” said Jared. He felt himself going to very strange place in his mind. He wanted his mom to know, and found himself being glad that she saw him. “I do that, sometimes, when I need to.”

  “I know, I mean, I know that guys do that,” his mom said. “You’re a big boy now. It’s just something that you do.”

  There was another silence, and Jared was pretty sure that his mom was glancing down at his still erect penis. Her cheeks blushed red again, and then she smiled.

  “I’m going to go finish up with breakfast, sweetie,” she said to him

  “Thanks mom,”

  Rachel stepped closer to him and pulled him into a hug. He hesitated at first, and then wrapped his arms around her in response. Her tits felt amazingly soft against his chest, and Jared found himself wondering what they would feel like to cup in his hands and grope. His cock was rock hard, even harder than it had been when he was watching the video. It pushed against his mother’s stomach. He pulled her closer against him and felt his cock slide up and lie flat against her body.

  “I love you, sweetie,” Rachel whispered to him.

  “I love you too, mom,” he said back to her.

  They continued hugging. It seemed like the embrace went on for ages before they finally parted. His mom smiled at him, and then left his room. Jared took a minute to breath and tried to calm his lower half down.

  He headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Rachel turned towards him and beamed as he walked over, as if the entire incident upstairs had ever happened. He sat down at the kitchen table and looked at his mom, who was busy frying eggs on the stove.

  “What’s for breakfast?” he asked her.

  “Eggs and toast, as usual,” his mom said. “But I’m also going to cook you up some bacon, to send you off right for your camping trip.”

  Jared frowned, remembering the phone call from earlier.

  “I’m not even sure if I’m going to go, at this point,” he said. “Christie dropped out at the last second…”

  “Well can’t you find someone else to go with?” Rachel asked him, her voice full of motherly concern.

  “I honestly can’t think of anyone else,” he said. “The tent is tiny and it would suck having to share it with another guy, and Christie would flip out if I went camping with another girl.”

  “What about me?” his mom asked.

  Jared stared at her, dumbfounded.

  “I wouldn’t mind sharing a tent with you, and I have this weekend off from work,” she said.

  “When have you ever gone camping before, mom?” he asked her, in disbelief.

  “I used to go all the time when I was younger,” she said. “Before you came along, that is.”

  “I’m not talking about a camp ground, I’m heading deep into the state park,” said Jared. It was true, he had been planning remote camping trip for a while now, and wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about his mom taking the place of his girlfriend.

  “Oh come on, it will be fun,” she said. “And I don’t think Christie will mind if me and you share a tent together, will she?”

  Jared was silent for a moment. It wasn’t the worst idea he had ever heard. There was no way he would have a good time if he just went by himself, and having to call it off would also be incredibly lame.

  “Alright mom, let’s do it,” he said to her.

  “Yay! I’m so happy!”

  The two of them talked about the camping set up as they ate breakfast. Jared had found a spot that was incredibly remote, off the regular road by quite a ways. They would have to hike out there with all of their stuff. It was near a river and had a great view of the surrounding valley.

  “What do I need to bring with me?” Rachel asked him after he finished outlining the trip.

  “Just a single change of clothes. Maybe a swim suit, so we can get in the water,”

  “My only one has a rip in it from the trip I took with your Aunt Sandy,” said Rachel. “I might just have to wear my bra and panties. That wouldn’t be too inappropriate, would it?”

  Jared’s cock throbbed as he pictured his mom in just her bra and panties. He was starting to get excited for the trip, in a very weird way. He also found himself wishing that he had actually managed to get himself to completion when he had been masturbating earlier that morning.

  “Yeah mom, that would be fine,” he said. Part of him was screaming the exact opposite. It won’t be fine, if she’s just in her bra and panties. It won’t be fine, at all.

  “Great! Let me go pack my stuff!” Rachel said, clearing her plate and heading up to her room.

  A half hour later, the two of them met up in the living room and were ready to go. Rachel had chosen to wear a light tank top with a long sleeve plaid shirt over it, showing off her ample cleavage. Along with that she wore a small, tight pair of denim cutoffs. Jared had to do a double take as she walked out the front door.

  “I’m glad we’re going to be at a remote campsite, otherwise there would be a hoard of guys ogling you,” he said to her with a laugh. He was only half joking. His mom was looking incredibly sexy, and he felt his cock throbbing as he looked at her.

  “Oh stop it, you tease,” Rachel said, smiling and obviously enjoying the attention.

  Jared helped carry his mom’s stuff into the back of his truck, and then the two of them climbed in and set out for the wilderness. The spot that he had chosen was about a 90 minute drive away.

  “Do you want to listen to anything in particular, honey?” she asked him as she played with the radio tuner.

  “You can throw on whatever mom, I don’t mind,” he said.

  Rachel found a talk radio station, and they listened to it as they went. The drive was relatively straight forward. As they got closer to the camp, the roads began to get bumpier and much less maintained.

  “Wow, just how far out is it?” his mom asked him.

  “Like I said, it’s remote,” he replied, smiling. “Here, there’s a spot where we are going to park up ahead.”

  The beaten dirt road that they were on had a small side area for cars and Jared pulled into it. They were far from anything that could be considered civilization now, with the last town they passed through being a half hour back, and only consisting of a small general store and a couple of houses.

  “We’ll have to carry everything from this point on, Mom,” he said to her.

  “Is it all that far of a hike from here?” she asked.

  Jared looked off, down the path that led into the woods.

  “Not too far,” he said. “We’ll only be on the path for the first couple of minutes. After that, we’ll be trail blazing.”

  The two of them pulled all of the camping equipment off of the truck. Rachel carried her own bag and some cooking supplies. Jared had loaded the lion’s share of the equipment onto his back, and carried the tent, the grill, and everything else they needed.

  “Oh wow, you’re so strong,” Rachel said to him, teasingly. “I guess I know who to call on if I get attacked by a bear,”

  “You should be more worried about being attacked by me!” Jared yelled with a laugh, pinching her butt. She yelped, and slapped his hand, her face blushing bright red. He felt like he’d forgotten for a moment that she was his mom, in his friskiness. He hoped that he could keep himself from doing it again on their trip, or things could get really hard for them.

  The two of them started off into the woods. The path was carpeted in vegetation and foliage, with the occasional exposed tree root cutting across. Jared and his mom made their way to the switch off point relatively quickly.

  “It’s right here mom,” he said, pulling back tree branches to make her a path forward.

  “Thanks,” she said. She walked off the trail and then waited for him bring his load through.

  He kept leading them further into the woods until they reached
a small clearing next to a river.

  “This is it,” he announced to her happily.

  “Wow, this is a really scenic spot,” she said.

  “Yeah, I know,” he said, looking over the area. “I scouted it out with Christie a couple weeks ago. She wanted to be close to the river so that we could spend some time swimming.”

  Jared was blue for a moment, remembering how his girlfriend had ditched out on him earlier. His mom watched his face intently, and then put her hand on his shoulder.

  “How about we go swimming?” she asked him, hopefully.

  “Yeah sure,” he said. “I have to set up the basic campsite first though.”

  “I’ll help you, just do what you will with me,” replied his mom.

  Jared started by setting down a tarp on top of the grass for the tent, while his mom unpacked some of their food supplies. The area was not especially active when it came to scavenging animals, but they were playing it safe, just in case, and keeping everything in a sealed cooler about two dozen yards away from their actual campsite.

  Once the grass had been flattened and the tarp had been laid, Jared set about constructing the tent. Even though it was on the small side, getting the poles through the fasteners on the material was still pretty tricky. Rachel came over after setting down some pots to help.

  “Like this?” she asked him, trying to secure one of the pole ends against the tent fabric. She was bent over, and Jared couldn’t help but notice that the low cut nature of her shirt made her cleavage readily visible for anyone that wanted to look. In this case, it was him, though guiltily so. He felt bad, but looking at his mom’s tits made his cock more than a little excited.

  “Yeah mom, just shake it a little bit,” he said. “You know, just to make sure it’s in completely.”

  Rachel followed his instructions and began shaking the rod. It also caused other things to shake, namely, her breasts that were already so alluring to him. They were on the verge of popping right out of her shirt and being exposed to him completely, in illicit glory, when she finally managed to complete the task.

  “Great job, mom,” he said feeling more than slightly disappointed.

  After they finished popping the tent, next task was to set up the fire pit. Jared set aside several rocks for his mom to arrange into a circle, and then began exploring the nearby woods for wood and kindling. It had been an unusually dry year, and it was easy to find more than enough firewood. He carried it back in bundles, and began building it up in a way that would be primed for a spark later on when they were ready to start it. When he finished it, he walked over to the tent and began to unzip the door flap.

  “Just a second!” cried his mom. He could just barely see her silhouette through the opaque material of the screen. She appeared to be bent over and changing outfits. His dick felt a little funny when he realized it.

  “What are you doing mom?” he asked, playing dumb. He continued slowly unzipping the door flap. The knowledge that his mother was on the other side of the screen, at least partially naked, made him feel like sneaking a devious, sinful peak. His cock throbbed at the possibility.

  “I’m just trying to find something to swim in,” she said. “None of my bras seem like they would work all that well…”

  “Why not?” asked Jared. “I mean, it’s just me and you, we could always just skinny dip, you know, if we had to,”

  “Ha-ha, very funny,” replied Rachel. “They all seem like they would be a little, well, revealing if they got wet.”

  Jared began to picture his mother in a tight, wet bra, with the color and outline of her nipples poking through freely, and felt another guilty rush of sexual desire pass over him. He shook his head and tried to banish the thought. This would be a very long and hard trip if he didn’t manage to get his sinful urges under control.

  “Nevermind, I think I found one,” she said after another minute.

  “That’s great mom,” he said, his voice sounding like the exact opposite of his words.

  After a couple more minutes, Rachel finally made her way out of the tent. Jared’s jaw almost dropped when he saw her. She was dressed in a light blue lace silk and pantie combo. The bra looked like it was a little too small for her and her breasts seemed to be mashed together by the tightness of the strap. The fabric of the panties seemed almost like it was glued to the contours of her buttocks, and between that and the massive amount of cleavage spilling out, Jared had to fight with his lower half to keep from blatantly checking her out.

  “Wow, you look amazing mom!” he said to her. It was true. Rachel looked as though she would be right at home in the pages of sports illustrated, or more appropriately, a lingerie catalogue or busty glamour photo blog.

  “Thanks honey,” she said. “I haven’t worn this bra since high school. It’s actually a little too tight now, but it’s the only I have that I could imagine swimming in.”

  Jared headed into the tent and quickly changed into his swim suit. Seeing his mom like that had made his dick partially hard. He spent a moment or two trying to find a way to discretely hide it, before giving up and climbing out of the tent with a rather obvious bulge coming out of his crotch.

  “Let’s do it, mom!” he said to her.


  The river was relatively slow flowing, and when they tested the water they found that it was quite warm and inviting. They began to wade their way out, feeling the sticky mud ooze between their toes.

  “Oh, I’m so glad I got to come out with you today, Jared,” she said to him. “Thanks for letting me,”

  “No problem mom,” he said. He laughed, and then without warning, splashed his mother lightly with water. She cried from the shock of the cold, and then glared at him playfully.

  “You are a brat!” She yelled, splashing him back.

  “Okay, now that was a declaration of war!” Jared said. A water fight began between the two, with both of them soaking the other thoroughly. Jared couldn’t help but notice that his mother’s bra was becoming somewhat see-through as it began to collect water. It was incredibly hot to him for some reason, and he didn’t point it out to her, fearing that she might decide that swimming wasn’t the best activity for the day if he did.

  “You’ve got no hope against me, Jared,” his mom yelled to him, laughing. “I’m the queen of splash fights!”

  She had drawn closer now, within arm’s reach. Her tits looked phenomenal. The bra had already pushed them together in a way that was seductive on its own, but all of the water dripping down her chest only served to bring the effect to the next level.

  “What you haven’t realized mom is that I play by my own rules!” Jared stepped closer to Rachel and scooped her up over his shoulder. She laughed and began to playfully swat him on the back as he did. Her tits pressed against his back, and he could feel his cock starting to harden.

  “Put me down this instant, the water queen commands you!” his mom yelled to him, laughing.

  “Alright!” Jared said. He flipped her over his shoulder, dropping her into the water behind him. She landed with a satisfying splash. As he was turning around to face her, he felt a sharp pull on his waistband. Rachel had pulled down his swimming trunks, as a joke. His semi hard cock had popped free of the fabric, adding an unexpectedly illicit and erotic element to the gag.

  “Hey, no fair!” He said, reaching down for his swimming trunks.

  “Just so you know, I don’t play by the rules either,” his mom had an incredibly pleased smile on her face.

  The look that Jared saw in her eyes made him want revenge. Instead of pulling up his shorts, he stepped out of them and quickly lunged at her. Before Rachel could react, he had reached his arm around her back and unhooked her bra. It fell down into the water in an almost comic fashion, allowing her huge, perfect breasts to spill out, totally exposed. Her pink nipples were hard from the cold, and Jared felt his cock quickly spring up to a fully erect state as he looked at her.

  “You brat,” she said, still smil
ing. It felt like a line had been crossed, but the game was still on. Rachel tried futilely to cup both of her breasts with one of her arm, and moved forward, attempting to tickle him with the other.

  “Is that really wise, mom?” Jared said to her, responding back by tickling her underwater with both of his hands. His cock seemed like it was being pulled towards her, almost as though some type of strong magnetic force was pulling it. And he couldn’t take his eyes off his mom’s tits. He felt bad for staring, but they seemed to almost defy gravity for their size, and hung with a perfection that was incredibly pleasing to his eyes and lower half.

  His mom was giggling like a school girl, and soon, her efforts to maintain her modesty were discarded as she began tickling him with both hands. A couple of times, her hands passed dangerously close to Jared’s now rock hard cock in the water. He laughed, and then moved closer and into a better position for tickling her. As he stepped, he felt his cock brush against his mother’s thigh. She was still smiling, and reached down, grabbing his cock for a second in surprise.

  “I’m going to make you beg for mercy!” she yelled at him, reaching her fingers for his armpits.

  “Not a chance!” Jared replied.

  He wrapped his arms around his half naked mother and attempted to pull her over his shoulder again. This time, however, she was wise to it, and leaned back as he tried to lift her. The action put Jared’s exposed cock right in between her thighs, and his mom’s huge, naked tits right against his chest. He hated to admit it, but it felt amazing, albeit in an incredibly guilt ridden and sinful way.

  “Is this a wrestling match now?” His mom asked, her voice suddenly sounding very teasingly seductive.

  “If it is, you’re the one who is going to get pinned first,” he answered, matching her tone.

  The hold that they had on each other was tight. Both of their crotches were pushed together, and they seemed to furiously rub up against each other as they both tried to flip one another into the water. Jared’s cock was throbbing now. Having his mom right up against it, in such close proximity, definitely seemed to be over and beyond the regular familial limits of conduct. He couldn’t stop himself though, and started to feel his hips move with a mind of their own, thrusting against his mom as his cock ached for release.


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