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All Roar and No Bite

Page 11

by Celia Kyle

  She continued circling him, palms exploring his animal’s body, handling him and caressing him with her gentle touches. Any hint of fear she’d harbored washed away with her joy.

  She ended her circle at his head once again, fingers toying with his right ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  Ash released a choked laugh and Lauren defended him before he could release his snarl. “Do you want him to hand you your ass? How about me? I may not be able to take you in a fight, but it doesn’t take claws to hold a gun, dick head.”

  If he’d been a human, his cock would have gone hard at her threat. Yes, she was the perfect mate to an Enforcer, the clan’s protector.

  Van chuffed and nuzzled her, rubbing her side with his snout and trying to get her attention.

  She turned on him with a frown. “What? He’s a jerk.”

  He poked her stomach with his nose and then looked behind him before returning his attention to her. He had a job to do. One that involved finding out who’d trespassed on their territory. Then he’d know if there was anyone he needed to kill.

  She nodded. “I understand. You need to see who it was. Then we can talk more about this.” She stroked his ear again. The woman seemed to have a fascination with that part of him.

  He kinda wished she’d fall in love with a place south of the border.

  With an animalistic sigh, he turned and headed toward the spot. With any luck, the trespasser was Morgan and he could challenge the wolf, fight to the death, and then that annoyance would be gone. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

  Van breathed deep, sorting through the scents and huffed. No such luck. He still didn’t recognize the scent.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lauren leaned against Van’s porch railing, watching the sun set lazily. In the distance, Parker played in Ty’s yard, the small boy shifting from human to cub and back again in an instant. Ty—the Itan—retained his human shape as he played with the four year old.

  Watching them, seeing the way they played, laughed, and giggled, reminded her that deep inside, Parker was just a boy. A dangerous boy, but she couldn’t deny he was sweeter than words.

  Especially after they returned from snooping around the woods and Mia dragged Parker to Van’s house by the ear and demanded he apologize. He’d snuffled and whined, but eventually said he was sorry and he promised he wouldn’t ever try to eat her again.

  That little episode ended with confirmation of dinnertime and Mia assuring Parker that cookies were not in his immediate future.

  She grinned at the memory of his crestfallen face and the beginnings of tears in his eyes. Just a boy.

  Chuckling, she leaned against one of the support posts. She relaxed as she waited for Van to finish his shower. Shifting took a lot out of him and he’d needed a snack and shower to feel like himself again. Then they’d walk to Ty’s and she’d be introduced to some of the other clan members. As long as she wasn’t “dealt with,” this place would be her home soon. She needed to meet and mingle with the other residents, the other bears.

  She really didn’t want to do that.

  Then again, she didn’t want to be “dealt with” either.

  Nope, all she wanted to do was sit around Van’s gorgeous home and get to know him, find out what made him tick, and figure out if she could come to love him someday.

  She wasn’t going to address that she was at least one-third in love with him already. He was sweet when he wasn’t being bossy, and sexy as hell, and he turned into a fuzzy bear for goodness sakes. How was that not awesome?

  A man came strolling around the corner of the house, his strides eating up the ground as he approached her. A smile was plastered across his lips, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. A shiver raced down her spine and she measured the distance between her and the door. There was something there, something that made her stomach tie into a knot.

  The closer he drew, the better she could see him and she recognized him as one of the men who’d been near the forest with her and Van.

  “Hey there. Lauren, right?” His stride was slow and easy, but she felt like prey.

  “Yes. I didn’t get your name, though.” She stepped away from the rail. Fight or flight pushed at her. At the moment, fight had taken a vacation, and flight was all about stepping up to the plate.

  His smile widened and she noticed that the irises that were once blue were now nearing black. Oh, so not good.

  “Charles. My friends call me Charlie.” He placed one booted foot on the bottom porch step.

  She took another stride toward the door. She’d left it unlocked, figuring she was stepping outside for a mere moment. She needed distance to keep her from jumping into the shower with Van.

  “Why don’t you call me Charlie?” He climbed another step.

  Lauren glanced behind her, counting the feet between her and the door. Her heart raced, pumping adrenaline through her body. He hadn’t done anything overt to her, but she didn’t trust him. Didn’t trust his easy smile and sweet-as-pie approach.

  “Maybe,” she licked her lips, internally shuddering as his gaze traced the action. She took another step back. Another glance toward the door revealed she was within four feet of her destination. Good. This guy creeped her the fuck out.

  She turned back to Charles and jumped, releasing a scream. He stood inches from her, his massive frame occupying her vision and surrounding her with his presence. His broad chest filled her gaze, a hint of his skin revealed by the shirt. His bear’s fur pushed through his pores and a wave of fear overpowered her.

  She stumbled back a step, fighting to put distance between them. She didn’t want another male close to her. She didn’t want another bear touching her or breathing her freakin’ air for that matter.

  “Hey there.” His voice was deep, barely more than a growl. She let her gaze flick to his face and caught the leer plastered across his features.

  “Hi-hi.” She couldn’t suppress her stutter. “I’m gonna-I’m gonna-I’m…” She swallowed the next round of repeated words. She was so fucked.

  Charles brought his hand up, palm nearing her face, and she froze, unable to move. “You’re so pretty.” His voice came out with a gravely rumble. Van told her it was from the bear. That when it was close to the edge, it pushed some of its characteristics on the man. “And you know about us.”

  She really wished she’d stayed ignorant if it meant not being approached by some weird bear.


  His fingers neared her cheek, then his goal changed to her neck, his hand lowering ever so slightly. “I bet you’re soft.”

  Inches separated their bodies while his digits hovered barely a centimeter from her skin. She couldn’t move, couldn’t force her body into motion. Damn it.

  Then it didn’t matter. Not one bit. Van’s massive body nudged her back and he stood between her and Charles, his broad shoulders filling her vision and cutting her off from the other bear. She hadn’t heard his approach, hadn’t even heard the front door open, but he was there to protect her.

  A growl rolled through her, Van’s deep tenor embracing her as he threatened the other male. “You’ve got balls, Charlie.”

  “She’s not claimed,” the bear countered.

  “She’s as good as mine and you know it, the clan knows it.”

  Charles growled and she heard the familiar snap of bone indicating the man was not a happy bear.

  Crap. Crap. Crap.

  “You really wanna do that?” Van’s voice still held the growl of his bear, but it was also calm and quiet. Too quiet. “Think about who’s standing in front of you.”

  Another snap. “I’m the stronger bear, Enforcer.”

  Van cracked his neck, his body loose and fur free. “Really?” His shoulders broadened, widening while his biceps thickened. “You wanna test that?” He flexed his hands and those fingertips were deadly claws. “If you keep going, I’ll take you down and it won’t be pretty.”

  Take him down…

  “She’s unclaime
d. Every male has the right—”

  “She’s mine,” Van roared and the floor shook with the lingering vibrations.

  “I’ll win and then—”

  No. No way.

  “Stop it,” she grabbed the back of Van’s shirt and tugged. “Make him stop. I don’t want to be his.” Panic assaulted her. They’d fight over her? Hadn’t she made her choice? “I told you, Van. I don’t…” She fought for breath, demanded her body draw air into her lungs.

  Without turning, he reached back and hauled her forward until she was plastered to his back. She took comfort in the touch, reassurance in the feel of his body against hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close.

  “She made her choice, Charlie. Don’t make me do something we’ll both regret.” She heard the reluctance in Van’s voice. He didn’t really want to fight the other bear, but he would if pushed.

  “She’s not claimed. Any—” Charles pushed that same argument forward, slapping her in the face with the truth.

  She’d selected Van, hadn’t she? She’d essentially proclaimed her choice for one and all. She just hadn’t followed through with the rest of the process. It wasn’t like she was going to back out now. Agreeing to be wooed simply delayed the inevitable.

  Maybe she didn’t need the full course of woo-age. She licked her lips, mind tumbling through the possibilities. No, she didn’t really need weeks of dates. Maybe one really, really good one so she wasn’t so panicked at the idea of baring herself to him fully.

  Lauren fisted Van’s shirt while she buried her face against his back. He didn’t deserve to get into a bloody fight because she was afraid of the truth. “I’m his. I belong to Van.”

  Silence reigned and she thought Charles got the clue.

  “She’s still unclaimed and knows about us. That means—”

  Apparently not.

  Taking a deep breath, she released Van and looked around her large shifter. She glared at Charles, ignoring his half-shifted face and the abundance of fur that coated his features. She’d freak out about his appearance later.

  “I. Belong. To. Van. Period.” He didn’t show any acknowledgement of her words. “Do you understand? I’m his. He’s mine.”

  “The law—”

  This time she bared her little human teeth at him. It was probably funny as hell when she considered she wasn’t a danger to him at all. “Does it say that the minute you say the words ‘we’re mates’ you have to fuck and claim your woman? Do not pass go, do not grab a condom?”

  Charles reared back, his eyes going wide. “She…”

  “Has a mind of her own and has stated her choice.” Ty’s voice overrode the other bear and his presence had an instant effect on Charles.

  The man went from cocky dickhead to deflated man in a blink, the fur receding and his face reshaping to adopt his human form. One minute he was a half-beast and the next he was as human as could be.

  Lauren turned to Ty, to the man who could halt a tense situation in its tracks.

  “Charles? We’ll talk in the morning.” The Itan—because he was the embodiment of power at that moment—dismissed the other bear.

  Charles strode down the porch steps without a word and passed Ty, tilting his head to the side. It was a sign of respect, submission, Van had called it.

  It was instinctual in bears, the desire to submit to those stronger. She wondered if she’d ever feel the same.

  The moment the other bear disappeared from sight, his path taking him around the side of the house, Ty looked back to them. “I saw him come up. Thought you might need a little help.”

  Van eased her forward and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Thanks. I could have taken him, though.”

  Ty shrugged. “My way involves less blood. Plus, we’re down a Healer. Don’t want to bury a bear because he’s an idiot.”

  “Van’s not—”

  The Itan laughed and shook his head. “Sometimes, yes, but today I’m talking about Charles. A human woman who knows and accepts bears is a big draw to some. He wouldn’t have to bother with revealing his nature. Plus the law requires…” He shrugged. “It’s a good deal for a desperate man.”

  Van stilled, his body going stiff against her. “How desperate?”

  “Yeah, how desperate?” she echoed Van. How on guard would she have to be? Would he ra…?

  Ty shook his head. “Not like that. He’d have encouraged you to spend time with him. Not…” The Itan rubbed his cheek. “It’d be good if you two figure things out between yourselves. Sooner rather than later.” He sighed. “Or I don’t know how many times I’ll be here repeating myself.” Ty looked to them. “Maybe it’d be best if she lived in the clan house while you two settle things?”

  “No.” They spoke in unison, their denials instant.

  Lauren knew Van wanted her near, he’d said as much through words and deed. And she… she dug deep into her soul, crept into the hidden recesses where she’d tucked away her feelings, and urged them toward the light. She’d given up on love a long time ago. Who needed love when it didn’t put food on the table?

  But here, safe in Van’s arms, she wondered if love was an emotion she should tug out of hiding and dust off. Put it on and see how it fit.

  Van’s gaze weighed heavily on her, blanketing her with hope and need. She ignored his stare and kept her attention on Ty, on his curious expression.

  “No, I’d prefer to stay here.”

  “Until you—”

  She cut the Itan off. “It’ll be resolved. Soon.”

  Van stiffened, a new tension thrumming through his body with her statement. His fingers dug into her flesh, the digits squeezing her tight.

  “Really?” Ty raised a single brow.

  “As soon as you leave.”

  Van’s brother gave her an appraising look, one that weighed her and judged her sincerity. Finally, he nodded. “All right. I’ll tell Mia we’ll see you at breakfast.”

  Lauren licked her lips, a hint of panic starting to set in. Okay, saying the words in her head, and even out loud, was a lot easier than hearing what she’d committed to. Oh, shit.

  Did she want this? Fuck of a time to change her mind or worry about it now.

  She shook her head at Ty. “No, tomorrow at dinner.”

  The Itan grinned, a snapshot of what he was like as a boy peeking past the leader’s exterior. “All right.” He nodded. “Tomorrow at dinner.”


  Tomorrow at dinner.

  Tomorrow at dinner.

  Van heard the words, the syllables clanging through his mind, but their meaning hadn’t quite set in yet.

  Tomorrow at dinner.

  Which meant…

  Holy shit.

  Ty left them, his ground-eating stride taking him back to his own home. Which left him shocked to his soles with Lauren in his arms.

  Tomorrow at dinner.

  “Van?” Her voice was quiet, softer than he’d ever heard and unsure as hell.

  He tightened his hold on her, wrapping his other arm around her waist while he buried his face in her hair. He drew in her scents, absorbed every nuance and sorted through them.

  Trepidation. Worry. Excitement. He took a deep breath. And arousal.

  “Lauren.” He released her name on a husky sigh. “My Lauren.”

  Her trembling hands stroked his arms, sliding over lightly furred skin and he realized his bear hadn’t yet retreated. He couldn’t overwhelm her with shifter-hued sex yet.

  Then another question popped into his mind. “Lauren, you need to tell me what you want. Before we go into the house, I need to know what will happen once we close the door.”

  She pressed a cheek to his chest and he felt the heat from her skin as she blushed. “Whatever happens when bears, you know, claim their mate.”

  He forced his grip to remain comfortable to her human body. “Normally, a couple…” Fucks? Makes love? Bumps uglies? “They have sex and while they come, they bite each other to solidify their mati
ng. It’s painful, which is why they do it when they’re overcome with pleasure. Most say that the bite makes the pleasure that much better.”

  Lauren’s breathing picked up, her lungs working faster than before. Damn it, he should have said that some other way. He didn’t know how, but now she was… He scented the air once again. She was… aroused. Hotter and wetter than before. He bet if he slid his hand between her thighs, they’d be coated in her sweet cream.

  Then again, being excited wasn’t permission to do anything.

  “Lauren? What are you thinking?” He had to know. He couldn’t move forward unless he knew she wasn’t about to hunt down one of his guns and use it on him.

  “Do we…? Is that the only way…?”

  Oh, he could think of so many ways to take her, make love to her. Not all of them involved his cock in her pussy. Those were just the best ones. Others included her coming on his tongue or his fingers or a toy or…

  “I can bite you,” he reached up and brushed her hair aside, exposing her shoulder. “Right here,” he circled a patch of skin. “Without doing much more than we’re doing now. It’ll hurt though. My bear’s teeth will sink deep. It wants to make sure you’re fully claimed, that you’re ours.”

  “What else?”

  Van nipped her earlobe and then licked away the hurt. He brushed his lips over the shell of her ear. “If you’re not ready for my cock, I can lick your pussy, suck on your clit until you’re coming, and then claim you.” Lauren shuddered. “I can slip my fingers into your cunt. You can ride my hand while I sink my teeth into your shoulder.” He skimmed her neck with his teeth. “The claiming is one of the most erotic, beautiful things a couple can share. It can be fast and fierce or sweet and gentle.” More of her cream soaked her panties, the air filling with the musky, salty scent of her arousal. “Which do you want, Lauren? Is that even what you want? Tell me. I’ll give you whatever you desire. Just say the words.”

  He needed her to voice her wants, but he also needed them before he took another step or allowed himself to touch her further. Fifty years from now, he didn’t want to listen to some “when we mated…” speech. He mentally shook his head. No, that wasn’t the truth. The truth was he always wanted her to trust him and this was a first step in that direction. There, he’d bared his pussy-assed soul already.


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