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The Tycoon and his Honey Pot

Page 2

by Sabel Simmons

  The interview with the Personnel Director and the Auditing Executive partner, Tiaan Sheppard went extremely well and they were duly impressed with her skills and abilities. Tiaan’s best friend, Daniel Jones was one of the Directors of the York Marketing and Design Company and was the one that told him about her. They dealt with the previous company she worked for and he was very impressed with her.

  It was not the first time she had been headhunted; as a matter of fact this was the third time in a four year period. Every time she moved it was to bigger, more corporate companies, with more responsibilities. She always took her time deciding on any offers. She wanted to be sure she moved not just for more money, but for the challenges and goals it would offer her.

  They immediately indicated the job would be hers should she be interested, but would still be interviewed by the Chief Executive Partner before the offer was made. The Executive Business Assistant she was considered for was for him. That, however, never happened as he had to go to London for an important project. He instructed them to go ahead with the offer, based on their feedback after the interview.

  She already knew he was Mason Sheppard, doing proper research prior to starting at a new job. If only there was a picture of him on their website, then she would have known to run away the minute she saw him on Saturday! Even better … if only Michael had told her his full name when he told her all the stories about their army life together; however, he only ever called him Mace or Admiral.

  Sighing, she grabbed her bags and hastened to the elevator. Not long thereafter she was on the bus on her way towards Wall Street in New York over the Brooklyn Bridge.

  “Zita Hadley, this is Mr. Mason Sheppard, our Chief Executive Partner.”

  She held her breath and watched him turn away from where he stood in front of his office window. He looked … wow … was as far as her mind went. He was dressed in a dark suit with a white shirt and a grey and black tie. The top button of his shirt was open and he totally took her breath away. He looked even more handsome than he did in his casual jeans. A veritable hunk and muscled bouncer lookalike, not someone you would expect to find in a corporate office.

  A small smile curved on his lips and he shook her hand briefly.

  “Miss Hadley, welcome. I trust we will work well together.”

  She nodded and gave a tight smile, ensuring her lips remain pressed tight together. She shivered when their hands touched and an electric current sizzled through her.

  “I’m sure we will, sir.” She kept her voice at a higher pitch than her normal one.

  He frowned slightly and he stared at her. He pulled his jacket out of the way and stuck his hands in his pant pockets.

  “Any chance you are family of Michael Hadley?”

  Brooklyn had to tap into her control not to show any reaction to the unexpected question.

  Lord, please don’t tell me he recognized me!

  “Not that I am aware of.”

  “Well, Mason, I need to get Zita to the induction room. She should be through the process within two weeks.” Jason Green, the Personnel Director smiled at her and she nodded.

  “Two weeks! Forget it Jason; just get her through the main processes. I want her here by Wednesday.”

  “We made a unanimous decision not to skimp on the induction process. Deidre is still assisting you, is she not?”

  Mason lifted his brow and looked at Jason down his nose.

  “It took too long to find a replacement, and a lot of my projects are behind. I can’t waste another two weeks! Besides, if Miss Zita Hadley here is as good as you and Tiaan claim, she would ensure she catches up on the rest of the induction along the way.”

  Jason frowned at Mason, wondering about his unusual, grumpy attitude this morning. He sighed and gestured Brooklyn to follow him.

  Her full names were Brooklyn Zita Hadley, but she always used Zita for work and everyone else called her Bee or Brooke. Just another small deceit in an effort to stay under Mason’s radar. She sincerely hoped he was not this grumpy to work for all the time.

  “Sorry about that, and please don’t let him scare you off. He has been very frustrated and we have taken a long time to find you. All the others were just not up to his standard. He is dealing with a number of large strategic projects at this point and really needs someone like you to support him.”

  “Not a problem. I am sure we will find our rhythm soon enough.”

  The following two days flew by. Her stomach was tied in knots when she walked into her open plan office and reception area on Wednesday morning. She came in very early to familiarize herself with the set up in the office. She wanted to go through files and systems so she would know what went where and did not feel completely lost when he needed something.

  She sighed in relief when she noticed he was not there as yet and sat down with a steaming cup of coffee behind her desk. She switched the computer on and started working through the filing system. She made notes as she went and shook her head and jotted a few ideas down on streamlining and implementing an electronic filing system.

  “Morning Zita.”

  She startled at the deep voice on the other side of her desk and glanced up. He smiled at her.

  “Good morning, Mr. Sheppard.”

  “You’re in early?” His gaze was direct and she squirmed under the penetrating eyes.

  “I wanted to familiarize myself with the systems. Can I get you something to drink?”

  He kept staring at her, a slight frown between his eyes and she forced her eyes to remain on his questioningly. He nodded.

  “Some strong coffee, black and no sugar. Then I’d like to go through the protocols I expect from you and bring you up to date on the existing projects I am busy with.”

  Mason sat down behind his desk with the slight frown still marring his brow. There was something about his drab Assistant that seemed somehow familiar, but he just could not put his finger on it. What bothered him even more was the surge of electricity that shivered up his arm when his hand held hers in greeting two days ago.

  He did not find her attractive at all. Her tightly pulled back hair and very heavy makeup was off putting as he much preferred a more natural enhanced face. Her clothes albeit neat and corporate, were miles too big and did nothing for the shape that must be hidden beneath.

  When she walked in with his coffee on a tray and some health biscuits, he shoved the inappropriate thoughts out of his mind and thanked her absently.

  “I usually take notes directly on my iPad or laptop, unless you prefer manual notes?” She asked in her slightly pitchy voice.

  “The more electronic, the better.” She nodded, went back to her desk and returned with her iPad to take her seat in front of his desk.

  “Before we start; I never got to interview you, so tell me a little about yourself.”

  She hesitated and her lips thinned a little. Not prepared for something like this, she prayed she didn’t slip up and let the cat out the bag inadvertently. She took a deep breath and told him about her career to date; her skills, abilities and values in life and career. How goals drove and motivated her. She concentrated on sketching her whole work career in full flair and gave him nothing on her personal life.

  “I am busy with my Master degree as an Industrial Psychologist and hope to achieve as much success in that as I have to date as an Executive Assistant.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I … why is that important?”

  He chuckled at her question. “Miss Hadley, it is something I can just as easily establish from your personnel records. I am purely curious as to why you are only finishing your studies now. ”

  “My parents could not afford to send me to Varsity after school so I started working and have been paying for my own studies, which I only started at twenty two.”

  His eyebrow rose and she blushed, realizing it was one thing she couldn’t lie about.

  “I am twenty seven.” He didn’t need to know she was turning twenty eight in five
months. Hopefully by then she would be gone.

  He gazed at her. “I am impressed. Doing a full degree and Masters part time usually takes, what – eight years? Hmm … Tiaan was right; you would be perfect for me.”

  She blushed again and he laughed when he noticed it. She refused to look into his eyes and his laughter turned to chuckles.

  “As an Assistant, you would be perfect for me.”

  She kept her eyes lowered, which were flashing at this point. He already made it very clear that she was indeed perfect for him as a lover as well!

  How was she going to keep hiding her real identity from him? What would his reaction be should he find out she has been lying to him? More importantly, how was she going to avoid him outside of this office?

  His timid Assistant impressed Mason more and more as the morning progressed. The time she spent early the morning proved to be extremely valuable. She already familiarized her with most of the system protocols and had very good suggestions on certain improvements. She even knew the basics of all the major projects he had been dealing with.

  “One of the important functions you have is to attend meetings with me, even at customer sites. I always depend on observations and perceptions, so it will be your duty to record minutes, even if there is another present recording it already, as well as pay attention to people’s reactions, body language, etc.”

  He glanced briefly at her. “This would mean that you will be expected to travel with me at times and in many instances we will have to stay over. Would you have a problem with that?”

  She groaned inward. It was something they addressed during the interview and seeing as she had no problem at the time, she couldn’t very well now say the opposite. Lord, this job was turning out to be nightmare!

  “No, sir, as long as you warn me a few days in advance.” Especially if it meant being away over weekends, and she needed enough time to withdraw from races.

  “Of course and here is your first notice. I have a very important meeting in Cleveland first thing on Tuesday morning. We will fly down late afternoon Monday and back Wednesday afternoon. The details of the contact at the airport to arrange our flight plans are on your computer. We will use the Company plane. Accommodation details you will also find on the shared folder on the network. Please make all the necessary arrangements and then analyze these reports in line with the project objectives in the file. I need a detailed gap analysis and resource requirements. Have you had time to look at my schedule?”

  “Yes sir, you have a meeting with Jason Green and his team in thirty minutes in the boardroom for feedback on the wellness project that is scheduled to last the rest of the afternoon.”

  He nodded. “You don’t need to attend that. The analysis is more important. That will be all, thank you, Zita.”

  He watched her go, his eyes dropping to her hips that swayed naturally seductive, even noticeable within the oversized pants she wore. He grabbed his cell phone, and searched for Michael’s number. This was the third time he tried to reach him since the weekend and was becoming irritated.

  “I don’t hear from you for months, and all of a sudden I can’t get rid of you! Howzit, Admiral?”

  “Mickey, still as eloquent as ever. Why the hell did you not return my calls?”

  “Because I have a sneaky suspicion I know why you are phoning and I am not so sure I am comfortable with it.”

  Mason cursed softly and Michael laughed. “And that there, is exactly why! I have never seen you react to a woman the way you did with Bee, Mace.”

  “So you should also know me well enough to know that I do not give up.”

  “Exactly when did the two of you meet?”

  Mason groaned. This was turning into veritable torture.


  “Saturday! Bullshit, Mace! The air around the two of you was so charged, it singed Lucas and me. And we were only onlookers.”

  “Then you should know it is something worth pursuing. There was instant attraction the moment we met, and I can vouch for your sister that it was mutual.”

  “Exactly how can you vouch that?”

  “I don’t think you really want to know.”

  Michael growled. “You’re right, I don’t. So, what exactly do you need from me?”

  “Her address.”

  “No way!”

  “Cell number.”

  “You did not get it from her on Saturday?”

  “She sort of disappeared on me.”

  “Aha … you irritated her and she huffed away.”

  “Something like that. Come on Mickey. The sun is drawing water!”

  Michael laughed. “I’ll text you her number. Just a fair warning Mason. Platoon Admiral and friend or not, you hurt my baby sister and you will have to deal with me.”

  “Fair enough. Thanks Michael and let me know when you guys are coming for a visit one weekend.”

  “Yip, will do.”

  The moment the text with Bee’s number came through Mason dialed it and waited for her to answer. He cursed when her husky voice indicated she was unavailable and to leave a message. He dropped the call, not intending to give her warning of his call.

  “Mr. Sheppard, it is time for your meeting with Jason.”

  He gathered his iPad and rising asked her irritably, “How is it that you call our Personnel Director and for that matter my brother by their first names, and me sir or Mr. Sheppard.”

  She blushed. “You are my boss, sir.”

  “Yeah and as your boss I instruct you to call me by my name from now on.”

  “Yes sir.” Her blush deepened when he threw his irritated glance her way again and took the file from her she held out to him.

  “It is Mason, in case you did not know.”

  “Yes si …,” she shut her mouth when his ink blue eyes shot back at her and quickly skirted around him to plunk down in her chair.

  By the time she got home she was bone tired and moaned in ecstasy when she untied her hair and shook her dark blond tresses loose. She switched her cell phone on and carried it with in case her mom phoned. She drew a warm bubble bath and settled back against the tub with a glass of dry white wine in her hand. She took a sip and moaned as the smooth flavor rolled on her tongue.

  “Uhm … tonight I really deserve this!” Her cell phone rang and she lazily picked it up, swiped to answer and put the phone against her ear.

  “Hello, Brooklyn speaking.”


  The unexpectedness of his deep voice in her ear had her scramble upright and she nearly dropped the glass of wine in the bath.


  “Well, that is an interesting response … what are you doing, Bee … Brooklyn?”

  “Taking a bath.” She was so shocked about his call; she did not even think to lie.

  He was silent for so long she thought the connection was lost when she heard him release a slow breath.

  “A … bath … naked?”

  She gave a throaty laugh and his arousal intensified twofold.

  “I am sure there are some cultures which take a bath fully dressed, but I generally bath … naked … yes … a bubble bath.”

  “Give me your address.” He demanded in a strained voice and she was so tempted it frightened her.

  “Not happening.”

  “Honey, it is inevitable. You know that, as well as I do. Why punish us both?”

  “I said it before, you are extremely presumptuous!”

  “No, I am honest and once I decide I want something, I pursue it and I don’t stop until I get it.”

  “I assume in this case the something you want is me.”

  “You have no idea how much!”

  She chose not to answer and bit her lip as her groin tightened in response to his passionate plea. The heat of her arousal gushed down her body. She moaned softly and gasped when he responded.

  “You are killing me, woman! Tell me where you live!”

  “No, Mason … this is … I can’t. I
have to go.”

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me! Bee … Brooklyn!”

  She ended the call and immediately switched her phone off. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the bath tub. She dreaded facing him the next day. Knowing he wanted her and desired her and were completely open and honest about it.

  It was going to be torture to sit across from him, listening to his deep, sexy voice. She just knew she would remember this conversation, and if her body reacted in the same way it just did, she was not going to survive very long or give her true self away in no time!

  She did not even try to dissect her heated response to a man she hardly knew. Worst of all, she knew she would have no defense against a full onslaught of seduction from him. Rather … would he be in danger of her pouncing on him!

  Chapter Three

  Mason arrived at the Bethel Motor Speedway race track, located near the site of the original Music Festival in White Lake, New York, just after Brooklyn’s race started. He had a hard time keeping his temper in check. Since he spoke to Brooklyn on Wednesday evening he has been unable to get hold of her again. Her phone went to voicemail every time and she has yet to bother responding to any of his messages.

  He managed to coerce Michael to tell him where she raced this weekend. His mouth compressed when he searched the racing pits for team Hadley. Michael was the master owner of a global Auto shop Franchise called Expert Auto. He also owned and headed up the Hadley racing team. He was one of the best speedway racers on the circuit today and was expected to win the Dakar Race in October. It was his name in the racing industry that generated the massive success he had with the franchise.

  Lucas waved at Mason from the extended platform where they stood to monitor the races and he headed that way. Michael grinned when he noticed Mason.

  “I expected you a lot earlier, especially after you blackmailed me for information!”

  “Me, blackmail? Never!” Mason slapped Michael on the shoulder in greeting and shook Lucas’ hand. Michael turned back to the track and shook his head.

  “One week she is an absolute maniac on the track, the next week she is a tortoise! What the devil did you do to my sister, Admiral?”


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