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Crimson Midnight (A New Adult Dark Urban Fantasy Series) (The Crimson Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Amos Cassidy

  A thought struck her. “Does Flo..?”


  “Is she..?”

  “No. She’s human. She found out when I hit puberty and started to sprout fur.” He chuckled.

  “My God!”

  “No, it’s cool.” He waved away her concern. “Richard had found out about me and was here in time to help her through it.” He grinned. “She took it surprisingly well.”

  “I’m confused. If you are a werewolf then why were you adopted?”

  He shrugged. “My parents were werewolves, they died in a car crash and I was placed into the system before the pack could trace me. By the time they had found me it was too late. Even we have to abide by the law and the adoption was legal. All they could do was watch and wait and step in at the right time.”

  “A time when Flo wouldn’t be able to doubt their claims,” Rose said.

  “Exactly.” He looked impressed. “You know what? I think you’re going to fit right in.”

  Roman poured out the drinks, setting down a steaming mug of aromatic chocolate in front of her and her stomach let out a loud growl of appreciation.

  She placed her hand on her abdomen to stifle the sound.

  “Hungry?” Roman asked.

  “I don’t understand why. Thistle and I had a huge meal before…” Rose shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. “This, by the way, is delicious.” She took another hungry sip.

  “Nah, that’s not good enough.” Roman abandoned his seat, loping into the living room. He was back a couple of minutes later grinning from ear to ear. “Pizza good for you?”

  “Yes, but won’t they be closed at this time?” Rose glanced once again at the wall clock.

  Roman grinned wickedly. “The good thing about living in London is that there is always a fast food place open somewhere, at any time of the day. I’m a werewolf, Rose. I have an extremely high metabolic rate and I know all the good places to eat, all the places that are open late, all the places that deliver. Stick with me and you’ll never go hungry again.”

  Rose laughed. “Easy, Scarlet!”

  “You like that film?”

  “Er…yeah. Do you?” Rose asked curiously. Gone with the Wind wouldn’t be something that she would have expected Roman to have even watched, let alone like.

  “It’s a fucking good epic of a movie!”

  “I completely agree. It’s one of my all-time faves.”

  They shared a warm smile.

  “We’ll have to watch it together sometime. Anyway, pizza?” Roman waved the menu at her.

  “Pizza sounds perfect.”

  “Any preference?”

  “I’m easy.”

  Roman quirked a suggestive brow.

  “I mean anything will do.” She quickly amended.

  Roman turned to go back to the living room but not before she saw the big grin plastered on his face. She chuckled to herself, she was beginning to get used to his cheekiness.

  “Oh, no mushrooms!” Rose called.

  “A girl after my own heart,” he called back.

  Much later that night, or early morning, in bed, Rose realised that although they had talked and talked for hours they hadn’t even touched upon the subject of vampires, warlocks or werewolves. Instead, they had talked about everything and anything else. Somewhere along the line she had let her guard slip. She hadn’t seen this side of Roman before and she wished now, with all her might, that she never had. Tonight he had been sensitive and caring and she had opened up to him in a way she had never thought possible. The playboy with the smugness and smart mouth she could handle, but this…this side she didn’t want to know. He was Thistle’s boyfriend, and tomorrow she would reassert the status quo.



  Faye was waiting in the living room when Rose walked in showered and dressed. Roman was eating some cereal at the dining table. Rose hadn’t slept too well the night before. Everything was on her mind, the new direction her life had abruptly taken, giving her restless and empty dreams. She felt like crap, her eyes heavy and her head fuzzy.

  “My God you look awful!” Faye proclaimed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Lack of sleep,” Rose said. Roman caught her eye questioningly but she pointedly ignored it. It wouldn’t do to have any more one-on-one fuzzy moments with her close friend’s boyfriend. That was a recipe for disaster. She wanted to tell herself that last night was probably his attempt at prepping her for his final pounce. The pushy, in-your-face act hadn’t worked, so now he was playing it subtle, all hot chocolate and let me order you pizza. But the lie was too big for her to swallow. She knew in her heart his attentions had been sincere and that was the worst thing because it would be so easy to fall for him, to become dependent on those warm moments. Roman and Thistle’s relationship may be open but it didn’t change the fact that Thistle was her friend or that Rose didn’t do open relationships. She needed to distance herself from Roman. Through the web of her thoughts she noted that Faye was still blathering on. What the hell was she on about now? She turned her puffy red eyes on her friend.

  Faye was rummaging in her bag. “I’m so glad I brought my emergency makeup with me.” She pulled out a smaller bag. “Bathroom. Now.”

  “I don’t need-”

  “You look like a panda carrying luggage on its face!” Faye ushered Rose forward.

  “Oh, sod it.” She yawned widely allowing herself to be propelled.

  “Morning, girls,” Flo said as she passed them in the hallway, rollers in her hair.

  Flo went to the kitchen and flipped the kettle on. “Want a cuppa, Roman?”

  “No, thanks,” he replied.

  “I’m bleedin’ gasping for one. Erin! Come get your breakfast.”

  Erin slouched into the dining room shortly after being called, dressed in his school uniform – grey jumper, red and grey tie, white shirt, black trousers and freshly polished black shoes. “Morning,” he said to Roman.

  “Morning.” Roman frowned as he caught Erin’s expression. “What’s up? You look a little pi-, uh, I mean, grumpy.”

  Erin sighed and placed his face in his hands. “I’ve got boring maths today. I hate maths on Mondays.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Mr Goodwin,” Erin groaned. “He’s bleedin’ horrible.”

  “Oi!” Flo snapped as she came in with a bowl of chocolate cereal for Erin. “Don’t you bleedin’ say bleedin’ or I’ll give you a bleedin’ clip round the ear ‘ole’.”

  “You just said it three times!” Erin protested.

  “Eat your bleedin’ cereal.” She popped it down in front of him. “And get your bleedin’ elbows off the table.”

  Erin rolled his eyes at Roman and proceeded to consume his breakfast. Flo returned with a glass of orange juice for him and then left to “have a fag and do the barnet.”

  Rose and Faye returned, Rose looking like an exhausted person with concealer around her eyes. Why did makeup hardly ever do what it claimed to in the ads?

  “Coffee,” Faye demanded. “Make sure yours is black.”

  “Please?” Rose prompted, heading for the kitchen.

  “Please.” Faye simpered prettily

  Rose flipped the switch on the kettle and tensed as she felt him behind her

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Take the day off, you need to rest.”

  “I’m fine.” She said shortly as she added instant coffee to two mugs. “Could you pass me the milk please?”

  “Sure.” Roman gave her a quizzical look but handed her the carton.

  Rose poured out the milk. Where the hell was Faye? She really didn’t want to be alone with Roman right now. Just having him standing next to her was making her pulse race. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” she snapped.

  He recoiled slightly and she caught the hurt in his eyes before he turned away.

  “Yes, actually, I do. I’ll see you at dinner tonight then.” He headed out of the kitchen.

  “I might be out!” she
called after him.

  He paused in the doorway. “Well you better tell mum then, seeing as she’s going to a lot of trouble to cook for everyone.” His warm expression of a few minutes ago was gone, replaced by a closed and distant one

  She cleared her throat. “Oh, are the other wol…others coming then?”

  He stared hard at her for a beat too long and she swallowed, uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “See you at seven,” he said curtly and left.

  Shit! She had done the right thing, so why did she feel so guilty?

  “Rose, I’m parched!” Faye called from the lounge.

  Rose rolled her eyes, firmly pushing Roman out of her thoughts. She had more important things to worry about, like her powers, and the new community she was now suddenly a part of. And registering and…



  “Coming, Diva!”

  Raven walked into the reception area of the university, brushing raindrops off his long dark coat.

  “Hi.” Brandon sat up a little straighter.

  Raven smiled. “How are you?”

  Brandon warmed under that beautiful smile. “I’m very well, thanks.”

  And Brandon was very well indeed. In fact, he was positively euphoric, still basking in the afterglow of spending the night with Raven. He had whiled away the hours since, revelling in the memories of the way he had been held and kissed and made to feel so special by such an amazing guy.

  “How are you?” Brandon asked.

  “I’m okay.” Raven nodded, glancing away briefly as if distracted.

  Brandon took another look at his idol, this time without the stars in his eyes, and noted that far from looking fine he looked tired and slightly stressed. “Are you sure?” he asked, emboldened by their night together.

  Raven nodded curtly, waving away his concern. “Do you have my schedule for this week, please?”

  “Sure.” Brandon wavered for a moment, torn between pressing him further or handing over the schedule and letting the subject drop. He opted for the latter and retrieved the schedule. I was kind of hoping for a good morning kiss, he thought.

  “Thanks,” Raven said and looked it over quickly. “See you later.”

  “I was thinking…” Brandon blurted out loudly, lowering his tone when Raven stopped “I was thinking that maybe we could go out tonight, catch a movie or something…maybe?” he trailed off uncertainly at the genuine look of surprise on Raven’s face.

  “I can’t tonight, sorry.”

  “Maybe tomorrow?”

  “I can’t tomorrow either.”

  “Oh, well we can do something whenever it’s best for you. It’ll be nice to have a first date.” He laughed, it sounded forced even to his own ears.

  Raven suddenly looked a little worried. “What do you mean?”

  “Well it’ll be nice to just do the date thing, even if we did do it the other way round.” He smiled, trying for the mischievous look but ruining it by blushing.

  Raven sighed. “Look, what happened the other night was fun. But that’s all it was. Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re great, really sweet and warm and caring. I’m just not looking for dates and all of that stuff.”

  “All of that stuff?” Brandon repeated slowly, feeling as if the wind had been knocked out of him.

  “There’s nothing wrong with all of that stuff,” Raven said quickly, as if sensing he was on dangerous ground. Brandon looked as if he was fit to throw a wobbly. His face had gone very red and his eyes were glittering. “I’m just saying it’s not for me right now. I just want to have a bit of fun.”’

  Brandon wanted to see red, it would be easier to be angry and indignant, anything aside from what he was feeling right now– gut wrenching disappointment at the rejection. Because despite how Raven dressed it up, that’s all it was, a rejection. He, Brandon, had not been good enough. If he had been cooler, better looking, better in bed, then Raven would be the one asking him out. Instead, he was letting him down gently. He felt the hot sharp prick of tears and blinked rapidly. No way was he going to cry. He needed to play it cool. “I’m sorry,” he said, trying to mask the tremble in his voice.

  “You haven’t got anything to be sorry for.” Raven’s eyes were concerned. “I’m sorry if I led you on in any way. I hope I didn’t.”

  Those words broke what last bit of self-control Brandon had as his dreams came crashing down, all of his hopes for where this would go shattering into irreparable fragments. He felt the slow definite burn of anger. “All you wanted was sex?”

  Raven frowned looking confused. “I thought that was what we both wanted. Some company, some fun.” He cocked his head.

  “Was I just a toy to you?”

  Raven’s eyes widened in surprise. “No, of course not!”

  “I was just-“

  “Look, I thought you understood, I thought we were two consenting adults having some fun.”

  Brandon held up his hand. “Please stop saying fun.”


  He turned away. “Please go.”

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to lead you on. It’s just…I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “Go away.” Brandon’s voice rose again, an angry edge to it.

  “I don’t want to fall out over this.”

  Brandon settled back into his chair and started shuffling some papers. “Have a good day, Mr Stonewall,” he said primly.


  Brandon did not react.

  Raven waited for a moment but when Brandon did not look up he turned and left the reception area.

  Brandon didn’t need to see Raven’s departure. He felt it like the absence of the sun. And then the tears came.

  Dinner with the wolves. Dinner for the wolves? It was obvious they ate meat but they probably didn’t eat people, maybe just the odd deer or antelope? Did they have antelope in England?

  “Er, Miss?”

  “Huh? Yes?” She snapped out of her reverie to regard the slender man before her.

  “Mr Johnson. The reception desk said I needed an orientation.” He smiled tentatively at her.

  “Yes, yes, of course, Mr Johnson. How about we start over here?” She moved to the treadmills.

  It was quiet once all the students had gone to class. Brandon had finished all of his paperwork and started crying again as the loneliness of the reception area, echoing the loneliness in his heart, overwhelmed him.

  How could this have happened? This was not the way it was supposed to be?

  He felt a presence at the desk.

  “Oh,” he gasped. It was the really beautiful man. Raven was gorgeous in a hard, masculine way, but this man was breath-taking, like a piece of art come to life. Everyone at USL took an intake of breath whenever he walked by. “Hello, Mr Smith.” He swiped at his eyes.

  “Ossian, please,” the man replied. Then he leant forward, his eyes full of concern. “Are you all right?”

  Brandon couldn’t help it. He broke down again. “I’m sorry.” He reached for a tissue.

  “Do you need to talk?”

  Mr Johnson was gone and her self-defence class would be arriving any minute. She found herself pacing the changing room restlessly. She just wanted the day to be over. She wanted to face the others and for it to be over, to get over the awkwardness and into a new normality of the supernormal. She still had so many questions about the new world and about herself. Raven had promised that they would arrange for her to be registered as soon as possible, and that another warlock would be assigned to speak to her and help her adjust.

  “Like a mentor?” she’d asked.

  “Just like a mentor.” He had promised.

  But so far there had been nothing. It had only been a day, but still, did they not understand how confusing all this was for her? And then to have to come to work like everything was normal when it so bloody wasn’t!

  She glanced up at the clock. Shit! Her class would be waiting. Oh, well. At least she would
get to kick Derek’s arse. That should work off some of the tension.

  Brandon needed to talk, really badly needed to talk. He didn’t know Ossian Smith, had never spoken to him. But he had been so kind that morning. And Brandon was always optimistic about the kindness of strangers. He arranged to meet with Ossian at The Whisper later that afternoon to talk, to just talk. Maybe Ossian would be the first friend he’d make since being in this city.


  Rose read the text. She had completely forgotten about Faye. It would be nice to see her but there was no way that she was going to voluntarily spend time with Bitch Face, and she was actually glad that she had an honest excuse. She texted back quickly.


  Faye replied a moment later.


  Rose was glad her friend had a prior engagement– it saved her from having to explain why she couldn’t come round for dinner that evening. She texted back.


  She waited for a reply but after a few minutes gave up. Her lunch break was over anyway. Back to work.

  Brandon and Ossian were sat at a table with cappuccinos and cinnamon buns. It was warm in The Whisper, nice and cosy. The dim lighting created a mood of serenity for those that wanted to come and relax in the afternoon.

  Brandon had blabbed everything that had happened– the infatuation with Raven, the sleeping with Raven, and the being hurt by Raven. After he had told his story, the tears started again. He was beginning to feel like a leaky tap.


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