Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss

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Beauty and the Billionaire Bad*ss Page 13

by Nicole Elliot

  “Don’t talk about him like you know him. I think you’d better leave,” she said coldly. Acting upon her suggestion, they left the bedroom and joined Rocco downstairs.

  “Are you sure you won’t come with us now?” Rocco asked, and Scarlett shook her head. They departed, with only Chrys saying goodbye. She wished they’d left under better terms, but she’d made her decision, and Carter came first.

  “I’m glad that’s over,” said Darren. “My stomach couldn’t have taken much more of your father.”

  “I know the feeling,” Scarlett said wanly.

  She found Carter in his study, watching Edward clean up a shattered glass. “How did it go?” she asked, wrapping her arms around him. Was it her imagination, or did Carter stiffen a bit?

  “It’s over,” he said grimly. “Your father has what he wants, for the most part. I got what I wanted, for the most part.” His eyes honed in on her. “Did you get what you wanted, Scarlett?”

  She frowned at his intensity, waiting until Edward left before answering. “I got you.”

  “Is that what you wanted though?” he demanded, tightening his hold on her.

  “Of course. I love you, Carter.” She looked at him, noticing how agitated he was, “I know how hard this was for you,” she whispered. “I want to thank you for doing the right thing.”

  Carter continued to brood for the next couple of days, and Scarlett tried to be patient with him. She knew he was disappointed about the outcome of his plans for Rocco, but it was more than that. He was distant from her, and he seemed to have moved out of the room he’d moved her into. He hadn’t slept with her for the past three nights, and she was worried.

  She tried not to think about it, but at times she couldn’t help wondering if she’d been a game to Carter after all. Had he enjoyed defiling Terini’s daughter, but was now tired of her and hoping she would leave on her own? That didn’t seem reasonable, and Scarlett tried not to push those thoughts from her mind. Until her father’s arrival, she’d been absolutely certain of Carter’s feelings, and she’d been secure in the knowledge that he loved her as much as she loved him.

  For the fourth night in a row, Scarlett prepared for bed alone, having decided that if he didn’t join her tonight, she would move back to her old room tomorrow. This was his room, and if he didn’t want to sleep with her, he still had the right to the master suite. She only hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  By one a.m. there was still no sign of Carter, and she gave up, getting into the bed, missing his solid presence. Tomorrow, they were going to have to talk, and she wouldn’t accept his excuses of being too busy. They had to settle their future, because this endless drifting was slowly eating at her.

  Sounds in the night awoke Scarlett, and she sat up in the bed, fuzzily focusing on the clock, surprised to see it was only a little after three. She heard raised voices downstairs and grabbed her robe from the closet, pulling it on as she rushed down to the first floor.

  She found Carter and Darren donning their coats. “What’s wrong?” she asked around a yawn.

  “There’s been a fire,” Carter bit out.

  “Here?” Scarlett asked, throwing off the last traces of sleep.

  “At Roche,” Darren said. “In the Research and Development building.”

  “You might have already known that,” Carter said coldly.

  “What?” Scarlett asked in confusion.

  “Don’t you find it coincidental that a fire destroyed Roche’s first building, and shortly after making my presence known to Terini, another fire occurs?” Carter asked sarcastically.

  “You think my father did this?” Scarlett asked in stupefaction.

  “You don’t believe him capable?” Carter mocked.

  Scarlett bit her knuckle. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  “Save the condolences,” Carter snapped. “The business isn’t in trouble. R&D files are archived elsewhere. At most, your father cost me a few months in production time.”

  “That’s good.” Scarlett wondered why he seemed angry with her.

  “We’d better go, Carter,” Darren prompted.

  They returned after six in the morning, and Scarlett was up waiting for them. They were both sweaty, and traces of soot were smeared on their faces and clothes. “How bad was it?”

  “The building is a complete wash,” said Carter. “It was deliberately set. They called in the bomb squad and found a device in the main building. It was so close to going off that I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “Did you tell them about my father?” asked Scarlett, hoping he didn’t plan to pursue justice on his own once more.

  “Yes,” Carter answered wearily. “They’ll check it out, but I didn’t tell them about his past attack on the business. The police might get very curious about why I didn’t involve them before now.”

  “What did you tell them about him?” asked Scarlett.

  When Carter made no move to answer, Darren jumped in. “He told them he’d recently assumed your father’s company through a hostile take-over. They said they’d look into it, but doubted it was Terini. Men like him usually only commit white-collar crimes,” he said sarcastically.

  “It didn’t affect your business too much?” Scarlett fretted.

  “No, Rocco wasn’t nearly as successful as I’m sure he hoped to be,” Carter bit out. “I’m going to bed,” he said abruptly.

  Scarlett followed him upstairs and into the master bedroom. As she undressed, he looked over at her. “I haven’t slept more than two hours,” she explained. “I’m tired too, and I’d love for you to just hold me.”

  “I’m too tired to comfort you, Scarlett,” he said tersely.

  Biting back her hurt, Scarlett nodded complacently. “Then I’ll be content to lie beside you.”

  “I’d prefer to sleep alone at the moment.” He was uncompromising. “I’m dirty, and I don’t feel like taking a shower.”

  “I see.” Scarlett gulped, fighting back tears. “Then I’ll return to my old room.”

  “That would be best,” he agreed tonelessly, keeping his face blank as she threw on her shirt and left.

  Scarlett returned to her old room, but she couldn’t sleep. She packed a small suitcase with a few outfits, before unpacking. After everything was put away, she ended up yanking the carry-on from the closet again and refilling it. She didn’t want to run away from Carter, but she couldn’t continue to deal with his sudden unrelenting hostility. He seemed to hold her partially responsible for the fire simply because he suspected Rocco had set it.

  Sighing, Scarlett sat down on the bed, refusing to cry. To her surprise, she started feeling sleepy, so she stretched out, leaving the suitcase on the foot of the bed.

  It was several hours later when her eyes opened, and Scarlett groaned as she discovered an ache in her neck from sleeping in a strange position. She rose from the bed and stretched, noticing the suitcase and remembering she’d considering running away.

  She couldn’t leave without talking to Carter, or she would lose him forever. Ignoring her rumpled clothes and bed hair, Scarlett walked down the hall and knocked on Carter’s door. She figured he would already be awake and busy downstairs, but he opened the door. Scarlett’s body throbbed when she saw he was wearing only a toweling robe, and his dark hair was sleek and wet. “We need to talk,” she said, pushing her way past him before he could object.

  “I don’t have time,” he protested.

  “Make time,” Scarlett snapped. “I’ve been patient for the last few days, but I’m tired of waiting for you to make time for me. I need to know what’s going to happen between us.”

  “Now is not the time,” he said firmly. “I’m going to be quite busy for the next few days, so I suggest you entertain yourself as best you can until I can deal with you.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “Dammit, Scarlett,” Carter snapped, glancing at the clock by the bed. “I have to go soon.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sc
arlett raised her head. “Since you’re going to be so busy for the next few days, I’m going to go visit my sisters.”

  Carter’s eyes narrowed, and his head snapped up, “I see,” he said coldly. “Mission accomplished, so you’re on your merry way?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You had me fooled.” Carter shook his head. “I honestly believed you loved me for a while, but your father spilled your big secret. I know you were manipulating me all along.”

  Scarlett’s mouth hung open. “You’re an idiot to believe him. You’re the one who showed me what a liar he is! Don’t do this, Carter. Don’t throw away our relationship because of my father. He’s done enough to you. Don’t let him ruin this too.”

  “I’ll have the car return you to Terini Manor,” Carter said distantly.

  “I only wanted to visit my sisters,” she said, desperation nearly choking her. Swallowing, Scarlett said, “That isn’t even true. I was just hoping to jar you out of this funk you’ve been in. I don’t want to leave.”

  “Very convincing performance.” He clapped mockingly. “If you were an actress, you’d be packing the theater. Your conscience can be absolved of hurting me. You never meant enough to me to allow me to be hurt by you.”

  “That’s not true,” Scarlett cried. “You love me.”

  “You’re not the only actor, Scarlett.”

  “You must love me, or you wouldn’t have given Father his house back.”

  “That’s all part of my plan,” he dismissed. “Now, the car will be waiting for you shortly, so I suggest you pack.”

  “Don’t send me away,” Scarlett begged.

  “Don’t ever come back,” he said with such finality that she literally crumpled to the floor.

  Scarlett eventually pulled herself up from the floor and went to her room. Amid a storm of weeping, she threw her clothes together, leaving the luggage and clothing Carter had purchased for her. It was only as she lugged the heavy suitcase downstairs and saw the concerned expressions of Edward and Ann that she realized she had nowhere to go.

  She’d denounced her father, siding squarely with Carter, thinking their love was the most important thing in her life. She’d alienated her sisters by accusing Rocco of murder, and she had no other family nearby. Scarlett’s wallet was empty, and she was destitute. There was only one place she could go, and though it hurt her pride, she knew she had no choice.

  Scarlett went down the stairs, refusing Edward’s help with her case, but allowing the chauffeur to stow it in the trunk. Reluctantly, she gave her father’s house as her destination and put up the privacy screen so the chauffeur couldn’t hear her sobs or see her tears.

  By the time the town car pulled up in front of Terini Manor, Scarlett had gained a semblance of control. The chauffeur carried the bag to the door. Marcia opened the door, and Scarlett forced a smile. “I’m home,” she trilled in a falsely bright voice that grated on her own nerves.

  “Miss Terini.” Marcia inclined her head. “It’s good to have you home,” She moved aside as Scarlett came inside, dragging her case. “I’ll have Fred take that to your room.”

  “Thanks,” Scarlett said distractedly. “Where are my sisters?”


  Scarlett forced herself up the stairs and knocked on Lecy’s door. After a moment, it was opened by a harried-looking young woman who was unfamiliar to Scarlett. “Hello,” she said, frowning.

  The girl nodded, but didn’t speak as she had a mouthful of pins. Scarlett skirted around the open door and stared at the sight that met her eyes. Lecy and Chrys were both standing on platforms in the middle of the room. Three women were fluttering around them, tucking and pinning the dresses they wore.

  Lecy’s was lavender silk, with a flowing skirt, and a delicate under slip. However, it was Chrys’s dress that caught Scarlett’s attention. It was long, flowing, and white. The dress was obviously made for a bride. “No,” Scarlett said aloud, denying what her eyes were telling her. “He can’t make you marry him,” she said fiercely.

  Both sisters looked up, and Scarlett registered their shock. “The wedding is still on?” she demanded.

  Chrys burst into tears, “Yes!” She was clearly miserable. “I don’t want to marry him.” She acted as if Scarlett had never been gone.

  Lecy was stiffer and colder. “Chrys chose to do this. Father still needs money to pay the bills, and to keep us going, and Ralf still wants her. Don’t pity her too much.” She shot Chrys a scathing look. “It’s her own fault for not standing up to them.”

  “Please help me,” Chrys asked pathetically. “I don’t know how to tell Father no. I don’t want to be poor either,” she confessed tearfully. The seamstresses continued about their business, as if they couldn’t hear the sisters’ conversation.

  “You have to stand up to him,” said Scarlett. “I’ll come with you.”

  “What are you doing here?” Lecy asked abruptly. “I thought you’d disowned Father.”

  Scarlett shrugged, not meeting her sisters’ eyes. “Things didn’t work out with Carter,” she admitted blithely, trying to sound carefree.

  “Father won’t let you stay.” Lecy’s tone was full of pity. Scarlett only hoped her sister’s statement was not prophetic, or she would be homeless.

  Gathering her courage, Scarlett returned downstairs to face her father. She found him in the library, sipping herbal tea and reading a thick tome. “Father,” she said nervously.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come home.” Scarlett barely repressed the urge to cry. Terini Manor no longer felt like her home.

  “I thought you were ashamed to be a Terini?”

  Scarlett shrugged, but was saved from responding by Chrys’s entrance. The wedding gown had been replaced by regular clothing, but her hair and face were a mess. “Father,” she blurted out, “I don’t want to marry Ralf.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Rocco set aside his novel. “The plans are made. You’re only having cold feet, Chrysanthia.”

  “No, I really don’t want to marry him,” she wailed. “Even if I have to be destitute, I can’t marry him. He’s horrible and disgusting.”

  “Go to your room,” Rocco barked. “This marriage is taking place, and I won’t hear another word to the contrary.”

  “No,” Chrys yelled, and then scurried to hide behind Scarlett. “I won’t do it. I’m telling you no, and I mean it.”

  “I’ve had enough. First Scarlett turns her back on our family, and now you. I won’t allow it,” he shouted. “Do you hear me?”

  Chrys trembled, and Scarlett could see her weakening. “Be firm,” she said softly. “You’re twenty-one years old, and this is not the dark ages. Stand your ground.”

  Nodding, Chrys stepped out from behind Scarlett. “I love you, Father, but I’m not going through with this marriage.”

  “Get out,” he roared at her. “I’ll deal with you later.” His voice scared Chrys so much that she fled with a howl. In the sudden silence, Rocco turned to Scarlett. “I know you’re to blame for this too. She was resigned until you came home.”

  Walking over to his desk, Rocco buzzed the kitchen. “Have Earl lock my daughter in her room.”.

  “Which daughter?” was the bland reply.

  “Chrys, for now,” Rocco answered. “She is to be fed three times a day, but she isn’t to be allowed out of her room for any reason until I say otherwise.”

  “You can’t do this,” Scarlett protested. “She has the right not to marry him. She’s your daughter, not a prisoner.”

  “Perhaps you’d like to take her place?” Rocco suggested coldly as he released the intercom button. “I’m sure Ralf would be pleased to have you. Even though you’ve been compromised, you are still the loveliest of your sisters, and Ralf appreciates beauty.”

  “How much is he paying you?” Scarlett demanded.

  “Five million has already gone into my account. After the wedding, and once Chrys gives him
an heir, a virtually limitless supply will be made available to me.”

  “Return the money.”

  “I’ve spent most of it.” Rocco shrugged. “So you see why the wedding must proceed?”

  “How could you spend five million dollars so quickly?” Scarlett asked, aghast.

  “Revenge is costly,” he said ambiguously.

  “The fire.” Scarlett gasped. “You were responsible.”

  He rolled his eye. “Of course, but they won’t be able to prove it. I always use reliable sources.”

  “With the exception of Louis Venetta,” Scarlett shot back. “He sold you out without hesitation.”

  “Louis paid for his betrayal,” he said softly. “I saw to that personally.”

  “You murdered him?” Scarlett’s mouth hung open.

  “Money was tight,” he said without inflection.

  “Due to your fascination with gambling and other women. Even when Mom was still alive, you couldn’t give up your whores.”

  Rocco shrugged. “Your mother understood.”

  “How could any woman who truly loved you understand something like that?”

  “You’ve seen how far true love gets you.” Rocco laughed. “Now, if you want to stay in my home, I suggest you shut your mouth.”

  “I couldn’t stay here with you now, knowing you’re a murderer, and knowing tried to sabotage Carter’s business. I’m going to go tell him what I’ve discovered.” Scarlett headed for the door, and her hand was on the knob when Rocco spoke again.

  “He’s beyond caring,” he informed her.

  “What?” Scarlett asked, turning around. “What did you say?”

  “He will no longer get in my way,” Rocco replied cryptically.

  “No,” Scarlett denied. “You didn’t...?”

  Rocco smiled coldly, but did not respond. As her father maintained his cold silence, Scarlett tore from the study, knowing she had to warn Carter. She went through the kitchen and out to the garage, not even grabbing her purse. She took the keys from the rack and got in the Mercedes convertible, checking the gas gauge. It was full, so she used the remote to raise the closest bay’s door and backed the car out, speeding down the lane. She had to get to Carter. She would call him, but she realized she didn’t have her phone, or his number. How the hell had that happened? She lived with the man, but still didn’t know his number. Dammit.


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