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The Tycoon and his Honey Pot

Page 7

by Sabel Simmons

  “Honey, are you there? What’s wrong, my love?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I just … Mason … I have feelings for you that scare me. I never imagined my heart could be affected so deeply, so quickly.”

  “Brooklyn … don’t be scared, and don’t deny those feelings. I have told you, you are mine … and it means I am yours. Trust in that and know that I will never let you go … never …”

  Chapter Seven

  Brooklyn leaned her head against the backrest of the luxurious seat of the twenty seat Company jet. She sighed and a soft smile curved around her lips. It has been an extremely difficult morning and her hands itched to touch Mason.

  Mason barely acknowledged her when he walked into the office this morning and seemed very pre-occupied. She hoped it was with thoughts and memories of their time together. Her whole body tingled every time she was near him. He chose to pilot the plane himself and she listened with half an ear to the drone of his voice chatting with the Company pilot.

  He landed the jet so smoothly she only realized they were on the ground when he taxied the plane toward the private terminals. As soon as it came to a complete stop, she undid her safety belt and gathered her bags, slowly moving towards the exit door where Mason and the pilot were already opening the door. She kept her eyes lowered as she walked past him, breathing his fresh aftershave in, the now familiar tingling shivered down her spine.

  “Zita, I have arranged for Graham to drop you off at the hotel. I am meeting Tiaan for a short meeting this afternoon with one of his clients; he spend the weekend here. Please ensure that all the packs are ready for the meeting in the morning. Will you be fine to have dinner on your own?”

  She nodded. “No problem, I’ll be fine.”

  “Good, then we’ll meet around eight am for breakfast before we go to the meeting.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  She nodded, still avoiding his eyes, skirted past him and hurried to the waiting car, sighing in relief to be away from his penetrating eyes. She caught him looking at her with a frown a few times since she started working for him and it felt as if he knew who she was.

  After she checked in at the hotel she quickly unpacked her bag, cleaned the heavy makeup from her face and re-applied her usual subtle make-up. She dressed in Sissy Boy jeans with a silver chain belt and a smart purple silk top with purple high heeled sandals. She sighed shaking her hair loose as soon as she took out the pins holding the tight bun in place. She ran her fingers through the thick tresses. Grabbing her bag and folder she hurried to catch a cab to be in time for her meeting with Black Torque, the sponsor it was scheduled with.

  The meeting took slightly longer than she anticipated and it was already close to six o’clock by the time she left the building. She was happy and relaxed. It was a very lucrative meeting. Black Torque signed an agreement to extend their sponsorship for another four years at an agreed increase of fifteen percent per annum.

  Before she hailed a cab she switched both her cell phones on; the one from work and her own private one. She noticed a few missed calls and smiled when two of them were from Mason and one from Michael. She dialed Michael first to inform him of the good news and he was elated.

  “You know sis, why don’t we make it official and you become our PR and Marketing Manager until you start your practice? Everyone knows you and you have clinched all the sponsorships for the past four years.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea and we could discuss it, but only if you have a proper job profile for me.”

  “So … if we decide on you working for the Hadley team, do I still buy your baby from you?” Michael asked already knowing what her answer would be.

  She hesitated for a fraction and her voice was sad. “Yes, Mickey, I want to finish my Masters within three months, so any job I take will have to be temporary anyway and until I find an Intern job.”

  “Okay sis, I am busy with the transfer as we speak and I’ll get Lucas to get all the ownership papers ready for signing.”

  She hailed a cab and dialed Mason as soon as she settled in the back seat.

  “Hi honey. You’re meeting finished?”

  “Yes, only just. Very successful too.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Just got into a cab on West Lakeside Avenue.”

  “What time will you be here?”

  She smiled and felt the excitement rush through her at the thought of having his arms around her again.

  “Ten minutes.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Traffic however was quite bad at that time of the day and it was closer to twenty minutes when the cab stopped in front of the Renaissance hotel. She got out after paying the driver with a smile and turned towards the entrance of the hotel and was caught and pulled hard against a muscled chest. Before she could even gasp, hot lips closed around hers and she breathed Mason’s fresh fragrance into her lungs. She wrapped her arms tight around his back and returned his passionate kiss, right there on the public sidewalk!

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes, his voice husky and deep.

  “This is where you belong, right here in my arms.”

  He hugged her tight and ignored the people walking around them, some irritated, others smiling at the open display of love and affection of the striking couple. She was all honey and gold, he was all dark and rugged.

  He pulled her close against him with his arm around her waist and drew her inside. He growled in her ear.

  “I hope you are not too hungry, honey … I have an urgent hunger that needs to be fed first!”

  They walked into the empty elevator and she stood on her toes to whisper in his ear.

  “Only if mine gets fed too.”

  Her lips closed around his earlobe and she sucked and swirled her tongue around the tip. Her hand closed around his rising shaft giving him promise to what was in store for him.

  He groaned and pressed her against the wall of the elevator, grinding his fully aroused shaft into the apex of her legs. She moaned and arched her head back. His eyes fell on the love mark he gave her yesterday and his lips closed over her skin again and he drew deep. He sucked and licked. Brooklyn mewled and hooked her one leg around his waist. She rubbed her core against his hard strength and felt liquid heat soaking her panties.

  They were breathing hard when the elevator stopped on his floor and they nearly ran to his room. The minute they were inside he pressed her against the wall and kissed her with forceful passion. His mouth slanted over hers, desperately delving his tongue deep into her mouth. Their tongues tangled. He sucked and pulled at her lips as if she was his sustenance. Brooklyn returned his passion with uncontrolled wantonness and nearly tore his shirt open in her haste to touch his naked skin. Her body was on fire and she moaned when he tore his mouth from hers.

  He threw his shirt, pants and shoes off, reached for the buttons on her silk top and immediately lost his patience with the tiny buttons. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and took the edges of the top and ripped it open, buttons shooting everywhere.

  “Mason! I don’t have any clothes with me!” She cried in panic, but he only laughed and was already pulling her jeans down and off, together with her dainty high heeled sandals. His eyes heated even more and his shaft tightened painfully at the sight of her. She wore a purple lace bra and G-string set and his breath got caught in his throat.

  He reached for the front clip of her bra and flicked it open watching her bountiful breasts spilling from the cups; he leaned into her, pushing his jockeys off and he grasped and kneaded her firms butt cheeks as his mouth closed over hers. She felt him tear the string of her panty at the back and she growled in his mouth. It turned to a loud moan as he lifted her legs around his waist and surged into her swollen and heated sheath.

  “Hold on, honey … this is going to be rough!”

  He started thrusting hard, fast and so deep she felt him caress her womb. He tore his mouth from her to watch her face, plunging fa
ster and harder with each moan that escaped her lips. She panted his name and her legs tightened around him. She keened and her orgasm tightened her sheath around him forcefully and milked him relentlessly. His release shot from him, weakening his legs and he had to lean against her pressing her into the wall to stay upright.

  He gripped her buttocks and walked her towards the bed, still buried deep inside her. He continued to feed his hunger for hours, until he forced himself to stop, remembering that Brooklyn was sore from the weekend. Yet he still could not get enough and was probably making it worse, but she never complained, she urged him on, exulted in the pleasure he drew from her body. She fell asleep in exhaustion on his chest and his arms held her close to his heart, a tender smile on his face, till he fell asleep as well.

  Mason woke up and for the first time in a while felt he slept deeply and totally relaxed. He sat up and frowned when he realized Brooklyn was gone. He swung his feet from the bed but relaxed back against the headboard when she walked out of the bathroom. She was already dressed in her jeans and the shirt he wore the day before, tied in a knot around her waist.

  He grinned and pulled her down on top of him when she reached the bed.

  “Morning, my love. You look scrumptious in my shirt.”

  “Hmm … if you practiced a little more patience and restraint, I would still have been able to wear one of my most favorite tops!”

  “I’ll replace everyone that I tear from your body.”

  “You better! I am running out of G-strings!” She laughed and leaned in to kiss him tenderly on his lips.

  “I have to go. I still need to get dressed and my first meeting is at eight thirty.|”

  “What time is it?”

  “Nearly eight.”

  “You are probably starving … we never got to eat dinner last night.”

  “No … but I enjoyed the meal that I did get!”

  He growled and pulled her close for another deep kiss. She chuckled and drew away reluctantly.

  “I really have to go. See you tonight?”

  “Yes, and I’ll book a table for us at a nice restaurant so I can feed you first this time.”

  The minute she closed the door behind her she rushed to her room a floor down and managed to get her disguise in place within thirty minutes and sat down at the breakfast table minutes before Mason walked in.

  “Morning Zita. Did you sleep well?”

  She felt a blush spread over her cheeks and lowered her eyes. “Yes, quite well, thank you.”

  He noticed the blush and wondered about it, but was starving so he indicated they should go and dish up from the buffet.

  Graham waited for them in front of the Hotel in another luxurious SUV. The Sheppard’s were not sports car Tycoons, they liked luxury and comfort.

  During the first tea break Mason asked her to book a secluded table for two at the rooftop restaurant at the Hyatt hotel. She felt extremely guilty making the booking, but looked forward to having dinner with him in such a romantic setting. In effect, it was their first real date.

  Brooklyn did not bring any smart clothes with and was relieved when the meeting finished just after four. Mason sent her back to the hotel with Graham as he was meeting Tiaan and his cousin for a drink before dinner. She was relieved as it gave her the opportunity to quickly pop in at the boutique around the corner from the hotel to buy something smart to wear to dinner that evening.

  She settled for a cream colored dress with thin gold threats that molded to her curves and was held up by thin spaghetti straps over her shoulders. The front of the dress was low cut and hugged her breasts; the golden globes enticing above the slightly curved edge barely covering them. Strappy gold high heeled sandals and long gold earrings completed the picture.

  Her makeup was slightly darker in gold and charcoal hues with rose colored lipstick on her lips. Her hair caressed her back in her normal tousled style. She picked up the matching clutch bag and went downstairs to wait for Mason in one of the lush alcoves with deep couches. She went down early to ensure she did not bump into him coming down the elevator and only relaxed when she settled in the deep, comfortable couch with a view of the elevators and entrance into the hotel.

  She glanced at the large hotel clock and noticed it was nearly six thirty. Her cell phone rang and she flicked her finger over the screen.

  “Hi baby, how was your day?”

  “Tiring, especially after having to entertain Tiaan and Charles.”


  “My cousin. I just came back to the hotel to shower and change. Our table is booked for seven. Where do I pick you up?”

  “I’m already downstairs.”

  He sighed. “Why is it such a problem for you to be picked up from your hotel?”

  She bit her lip. “Are you fighting with me, Mason?”

  “No … clearly I am not going to win this battle. I am on my way.” She smiled and slipped her phone back in her bag.

  “Good evening. No woman as beautiful as you should be sitting here alone. Mind if I join you?”

  She looked up in surprise at the deep voice next to her. Her eyes widened at the golden Adonis standing confidently next to her. He was lean with blond hair and very tall with an engaging smile on his mouth. She shook her head.

  “Thank you for the compliment, but I am waiting for someone, who I have to warn you, won’t appreciate finding you here with me.”

  “Don’t blame him. I am David Carver, here on a business trip, originally from New York.”

  He held his hand out to her and short from being openly rude she had no choice but to shake his hand. He had other plans however and clutched her hand in his, refusing to let go. She glanced towards the elevators and glared at him.

  “May I have my hand back, please?”

  “A very beautiful hand … are you sure I can’t convi …”

  “No, you can’t and if you know what’s good for you; release her hand and make yourself scares!

  Her eyes lifted and she drew in her breath at the flashing anger in Mason’s near black eyes; his voice harsh and hard.

  David let go of her hand and lifted both of his in the air. He smiled at her. “It was an honor to meet such a beauty.” Mason growled and with a cocky grin the blond Adonis turned and sauntered away.

  Mason’s eyes met hers and they glowed like midnight embers. His breath froze in his throat when his eyes moved over her and remained glued on her breasts straining against the dress only half covering the honeyed globes. His mouth drooled; she was pure sin, a temptation that no man could resist.

  Their eyes met and his was sensual and scorched hers. She breathed deeply as the air around them seemed to thicken. Her nipples ached and pressed against the tight dress, her insides slowly started to shimmer with heat.

  He took the two steps that separated them to pull her in his arms and his mouth closed around hers … all in one motion. She wrapped her arms around his neck and everything tilted around her when he deepened the kiss, urging her to submission. She moaned and his tongue roamed freely inside her mouth before grasping hold of hers, toying, seducing and feasting greedily on it. She had no defense against his intense and sensual assault on her mouth.

  He ended the kiss slowly, lifted his head and looked down at her heavy lidded, passion drenched eyes.

  “God, you are so beautiful … and more tempting than any woman should have the right to be. I don’t know if I will be able to contain myself through dinner!”

  He pressed his hard shaft against her stomach and she moaned at the heat rushing to her core.

  “But, I promised you dinner and if it is going to kill me … I will give you dinner!”

  He wrapped his fingers through hers and held her close against his side. He speared a dark blue flame at her when he opened the passenger door for her.

  “Do you know how close I was clobbering that white rat when I saw you holding his hand?”

  “I was not holding his hand!”

  He leaned into he
r and kissed her tenderly on her lips. “I know … but I didn’t when I walked off the elevator!” He walked around and got in behind the steering wheel, giving her a sensual smile.

  “Pity … I would have really enjoyed punishing you for flirting with him tonight.”

  “Exactly what type of punishment would that be?”

  “Might be better for you not to know … hopefully you’ll never find out.”

  The rest of the evening was sublime. The food was top class and in between the courses he pulled her into his arms and they danced on the small dance floor. It was absolute bliss to sway in his arms holding her close, his cheek resting against her temple, his breath warm and caressing. He kissed her … often … passionately and deeply … right there on the dance floor. He looked deeply into her eyes, his full of sensual promise.

  A sharp flash nearly blinded her causing him to mutter a curse and he sighed.

  “I guess our secret is about to be splashed on the tabloids, honey.”

  “Good … hopefully all those models, celebs and heiresses will get the message and stay away from you.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  She thought about it and shrugged. “Why would I? It’s not if anything they say can have any impact on my life. You’re the one that interest them, not me.”

  “Oh, that is where you are wrong, my love. As beautiful as you are … you are about to become the most talked about non-celebrity or heiress in the country!”

  She sighed dramatically. “The trials and tribulations of dating a hotshot tycoon!”

  “Dating? Honey … we skipped the whole dating scene the first day we met.”

  “We have?”

  “Yes …” his eyebrows rose, “… or did you miss the significance when I told you I will never let you go? I highly doubt that dating someone signifies permanence.”

  She felt her heart beating so hard and her breathing increased when his eyes bored into hers.

  “Permanence?” Her voice was husky and rasped roughly.


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