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Piercing a Dom's Heart

Page 6

by Holly Roberts

  Not being able to get her out of his mind he broke the vacation rule and answered emails along with returning a few phone calls. He also called Jenny Mack.

  “Why are you bothering me again? I’ve only lost a few million dollars of your money but you have a few billion left. Nothing to worry about.”

  “I just needed to hear the sound of your sexy voice.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  He laughed, “What makes you think anything is wrong?”

  “I can hear it in your voice, something’s happened.”

  “You worry too much. I’ve had a wonderful time and given my blue balls the workout they needed.”

  “With one woman or several?”

  “One the first night and then another for the past three.”

  “That’s what I thought. Who is she?”

  “Damian’s sister.”

  “Are you bringing her back with you?”

  “No, she’s staying here. Last night was the end though I might come see her in a few months.”

  “You are a stupid man.”

  “I’m afraid you’re right.”

  “So fix it.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Oh I see, the mega stud, billion dollar Dom has met a woman he’s unsure about.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “You’re a dumbass.”

  The line went dead.

  He was a dumbass. He looked at the time and decided to get ready. He didn’t wear his Dom clothes but chose a soft pair of jeans and a black silk shirt. He wasn’t looking for a sub tonight. He was planning to watch one.

  He arrived at nine and Damian immediately herded him into his office. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”

  “My sister is being topped by Kyle tonight and she asked me for a Dom who liked to inflict pain.”

  “You suggested Kyle?”

  “He likes subs that can take a lash but he won’t hurt her permanently. He actually came to me to make sure you were out of the picture before he took her on.”

  “I am out of the picture.”

  “You spent the entire day with her yesterday and the day before. You’ve never done that and I thought maybe this would be a lasting relationship.”

  “I don’t do lasting D/s relationships.”

  “Ah hell, fine. It was hard knowing you were fucking my sister anyway. Maybe it will be easier with Kyle.”

  “He doesn’t stay around either.”

  “I know but I won’t feel badly if I need to knock out a few of his teeth.”

  “Do you mind if I get back to the club now?”

  “No, let’s check out what’s going on.” Damian’s phone rang and after a minute he waved Bran out.

  Bran looked around but didn’t see her at first. Then the carousel came around and he found her perched on one of the brightly colored horses. This meant she was claimed and he couldn’t approach her. The flaps of his white shirt rose and fell gently with the up and down movement of the horse. She was at least wearing a pair of lacy black underwear. His dick ached but he had no plans to give it relief. He wasn’t in the mood but he didn’t think he would survive the night with his sub under someone else’s control.

  He walked to the bar and ordered a shot of whiskey while gazing into the mirror behind the bar, and watching the carousel turn. It was ten minutes before Kyle arrived and took Willow down. He ordered another whisky.

  He waited fifteen minutes and drank a third whisky before going to the station.

  Tied to the overhead bar, she had her back to the audience and wore nothing but her black panties. Kyle was a wimp for not making her take them off and Bran was a fool for feeling jealousy that it wasn’t him wielding the whip. He walked closer. Her back, bottom, and thighs had thick red welts. Kyle’s hand came up and his wrist let loose. He was barely holding back and he heard Willow sob. Fuck.

  He was quick and before the next slash of the whip his hand came out and stopped Kyle. “That’s enough.”

  Sweat was dripping down Kyle’s face but his look was calm and controlled. “This is none of your affair, she has a safe word, and she hasn’t used it.”

  “I said that’s enough.” The words came out through gritted teeth. He could hear her gentle even cries even though the whip wasn’t making contact with her skin. He strode forward and his hand went to the strap of her right leg.

  “Well fuck, if she was yours why didn’t you claim her.”

  Bran ignored Kyle and continued releasing the restraints.

  “Why are you doing this?” The words came between her painful gasps for breath.

  “This isn’t what you want.”

  “Like hell, it’s exactly what I want. I want pain and humiliation. I want to be fucked by a different man each night and I want you to leave me alone.”

  He finally released the last strap and even with his arms partially holding her up her knees gave out and he brought her fully within his arms. He carried her out of the station to the back alcove.

  Sitting on the couch, he pulled her head to his chest and let her cry. He couldn’t rub her back, butt or legs because it would cause her more pain. This was part of the lifestyle but he didn’t understand the need for extremes. He knew it made him abnormal to feel this way, but what else was new?

  He looked up when a shadow feel across Willow. It was Lydia and she handed him a bottle. “It’s my own special lotion and will help with the burning.”

  “Thank you, after it’s on, I’m taking her back to my room.”

  “Oh hell no.” Her sob was loud.

  A hellcat began struggling in his arms. Unless he hurt her he had no way keep her secured.

  “I am not going back to your room. Lydia please get me out of here.”

  Lydia grabbed a sub blanket and placed it softly around Willow’s shoulders.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He stood but before he could step in the women’s direction Damian’s fist connected with his jaw and he fell back against the couch.

  He looked into the angry eyes of his friend. “Do you feel better?” He touched his mouth and his hand came away covered in blood.

  “Yes actually I do. Stay away from my sister. If she wants to see you or speak with you, she’ll be in contact. If you get near her again without her permission I’ll ban you from the club.”

  “Did you see what he was doing to her?”

  “You seem to have no trouble reminding me this is a BDSM club. I’d be happy to use my fist and remind you. Again.”

  Bran’s eyes followed as Lydia led Willow into Damian’s office. Bran looked up at his friend and then placed his head in his hands and sank back against the couch cushions. “I’ve really fucked this up.”

  “Yes, you have.” Damian followed the women.

  Bran went back to his room, threw his clothing into his bag, and left for the airport. He had no plans to return.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Your mother called three times this morning while you were in your meeting. I won’t repeat the names she used but I’m not a fan of the “c” word.”

  “My mother did not use the “c” word unless she said cuckoo.”

  “Well, she was thinking it. That woman says more with her silence than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m busy this afternoon but I’ll try and call her back tonight.”

  “You know the raise you gave me is now a month old and I need another one.”

  Bran had rarely smiled during the past month but his lip quirked.

  “I knew you still had a grin or two somewhere in that thick head of yours.”

  “Why don’t I just place your name on my checking account and you can decide how much money you make each week. If you deal with my mother more than normal just write yourself a bonus.”

  “That works for me. Now I need to get back to work so I can earn the raise I just gave myself. You know I’d be happy to arrange a flight to Houston so you
can work off a little extra steam?”

  “It’s not going to happen. She’s moved on, I’ve moved on.”

  “If you call burying yourself in work moving on, you’ve forgotten how babies are made.”

  “Why? Are you interested in having my baby?”

  “I’m past child baring age. You know you need to release your seed somewhere. I’m sure your shower is getting very lonely.”

  “You’re fired.”

  “What, the big bad Dom doesn’t want to talk about masturbation.”

  “You are no longer here because I fired you.”

  “Okay I’ll get back to work. Do you want me to order you a blow up doll?”

  His glare did the trick and she left his office. He smiled again when the door closed behind her. He remembered the night over a year ago that she drank him under the table and he told her about his BDSM fetish. She didn’t laugh or run away in horror she just asked why one of the richest men in the US couldn’t have it all. It was a good question and it eventually convinced him to take his vacation. Now he needed a vacation from his memories of vaginal jewelry, nipple piercings, beautiful breasts, laugher, sighs of pleasure, and blue eyes that reminded him of the vast ocean water. He was completely screwed.

  A few minutes later life got worse.

  He heard the commotion first then recognized the grating superior sound of his mother’s voice. His office door opened and she strode in looking like she had a glass butt plug up her ass.

  “In order to see my own son you force me to go through the Grand Canyon of secretaries.” Her tone was bitter like always.

  “I hired her to keep you out. I’ll order Jenny more food so she has better luck the next time you visit without an appointment.”

  Jenny slammed his door shut from the outside. She’d heard every bigoted “fat” insult his mother had ever come up with, handled them like a pro, and once told Mrs. Sterling she would sit on her face after eating a can of beans. Unfortunately, his mother didn’t have a heart attack and he guessed overall he was glad because that was one bonus he didn’t have enough ready cash to pay.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re here or do I need to call security and have you removed?”

  “You are just like your father.”

  “I am nothing like that man except for the fact neither of us could stand being around you for more than two minutes.” He looked at his watch. “The clock is ticking.”

  “You are no different, he ran around with every slut he could find.” Her face was growing red.

  Now he was getting angry. “I do not run around with sluts but if I thought it would keep you away I would behave exactly like my father.”

  “You need to get married and after ruining things with Elizabeth because of your kinky sex habits, I think a slut would be the only female your money could buy.”

  His clenched jaw turned into a wicked smile. “If you have a slut in mind who doesn’t mind being tied to the bed post please send her to my house tonight.” He wasn’t surprised Elizabeth confided in his mother. It was actually funny because Elizabeth had no idea how kinky he could be. Unfortunately his mother wasn’t giving up or leaving. She was the queen of ignoring what she didn’t want to hear.

  “A friend of mine has a daughter that you will escort to the hospital benefit on Saturday night. I’m told you do not have a date.”

  “If I can bring handcuffs to the ball and find a place to have a little kinky sex, I’ll think about it.”

  Her face grew redder but she held her ground. “No, this one will make the perfect mother for my grandchildren and I’m sure she could force herself into being restrained if you are generous enough in the prenup.”

  “We do not live in the middle ages where it takes an heir to inherit a fortune. I plan to go to my grave childless and leave my money to charity. And besides, your grandchildren will run and hide when they see you coming.”

  “Why are you so hateful?”

  “I learned from the best Mommy Dearest.”

  “If I hadn’t suffered through twelve hours of labor bringing you into the world I would swear you didn’t belong to me. The only good thing you’ve ever done was keep your father away after I produced his prodigal son.”

  “That may be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. I would hate to think of the torture you would have put a sister or brother through if given the chance.”

  Her eyes filled with hatred. She was normally able to hide her feelings but today she was more on edge than usual.

  Early in Bran’s life, his father explained that his mother fell in love with a man that painted her parent’s summer home. Bran’s grandparents paid him off and the man immediately dumped her without a backwards glance. She was heartbroken. On the rebound she became pregnant with Bran and was forced to marry Brandon Edward Sterling III much to her parent’s delight. Bran often wondered if she would be such a bitter woman if she ran off with her painter. He shook his head to clear any feelings of sympathy for the mother who spent years abroad, never called or gave a damn what happened to her son, and that was when he was little more than a toddler. When he was five, she slapped him in the face when she overheard him call his nanny mommy and then fired the distraught woman. Bran learned early on that if he showed any type of feelings for one of his caregivers they never returned. His father wouldn’t interfer because he was too busy working to keep his wealth and fucking every secretary in his office. That was one of the reasons Bran hired Jenny Mack. He was determined to have brains and beauty working for him. He was not like his father.

  “The answer is no. I have a date for the benefit and would never consider escorting someone you suggested.”

  “I can only imagine what type of female you found to attend with you.”

  “You may leave now mother. Unlike you, I have work to do. Please see yourself out.”

  The door shut quietly, his mother would never be caught dead doing something as common as slamming a door.

  Jenny stepped in. “Do you really have a date for the event on Saturday?”

  “Do you enjoy listening to my private conversations through the intercom?”

  “How on earth would I complete writing my book of insults if I didn’t? Date, Saturday?”

  “No, I lied. I’m going alone unless I can talk you into attending with me.”

  “Sorry, my calendar is full on Saturday. I downloaded a good murder mystery to my Kindle and we’re sharing a bottle of wine.”

  “I’m wounded.”

  “Yes, I know. A woman the size of the Grand Canyon can do a lot with a man when he’s lost between her thighs.”

  “Stop or I’ll need to take advantage of my private shower here.”

  “Be my guest but I’m sure it won’t be my luscious thighs that get you off. It will be the picture of the sweet little sub you left behind in Houston.”

  “You know me too well.”

  “Have you at least contacted Damian and asked about her?”

  “My best friend is not speaking to me but his wife has been nice enough to give short clipped replies to the enquiries I make.”


  “She continues to work at the club and has a steady Dom. Lydia won’t tell me who but I don’t think that’s something I need to know anyway. Lydia doesn’t pass on any personal information just that Willow is content.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Yes it does.”

  Chapter Twelve

  He hated formal dinners but he was a major contributor to the hospital and had no choice but to attend. He stood next to his mother in the receiving line and shook hands hoping the boring evening would somehow end sooner than later.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Damian Collins and guest Miss Collins.”

  His eyes turned from the man he was greeting.

  The woman invading his nightly dreams was here and she was breathtaking. He smiled and then began laughing. Everyone around looked at him curiously and he noticed his mother’s grimace over the names a
nnounced. He wasn’t close enough to take in every detail but he would recognize her gown anywhere. It was the exact replica of the red evening gown worn by Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman. The same movie they watched over a month ago in his hotel room on one of the best days of his life. She even wore the long white gloves with her hair styled in the same manner though it was brown and not red.

  He didn’t wait for her to make her way down the line. His long strides quickly carried him forward. She turned and they stared at each other. Most of her facial piercings were gone with two concessions. She wore the delicate gold wire through her eyebrow that he bought for her and a small diamond in her nose. Her blue eyes were huge and she all but gobbled him up while he stood watching her.

  Finally, he took the last few steps barely noticing Damian and Lydia. His eyes were for one woman. He lifted her gloved hand and very deliberately peeled the cloth from her fingers and brought them to his lips.

  Her voice was breathy but also held humor, “Do you know how difficult it was to put that glove on?”

  He pulled her close. “It doesn’t matter because the dress and other glove are coming off in less than five minutes.”

  “No, they are not.” It was Damian’s irritated Dom voice.

  Bran could match him Dom for Dom. “I owe you a bruised jaw. Don’t push your luck.”

  “Both of you behave.” Lydia’s voice was an irritated whisper. “We are going to enjoy our evening.” She looked directly at Bran, “And you will keep your cock in your pants for the next two hours. If you’re lucky I’ll let you dance with my sub.”

  “Your sub?”

  “Yes, she didn’t want another man touching her so I had the honors.”

  “Stop it. I wanted him jealous and wondering what I’ve been doing for the last month.”

  “And you don’t think I’m jealous over Lydia putting her hands on you? I want no one but me touching your body.”

  “That’s enough, we’re holding up the line.” Damian voice reflected his lack of patience.


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