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Tainted Love

Page 8

by Lockhart, Cate

  Chapter Fourteen

  Abbi knew she was going to have to have a serious talk with Ben before she made any drastic decisions. Maybe she would try her mum out first. Yes, it was her mother, but her mum had a surprisingly wise and rational way about looking at things. Maybe Abbi wasn’t seeing something or looking at things right. All she knew was that right now she was alone and scared, and that the man who was supposed to love her was too busy to come to her aid. But their accountant wasn’t. That’s what she wanted. Needed. To be important enough to someone who would and could drop everything for her when she needed them. Not only was Taylor gorgeous, he was just a nice normal guy. He wasn’t out to save the world, he might make sure the chequebook was balanced, but that could always wait to be done too after life’s little emergencies.

  Finally, the cab pulled up into the car park of the vet. Abbi was surprised to see Taylor standing outside the entrance already. He came up to the cab and opened the door. He offered her his hand, and she took it to get out.

  ‘Awww, what’s up, Buddy?’ Taylor frowned looking at Buddy who just peered back at him. ‘Do you want to pee on my shoe?’

  Abbi laughed. Oh, it felt good to laugh for just a second.

  ‘Take him in. I’ll pay the driver,’ said Taylor

  ‘No really.’ Abbi was fumbling for her wallet.

  ‘It’s okay. Take Buddy in, now go.’

  ‘Okay.’ She walked with Buddy held close against her chest. The door chimed as she went in and Becky looked up from her desk.

  ‘Hi, Abbi. Aww what’s up, Bud?’ Becky frowned when she looked at him.

  ‘Hi, Becky. I know you said ten, but I…’ Abbi was about to cry.

  ‘No worries at all. Clearly, he doesn’t feel good. I’ve actually just had a cancellation anyway so come on back. Room three is open.’

  ‘Oh, thank you.’ Abbi felt calmer just being in the company of the professionals who could help Buddy. She hugged Buddy tight and went through the swinging doors and down the hall. Becky walked her down to room three and Abbi set Buddy and his blanket down on the table. He perked up a little bit, sat up and looked around when Jenny, the vet entered.

  ‘Morning Abbi.’

  ‘Hi, Jenny.’

  Jenny stroked Buddy’s head, while she reached for the thermometer. ‘Okay, Buddy,’ she said kindly, scratching him under his little chin. ‘You know the drill, bottoms up.’

  Buddy whimpered a little when she inserted the thermometer, but he just continued to look mostly miserable. In a few seconds it beeped, and Jenny looked at it. ‘Yeah, he definitely has a fever, poor little guy.’

  She continued to exam him and then said, ‘I’m pretty sure it’s just a virus so I’ll just give him some doggie Calpol, and he should be weeing on people’s shoes again in no time.’

  Abbi smiled. ‘I never thought I’d be so happy to hear those words.’

  ‘It doesn’t taste good so hide it in something he really likes.’

  ‘Okay, no problem. How long before he feels better?’

  ‘Oh, I would say a day or two and you should notice a marked difference. But give him the whole course until it’s gone regardless of if he’s back to normal or not.’

  ‘Got it. No problem.’

  ‘Bye, Buddy. I expect that tail to be wagging the next time I see you.’ Jenny affectionately petted him. ‘Take care now.’ She opened the door to let Abbi and Buddy out.

  ‘See, Buddy, people care about you even if Ben doesn’t,’ Abbi said as the carried him back to the reception area.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ‘So what’s the word?’

  Abbi turned to Taylor as he rose to his feet. He had been reading a women’s magazine which he dropped on the table. She felt a sudden affection and warmth towards this man, who had been concerned enough to meet her here and then wait patiently for them. There’s so much more to him than his good looks and charm. He has compassion and empathy.

  ‘Oh, Taylor. I’m so sorry to have made you come.’

  ‘Nonsense. I wanted to be here for you. Is he okay?’

  ‘Yes…well, no. I mean, he has a bug. Can you believe that? I didn’t know dogs could get bugs. But anyway, yes, he’s getting medicine and should be fine and ready to pee on your shoes soon.’

  ‘Well, hey that’s great. In fact, I might just break out my flip flops for a day or two then.’ He grinned and scratched Buddy’s head.

  ‘Now would definitely be the safest time for flip flops.’ Abbi laughed. ‘Thank you so much for waiting. That was just really very nice of you.’

  ‘Hey, I’m a nice guy.’ He smiled.

  Becky came back up to the front.

  ‘Would you mind holding Buddy while I settle up?’ Abbi asked Taylor.

  ‘Of course not. Come here tough guy.’

  Taylor took Buddy from Abbi’s arms and kept him until Abbi had finished with Becky. He held the door open for her, and they left the warm office and walked back out into the blustery cold. If this weather kept up in October, they were in for a long bitter cold winter.

  ‘My car is over there.’ He pointed, and they headed in the direction of a black BMW. ‘Wow, nice,’ Abbi said, as he held the door open for her.

  ‘Thanks, but you’d think I drive a lorry the amount I’m charged by my insurance company. Sometimes, I think it’s not worth it. But I have a cottage up in Cumbria and I like to drive up there and out of London most weekends.’

  ‘Cumbria? Sounds wonderful,’ Abbi said. Really, really wonderful. Most weekends! Like a normal person? ‘Oh no. It’s almost ten, I’m keeping you from your work.’

  ‘What? Oh no worries, my secretary can handle things. In fact, are you going to your shop? I could swing by the office and grab your paperwork and then take you over.’

  ‘Only if you’re sure. I’ve taken up enough of your time today.’

  ‘Absolutely positive.’

  Abbi took out her phone and checked. She wanted to believe that Ben had texted or called her back and she just hadn’t heard it. But no, nothing. She felt hurt and angry. She was sure he would have got her texts, and he couldn’t take two seconds to reply? She wasn’t going to text him again. She’d wait to see how long it would take him to respond to her previous messages. What if it hadn’t just been a bug? She didn’t know that, and he didn’t either. And still nothing. She knew he loved Buddy. Ben was not one of those ‘He’s just a dog’ kind of people, but still. He also knew her, and knew that she would be scared and worried and her parents were out of town as well. So really, she didn’t have anyone as far as Ben knew. And he still couldn’t check in?

  ‘Everything okay?’ Taylor asked looking over at her.

  No. My fiancé is being a dickhead, but I’m glad I’m here with you. At least you act like you care.

  ‘What? Oh, yes. I was just making sure, I didn’t miss any important emails.’

  ‘So how do you like working at the shop?’

  ‘Do you mean with the antiques or for my parents?’

  ‘Okay, fair enough. Both, I guess.’ Taylor laughed.

  ‘Actually, the answer is the same for both. It’s kind of satisfying to see something old turned back into something beautiful. We have really nice clients. It’s a pretty laid back job. As far as my parents go, I’m very lucky. Both are nice, hard-working people. They have old-fashioned morals but are still open-minded. I guess that’s why I don’t like drama a whole lot. I’ve never really been around it, and I don’t like it.’

  ‘Is there drama now?’ Taylor asked.

  She had let that comment slip out accidently with realising. She was not about to start discussing her relationship with this guy that she was lusting after, so she came up with a good diversion quickly.

  ‘No, not really. I guess I was talking about Buddy, and maybe whatever is going on with the company’s finances.’

  ‘Ahh, got you. I was afraid, yesterday might have been a problem.’

  Wow. This guy doesn’t miss anything. Maybe that’s an ac
countant thing, scrutinize the details. ‘Yesterday?’ Abbi was going to try the dumb blonde routine. That worked didn’t it?

  ‘Yes, lunch? When your fiancé came it. You could cut the tension with a knife.’

  ‘Ah, yes. Well, he was just disappointed that I wasn’t available. We haven’t had much time together recently, as in the last couple of years, and well, it was just unfortunate.’

  The dimples framing his mouth flashed with a mixture of guilt and mischief. ‘You could have easily asked me to leave. Why didn’t you?’

  Because I would rather have spent the time with you then Ben! There it was, out in the open – in her mind anyway. She’d been honest with herself. Maybe Buddy getting sick was the catalyst to show her that she was making a mistake with Ben. It was nothing to do with Taylor. Though being around him didn’t help matters. No today she had seen a snap shot of her future with Ben and she hadn’t liked it one little bit. She was sure there was someone out there more suited to Ben’s lifestyle but unfortunately it wasn’t her.

  ‘If you don’t mind Taylor, I’d rather not talk about it at the moment.’

  ‘No worries. But if you need to talk I’ve got pretty broad shoulders.’ He rested his hand on her knee.

  Okay, I’m having a hot flush now. Abbi cleared her throat, ‘Thanks, but I’m pretty sure I know what I’m going to do. The time for talking is pretty much over.’ She gave a faint smile. ‘Taylor, I really do appreciate your help this morning. It was very thoughtful.’

  ‘You mum pays me by the hour, so I’m making out like a bandit.’ He looked over for a reaction. Abbi stared at him, and he burst out laughing. ‘I’m kidding, Abbi! We really are going to have to work on getting you to lighten up.’

  Abbi just smiled and shook her head. She reached back and stroked Buddy, who was sound asleep in his blanket on the back seat.

  ‘Do you want to take him home?’ Taylor asked.

  ‘Oh no. I really do have to get to the shop and open up. I won’t be able to get anything done, if he’s at home alone.’

  ‘Fair enough. But I’d be more than happy to watch over him while you get on with things.’

  Abbi’s heart swelled. She liked how easy it was being around Taylor. He was just laid back. He wasn’t a deadbeat by any means, but he wasn’t the ‘going one hundred miles per hour got to go save the world’ type either. He was smart, and kind and funny. He was unbelievably sexy. Why is he still single? As far as Abbi was concerned he was the catch of the century. Her dad had been wrong. It wasn’t Ben. Ben was the saviour of the world. Abbi just wanted someone to be her saviour.

  She turned and looked at Taylor’s strong profile. It would take a matter of seconds to reach and touch him. Oh God why have you put me in such a predicament?

  He brought the car to a halt at a red light and turned to her. Something – a silent understanding, passed between them. Then it was gone and Taylor turned away and resumed driving. Was he playing with her emotions? No he wouldn’t do that. Hadn’t he said that fate had brought them together? Yes, but he’s not said anything about it so far. The closest he’s come is to say that he’s anxious to see you which could mean anything.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what Taylor would do if she responded in kind to his flirting. Would he actually want to take it a step further or was it all just a big game to him? Would he think she was a wanton woman if he knew she had not been having very honourable thoughts about him? This situation she found herself in wasn’t fair. But life isn’t fair, she reminded herself. Ben had promised her stability and a family. At the time she had thought those things were important. But of late she was beginning to realise they were only the small part of a very large pie. Yes, Ben was going to be a great provider. But he was too busy to realise that he was being a shitty fiancé.

  How do you win the argument ‘I can save a kid’s life or I can be at home with you?’ She knew she couldn’t never win that one, and Abbi did not want to go through her life feeling like the bad guy all the time.

  ‘Next street up is my office. I’ll just jump out and grab my files.’

  Within minutes he pulled up behind his office where there were a couple of reserved spots.

  ‘Be right back.’ He climbed out the car and headed towards the entrance of the building. Abbi loved watching his long confident stride. His strong thighs….Yummy!

  When he disappeared through a set of doors she rested her head against the headrest

  Abbi was exhausted. After being on the couch last night, the fight with Ben earlier, the panic over Buddy; she really just wanted to go home, have a glass of wine and go to bed. Of all weeks, for her parents to be gone. Well, just a day more, and they would be back.

  Sometimes they came back earlier, but Abbi hoped that this would not be one of those times. She had the sense that Taylor’s update on the finance situation was not about to make her day any better. Abbi was not going to ask if it was good or bad because she already knew, and wanted to put off the inevitable for as long as possible. As was the talk with Ben. She was debating whether that should be in public at a restaurant or at home in private. Perhaps a restaurant would be better. He wouldn’t be as likely to just storm out, and leave her there.

  Taylor was gone about fifteen minutes, and emerged around the corner with two cups of coffee and his satchel over his shoulder. She opened her door for him, and he handed her the steaming cup.

  ‘Thank you so much. Just what I needed.’

  ‘I had a late night myself, so a little extra oomph is in order for me too.’

  ‘Oh?’ A stab of jealously tore at her heart.

  ‘Yeah. A slow smile spread across his face as if reading her mind. ‘I was working, Abbi. On your mum’s accounts.’

  Her heart skipped a merry beat. ‘That’s good.’ Her hand flew to her mouth. ‘I don’t mean that’s good you weren’t sleeping with…no what am I saying…it’s good that…’

  Taylor grabbed her hand. ‘It’s okay, Abbi. You don’t have to hide anything from me.’


  He put a finger against her lips. ‘You’ll know when the time is right and when you do, I’ll be waiting for you.’

  Without another word he started the car and they drove to the antiques shop in silence.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Taylor dropped Abbi off at the shop front so she could open up and he said he would bring Buddy in once he found a place to park.

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Of course, see.’ He raised a foot. ‘I’ve got my loafers on, and he’s flat out anyway.’

  Abbi laughed. ‘See you in a few minutes.’

  It was 10.30 and she was an hour and a half late opening up. She flipped on the lights and turned the OPEN sign over. Walking over to the phone on the counter she saw the blinking light for messages. Oh good, there’s only six missed calls. Sitting down, pen in hand, she hit play and wrote down the names, numbers, and content of the message. She heard the front door chime, and walked around the corner to see Taylor walking in with the blanket bundled Buddy in one and his coffee in the other. It was an adorable sight, and Abbi mentally took a picture since she couldn’t have a real one.

  She grabbed Buddy from Taylor, and took him back to his bed in her office.

  Taylor was looking around the show room at the floor displays when she came back out. ‘I bet there’re no drinks allowed in here, huh?’ he said.

  ‘Not usually, but this is an unusual day, and you certainly have earned a pass. Come on back if you like, and we can get started.’

  ‘Sounds good.’ He followed her back to the same work table they had shared lunch on the day before. He took out some manila folders and an invoice binder. Then he pulled out some document protectors that had memos on them.

  Abbi pulled up a chair beside him, and waited for him to get organised. He smelt amazing, and she resisted the urge to just lean her head over on his arm, sigh, and forget about this day.

  ‘Right. I’ve gone through all the invo
ices for the last five years for all the shops. Twice. Everything looked fine except for the St Albans one.’

  He glanced at Abbi and she grimaced.

  ‘Basically this is the record of the jobs coming in, money collected, and then money deposited. Pretty simple stuff. Except, your mum’s accountant was right. At the end of the year for the taxes the St Albans shop was way under in deposits for what should have come in.’

  He continued with his findings and by the end of it Abbi’s heart was in her mouth. They had found the culprit and it was her uncle for sure.

  ‘Can you tell when this started?’

  ‘Yes, I went back five years, and it has only been going on for the past year and half.’

  ‘And how much money is missing?’

  Taylor reached for another envelope that had a legal pad in it. ‘In total five hundred and twenty thousand.’

  Abbi felt like she had been kicked in the stomach. She could physically feel the blood drain away from her face. Uncle Bill what have you done? What would he need half million pounds for? And why wouldn’t he just talk to her dad about it anyway? None of this made any sense and the thought of having to tell her mother made her physically nauseated.

  ‘Are you absolutely sure? I mean, well, is there anyway something has been overlooked?’

  Taylor didn’t seem offended. ‘No, I’m sure. From the paperwork that I have, this is my conclusion. This amount of money is unaccounted for.’

  ‘This is going to kill my parents,’ mumbled Abbi.

  ‘Well, they have lots of legal options and…’

  ‘Legal. Oh no, my dad wouldn’t turn on his own brother for money. No matter how much it is. He’s family.’ She felt her eyes welling up.


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