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BILLIONAIRE: Secret Ransom: Desired Love Series: Book 1 (New Adult Contemporary Romance)

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by Sage, D. S.

  “Do I have to remind you who signs your paychecks?” Michael challenged. “Or are you planning to set up shop with this clown across town?”

  Two of the three, blonde and chiseled, laughed Michael off like he was a bug in need of nothing more than a swift swat. But Lily honed in on the smallest of the bunch, his hair tousled about his head as he lowered his eyes and tugged on Powell’s sleeve.

  “Umm… it is his interview,” the small man said. “Maybe we should just wait until the next board---”

  “Did I speak to you, Ron?” Powell asked through a hiss. “High time someone put this kid back in his place.”

  As Lily wondered what that meant, Michael suddenly wheeled back and slammed his fist into Powell’s jaw. Crying out as he gripped his face, Powell stumbled backward into his minions’ arms, and he brushed himself off with a look to kill in his eyes as Michael threatened another blow.


  Surprised by the sound of her own voice, Lily held Michael back and barely nodded as she met his stare.

  “He’s… he’s not worth it,” she said.

  “I’ll be the judge of---”

  “I’m here for an interview,” Lily said. “And you should show these… gentlemen out the door so we can get on with it.”

  The blondes chuckled, and Powell seethed as Michael stepped past them and pointed towards the way out.

  “Take out the trash,” Michael said. “And listen to Ron. When we’re at the next board meeting.”

  Powell shifted to his full height, meeting if not matching Michael’s stare, and he brushed a faint trickle of blood from his chin as he sneered.

  “Can’t wait to see history repeat itself,” he said.

  As soon as the men were gone, Lily started to relax again in her own skin. She knew nothing of history and the true implication of Powell’s threat. But Michael had defended her when it came to the man’s slimy hands, and she started to offer her thanks when Michael’s stare suddenly turned cold.

  “Miss Vasquez,” he started. “I thank you so very much for coming. I will certainly review your credentials. And if there’s a want for your services, someone will get in touch.”

  “If there’s…”

  She couldn’t find any other words as she struggled where she stood.

  “I… I impressed you,” Lily said. “Walters spoke up for me. And you… you defended me.”

  “So chivalry isn’t dead,” Michael said as he avoided her eyes. “We’ll call you if we want to proceed.”

  With her head swimming, Lily tried to ask him what was really going on when he pushed a button and spoke into a speaker.

  “Nora, please see Miss Vasquez out.”

  Chapter 3

  “That doesn’t sound like him.”

  Raymond Walters appeared with two cups of tea. He kicked a pile of papers aside and perched on the edge of his cluttered desk as he handed her a steaming mug. Sipping quickly, Lily turned the cup over and over again in her hands and sighed.

  “One minute he’s a good guy, like looking out for me or whatever,” she started. “And the next, he’s pushing me away with hands.”

  “Sorry about that, Lil,” Walters said as he took a swig and lightly touched her shoulder. “I swear I put in a good word for you.”

  “I believe you, Prof,” she said. “Maybe I just wasn’t the right fit.”

  Walters nearly choked on his tea before setting his cup aside and wiping his mouth with the back of his stained sleeve.

  “Come on, Lil,” he sputtered. “You know all too well that you’re one of the best I ever had in a lecture hall.”

  Blushing at the compliment, Lily recalled all the ways that Walters doted on her. Signaling out her contributions to the course’s online forum, always address her as Ms. Vasquez as he spun her late night comments into speeches pertaining to the need for higher wages. Profit margins might prove lower, but Walters always translated her belief that it could be made up in quantity if the workforce was retained.

  “And I told young Bingham that he’d be a fool to pass you up.”

  Walters gingerly took hold of her hand, and Lily settled into his touch as she turned her head over around her neck and sighed heavily.

  “You were always as good as your word,” she said. “And he was… he seemed intrigued.”

  “Meaning he put the moves on you,” Walters said.

  Gasping as she shot up straighter in her chair, Lily started to ask him how he could have put her in that position when Walters waved his hand in the air, his motions brimming with surrender.

  “There are stories, Lil,” he said. “But the man’s far from an animal. Do you really think that I would have set you up for something where you might be hurt?”

  Conceding the point, Lily shook her head and reached for his hand.

  “Not like you put me in Powell’s path,” she said.

  “Lucas Powell?” he asked his face growing dark as he spoke the name.

  “Slimy son of a bitch with a mustache,” Lily carefully said. “Something tells me you know---”

  “I’ve heard stories,” Walters said. “He was there at the start. Made his way through the door because he knew the senior Bingham. Make no mistake; the man is smart. He just prefers shortcuts.”

  “Shortcuts?” Lily asked.

  “I don’t want to speak out of turn.”

  He left his desk in search of what had to be a fresh cup of tea when Lily grabbed his arm and rose to her feet.

  “Like anything could ever stop you,” she challenged.

  Walters relented with a light pat on her arm and assumed the seat behind his desk as he crossed his arms about his chest and ran his fingers through his small beard.

  “When Michael sat at my foot, he always wanted to know how to keep things honest,” Walters said. “That from a kid born with a silver spoon was impressive.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Lily flashed back to the feel of his lips and the warm light in his eyes. He wasn’t one of the bad guys. Far from it. So why had he pushed her---?

  “And I’m… now this is just gossip mind you,” he said.

  “Sometimes that’s how you learn things,” she quipped.

  “You’re thinking of Cheap Talk Paying the Bills,” he said.

  “I always thought it was an awesome paper,” Lily said. “And if I’m remembering it correctly…”

  She slipped to his side and pinched his cheek as she sank to her knees and peered into his eyes.

  “There’s always more to the story,” she teased.

  “Ms. Vasquez.”

  Walters tried to leave his chair when Lily held him in place and firmly shook her head.

  “Interview didn’t go down the way either of us planned,” she said. “No one’s fault. But I would like to know why.”

  Walters groaned and tapped his fingers to his brow as he shot Lily a quick glance and sighed through his fingers

  “At least let me get a refill,” he said.

  “Don’t keep me waiting too long, Prof.”

  Lily resumed the seat before his desk as she heard the whistle of his kettle. Strange to think that a man like Michael Bingham would have ever left his gilded walls to slum it amongst so much dust. But Walters was usually as good as his word, and as Lily waited, she could almost picture Michael at her side in search of the total truth. Looking over her shoulder, he remained nowhere to be found, and Lily felt as if it fell to her to gather the facts.

  “So you want to know all about Michael Bingham,” Walters said as he sipped his fresh cup and crossed his legs.

  “I have some idea of the backstory,” she said. “There was talk that he… something like he’s not ready to assume the throne or whatever.”

  “Powell again,” Walters said. “The old man hated him for bringing in Pond as a silent partner. Hated things more when his will gave Michael all the power.”

  “But that… isn’t that his birthright?” Lily asked.

  “Blood to be sur
e,” Walters said. “Powell felt… he still thinks that he should be the one at the reins.”

  Intrigued, Lily flicked a few pages aside and pressed her fingers to her chin.

  “Why not just can his ass?” Lily asked. “Seems like that would be simple enough.”

  “From what I heard, he tried that,” Walters said. “And I… look.”

  The professor grabbed her hands and spoke softly, seemingly in fear that unseen eyes and ears might catch his meaning.

  “All I really know is that he thinks there’s reason to be afraid,” Walters said. “It’s why he keeps Powell on and puts up with his bullshit.”

  “But what is---?”

  “Don’t know the facts, Lil,” he said. “God’s honest truth.”

  Taking Walters at his word, Lily sighed as she sank back into her seat and cracked her knuckles. Michael Bingham had dismissed her in no uncertain terms, like he never wanted to see her ever again.

  Or was that part of the con, something that he did to keep her out of harm’s way? Touching if that was the case, Lily still stretched to her feet and pushed her hair behind her ears.

  “Think I should hear it from the horse’s mouth,” he said. “Thanks, Prof.”

  Wanting nothing more than to get to the bottom of the story, Lily was almost out the door when Walters suddenly spun her back to his chest.

  “Don’t play with fire,” he said. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Didn’t think about that when you sent me his path in the first place.”

  “I didn’t think,” he confessed. “Lil…”

  Walters gripped her hands, and she saw sweat beading his brow.

  “On paper,” he started. “This is all that I want for you.”

  Walters always made like a father when it came to thoughts of her future, and even now, Lily took hold of his hand and smiled softly.

  “But it wasn’t all good,” Lily said.

  “Lil, I swear that---”

  “It’s okay, Prof,” she said. “Sure there’s nothing more you can tell me?”

  Walters held her hands tighter and sighed softly.

  “From what I hear, the old guard wants to put the boy down,” he started. “But our boy Bingham is determined.

  “So why send me away?” Lily asked.

  “That I don’t know,” Walters said. “Rumor has it that Powell’s holding something over him.”

  “Something meaning what?” Lily asked.

  She waited for him to speak when Walters did nothing but shrug his shoulders.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “Sure as hell wasn’t trying to set you up.”

  “Of course not,” she said. “But what does… what do you think Powell is holding over---?”

  “I really don’t know, Lil,” he said. “Truly. But whatever it is has to be strictly business.”

  “Are you so sure?” Lily asked.

  “What else could it be?”

  She started to tell her teacher that Lucas Powell wanted more than her ideas, and it fell to Michael Bingham to keep her out of what felt like harm’s way. But there was something else. Something that turned Michael from sweet to sour in the wake of Lucas Powell, and Lily shrugged her shoulders as she fingered the rim of her empty mug.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “But I…”

  Lily wanted to have a chance to bring him around. She wanted to hold him and know his kiss again. No doubt Walters would tell her that it was all wrong and work overtime to set up another interview. But Lily still wanted the first chance at her disposal, and she smoothed her hands through her hair and managed a smile.

  “But I’m going back,” she said. “If anyone can help him, I---”

  “Lil, let it go,” Walters said. “I’ll get you another---”


  Lily kissed his cheek and stroked his skin. Just one glimpse made her more than aware of the danger, but she wanted to prove that she could enter his world. Help him if she could.

  “Keep the kettle on?” she asked.

  Walters struggled under his touch, but Lily kept him close and narrowed her eyes.

  “I want to know what happened,” she said. “And… and if I can…”

  Her voice trailed off as Walters grabbed her chin and sighed.

  “You really think you can help him?” he asked.

  “Didn’t you?”

  Walters’ lips curled into a small smile, and he pushed back, letting Lily stand on her own two feet.

  “Lil, I think you are more than capable of whatever you put your mind to.”

  Chapter 4

  “And you are?”

  Lily stood before his office. Looking at the round woman with bright orange locks just resting above dark-rimmed glasses, Lily smoothed her hands down her dark print skirt with more swirls than Michael Bingham might have wanted to see. She still flicked the edges and managed to smile.

  “Lily Vasquez,” she said. “I… Mr. Bingham and I met a few days ago. And I’d like the chance to see him again.”

  “Wouldn’t everyone?”

  The woman scrunched her nose and adjusted her specs as she quickly glanced at the screen under her eyes, clicking the mousepad and finally smirking.

  “Mr. Bingham is in appointments all day,” she said. “Maybe you should just come---”

  “No,” Lily said. “I can wait.”

  “The spectacled woman seemed stunned by Lily’s bold showing, and her fingers moved to call for what had to be security, her mouth following the lead when she suddenly let the phone fall with a snort.

  “Your funeral,” she said. “He won’t be back for hours.”

  “I have nowhere else to be.”

  As the minutes ticked by, Lily tried to focus on her phone. Paying attention to her spam folder for the first time in weeks, maybe even months, she was shocked by the number of unknown callers wanting to give her a loan that promised to eradicate every trace of her debt. Should she go through the motions and try to access the funds? Being free and clear felt all kinds of sweet. But she didn’t follow through. Another shoe could fall at any second, and the last thing Lily needed was another headache.

  “Does he know you’re back?” the woman asked. “Does he even want you around?”

  As Lily pondered the question, she wondered what Michael Bingham might do. She wasn’t supposed to be here. Would he hurt her and scream into her face? Did that have something to do with the history that he wanted to keep buried?

  “I want to be here,” Lily said.

  The woman scoffed as she waved her hand in the air.

  “He’s not showing anytime soon,” she said.

  “I’m all good.”

  Lily looked to her phone again and tried to lose herself in matching a game of matching colors that started and suddenly failed to connect into a pattern and bring her to the next level. Playing at it for as long as she could stand, Lily finally hid her phone away. She wanted to grab the woman by the collar and shake Michael’s whereabouts from her tongue when she just lowered her eyes and spoke softly.

  “Any idea when?” she asked.

  “Not a clue.”

  The woman kept her focus on her monitor, her fingers typing at a frenzied pace. Curious as to the content of her message, Lily tried to sneak a peek over woman’s wide shoulders when she suddenly spun around in her chair.

  “Persistent little thing aren’t you,” she said.

  “I… what can I say,” Lily said with a quick shrug of her shoulders.

  “That’s what I’d like to know. But let’s say you sit first.”

  Glad for the opening and not wanting to press her luck, Lily did as she was told and settled in the couch as she pressed her palms to the cream-colored cushions.

  “You wouldn’t by any chance be the wannabe intern that put Mr. Powell in his place?” she asked.

  For a second, Lily was too stunned to speak, but slowly the words came.

  “I… I guess that my reputation precedes me,” Li
ly said.

  “According to Mr. Powell, you… questioned his skill set?”

  “Had to call it like I saw it,” Lily said. “And the mustache does nothing for me.”

  “Does tend to tickle.”

  Feeling as if her eyes might bulge out of her head, Lily pictured the woman losing her glasses, her lips smashing into Powell’s, and just the image made her want to wretch.

  “Relax, honey,” she said. “One time at a Christmas party. I was a little drunk. Powell was plastered.”

  She craned over her desk and extended her hand.

  “I never let it happen again,” she continued. “But you cut him off at the pass before he even got the chance.”

  “Guess that makes me… discerning?” Lily asked.

  “No need for the fancy talk,” she said. “Makes you one smart cookie. Stay strong, and don’t crumble.”

  Feeling more at ease than maybe she had any right to, Lily still stretched her arm over the desk and extended her hand.

  “Thanks for that,” Lily said. “Do I get to put a name with the face?”

  “Honey, don’t say it like that,” she said. “Let’s say you take it back and ask me flat out.”

  Sitting taller, Lily pulled her hand back and managed a light smirk.

  “What is your name?” Lily asked.

  “Nora,” the woman said as she lowered her glasses and massaged the bridge of her nose. Without the cover of the glass, Lily saw quiet blue pools resting just above Nora’s cheeks, and she leaned in closer to get a better look.

  “Nice to know you Nora,” Lily said. “How long you been on his desk?”

  “Too long,” Nora said. “Manned the door for the man’s pop before the power changed hands. Truth be told, Powell hated the senior as much as the junior. But at least there was some hint of respect. When it comes to Michael… Powell would like nothing better than to see him out and gone.”


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