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Dark Hearts (The Dark Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Livvy Aarons

  “Sorry—I didn’t mean to scare you.” Aidan stepped into the lighted area of the gazebo.

  That was the last thing I felt towards him. “You didn’t,” I said mumbled.

  He waved off my comment coming closer, “What are you doing out here anyways?”

  Being in such a compacted area with Aidan was not a good idea. Tristan may have the ability to melt you with his mind and he was utter perfection physically but he lacked the mysterious, depths that Aidan had mastered. Not to mention the various things his hands have to done to my body. It was a mistake to take off the lace overlay that covered my breasts, for my nipples pebbled at the memories that Aiden had made.

  He cleared his throat and looked away then shrugged out of his coat. “You can borrow it if you’re cold.”

  I wasn’t cold but I took the offering anyway. “Thanks.” The coat was humongous and smelled of cinnamon rolls.

  “Tristan has been looking for you. I don’t blame you for hiding from him, just curious that’s all.” He folded his arms then leaned against one of the posts waiting for my answer.

  “I am not hiding…more like keeping my distance from my wounded ego.” I looked down at my hands playing with the buttons on his coat. “Besides Tristan has plenty of girls to keep him company for the next eon, he doesn’t need me to pine away after him. This is nothing more than a game he plays.”

  As I looked up, Aidan snatched me into a tight embrace, moving at an unnatural speed. “Darlin’ I am sorry that bastard hurt you. How anyone could be blind to see just how beautiful you are is beyond my imagination.” One of his warm hands slipped inside of the jacket and glided effortlessly over the smooth silk to cup my breast. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your reaction when I came into the gazebo.” He emphasized his point by plucking at mine.

  “I-I think I should go inside now.” God knew what would happen if I stayed here with him.

  Aidan tightened his arms, “No—Tristan will find you and I will not be able to watch him try to possess what is mine. I may not get another chance to hold you tonight. McKenna, I love you and the way he stares at you, especially dressed like this, makes me sick.” He did not wait for my response before he pressed his lips to my collarbone.

  I shivered with need. “Please—you haveta—stop.” My belly fluttered in anticipation when his nibbling trailing lower to the cavern of my breast bone. Then like a light switch, he released all contact with me.

  Quickly the heavy fog of desire lifted and I became aware of Dion’s presence. “I should have waited a bit longer to see just where this little tryst would go.” He looked at me with disgust then glanced at Aidan who was leaning against the gazebo’s railing. “Then again, after seeing him in action with the girls in L.A., the ending is not as suspenseful. The heart he carries has the true nature of a dark one.” When his brown eyes met mine I swallowed thickly. “Aidan you must promise me that you will not let this bitch drain your life force like she has with Tristan. She will destroy us all.”

  With the threat of oncoming tears, I pushed past Dion, not wanting either of them to witness my blubbering. However before I could get out of the alley, a swift gust of wind blew past me and Aidan stood a few feet in front of me. “Don’t listen to him McKenna, you are the only one who can save me. How can my savior also be my destroyer?”

  It baffled me that he thought that the whole draining your life force comment was what was bothering me. Just like a man to pick through a conversation to make it all about them. “Get out of my way you pig!”

  “What the hell is your problem then?” He growled then folded his arms over his chest.

  Moving closer, I clutched my fists ready to strike if necessary. “GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. MY. WAY!”

  Aidan’s stance deflated and in an instant, he was gone, leaving a trail of wind behind him. I did not know if I could get used to him having supernatural powers and I hope that I would not have to. My hands were still shaking as I wiped the moisture from my eyes but I took a few deep breaths before stepping out of the alleyway. Once I was back inside, I choked down my jealous pride to find my date Tristan. At this point I was tired of being a pawn in their games, shuffled from one square to the next. The pain in my heart was an empty loneliness that Aidan had ripped open again. While I cried night and day over him, he found his comfort between the legs of the whores of California.

  Before I let my conscience change my mind, I charged towards the unsuspecting Tristan then grabbed his face forcefully kissing him. All the anger I felt I channeled into this kiss, soon however the anger was replaced with desire. When my mouth softened against his, he gently licked the seam of my lips, demanding entry. Reluctantly I gave in and relished in his unique flavor by sucking on his tongue. Tristan was responding just how I had hoped, turning on his mind-altering seduction machine. The fantasies of him already had roots in my brain, they just needed watering and the man definitely had the highest quality H2O out there. As seconds passed by the thirst of passion overtook the world around me, leaving flames were his hands caressed my body. When the burning in my lungs began to take center stage he pulled away. Panting for breath I slumped against the hardness of his chest.

  Gently Tristan stroked my back, “Feeling better larisitá –I certainly do.” I managed to swallow the lump of guilt I was feeling then cautiously I looked up to see a smirk on my victim’s face. “It is more than okay McKenna to want someone to be jealous of you. Despite what you may think love, I am eager to be your plaything so do not feel guilt. Take what you want of me as long as it makes you happy.” My heart gave a tug at the wall of ice encasing it; someone actually wants me to be happy. Tristan chuckled, “Your little plan of revenge looks to have made the impression you wanted.”

  I quickly glanced around the room and found a seething Aidan staring at the two of us from a dark corner. The evil bitch inside bristled with satisfaction but it was the girl on the outside that wanted to escape those eerie green depths. Grabbing Tristan’s hand, I retreated into the main hall which was packed to the gills with a sea of gyrating bodies. The music was loud enough to block out my inner conscience and I joined in the mass of tangled dancers with my date. I was sure karma would get her retribution for that little scheme but right now karma could go to hell.

  Chapter 14:

  Barefoot Dreams in the Selfish Inquisitions

  “I really don’t think this is such a good idea McKenna. It’s not that Aidan deserves any sympathy but what about Tristan. He has been more than nice to you and revenge is just not your style.” Julie looked back in the stage’s direction where Aidan had disappeared.

  Frustrated I crossed my arms. “Perhaps the bastard should’ve thought about all this before he screwed all those girls in L.A. I am just dancing with my date, like everyone else.”

  She shook her head, “There is not another guy in the place staring at his date like Tristan stares at you. He loves you McKenna and you are toying with his emotions.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the situation; me ‘toying’ with the demon of lust’s emotions. “Making fun of people’s pain is not funny,” snapped Julie. “If this is what you are going to do all night, I want to go home.”

  I could not believe my best friend was pissed at me for giving back a little of what I had gotten. “Fine you’re telling Aidan—not me.”

  “What are you not telling Aidan?” I jumped at the sound of Tristan’s voice that came from behind me. A little squeak escaped my throat when I felt his warm hands settle on my hips.

  Thankfully Julie answered him, “We are ready to leave.” I gave her silent thanks then turned around.

  Tristan was staring at the stage. “As much as I want to fulfill your every request my pet, we may have a slight delay in leaving. Aidan is walking on stage.”

  I could not resist glancing at stage, instantly my heart sank with bitterness. Aidan has always had an enchanting glow when he was on the stage at Pete’s but tonight he was simply breathtaking. The tux jacket was gone, leaving
only the black vest with matching slacks and a slate gray button up shirt; none of this was what made the sight so beautiful. The thing of beauty was the fully extended black wings that shadowed him. Normally even I could only see an angel’s wings under certain conditions, such as: if they were in use, if the angel wanted you to see them or if the angel was in an extreme emotion. It was clear by the look on Aidan’s face which circumstance this fell under.

  The crowd finally took notice of him when the music cut off and he found the microphone. “Sorry but this will only take a minute. As some of you know every Friday night me and my band played at Pete’s , so if you guys have no objection I want to play one song for someone tonight. Is this cool with everyone?” The crowd answered in a loud cheer and on cue the stage lit up to reveal a large black piano. Once Aidan settled on the piano bench, he spoke again. “This song is for McKenna. She is a big fan of Mayday Parade and this song just fits so here it is, Miserable at Best.”

  “I didn’t even know that he could play piano,” I whispered at no one in particular. The entire song my eyes and ears were glued to the sorrowful song. Julie could have set herself on fire or Tristan for that matter and I would have never known. As the song came to a close reality set in, I really was hurting both men who loved me. My snap decision would have vicious results. I didn’t even realize that I was holding my breath until my vision began to blur. Violently I shoved my way through the crowd until I reached the exit doors. When I got outside I didn’t bother looking for our limo, instead I took off on foot towards my house. In the heat of the moment I did not consider that I had nearly ten miles to walk home with shoes that hurt my feet when I stood still in them. Not to mention it was on a deserted country road in the dark surrounded by thick woods. Why the town built their community center way out in the boonies was a damn good question. God I had to stop making fly by night decisions! By the time I had walked half a mile I was not crying because I had been such a fool but because my feet were numb. I didn’t even think when I saw headlight approaching, I flagged the car down. What if it was a serial killer or some hick rapist? The car looked too nice to be some inbred mountain man but even Ted Bundy didn’t drive a piece of crap. Great, it’s a Cadillac with a nice big trunk. Slowly I approached the idling car, the windows were completely black so I couldn’t see anything other than my reflection. The driver side window lowered at a snail’s pace and a sense of relief swept over me when I saw my could-be serial killer was Tristan. “How many cars can one person have?”

  “Sorry to disappoint you but this is not my car. I had Dion take the others home and I borrowed this from a friend. Are you getting in or not?”

  Even though my feet were in agony I sprinted to the passenger door. “Thank you for not being a killer or a rapist.”

  His laughter jingled throughout the tiny space. “You have no idea princess. So would you like to explain why you felt the need to abandon me and walk home?”

  “Not really—it was stupid.” After a few minutes of silence and staring out the window I noticed that we were not heading to my house. “Where are we going?”

  Tristan smiled, “Our date isn’t over until I say it’s over. Now relax, it’s a bit of a drive.”

  Somehow, a fog descended over my consciences and I drifted off to sleep. The false sense of calm washed over me when the nightmares of my mother did not start but quickly astonishment took its place…I could see unicorns. Where in the hell was I?

  * * * * *

  The flames licked violently at my feet and I could feel the flesh melting away. My throat was raw from the hours that I had been screaming; begging for mercy. There was so much pain racking through every cell of my body but there was no hope. Only in the darkest corners of this hell could I start to see a morsel of light…then like a splash of ice on my blistered bones did I hear a symphony of blissfulness.

  “MCKENNA! Please wake up!” A trembling voice screamed, trailing off into what sounded like gibberish. “Larisitá portá diddilātti, portá.”

  Slowly the flames receded, consciousness growing heavy in my mind. When the voice grew quiet, I opened my eyes to see Tristan in a demon form, cradling me in his arms. Startled, I sucked in a breath. “Holy shit you have horns! And why are you smoking?”

  The very much demonic Tristan flashed his viper-like fangs, “You were on fire pet. Now do you mind telling me who you pissed off to end up roasting in one of the dungeons in Bolgiē?”

  It was had to look at him in this form, much less answer any questions. “Before we get into all that, how about you look like a normal person and not all demonfide?”

  “Demonfide—I don’t even know if that’s a word, but I am sorry to report that until my battery is charged ‘normal’ is not a possibility. What little power I had left after bringing us back I used to heal you.”

  I couldn’t help staring at him, it was just weird seeing him like this. He had two black horns that flared back with two rows of smaller ridges in front of those but the ridges were almost covered by the mass of dirty blond hair. Tristan’s face still looked gorgeous with his pouty lips, strong jaw and oddly enough his steel gray eyes. If it wasn’t for the horns, red skin, black wings, fangs and claws he would be his supermodel self. “You’re eyes aren’t black.”

  Tristan’s mouth turned up at one corner, “Yeah I know.”

  Gingerly I sat up, looking around and saw that we were in my room. “Dammit my dad probably heard us; you’re going to have to leave before he sees you.”

  “No worries, pet. Daddy dearest was called away for work and your brother is staying at a friend’s house. I do however need to leave you. There are—things that I need to take care of. So how about that story I am still waiting on.” Tristan sat in my desk chair while I lounged in the floor.

  “All I know is that I fell asleep in the car then I started dreaming about fairies and unicorns. The dream was so fuzzy at first but as time went on everything felt very real. There was this one fairy I saw that had a crystal like crown and really long black hair. When I went to ask her where I was, she grinned and with a jerk of her chin, I was in handcuffs. The only thing I remember after that is burning to death in that dark fiery pit. Then I began to see a really bright light and hear your voice.” I sighed, “It doesn’t make any sense that I don’t remember everything.”

  Tristan was slouched over, staring at the floor. “Yes it does; you were drugged with a potion so you can’t remember who was after you. I have some ideas about the fairies.” His face was full of regret when he looked up at me. “Kelilah is right outside if you need her but I do not foresee a problem. It is obvious that whoever arranged the attack cannot cross realms. ”

  Before I could change my mind I leaned over and gently kissed him. It was a gaze at best. “Thank you.”

  He swallowed thickly and without another word left me alone. I really didn’t want to be alone and after a short search I texted Julie.

  “U still with Pat?”

  Julie: “No I was asleep. Where did you run off to?”

  “Never mind it is a long story. I am at home. Call you tomorrow.”

  Julie: “U need to call Aidan…he was beyond upset. If you don’t I will text him and tell him where you are.


  I stared at her last text; she thought she could blackmail me into calling him. Julie could forget it; there was no way I was going to ever speak to that bastard.

  Fifteen minutes later her bluff was hammering on my front door; so much for Kelilah protecting me. Perhaps my drama will help me forget about the earlier McKenna barbecue. “Hello Aidan,” I said opening the door.

  To his credit he looked positively awful. “We need to talk.”

  I pushed away from the door then started up the stairs. Hopefully he would get the hint to follow me. I patiently waited for Aidan to get to my room. He took longer than necessary but from his nervous fidgeting, I assumed he was giving himself a pep talk. My patience was thinning, “Can we please get this over with?”

  This time it was Aidan’s turn to get pissed. “McKenna look around you ‘this’ as you call it is over. This thing we had was over when I left for L.A., so I’m sorry that it hurt you that I was with other girls but you can’t hold that over my head. You have no idea how much it hurt me to know that you lied to me the moment we met. I admit leaving you was a huge mistake but leaving made me see that I really do need you and I love you.” His piercing green eyes were hopeful, I was certain mine were not.

  “Fine, you want to lay out your cards—I’ll lay out mine. When you left me I was in a lot of pain and very much alone. Julie did not even speak to me for two months. She was grieving over Aileen so I did what I thought was best and gave her the space she needed. Then Tristan came back from California, his attention was somewhat comforting and I wanted to forget. Hell I needed to forget everything, the curse, you and maybe even myself. I want you to be free. I even want us to work but when I think about how you left me” I shook my head, “I just cannot do it.”


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