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Crimson Midnight (A New Adult Dark Urban Fantasy Series) (The Crimson Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Amos Cassidy

  Another moment and the door swung inwards. Rose found herself staring up at the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. He was tall, definitely over six-feet. She sensed power and energy emanating from his lithe frame, but what captivated her most was his face. If something could be described as soft and chiselled than this was it. She had never seen a man that she could describe as beautiful before. But here he was in the flesh. His dark hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck and his violet eyes studied her enquiringly.

  “Can I help you?” His voice was almost musical with a strange lilting quality she couldn’t quite place. He cocked his head.

  “Oh…um…I’m Rose...” Dammit, pull yourself together!

  “Hello, Rose. His expression was serious but his eyes twinkled with amusement.

  Rose stared at him blankly, waiting…

  “So what can I do for you, Rose? Are you here to see someone in particular?”

  Of course, he wouldn’t know who she was. Rose mentally kicked herself for being so dense. “Faye…I’m here to see Faye.”

  What was wrong with her? Had she lost the ability of coherent speech?

  Turning his head slightly, he shouted into the house. “Faye, your friend Rose is here!” Then back to Rose. “Why don’t you come and wait inside? I’m sure she won’t be long.” He moved back into the house in invitation.

  “Thanks.” She’d recovered her equilibrium somewhat and stepped over the threshold, allowing herself to be led into a large living room.

  “Can I get you anything while you wait?” He asked in that melodious voice of his.

  She shook her head.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you.” He gave her a small nod before disappearing back through the door they had entered from. She found herself a little disappointed at his departure.

  “Hi, hun. How’s working life?” Faye popped her head around the door.

  “Who was that?” Rose mouthed.

  “Oh, I think his name’s Ossian or something. Why? You like? Got to warn you, though, he’s a first year student– just transferred to USL this year from…I dunno, somewhere…I wasn’t really paying attention. Anyway, he’s all about hitting the books and nothing else.”

  “He’s kind of distracting to look at.”

  “Yeah, major eye candy, but dull me thinks.”

  “That’s a quick judgment call. You’ve been here what…two nights?”

  “Trust me, it’s enough time to know that the bloke is a fuddy-duddy.” Faye rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, hang on a minute.” Rose’s face broke into a grin as an idea formed in her head. “Let me guess, he didn’t fall at your feet when he first met you?” Rose chuckled.

  Faye was one of the most flirtatious girls she had ever met, and one of the most self-confident. Unlike Rose, Faye hadn’t had to work on her confidence. Faye’s confidence stemmed from being daddy’s girl, getting whatever she wanted, when she wanted, and not having to hear the word no. If Rose didn’t know her better, hadn’t glimpsed the insecure girl under the glamour, then she would think she was a spoilt, stuck-up, rich-bitch. But to Rose, Faye was just Faye– generous, fun loving and always there for her. When it came to men, neither Faye nor Rose had problems getting dates, but Faye in particular had a record of getting any man she wanted.

  And she definitely knew what she wanted.

  She could hone in on a good catch from yards away. And Ossian definitely ticked all of Faye’s boxes. The only logical explanation for her claimed indifference was that it was feigned. Ossian hadn’t been interested. Well, that was a first. Rose felt a glimmer of admiration toward him. It took a lot to ignore Faye, she was pretty hot with her fiery red hair and dainty features.

  “Yes. Whatever. Fuddy-duddy. I’m not interested in a man who doesn’t know how to have fun. All he’s done since I got here is read and make stupid notes.” She headed for the hallway as she spoke.

  “Yes, well it’s not all about shagging, hun. He could turn out to be a great mate. He’s obviously serious about his studies and he’s very polite.” Rose followed Faye into the hallway only to find she had opened the door and was standing outside.

  Rose sighed. “Faye, I am absolutely shattered. We are not going out.” She stood firm.

  Faye simpered, batting her lashes. “Oh come on, Rose. I’ve been stuck indoors all day waiting for you to finish work.”

  “Stuck in bed snoring more like you lazy cow!”

  “I do not snore!” Faye said indignantly.

  “Believe me, you most certainly do.”

  “Whatever.” Faye shrugged it off. “Come on, please. I’m so bored!” She looked at her friend eagerly.

  Rolling her eyes, Rose stomped down the steps to the path. “Okay, where do you want to go?”

  Faye pretended to consider, although Rose had the sneaky suspicion that her friend knew exactly where she wanted to go already. “How about that place, The Whisper, which you said Roman’s friend told you about?”

  “Faye, I’m going to throttle you!”

  Faye looked aghast. “Why?”

  “Because that’s in Soho.”


  “I’ve just come from bloody Soho!”

  “Shit. Sorry, I completely forgot. If I’d known I would have come down and met you from work.” She said looking genuinely contrite.

  “Okay, okay.” Rose sighed. “It’ll be cool to check it out. Let’s go.”

  They made their way arm in arm toward Bethnal Green tube station.

  The Whisper was by no means a large venue, but what it lacked in size it made up for in sheer character. The décor was retro and the vibe extremely hip. A working jukebox stood in the corner, its lights flashing in sequence, and a Beatles track filled the air. The bar was semi-full and the numerous tables were filled with chatting and very relaxed looking people.

  An impressive coffee machine stood behind the counter and there was a raised platform for dancing and entertainment, it even sported a pole.

  “I am going to have to give that thing a whirl later.” Faye grinned in approval.

  The Whisper was like a chameleon: café, bar and club all rolled into one. It even had a couple of sofas for those who wanted to get cosy.

  “Pretty cool.” Rose agreed as she glanced around.

  “Come on, I for one could do with a drink.” Faye headed for the bar.

  “Yeah, coffee.” Rose swallowed a yawn. “Extra-strong for me, please.”

  “Two glasses of medium white wine and two packets of salt and vinegar crisps, please.” Faye ordered.

  “One glass of white wine, an extra-strong coffee and two packets of salt and vinegar flavoured crisps, please.” Rose amended.

  “Come on!” Faye nudged her.

  “U-huh. A coffee now, then, maybe I’ll see how I feel later about wine.”

  Faye turned back to the bartender, gave him the once over and paid for their drinks. Handing a large coffee mug and a packet of crisps to Rose, Faye led them to a just vacated table.

  “Look at this.” Rose held up a flyer as they sat down. She read out loud what was written on it. “Rainbow Rave Saturday Nite, 8 til Late: A Celebration of Sexuality. Prudes Need Not Attend.” She looked up at Faye. “Sounds fun. You in?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” Faye took a satisfying sip of her wine “So, how was the first day?”

  Rose blew on her coffee then took a tentative sip, allowing the heat to wash away some of her tiredness.

  “Good, the class went well. I had to deal with a trouble maker.” She told Faye about Derek and how she had charged him with the role of demo partner. Faye laughed, her eyes twinkling. “So you get to keep him in line. If he acts cocky, he gets smacked down, right?”

  “Right.” Rose took another sip of her coffee, willing the caffeine to do its work.

  Faye regarded her for a moment from under her lashes. “Anything else happen?”

  Rose sat back, preparing to vent about Harold and his boorish behaviour, when her
gaze flitted to the bar and she stilled, her heart plummeting at the sight of a now familiar pumped figure. As if sensing her eyes on him, Harold turned spotting her almost instantly, his lips curving in a strange smile as if he could read her thoughts. Her discomfort at his presence was probably evident on her face.

  Faye turned her head to see what Rose was staring at and Harold’s smile turned instantly into what could only be described as a seductive one. Rose diverted her gaze, determined not to give him any reason to come over.

  “Who is that?” Faye whispered, leaning closer to Rose. “He is absolutely yum.”

  “Oh, shit. He’s coming over.” Rose gritted her teeth.

  Harold was weaving his way through the tables, making a beeline for them, a pint of amber liquid clutched in his massive paw of a hand. He reached the table and stood towering over them. Rose reluctantly raised her head. He had saved her skin earlier, the least she could do was be polite.

  “Hello, Rose. Didn’t expect to see you again so soon. Who’s your friend?” Although the question was directed at her his eyes were firmly fixed on Faye.

  “Hi. I’m Faye.” Her voice was shallow and breathy as if she’d just finished a five-mile run.

  “Harold.” He held out a hand which just about engulfed Faye’s tiny one as she shook it.

  “Mind if I join you?” Without waiting for a response he pulled up a chair, turning it around so he straddled it, his arms across its back. He angled his body toward his target.

  “Be my guest.” Rose replied dryly.

  “You didn’t tell me that your friend was so beautiful.”

  Faye flushed, ducking her head.

  “You didn’t ask.” Rose sipped her coffee, which suddenly no longer tasted that great– the urge for something stronger overtaking her.

  “My mistake, I should have guessed that a girl as good looking as you would have some pretty hot friends.” Harold cocked his head as he studied Rose.

  “Was that a compliment?”

  Harold shrugged. “Just an observation.” He turned his attention back to Faye. “So, that hair natural?”

  “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Faye retorted suggestively.

  “Nice.” He nodded in approval, his eyes twinkling. “I like your friend, Rose.”

  Rose sighed. This was just great. A man she didn’t like very much, who she hoped to avoid, was hitting on her best mate– who seemed to find him as equally fascinating as he found her. It was looking as if she might be seeing a lot more of Harold than she would like if she didn’t put a stop to it. Faye deserved better.

  Screw playing nice. “Faye, I forgot to tell you this is Harold, one of Roman’s friends. And probably one of the most chauvinistic and arrogant men I’ve ever met.”

  Harold threw back his head and laughed.

  She didn’t know what reaction she had expected but it definitely hadn’t been that. She frowned, unable to hide her annoyance. “Why don’t you go find your real friends? We were having a private conversation.”

  “Rose!” Faye looked shocked

  Rose gritted her teeth. She wasn’t sure why Harold got on her nerves so bad, he hadn’t really done or said anything really offensive to her it was just a vibe she got from him– as if he thought he was better than her.

  “No, no.” Harold shook his head, his eyes still full of mirth. “She’s absolutely right. I am arrogant and chauvinistic. I believe a woman’s place is under me.” His gaze was hot as he stared into Faye’s eyes.

  “You’re probably better off steering clear.” He warned, his eyes fixed on Faye.

  Shit! He had played his cards perfectly.

  As Rose watched, Faye’s full lips curved into a sensuous smile. She could never resist a bad boy, but having said that she gave as good as she got. There was no denying that Faye could handle herself. Rose felt a small twinge of pity for Harold, which she quickly squashed. If he wanted to play with fire let him. Maybe in Faye he would meet his match– best-case scenario, he’d be brought down a peg or two.

  Fuck it, she thought, it wasn’t her problem. Faye was a grown woman and Rose wasn’t anyone’s nanny.

  “Well, on that note, I’ll just leave you two love birds to it. I fear if I stay I might just be sick”

  “Huh?” Faye looked up slightly dazed. “Oh, um, are you sure?” Which roughly translated meant, “Yeah, great. Now piss off.”

  Rose wasn’t bothered. She’d done the same to Faye when the situation called. They had an understanding and knew when to make themselves scarce.

  “Meet you tonight?” Rose said.

  “Yeah. I’ll text you.”

  Faye blew Rose a kiss as she left the building.



  The Whisper had undergone a transformation. The coffee machine had vanished and the tables and chairs had been dispensed with. There was now a lot more space to dance in. The walls were covered in vibrant fabric of every colour of the rainbow, a generous amount of glitter sparkling on the surface.

  Up near the raised platform with the pole– now very much like a stage, was a newly erected DJ booth that looked like a huge cubed disco ball. And there was an actual disco ball hanging in the centre of the ceiling, dappling the dancers and the people at the bar in shards of light. It was an eclectic crowd of people united in their intent on having fun and it made for a vibrant, electric atmosphere.

  Couples of all sexualities adorned the dance floor. A stunning blonde girl danced on the pole, performing for her adoring female lover who watched with stars in her eyes. Drag Queens worked it and gave some good face to the beat, looking glorious in their spectacular outfits– all big hair and big heels.

  Rose loved all the colours and the sparkle. She’d been to a gay bar in Derby a few times with Faye and had really enjoyed herself each time. Tonight looked set to follow the trend. She could feel it in the air.

  “Hello, ladies,” said the young male bartender with black, braided hair and radiant, caramel skin. He graced Rose and Faye with a dazzling smile as they approached the bar. He wore all black - trousers and top - with ‘The Whisper’ written in metallic silver letters on his T-shirt. “Welcome to Rainbow Rave. Looking hot.” He nodded appreciatively at their outfits.

  Rose was clad in a crimson strapless dress that complimented her curvy figure and revealed a generous amount of cleavage and leg. She wore crimson heels and her hair had been straightened into a silky mane. When it came to nights out, Rose liked to make the effort, get into something spectacular. Faye, not to be outdone, had donned a light blue halter-neck dress, also with decent leg and cleavage exposure. Her hair was as stunningly wavy and red as always.

  “No kissing the boys for you then?” Rose responded to the barman’s sienna-tinged eyes moving over her and Faye.

  “There are some hot guys,” the bartender said. “But me, I like the girls I’m afraid.” He winked. “And girl on girl.” He looked at pointedly at them.

  “Sorry, honey, can’t help you there.” Rose put an arm around Faye. “We’re close, but not that close.”

  “Shame.” The barman shook his head in mock disappointment. “So what can I get ya?”

  “Vodka and orange, please,” Faye said.

  “JD and coke,” Rose said.

  “Coming right up.” The barman set to preparing their drinks.

  “Hello.” A familiar voice caught Rose’s attention.

  She turned to find Raven standing behind them looking elegant and sexy in a dark red shirt and a pair of spectacular gold and black trousers. His mesmerising silver eyes seemed brighter than she recalled.

  “You saw the flyer,” he said.

  Rose nodded. “This your doing?”

  Raven nodded.

  “So are you…” Rose wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Gay? Yes.” He chuckled.

  “Well the place looks fantastic,” said Rose.

  Raven looked about as if seeing it through Rose’s eyes for the first time. He smiled,
clearly pleased with what he saw. “It turned out just as planned. You both look terrific.”

  “Looking good yourself,” Rose said appreciatively.

  He smiled at Faye, extending a hand in greeting. “I’m Raven.”

  Faye shook his hand. “Faye.”

  The barman returned with the drinks. “Vodka and Orange, and one JD and coke.”

  Rose reached for her purse but Raven placed a hand over hers.

  “Please, let me,” he said and before she could protest he handed the barman a note.

  “Thank you but you shouldn’t have.” Rose picked up her drink.

  “You lot enjoy the night.” The barman gave them a wink before moving further down the bar to serve other customers.

  Rose took a much-needed sip of her drink.

  “Thanks.” Faye picked up her glass and raised it in Raven’s direction.

  Raven chuckled, the sound coming from deep in his chest. “Thank you for coming and supporting the Rainbow Rave– a little celebration of freedom, of sexuality and everything Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. You won’t find any discord here.”

  “Do you do this often?” Rose asked.

  “A few times a year and all proceeds are donated to various gay charities across London.”

  “So are your friends coming tonight?” Rose asked. “Roman and the rest of them?”

  “Damon and Kris are here somewhere,” he said. “Roman and Thistle should be here soon. I’m not sure about Harold.” As he said the final name, Rose read a brief flash of something in his face, something she could only deduce as being disappointment.

  “I hope Harold does come,” Faye said. “He said he would. I’ll text him.” She got her phone out, her fingers moving over the small keypad at an alarming speed.


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