Book Read Free

The Four Territories

Page 33

by Stevie Collier

  Just when he had finally lost his battle against sleep and had dozed off, he and the Princess slammed hard onto something. His eyes whipped open and he jumped up to his feet, but tripped over the Princess’ body, falling once again.

  He lifted his head and opened his eyes but could see nothing while his vision took its time to heal from the effects of the portal. He heard a gasp from a crowd of humanoids that were on either side of him, followed by shouts and screams.

  “Dashine?” asked a harsh and masculine voice that thundered over the rest. “Dashine!”

  Esh stood back up and unsheathed his sword, being extra careful not to trip over the one he was supposed to be protecting. With his other hand, he rubbed an eye and was able to see a bit more clearly.

  “Guards!” called the harsh voice which was answered by a loud in sync step of boots, followed by a single battle cry. “Seize them all! Bring your Princess to me!”

  There was another battle cry and the boots started to close in. Esh’s mind buzzed with possible scenarios that he could carry out. He went to bite off a piece of his flesh but again had forgotten about the bane. And so he turned to the deep voice; through his one good eye he could see a large male, even larger than himself. His chest was broad and hairy and was covered in all sorts of shiny jewels. Putting two and two together, Esh realized that this must have been their King.

  There was a loud sucking noise and Barish plopped out of the portal, landing hard on his head.

  “Oh shit!” he cried, holding his skull with both hands. “Ahh! I can’t see a thing!”

  Another sucking noise and out came Shten who landed much like Barish but didn’t seem to be bothered by it. He stood up and slid a finger in the side of his eye socket. He pulled out one eye at a time and rubbed them on a soft layer of his purple robes before popping them back in. There was a shrill cry of disgust from a humanoid in the audience.

  At that moment, Drohdroh fell from the portal. He landed on his feet in a small trot.

  Esh watched him pull some vial out of his pocket and pour the solution in both of his eyes. He threw the vial over his shoulder and Esh caught it with his free hand. He then mimicked what Drohdroh had done by squirting some of the liquid into each of his eyes. The effects were instant; his sight was back and just in time to see an oncoming fist aimed at his face. He dodged it with not half a second to spare.

  “Wait!” Esh cried, waving his weapon in the air. “We cede! We cede!” He put his sword down and kicked it far from himself and finished by putting both hands in the air. The guards picked up his weapon along with the unconscious Princess.

  Esh looked over to Drohdroh, who was mimicking his moves by laying down his bow. He was in complete compliance with Esh’s plan. It was Barish who had a bit of trouble turning over his greatsword, but one evil look from Esh made him finally relinquish the weapon.

  The King strode to his daughter with a confident grace but everyone could tell he was very close to dropping all trappings of regality for his precious daughter had finally returned. He grabbed her from the guard and squeezed her tight into his chest hair, which made Esh about gag. Barish was sticking his tongue out in disgust.

  “Oh my little loveliness! You’re back!” He pulled her away from him and put two fingers on her neck and, feeling a pulse, handed her over to a female who must have been some sort of medic.

  The King turned to them and flexed his chest making both nipples bounce. He held out a hand and one of the head guards handed him a large staff made of ebony. It came to a single razor-sharp point and was encrusted in blue gems. He pointed it at them with both arms and said, “You’ve made a wise decision, slavers.” He walked over to Shten. “And what about you? Do you have no weapons of your own, non-being?”

  Shten was too busy gawking over the palace to hear what the King had just said. Esh, himself, found it rather hard to concentrate. Never had he see so many beautiful things! Everything upon everything was adorned with gold, silver, and gems. This included the walls, furniture, and even the eating utensils.

  They were surrounded by what must have been a hundred Ballahranian’s that had shoved themselves as far away as possible from the trespassers.

  They wore white robes and their dark blue hair was decorated with golden pieces of jewelry, but none dared wear the amount that the King wore.

  However, the most interesting aspect of these merhumanoids was the fluffy mass that floated above each of their heads. Esh had been taught about these things were called clouds, puffs of water vapor that were alchemically created to constantly give the Ballahranian wearer a moist fog around their gills, allowing them to breathe outside the water. The King’s cloud wasn’t a soft white at the moment, but a deep black.

  The guards that surrounded the unfortunate four wore golden suits of armor. Their helmets were made of heavy duty metal with a face plate covered in spikes, which made a headbutt strike a lethal maneuver. Along their backside was a large golden fin that stuck out of their back which, for their species, was both aesthetic and pragmatic.

  “The King has addressed you, slaver!” said one of the guards closest to Shten. When Shten did not respond the guard sent the butt of his polearm at his ribs but it was no good; the polearm went straight through the meat and stayed there. It was at this time that Shten gave him attention.

  “Ahh yes, please excuse me.” He took a long and deep breath, his chest expanding to an unnatural extent. He bent over backwards. He grabbed his sternum with both hands and ripped apart his rib cage revealing a curved blade hidden inside of himself.

  A few Ballahranians on either side of the palace room fainted and fell to the palace floor. A few others vomited in their hands. Even the King, with his rugged and bearded face, looked to be trying to hide his repulsion.

  Shten stuck a hand deep inside of himself. His eyes moved a bit aimlessly as he searched for what he was looking for. “Ahah!”

  With a swoosh of his arm he pulled out a massive scythe, along with a string of yellow slime. He grabbed the staff with both hands and elongated it. A flick of his wrist unfolded the blade to an upward position. The guards bent down and held their weapons out in front of themselves, ready for combat at the King’s commands. Shten looked absolutely terrifying. He was half dead and now held a gigantic scythe that needed two hands to support.

  “And here you are. My apologies your highness,” Shten said with a smile. He handed over the scythe to one of the guards who with a bit of reluctance, took it and about fell over from its weight.

  The King cleared his throat “Ahem… Court is now in session! Bind them all and bring them before me.”

  The guards did as they were told, grabbing each of their wrists and tying them behind their backs. They were then brought into the middle of the palace where their knees were kicked out from beneath them.

  “I am a just and patient King,” he said as he sat himself down on a sizable throne which looked to have been crafted from a blue and gold scaled animal. “And it is because of this that I have been chosen to rule this territory. Speak your story and you will be tried.”

  47 - The Trial

  And it was true. The King was patient and allowed Esh to explain his story. He kept the finer details of his upbringing and training, including the symbiotic attachment of the Wisp, out of the story. He explained that he had rescued the Princess from the red king of Zel and that it was with the help of Barish, Shten, and Drohdroh that they were able to get her home. He even explained how it was they were able to understand the Ballahranians, through the drinking of the potion of knowledge.

  The King did not say a word throughout Esh’s long winded story. He would only nod his head at certain highlights and stroke his beard when he found something to be of interest.

  “And that’s how we ended up here, through the help of Shten and Princess Dashine’s sorcery abilities,” Esh said, completing his epic.

  The King sat silently for a little while longer. Esh couldn’t read his face to be for or against hi
m, but it was the jury that rested themselves on either side of the King that made him nervous. Their faces showed that they were obviously not believing a word he said.

  “If what you say is true then that would make you and your three companions heroes of this realm. Wouldn’t you say?”

  Esh shrugged, “I guess, your highness, although I did not rescue the Princess for any amount of glory.”

  “So, you seek no reward?” asked the King bewildered.

  “No sir,” said Esh. He could feel Barish’s eyes burning into him but he refused to look at him.

  “I see…” said the King. “It would have been an excellent plan for the ones who had abducted my daughter to have counterfeited themselves as heroes by returning her after a time. But this cannot be the case, since you seek no gold or rank. And if this is so, why did you risk your life to save my daughter?”

  Esh fell silent. Barish, Drohdroh, and Shten all looked at him curiously and it was overt that they were now wondering the same. And what was Esh to say to the mighty King of the Blue territory? That he’d fallen in love with his daughter’s eyes mid-battle at the tourney? No, that wouldn’t do. It sounded absolutely ridiculous! He wanted to tell the truth but the truth wasn’t feasible anymore.

  “It was my Master’s plan all along. He instructed me that through his sources he had found that your daughter had been captured and handed over to the Red king. It was a mission, nothing more.”

  The King nodded. “I believe I and the court have heard enough. Through our judiciary system I will grant my own judgment for or against you. Then, it will be time for the last two parties, the ones sitting on your right and left, to cast their votes on you as well. Innocent; you walk free. Guilty; execution. Do you understand these terms?”

  “If we’re found guilty we get executed? Seems a bit hasty, don’t you think your Kingliness?” asked Barish who tried to stand up but was forced back down on his knees by the guard standing behind him. “And with no chance of a new trial?”

  “This is how my courtroom works, Reahlic. If it had been any other case, execution might not have been the ultimate punishment.”

  “I see…” Barish said, looking nervous. He could hear the angry murmurs of the other two parties just as Esh could.

  “And let it be known that I, King Gran-Aguil, cast my vote as innocent. We may now hear from the resting two parties.”

  And there was their chance. The King had found them innocent and there was no possible way that the other members could go against the King’s ruling.

  “Guilty!” came the right.

  “Execute them!” came the left.

  All of them except for Drohdroh gasped and looked around, stunned as to what they had just heard. King Gran-Aguil let out a deep breath and stood. He was handed his ebony spear as he marched down from his shiny blue throne.

  “Your highness, with all due respect, it doesn’t seem like your court has heard any of our words!” exclaimed Barish as guards grabbed his tied fists from behind.

  “I share your confusion, young male, and I wish this court of wise Ballahranian’s had found a different ruling… But our laws and ways cannot be broken! You have been tried justly and therein you all shall be executed immediately.”

  “But wait! Just ask the Princess!” yelled Barish, struggling against the guard behind him. “She will tell you!”

  “She is incapacitated at the moment and I will not bother her with any more of this nonsense. Prepare yourselves.”

  A boot was placed firmly on the back of Esh’s neck and he was forced to the ground, his face smashed on the damp wooden material. He could see through the cracks something massive and blue that moved delicately and smoothly below him. It was the ocean! He had never seen something so beautiful in his entire life. Too bad he would never be able to explore it.

  Esh shook the negative thoughts out of his head. With his peripherals, he could see the King, walking up to him, flip the spear over and hold the point a few feet above his head with both hands. He brought the spear down with a swift motion and without warning.

  With no other option, Esh spun himself out from underneath the heavy boot, tearing his cheek slightly open in the process. There was an uproar in the crowd just as Drohdroh sent his head flying backwards into his guard’s chest, sending him flat on his back. Drohdroh then pounced on the guard and used one of the spikes on his helm to cut his bindings. He then grabbed the guard’s polearm and chucked it at Esh.

  Timing the trajectory and positioning of his wrists just perfectly, Esh let the polearm soar through his own bindings and was even able to catch the very last bit of its staff.

  “Esh! Over here!” cried Barish who was now running towards him.

  The King, stunned by this outcry, stood with a dumbfounded look. He could not process the idea that justice had just been denied from him.

  Barish jumped awkwardly with his hands behind his back and landed flat on his face in front of Esh’s feet. He was wiggling his fingers when Esh cut his restraints.

  “I need a weapon it seems,” he said, going back to back with Esh. “Guess my fists will have to do for now!”

  The King shook off his confusion and replaced it with a giant’s rage. The face below the fluffy dark blue beard turned a deep purple and spittle flew from his mouth as he howled, “How DARE you!”

  “How dare we?” asked Barish, ducking a power swing from one of the guards and grabbing the polearm just below its blade. “You just want us to stand still as you cut each of us down? I don’t think so! We saved your daughter, for four heavens’ sake!”

  Barish pulled the staff, forcing the guard to lose his balance. Then, using his head literally, he slammed the top part of his cranium directly into the staff, sending it flying out of the owner’s hands and into his. With a quick series of movements, he now had the polearm’s edge at the guard’s throat. A flash of hesitation crossed the King’s face.

  Esh knocked an oncoming attack out of the way and performed the same technique as Barish, taking a second hostage.

  “We’re innocent, your highness,” Esh said, turning himself and the hostage towards the King, “and therefore we are not going to be executed this sun-cycle.”

  Shten, still gazing around the room on his knees, seemed completely oblivious to all the commotion. He was being so quiet and peaceful that even the Ballahranian guards had forgotten about him.

  And where was Drohdroh? Esh could have sworn he’d been there a moment ago, but now… he was gone!

  “Lay down your weapons!” bellowed the King. “You have been served your justice! Come quietly now and you will receive a merciful death!”

  “We call shagra shit on your justice,” said Barish. He was moving up and down on his feet, a unique fighting style that mimicked his charisma.

  “Don’t worry about us, your highness!” said one guard under Barish’s hand.

  “We’ve made our oaths!” added the one under Esh’s control.

  The King looked to ponder the idea for a moment and Esh could tell this was a hard decision for him. “Very well, the children of Ballahran will sing of your courage!” the King hoisted his weapon and pointed it at them. “Kill them!”

  The guards sprung from every direction; some even held their spears at their own comrades’ throats in order to give them a speedy death. There was nothing Esh and Barish could do. Their fate seemed to be death by skewer.

  “Stop!” cried Dashine frantically. Esh whipped his head around to see her leaning against her father’s throne, gripping the fish net that hung over its side for support. She was looking utterly perplexed and exhausted. “They are innocent!”

  The wooden palace went dead silent, all except for the calming waves that splashed beneath them. It was the King who cleared his throat. “My dear! You’re awake!”

  The massive male dropped his ebony staff and ran like a father to his daughter. As they embraced, she was quickly sucked up and hidden away in the hair on his head, chin and chest. “My dear! Oh ho
w I’ve missed you!”

  Dashine lifted her head through the mass of hair and whispered something into his ear. He nodded his head several times as she spoke, before finally placing her down on his throne.

  He took the crown off his head and placed it on hers. “This ought to do before we seek yours from your room.” He kissed her on the cheek and he turned to the court. “I, the King, have just taken special hearing from Princess Dashine. She has spoken to me what I believe to be the truth. Any of you who deny your Princess’ words will be tried for treason. I find our four saviors to be innocent!”

  Barish and Esh exchanged glances and then both smiled at each other before dropping their weapons.

  “No offense my good friend,” said Barish, patting his ex-captive on the shoulder. “I was never going to slice your neck, honest!”

  The King looked around and, unhappy with the silence of his court, raised his arms in triumph and shouted, “My daughter, your Princess, has been returned to us! Let us celebrate!”

  The court took this as a cue to mean ‘celebrate or else’ and began a false wave of cheers and whistles.

  Esh and Barish, feeling safe for the first time in a long time, ran to each other and hugged. Then, realizing what they were doing, pulled away and acted as if nothing happened.

  48 - The Banquet

  There was a large feast later that moon-cycle. Ballahranian of all different statuses had been invited. Some wore wet drabs of clothing and looked as though they had just come straight from their labor, while others wore extravagant garbs and dresses.

  The females wore jewelry through piercings in their gills and many of the richer-looking males fashioned sandals that were elegantly woven around their webbed toes. Everyone was talking so cheerfully that it seemed as though they had forgotten all their worries from earlier.


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