Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss

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Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss Page 12

by Nicole Elliot

  “I have not,” Scarlett protested hotly. “I can’t live my whole life for Father, and I’m not going to ruin a chance for happiness simply because Carter hates our father.”

  “I see where your sympathies lie,” Lecy condemned.

  “Completely with Carter,” Scarlett retorted, getting angry. “How can you defend Father and his actions? He’s trying to sell Chrys to Ralf. How can you condone that?”

  Lecy sniffed. “I don’t approve of that, but Braxton has painted Father into a corner. He’s desperate and rash, doing things he wouldn’t normally consider. Unlike Braxton, Father’s a gentle man, and he loves us. He’s doing his best to protect us all.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “Father is not what you think he is,” she contradicted sadly. “He’s a murderer.” The words flew from her mouth before she could think to stop them, and she absorbed Lecy’s shocked expression, and Chrys’ harsh sob, with a sick feeling.

  “You know.” Carter stood framed in the doorway, and all eyes swung to him. Scarlett’s were guilty, and she looked away from him, focusing on Darren instead. “Lydia?” Carter inquired softly.

  Scarlett forced herself to meet his eyes. “She thought I should know,” she answered lamely.

  Carter sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sure that wasn’t her only reason,” he said grimly, with a shake of his head. “Would you mind explaining the family reunion?” he asked blandly.

  “Let’s go into your study,” Scarlett suggested. Carter shrugged and followed her into his study. She saw the look of surprise on his facen when she went straight to his small supply of alcohol and poured two glasses of Scotch. She handed him a snifter, then downed hers in a single gulp. A choking fit seized her, but she finally regained her breath. “I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “For what?”

  “That I listened to Lydia. I figured out immediately that you didn’t want me to know the circumstances, but I let her tell me anyway.”

  “I doubt you could have stopped her,” Carter admitted. “Lydia is...stubborn.”

  “I appreciate you trying to protect me from the truth,” Scarlett whispered. “I think you should have told me yourself though.”

  “I have a question.” Carter forced himself to utter the words. “Was your promise to stand by made before or after you learned the truth?”

  “After.” Scarlett hurried to him as she saw the pain on his face. “I meant what I said,” she insisted. “I love you and I’ll stand by you.”

  “Out of pity?” he asked harshly, turning away from her.

  “Of course not,” Scarlett said. “Don’t be stupid, Carter. I love you, and you had better believe that.”

  Carter turned around, studying her eyes. “Your sisters?” he asked.

  Scarlett recounted the morning’s events for him succinctly. “I told Chrys she could stay here,” Scarlett confessed.

  “Damn,” Carter said softly. “Your father is more of a prick than even I realized.”

  Seeing his troubled expression, Scarlett felt her heart sink. “What’s wrong?” she forced herself to ask.

  Carter sighed as he settled into a wing-chair near the fireplace. “I told Rocco that I would not interfere with his attempts to gain the money for the house, as long as it didn’t involve asking me for an extension, or for the money.”

  “So?” Scarlett prompted, wondering what difference that made.

  “If I allow Chrysanthia to stay here, thus preventing the wedding, I’ve hindered your father’s plan to regain the money,” he said tersely.

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” Scarlett asked, hands on her hips. “You don’t want him to be able to purchase the house from you. You want to see him suffer, don’t you?”

  “Of course,” Carter agreed coolly, “But I gave him my word.”

  “So some outdated ideals of honor are more important than my sister?” Scarlett demanded, outraged.

  “It is my honor we’re discussing,” Carter pointed out, “And I don’t know your sister.”

  Wounded, Scarlett stepped back from him. “I see,” she whispered, hurrying from the room. She didn’t want to face Lecy and Chrys without being composed. She wasn’t ready to tell her sister that she had to return to Terini Manor after promising her she could stay. At the moment, she would be in blubbering tears right alongside Chrys, and she had to be strong for her.

  Scarlett went into a bathroom and closed the door behind her, engaging the lock. She sat on the closed lid of the toilet and cried for a few minutes. She was disappointed in Carter, but she could understand his point-of-view, which made the situation more difficult for her. She wished she could be completely angry with his insensitivity, but she wasn’t. He didn’t know Chrys, and he had no reason to protect her from their father. It was understandable why his honor was more important to him, but Chrys didn’t deserve to be thrown back into the lion’s den.

  Scarlett racked her brain for a plan, but nothing was forthcoming. She had no way to raise the money required to pay off the house, and she couldn’t rescue her sister without Carter’s help. She couldn’t bring herself to leave Carter to return to Terini Manor, even if it was to protect her sister. What was she going to do?


  Carter sighed heavily as she left the room, knowing he’d hurt her deeply. She wasn’t unreasonable in asking for his help for her sister. He’d finally realized that Scarlett was not her father and did not deserve to be punished for his sins, so it stood to reason that Chrys deserved the same consideration. He’d only seen her twice, but she’d struck him as naïve and sheltered. How could he allow her to be introduced to the real world in such a cold way?

  Yet the alternatives left a bitter taste in his mouth. He could offer his protection to Chrys, diminishing his own image, both to himself and Terini. Breaking his promise would weaken his position, and he couldn’t allow that. He refused to appear weak in front of Terini.

  The only other option was even more unpalatable. He’d accomplished most of his goal this morning. Terini’s company had been split into so many pieces, and each sold to a separate company, that, like Humpty Dumpty, he would never be able to put it back together again. His source of income was drained from him, and he was humbled. His reputation in the business community had been irreparably damaged, and that brought Carter satisfaction. Not complete satisfaction though. He’d wanted Rocco to be reduced to begging on the streets.

  Carter couldn’t believe he was considering letting Terini off the hook. Was he really going to return the house to Rocco and mark the debt paid? Had he turned into a weak fool by loving Scarlett, or had she allowed him to rediscover a spark of humanity and compassion he’d thought long dead? Sighing, Carter rose from his chair and placed a call to Terini’s house.

  Rocco picked up the phone with a terse hello, and Carter said, “Come to my home as quickly as possible. We have business to discuss.” He returned the phone to the cradle without waiting for Rocco’s reply and went to find Scarlett.

  Edward directed him to the bathroom, and he stood outside the door for a few minutes, waiting for her to emerge. He was about to pound on the wood when she opened the door and ran right into him. He steadied her, noticing her red eyes and the nearly invisible tear tracks on her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, opening his arms to her.

  “I’m sorry too.” She snuggled closer. “I shouldn’t have asked you to intercede. I can understand why you don’t want to get involved. She’s not your concern.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Carter said.

  “What?” Scarlett asked, lifting her head.

  “Your father will be here soon, and I’ll deal with the situation,” he promised her. “Go tell your sister it’s being taken care of.”

  Scarlett threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “I love you. I know how hard this is for you.”

  He shook his head and returned to his study to draw up the papers. Scarlett was worth letting go of the rest of his vengeance, he to
ld himself. To his surprise, he believed the words and knew they were true. She was worth this sacrifice, and any other that might be required of him.



  Scarlett entered the living room as Edward had announced his arrival. She knew Carter was still busy in the study but she wanted a moment alone with her father. She needed to tell him how she felt, about what he had done to her, to their family.

  She saw him sitting in a chair looking nervous as she walked in. “Scarlett,” he said happily, rising from the chair with his arms outstretched. “You’ve done it.”

  “Done what?” Scarlett asked in confusion, staying away from her father.

  “Vanquished the enemy,” he explained. “I don’t know how you did it,” his tone was suggestive, “But I’m grateful you did.”

  “I’ve done nothing,” Scarlett denied. “Carter is taking whatever action he is because he felt sorry for Chrys, and because I asked him to intervene.”

  Rocco frowned. “Then Chrys shall be rewarded for giving such an outstanding performance,” he said jovially.

  Scarlett’s mouth dropped open. “Are you saying that you deliberately sent Chrys here, that you aren’t trying to force a marriage between her and Ralf?”

  “Of course not,” Rocco said. “She is supposed to marry Ralf in two weeks. I was put out that she ran here to you, allowing Braxton to know I was maneuvering to get the house back. Unlike you, she isn’t always responsible, and she doesn’t always do her family duty. It turns out that her impulsiveness might have brought an end to this unpleasantness though.”

  Scarlett shuddered. “It’s more than unpleasantness. If you had any idea how hard it is for Carter to even contemplate releasing you from your obligations—” She paced a few steps from Rocco. “But he is a good man, and he has a conscience.”

  “I don’t like this talk,” Rocco said brusquely. “Don’t tell me you’ve done something stupid like falling in love with him.”

  Scarlett spun around to confront her father. “I could do worse,” she said. “I could have fallen for a man like you. One without scruples, or any regard for human life.”

  Rocco paled and reeled back slightly, grasping the chair for support. “What did you say?” he asked weakly.

  “I know all about you.” Scarlett sneered. “I know what you did to Carter, and to his brother-in-law. You may not have done the actual killing, but you’re just as guilty.”

  “It was business,” Rocco asserted, fumbling a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his sweaty brow. “They refused to sell me that goddamn chip. My company was floundering, and our lives would have been ruined. We would have lost everything.”

  “Our lifestyle wasn’t worth murdering for,” Scarlett retorted. “You had a man killed, and another was scarred for life, for the sake of your comfort. I’m ashamed that I share your genes. I’m ashamed to be a Terini, and I wish there was some way that I could magically undo being your daughter.”

  “You ungrateful little bitch.” Rocco balled up his fist. “I’ve done everything for you and your sisters, and this is the gratitude I receive? You embrace my enemy and sell out your own flesh.”

  “Your actions weren’t prompted from concern for us. You did what you did for your own selfish reasons.”

  Rocco’s expression changed, his eyes narrowed, and lines bracketed his mouth. “Did he get his money’s worth?” he asked in a chilling voice.

  Scarlett’s mouth closed, and her last thought flew from her head. “What?”

  “Did Braxton enjoy you? Did he get the full value the money he paid for your virginity?”

  She snorted. “I know all about your offer, Father. Carter told me about it long before we began any relationship. I also know he didn’t pay you a dime, or you wouldn’t have been selling Chrys to the highest bidder.”

  “He did pay me,” Rocco insisted. “He told me he was anxious to ruin the daughter of his greatest enemy, and it was worth paying for.”

  Scarlett shrugged, schooling her face into a bland expression. “You’re a liar,” she said firmly, knowing that Carter had not paid for her virginity. If he’d done so, he wouldn’t have waited so long to claim his prize. “I do love him,” she freely admitted, “And I support him completely. If he wants to destroy you, I’ll be standing by, applauding.” She left him in the sitting room, passing Darren on her way upstairs.


  “What’s this all about?” Rocco demanded entering his study. He had sent Darren to retrieve him and now he stood by the door as a precaution. “I don’t appreciate being summoned from my home to waste more than two hours in a car just to meet with you.”

  “It will be worth your time,” Carter said blandly, barely restraining his anger.

  “How so?” Rocco asked, his interest peaked.

  Carter leaned back in his chair, bracing his feet on the desk. “Your daughter came to my home today, begging for protection from you. Scarlett was upset and worried about her sister, so she came to me. I don’t like it when Scarlett is upset.”

  “Why’s that?” Rocco asked calmly.

  “Let’s just say I’ve developed a fondness for Scarlett. I couldn’t allow you to manipulate her sister into a marriage against her will. Scarlett would be upset and might never forgive me.” He grinned at Darren, enjoying himself.

  “What does this all have to do with me?”

  “I’m getting to that,” Carter said coolly. “I’ve spoken with Chrys and realized that she is too young and immature to marry anyone, especially a man thirty years her senior. I was shocked that you would so casually offer her to the wolves to save your own hide once again. I knew you were a ruthless bastard, but I thought even you would have limits.”

  Rocco exploded from his seat. “I didn’t come here to be insulted.”

  “You came here at my request, and you’ll stay until I allow you to leave,” Carter said in a very soft voice. “You’ll take whatever I give you, and you’ll keep your damn mouth shut.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  Sighing, Carter swung his legs from the desk, ignoring the pain in his hip, and leaned forward. “Nothing,” he said after a long pause. “I’ve decided to return the deed to your house.”

  “So you’ve had a change of heart?” The sneer playing on his lips told Carter than this is exactly what Rocco had hoped for. He hated the way it made him feel. But Scarlett was far more important.

  Carter smiled, a cold, predatory smile. “No, I’ve decided Scarlett’s happiness is more important than your ruination. I can’t bear to see her unhappy, and I’m willing to give up my torture of you for her. I figure you’ll lose the house within two years to taxes anyway.”

  Pulling open a drawer, Carter extracted the file containing the deed to Terini Manor and scrawled his signature across it. The experience hurt less than he’d expected, and he felt surprisingly free as he watched Rocco sign the papers. He could finally leave Terini in the past and concentrate on his future, a future that included Scarlett.

  Rocco tucked his copy of the folded deed in his jacket pocket. His smile was feral. “She did a good job, didn’t she?”

  “What are you talking about?” Carter asked warily.

  “We had it all worked out, you see,” Rocco said. “When she came home on Halloween, we sat down and planned it all.”

  “Planned what?” Carter asked in a bored voice, but his stomach dropped to his feet.

  “Your downfall,” Rocco answered with a nasty purr. “She’s always been a good girl, my Scarlett. She was willing to do what had to be done to save her family. It made me sick to think that she would have to allow your beastly hands upon her, but we all made sacrifices.”

  “You’re lying,” Carter said firmly, determined to hide his expression from Rocco. He tried to make Rocco’s words fall on deaf ears, but the part of him that didn’t trust easily, especially a Terini, was listening, even believing.

  “Poor, deluded fool,” Rocco said with pity. “S
he’ll be out of here so fast your head will spin. Oh, I’m sure she’ll stay for a short time so she doesn’t hurt you too badly. She won’t know I told you, you understand. She’s got a good heart, that Scarlett. She even told me a few minutes ago that she hated to have to hurt you since she feels so sorry for you. Still, she realizes you started this little war.”

  “Darren, show our guest out,” Carter growled, and Darren hurried to comply. It was all lies, he told himself as he poured a glass of scotch. Scarlett had not been in collusion with her father to end his quest for vengeance. She was not that good of an actress, and he refused to allow Rocco to sour his relationship with her. She loved him. “She loves me, dammit,” Carter snarled, flinging the glass against the mantle, where it shattered into a hundred pieces.


  Much to Scarlett’s horror, Chrys and Lecy chose to leave with Rocco when Darren brought them to their father. When they returned to the bedroom to pack Chrys’s clothes, she tried to reason with them once more. “You don’t have to go,” she repeated again.

  “It’s perfectly safe now,” Chrys said blithely. “We’ll be rich again soon, so there is no need for me to marry Ralf Lemmings. I would rather be in my own home then here with Braxton.”

  “Don’t forget what Carter did for you.” Scarlett didn’t like her sister’s tone or expression.

  “He did it for you or for his own purposes,” Lecy snapped. Those were the first words to come from her mouth since she’d demanded an explanation of Scarlett’s accusations against their father. She’d read the file, and then tossed it across the room, refusing to believe the report. “I know Father, and he’s no murderer,” she’d insisted and refused to speak to Scarlett again.

  “I’m worried about both of you,” Scarlett fretted.

  “Don’t worry for us,” said Lecy. “Worry for yourself, as you wallow in your existence as the man’s plaything.”


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