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Club Dishabille (Apprivoisé)

Page 11

by Aoide, Arden

They were both quiet for a bit when Alex broke the silence. “I don't really understand what's going on but what about a Restraining Order?”

  Nick and Dahlia looked at each other for a moment. Nick nodded, drained his coffee, stood and gathered his things. He looked at Dahlia. “They'll probably need you to sign something.” He looked at Alex. “Thanks. That would be the ultimate 'Shut the fuck up and piss off' gesture if there ever was one. I don't know why we didn't think of it.”

  “Probably the energy it would take to waste that much time on them,” Dahlia said bitterly.

  Alex nodded, still a bit confused as Nick walked out. He looked at Dahlia, a question obvious on his face.

  “I'm the whore that trapped their innocent son with a baby, then divorced him when he became successful so that I could get his money. After the divorce, Nick would try to visit more since we didn't before, because he knew they didn't like me, but all they would talk about was how horrible I was in front of Callie. We were already very careful about how we separated to make it easier for her and they'd just bring it all down. Nick told them that they weren't allowed to see Callie anymore if they continued, and they chose to continue. Nick broke off all contact with them a year ago.” Dahlia got up to tidy up their mess. She was developing a headache.

  “So, they wanted Nick to buy your half of the business, I'm guessing?” Alex asked, starting to understand.

  “Yes. For two-hundred fifty.” Dahlia sighed and leaned on the counter.

  Alex got up and went around to put his arms around her. “Your portion has got to be worth ten times that.”

  Dahlia nodded. “And that's just the building. I can't remember what the business is worth.”

  “Well, Nick is going to take care of it and Callie isn't here,” he reassured. “When do you normally talk to her? Before you go to work?”

  Dahlia nodded. “Usually after you leave.” She rubbed her face on his shirt.

  “Is she having a good time?”

  “So much so that I'm scared she'll leave me when she graduates.” She tried to keep the sadness from her voice.

  “Maybe if we take her on vacation there once a year, she'll be satisfied to stay here.” He was pretty good with his reassuring voice.

  She raised her head and stared at him for a moment, then smiled. He bent down to kiss her and after a few moments, Dahlia began to laugh. “What?” He tried to look affronted.

  “Interesting aftershave.” She laughed again and walked around him to gather up her things for the day. She thought she might have detected a blush, but she thought that certainly her eyes were playing tricks on her.

  After a bit more playful kissing and hugging in the elevator and promises of meeting at six at Dishabille, they finally parted. Dahlia knew the day would drag on slowly.

  Dahlia spoke to Callie briefly. Today was filled with backstage tours of several off Broadway productions. Callie was having the time of her life. It had cemented her desire to be stage manager. To Dahlia's relief, she mentioned how she was looking forward to checking out the Arts departments at all the local universities.

  Dahlia was doing some filing while Nick was running errands when her phone went off.

  I never asked you if you enjoyed last night.

  I did enjoy it. Very much.

  That was the easiest question she'd ever had to answer.

  What did you enjoy the most?

  You make it difficult to choose.

  Alright. Is it something that you'd like to do again?

  I am spending the weekend with you. And I'm bringing the scarf.

  Good. Do you think you can handle more?

  Dahlia had to think how to answer this without sounding completely depraved.

  I'm looking forward to you figuring that out.

  Dahlia smiled.

  Well, aren't you being coy.


  I'm going to have to punish you for that. With a paddle.

  Dahlia wondered if she should carry smelling salts with her at all times now.

  If it pleases you.

  Oh, it will please me.

  Did you enjoy last night?

  More than I've ever enjoyed anything. Ever.

  This pleased Dahlia very much.

  I did okay for my first time, then?

  Yeah. You were perfection. You are exactly what I've always wanted.

  Dahlia noticed the verb change and upped her status from love-sick to obsessive sycophant.

  You aren't going to let me out of bed all weekend, are you?


  Well, I do need my rest.

  LOL Keep telling yourself that.

  You have to be worn out.

  I am. But, I can't seem to stop wanting to crawl inside you every time we're together. But, I'll do my best to just cuddle if that's what you need.

  You're in luck. I seem to have the same problem as you.

  Good. That's settled then. No sleep for either of us. ;-)

  I can't wait.

  I can't either. I miss you. I'll see you at six. We can get some dinner then.

  Sounds good. :-)

  Dahlia sighed happily. She continued her filing until Nick brought lunch.

  Dahlia made her way up the elevator around five. She had an hour to pack and shower. She also had a small errand to run. She flashed through her shower, so she could spend more time packing. She packed one of the cute bra and pantie sets she had just bought and put on another. She packed her versatile black wrap dress, another sundress and another pair of panties. She went to the dryer and pulled out her oft-worn pale pink nylon chemise. It wasn't the sexiest, but Alex would appreciate the color. She packed just the basic toiletries. She would filch some from Alex should she need it. She grabbed her toothbrush, a travel face wash and face cream. She already carried sunscreen in her purse.

  She went to her closet and looked for something to wear. Most of her wardrobe were sundresses as they were easy and she hated trying on jeans. She grabbed one off to the side that she'd only wore once since it was so low-cut. She had a good reason to wear it now.

  She gathered her bag and purse and took a look around the room. She saw the scarf hanging haphazardly off her pillow and she went to grab it and put that in her bag as well. She opened her nightstand drawer and looked at her vibrator. She grabbed it. Now it was time to hit the XXX down the street.

  Traffic was a little heavy and it occurred to her that it was entirely unreasonable to not want to go to the gift shop at Dishabille. But, she couldn't. She could barely handle going into an anonymous shop as it was.

  Ten minutes later, she found herself standing motionless just inside the door of the adult shop. She was going to have to canvass this place or ask where to find the butt plugs. Canvass she would. Thankfully, it seemed there were fishbowls on every end cap. All colors, shapes, and sizes. Dahlia held in a hysterical laugh. She picked out a small dark blue one to match her dildo while still holding in a laugh. She found the lube easily enough and for a moment she was surprised that there were as many lubricants as there were shampoos at the market. She reached for a small one advertised for anal play. With blushing cheeks, she marched bravely to the check-out to a clerk who didn't even bat an eye. She appreciated the lack of small talk, though in her head was a running commentary of all the small talk that could be had in a place such as this.

  She all but ran for her car and hid the contraband in an empty side pocket of her bag. She looked out both sides of her windows and started her car. She checked the time. She still had fifteen minutes.

  She texted Alex to let him know that she was on her way. A little later, she pulled into the back of Dishabille as instructed and thought she spied Alex's car, but wasn't certain. He hadn't texted her back, so she wasn't sure. She went through the back entrance, using the code, and again through the door down the stairs on her right as she walked in. This door was coded as well, and as it opened and she walked through, she nearly laughed out loud. It was a dungeon. Stone walls and lit sconces.
  Alex's was the first door, and she knocked once and turned the handle. It was unlocked, so Dahlia knew he was there and she peeked around the door with a smile. What she saw gutted her.

  Chapter 9

  “Excuse me?” The beautiful woman in just a corset asked, rudely. “This is a private room.”

  Dahlia took two steps backward, and the door closed automatically. She wondered if she had the right room. He'd said the one closest after you'd entered the second door. On the right. Tears began to blind her eyes, and she was being fueled by an instinct to just escape. She ran to her car and started it, and it wasn't until she'd pulled onto the road that she'd realized that she couldn't see and couldn't stop the tears. She drove up a few blocks and parked at a convenience store.

  Many moments passed before the tears slowed. The pain was unbearable and all this time that she believed that Nick had broken her heart almost made her laugh hysterically. Nick never had the power to hurt her like this.

  Her phone kept going off, but she didn't feel inclined to pick it up. She had to think. The more she tried, the less it made sense. Why would Alex have another woman there, today? If he were messing around, wouldn't he have had her leave before. Her. The woman with long wavy blonde hair, and completely naked except a corset around her middle. The beautiful woman sitting with her legs spread, facing the door. Waiting for Alex. Dahlia felt like she was going to throw up. God, she was so stupid. He never promised fidelity, but he sure implied it. He mentioned monogamy, but maybe he was trying several girls out before he picked one. Maybe she was one of many. Maybe he wasn't as busy at work as he'd said. Maybe he'd spent so much time with her this week because she was the newest. Maybe he didn't want her anymore and this was the way he'd chosen to get rid of her. She couldn't reconcile a cruel Alex with the one she'd gotten to know and she couldn't believe that Miranda would've been in on it. That still didn't change the fact that she was a fool.

  She picked up her phone. Five new texts and two missed calls. All from Alex. She wasn't ready to hear from him. She turned her ringer down. She couldn't drive. Not yet. She put her head on the steering wheel and inhaled wetly. She closed her eyes and tried to go straight to step two in the stages of grief, but the tears were still coming. She wasn't aware of time or even the temperature. She wondered if she should call Nick to come get her. She thought that was a pretty good idea. She'd get to it in a minute. When the pain subsided.

  When Alex pulled into the lot at Dishabille, he didn't see Dahlia's little gray Honda coupe. He'd gotten her text fifteen minutes previously, so he figured she'd beat him. Maybe she'd forgotten something at home. He pushed in the code for both doors and put his key in the door for his room, but noticed that it was unlocked. It didn't surprise him. He'd gotten a call from one of his friends that he works with occasionally asking if he and his girlfriend could use his room to change in. They were going to spend the evening at Dishabille, but all the rooms were already reserved and he didn't want to have to pick up his girl in broad daylight, with the outfit that she'd promised to wear. Alex had agreed readily. He texted Jeff the code to let them in and texted Miranda to unlock his door when she went up to work. The code changed weekly, so they'd be getting a new one tomorrow. Jeff said they'd be out of there by six, so it was possible that they hadn't left, yet.

  When he walked into his room, he nearly dropped his bag. In a chair across the room was Brigit. She was naked from the waist down, one leg over the arm of the chair, and smiling seductively, as she played with her breasts.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Alex asked with barely controlled anger.

  Brigit laughed. “You said we could use your room. I must say, I'm a little disappointed that you never brought me here.”

  Ah, thought Alex. Poor Jeff. “I didn't bring whores into my personal space.” He wasn't about to tell her that he moved in after they were together. “Where is Jeff?”

  It was true that they'd always went to her place, or to a room upstairs. She wasn't going to let that deter her. “I sent him out to get supper. Across town. He should be awhile, yet.” She crooked her finger at him. “Come here. I've missed you.”

  Alex took some calming breaths and took his phone out of his pocket. He needed to check on Dahlia. To warn her. “I want you to get dressed and leave immediately.”

  “Don't be like that,” she said as she stood up and walked towards him.

  “Don't fucking come near me. Get the fuck out before I call security.” He realized he wouldn't be able to give Dahlia proper attention, so he just texted for her to call him ASAP.

  Brigit's footsteps faltered. She really wasn't expecting vehement rejection. Alex wasn't looking at her at all like she expected. “Haven't you missed me?”

  “No,” he said instantly. “Leave, now.”

  “Ooh, I love it when you talk like that,” she cooed, taking a step closer to him.

  He held up a hand. “Back the fuck off.” He texted Miranda.

  My room ASAP

  Brigit started to touch herself. One hand on her breast and another working its way down. Alex didn't care to look.

  After a few moments of tense silence, Miranda walked in and took two seconds to assess the situation. Brigit at least had the decency to look shocked and try to cover herself.

  “Why the fuck is she here?” Miranda asked, eying her with disdain.

  “She came with Jeff,” Alex said tersely.

  “Well, where the fuck is Jeff?” Miranda asked the next obvious question.

  “She sent him out to get food. He's not back, yet. I want her gone before Dahlia gets here,” Alex said angrily.

  This wasn't going at all how Brigit expected. She knew that she might have to do some begging, but he didn't seem to be fazed at all by her seductive non-outfit. She had tried to text and call Alex several times, but he'd never acknowledge any communication. She wanted him back. She knew that she had been wrong in stringing him along, but she hadn't wanted to tie herself down back then. She should have realized that he was the best of the best when she'd had him.

  At the mention of another woman, Brigit knew that she would get the last laugh. She didn't take rejection well. “That short curly-headed woman?” She asked innocently. “She left. She looked a little upset.”

  Alex was murderous. He spoke quietly and precisely. “Are you saying that the love of my life walked in here and saw you in the exact same position that I did?”

  Brigit nodded brightly. “I told her this was a private room. She shut the door and I could hear her running away.”

  “Miranda.” Alex tried to calm himself. “Get her the fuck out of here, or I might go to jail.”

  Miranda pulled her phone out and called her two-man security team. “We have a woman in Alex's. She needs an escort off the premises.”

  “I'm going to drive over and see if she's home,” Alex said. He felt a panic attack coming on.

  “I'll take care of this,” Miranda reassured. “Dahlia is a sensible girl, Alex.”

  He nodded, and ignored Brigit's calls as he walked out of the room. He sped over to Dahlia's and was dismayed when her car wasn't there. Nick's was, though. He didn't know where else to go. He punched in the code and was relieved to see that Nick was still at his desk.

  “What is it? Has something happened?” Nick stood and asked.

  Alex thought he must have looked truly awful. He reached up to rub his face and his hand came away wet. “We were meeting at my place at six. She got there before me. When she walked in, one of my ex-girlfriends was there waiting for me. She was mostly naked. Dahlia left.”

  “One of your exes?” Nick wanted to clarify.

  “Yes,” Alex bit out. “Miranda is having her escorted off the property. I don't know where Dahlia is. She won't answer my texts or calls. I tried the whole way over.” Alex sat, breath coming faster. “I can't lose her. I can't.”

  Nick picked up his phone and tried to call her. She didn't answer, so he texted her. He wasn't expecting one bac

  “Can you think of any place she might have gone? Any place at all?” Alex asked desperately.

  Nick shook his head and sat back, trying to think. He knew that Dahlia was in love with Alex and that she must be devastated right now. He was a little concerned, but didn't know how much he should worry. He didn't think she would do anything stupid. He wasn't certain that he could say the same for Alex. He was a complete mess.

  Nick knew that Alex was sincere. He didn't know how easy it would be to convince Dahlia once she was found, but he absolutely deserved to try. He suddenly remembered. Her phone. “We can track her phone.”

  Alex stood and walked to Nick's desk as he logged onto the tracking application. Ever since Callie started carrying a phone, they'd wanted something just in case they were separated. It took a few moments to bring up Dahlia's location, but then a few more for Alex and Nick to understand what it meant. “That's where the club is, right?” Nick asked. Dahlia's location showed that she was right next to Dishabille.

  Alex was confused. “Yes. How accurate is this? Is there a time delay?”

  Nick shrugged. “Let me do my phone.” He clicked his number and his location showed that he was behind the building.

  “So, she'd be right near the club. Alex–” Nick checked his watch, then looked at Alex with a serious expression. “If she were only able to drive a little ways and it's been over an hour, she's going to be–I don't know.” Nick took a deep breath. “She's head over heels for you. I don't know what kind of condition she's going to be in.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Do you want me to go?”


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