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Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story

Page 4

by H. T. Night

  “Good luck with that. The Prince seriously thinks a spontaneous party is the answer to our quarrels?” I asked.

  “At least he is trying,” Mercutio said.

  “Is he?” I asked. “What is in it for him?” I stared at Mercutio and waited for an answer. This is where his loyalty to both houses was tried. Who would he be loyal to? I knew the answer to that question.

  “You know he always has to have something to gain,” Mercutio said.

  Attaboy, Mercutio, your loyalty is well received.

  He continued, “Probably some real estate that he needs both sides to agree together to allow him to tear down for one of his development projects.”

  “And that is why I trust you with my life, Mercutio,” I said. “I know at the end of the day who you’re loyal to.”

  “And I know, too,” Mercutio said, implying that I had his back also.

  “Of course, friend,” I said.

  Mercutio continued to talk about the party. “It’s the Prince’s sad attempt to bring both sides together. After last week, he decided to throw together a giant party. He kept it on the down low. I didn’t even find out until today. All I know is that it’s going to be wild and who knows there just might be some new blood down there.” Mercutio then stuck a pacifier in his mouth and sucked on Candjustify">

  “Where did that come from?” I said referring to the pacifier.

  “Magic, my friend, magic,” Mercutio said.

  “I always forget that about you,” I said. “You have to be magic to pull off wearing a diaper in public.”

  “Not the smartest thing to forget, cousin,” Benvolio laughed. “I like to know when I’m in the presence of someone who can shrink my head and use it as a golf ball.”

  “What can I say? I trust the kid,” I looked at my two friends and said, “Why don’t you two stay? I’ll ask Friar Laurence to let me off early. I have worked late the last couple nights and I’m sure he will let me do it. We can head over to Central Park and get our ducks in a row.”

  “And by ducks you’re referring to...‘Tequila,’ Benvolio asked.

  “Yes, Ben. That is exactly what I mean. Juice of the agave and the worm at the bottom for one lucky duck.”

  “You can go duck yourself, Romeo,” Benvolio smirked.

  I made my way to the back and Friar Laurence was going over the receipts for the day. “Hey, Friar?”

  “I heard, Romey. Go have a good time. You worked hard this week. Even if you’re eating me out of all my profits.”

  “You sure?” I asked, smiling at how cool Friar Laurence was.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  I looked at Friar Laurence and he was as much of a father figure to me as my own dad. So, I asked, “Friar, have you ever had that weird feeling where you know something fantastic is about to happen?”

  Friar Laurence looked at me and said, “Are you referring to a girl?”

  “Yes. Is it possible to find love in a place like this?” I asked.

  “It is possible to find love anywhere. If two people are meant to be is a hard thing to stop. Once love is in motion, it is virtually impossible to stop it. It’s a cosmic force bigger than faith.”

  I looked at Friar Laurence and no truer words were ever said.

  “I’m tired, Friar,” I said.


  “I’m tired of living in fear of my own life all the time.”

  “Son, there hasn’t been peace around here in a long time. I hope whatever it is that you’re feeling that it turns out the way of your heart’s desire.”

  “Something is out there, Friar. I know it. There is a grand plan for me, and it’s not this!”

  “You don’t like your job?” Friar Laurence laughed.

  “You know I love you and this job. I just know there’s more, that’s all. It is just out of reach. I can almost see it. I can almost feel it. It’s as if it lives inside of me and is dying to break out.”

  “You’re a good boy, Romey. Don’t change if things don’t happen as fast as you like. Go have a good time. Who knows it might happen tonight.”

  “Yep, maybe. I’ll

  see you Monday, Friar.”

  Chapter Seven

  Mercutio, Ben, and I took the subway and got off at 59th Street, Columbus Circle. We had a spot at the southeast opening of the world-famous park.

  Some of our other cousins and friends w Fs Czefont size=ere already there, drinking and acting the fool. Some guys were in their werewolf forms, wrestling on the ground. Others were dancing around in costumes that ranged from NYPD police uniforms, to cowboys from the Old West. These were my guys. My family. In all their absurdity, they were the best friends and family anybody could ask for. They were a bunch of goofballs, but at the end of the day, every one of them had my back and I had theirs.

  “Romeo, Mercutio, Ben! What’s up, fellas?” Abram said as the three of us walked up. He was dressed in a tuxedo with his hair slicked back.

  “What on Earth are you supposed to be?” I asked.

  “I’m the guy who bangs your mom when your dad is out of town,” he said, laughing. “I have to admit, the broad has taste. Mercutio knows what I mean, don’t you, Mercutio?”

  Mercutio gave him a dirty look because it was no secret that my mom had a secret crush on my best friend. What’s a guy going to do? The ladies dug him. Even rich, powerful, married, older women. My mom was a knockout in her day and my dad knew it.

  “Hey, you know your aunt isn’t my type,” Mercutio grinned. “I like my girls to have a little more on the backside, The lady has no butt.”

  “Nice, Mercutio, I thought you were my best friend,” I said. I turned to Mercutio and punched him in the stomach. It wasn’t too hard but he got the point. I focused my attention on Abram. I didn’t like anyone talking about my mom. “I’ll be sure to let your aunt, my mom, know that you’re pimping her to whoever will have her.”

  Abram looked at me and laughed. “Do you want to rescind your statement because the jokes are endless?”

  “That’s what people say when they don’t have a good one to say,” I said, challenging his humor.

  “Out of respect for your dad, who is my favorite uncle, I’ll keep my mouth shut,” Abram said and took a step back.

  “It didn’t stop your first comment,” I said.

  “Never get on Romeo’s mom, because, man, he’s a little bitch when you do,” Mercutio laughed.

  “You’re right,” Benvolio said. “I was on her last night and I haven’t heard him shut up all day.”

  “Seriously, you, too? My favorite cousin?” I said.

  “Hey!” all my other cousins yelled out in protest.

  “Hey, you guys know I love all of you,” I said. “But Ben here was born on the same day as me. We’re practically twins.”

  “Except you’re about ten times better looking than his fat ass,” Mercutio laughed, now he w Khedont>as mixing it up with Benvolio.

  “Oh, that does it!” Benvolio said. He turned into a werewolf and leaped on top of Mercutio and they playfully wrestled on the grass near the sidewalk. This was a typical night with Mercutio and my cousins; just chaos and barbarianism. This was the way we lived. To be honest, this was what was expected of us. Although it was fun, but at the end of the night, what did any of it mean? We were just grown men who refused to grow up.

  “Where’s your costume?” Abram said to me. “Are you going as yourself? Don’t get me wrong. It’s a great costume. ‘The whole guy with his head in the clouds.’”

  “My head wasn’t in the clouds the other night. I was down to fight with you guys.”

  “Why would you even have to say that?” Benvolio said. “That should go without saying. I am more worried that you feel the need to clarify it with us.”

  “Why do you bring up crap? Abram? You’re a bitter little man servant.” I had enough of Abram. And it was one thing for all of my cousins to give me crap, but not someone outside the family.

  Plus, my cousins and friends ne
eded to be reminded that I was the baddest mother among them. I turned into my werewolf form and leaped on top of Abram. Abram immediately transitioned. I know that deep inside, he thought he could handle me. We have a rule among the cousins and our friends. We don’t bite and we don’t strike. But we sure as hell wrestle. I pinned his werewolf face into the mud and made him cry uncle. But as a werewolf, he couldn’t speak. So he just yelped like a girl. I let him go once. I preyed my dominance over my cousin.

  I don’t think I had a cousin who thought they could truly take me. I was just gifted with natural strength and fighting ability. I couldn’t really explain it and it is so not who I am at the core. But every now and then, I needed to remind all of my cousins and friends, especially Abram, who was one of the toughest, that I still and will always be me. I let Abram go. Then we both turned back to human form.

  “All right, all right, Romeo. You’re still the familiar alpha,” Abram laughed. “Just don’t mess up my costume.”

  I looked up at the sky and the moon was out in full bloom. Werewolves loved the full moon. Most werewolves can only turn when that happens. But for the Montague men, it’s a rite of passage to be able to control it. It’s not a Zen thing, but it’s damn close. Controlling when you turn from man to wolf is a state of mind. The stronger you are upstairs in the brain department, the easier it is to control it.

  You always knew when someone wasn’t that experienced. When the full moon happened, they randomly turned without noticing. It was comical, actually. I remember when Benvolio had a hard time controlling it. Mercutio and I rode his butt every day until he figured it out.

  “So, what is the deal with your cousin’s party?” Balthazar said.

  Balthazar was the newest t K th+0">o our exclusive Montague werewolf club. He had just turned a week back. So, I was no longer the newest wolf. Balthazar was wearing a firefighter’s outfit. He looked as if he must be boiling hot in that thing. I know he’d be taking the sweaty contraption off by the end of the night.

  Mercutio began to speak. “It’s Prince Escalus and Count Paris. They think by inviting our two motley crews together for a party, somehow we would all be friends by the end of the night.”

  “That’s about as wishful as thinking gets,” Abram said.

  “Also, no weapons,” Mercutio continued. “They are having some serious security there. If you’re caught with a weapon, you’re booted out. Or, the second a wolf turns, he will be kicked out.”

  “Even if we turn?” I asked. “That’s pretty bigoted just toward us. Vampires and warlocks just are. They don’t have to turn to be who they truly are.”

  “Those are the Prince’s rules,” Mercutio stated. “If you have a problem, take it up with him. He has a complaint box at the far end of nowhere.”

  “What else?” I asked.

  “Don’t bring your rapiers,” Mercutio answered.

  “Romeo is right,” Benvolio said to Mercutio. “Those scumbags, the Capulets, don’t have to turn. They live as vampires 24/7.”

  Mercutio laughed. “What do you expect me to do? Do you guys really think I have bought into my family’s madness that werewolves and vampires can coexist?” Mercutio laughed. Mercutio climbed one of the trees nearby and hung from it by his arms on one of the lower branches, “Oh, on the contrary, I plan on using this pow-wow as a way to confront Tybalt.”

  “Confront him?” I asked.

  “We confront them every time we are in public,” I said. “Why do you need a party to do that?”

  “Think about it, Romeo. Our two sides have been going at it for years, but how much blood has been spilled? None.”

  “What are you talking about?” I said. “Every time there is a scuffle, there is blood on both sides.”

  “Oh, dear Romeo, wherefore art thou, my dear friend,” Mercutio said. “That is exactly my point. We only spill it to really give them a message. It is time to make a real statement!”

  “Which is what?” I asked, knowing exactly what he was implying.

  “Must I draw you a picture?” Mercutio said to my cousins and me. “Boys, this is your fight. I have merely enrolled in your cause. It is time that we make a stand.” Mercutio, who was still hanging from the tree, let one of his hands go. He was now hanging from it like a monkey. It was actually a pretty hilarious sight to be seen, watching a grown man wearing a diaper and bib, flailing around like some wild animal.

  Then Mercutio took his free hand and shaped his fingers and a silver stake was now in his hand. Boy did he love his sorcery. He then took his silver stake and pretended to stab himself in the heart. As he did so, he did a back flip from the tree and landed on his feet. “It’s time for all of us to take a stand to show, once and for all, that our immortality will forever and always be superior to those who can connect and bear the rays of the sun.”

  This was exactly what I wanted to avoid.

  “What good will that do?” I asked. “All that will cause is and all-o Kt size="+0">ut war between both sides.”

  “Are you being foolish, Romeo,” Mercutio answered. “We already have that. The only way it can stop is for one side to dominate the other one. As long as these bloodsuckers think they can even hold our jocks, we will continue to live in fear.” Mercutio was giving a sermon for the ages and he was definitely stirring up some of my cousins.

  “Calm down, Mercutio,” I said. “You’re getting everyone excited.”

  “He has a point, Romeo,” Ben said. “It’s time for the cream to rise to the top, and there is no better cream than a wolf’s filth.”

  “Very charming, Ben,” I said.

  “Are you getting soft, Romeo!” Abram asked.

  “You tell me. How did it feel having a face full of mud?” I said to Abram. “I’m not being soft. I’m being realistic. You all think this is what we need to do so there will be peace. You want to kill to show our dominance, and somehow that will make peace? Are you kidding me?”

  “Easy there, cousin,” Benvolio said. “Let’s just drink up and make our way to the Bronx and have ourselves a bash, compliments of the Ruling House of Verona.”

  Then Benvolio looked to Abram and said, “We might have a bash in more ways than one. That just remains to be seen. Let’s just get to Yankee Stadium.”

  “It is the house that Ruth built,” Mercutio laughed.

  “Yeah, whatever that means,” I said. “You all are crazy.”

  “Oh, Romeo, what do you suggest we do? Go there and be friends with those guys?” Abram asked.

  “There’s a time for change,” I said looking at my cousins and friends. “Maybe tonight, this is our time.”

  “For change?” Benvolio asked. “Romeo has gotten soft. This is the same guy who beat a Capulet to a pulp a few months back.”

  “That is true,” I said. “But...maybe I see the error of my ways.”

  Mercutio had had enough. “I’m not sure what has gotten into you, my dear friend. I’m hoping a fifth of tequila exorcises that demon out of you. I need my bad-ass wingman back. This new Romeo is all about butterflies and roses.” Then Mercutio took a swig of tequila.

  “Give me that,” I said.

  Then I put down the tequila, too. This went on for about an hour. During the whole time, all I could think about was how I kne

  w there was change around the corner, and that was getting me more and more excited.

  Chapter Eight

  Eventually, the tequila bottles were empty and it was time for Mercutio to perform some magic and make me a costume. Luckily, Mercutio had just about anything at his disposal with his witchery. Before we knew it, he had conjured up for me an old-school Dracula costume from movies of years gone by. I had a cape and everything. My brown hair was slicked back, and for my money, I thought I looked damn good.

  It was time for us to head over to the Bronx. The Bronx was pretty much only good for one thing: Yankee Stadium. It was the off season, so it was an accessible revenue for a kick-ass party, and no one knew how to throw a party like the Ruli
ng House of Verona.

  Yankee Stadium was on 161st Street and for most of the out-of-town folks’ sake, it was not so great of an area. But to a family of werewolves and vampires, it was as good a place as any to throw a bash.

  We took the subway and made a transfer to get to the “4” train. It was a straight shot to the Bronx and the 161st Street. We were a sight to behold for others on the subway. It wasn’t Halloween and here we were, about twenty men dressed in costumes that ranged from gorilla suits to Tarzan.

  Dressed as Count Dracula himself, I was enjoying the irony of going to a party where actual vampires were going to attend as I was dressed like the most infamous one of all time.

  Once we exited the subway, the stadium was straight ahead and to the left. We made our way through gate 6 and entered the stadium. The inside of the stadium was rather dark, which made me a little uneasy and there was loud music playing which was really too loud for werewolf ears. The party was in full swing down on the baseball field.

  My group stepped out of the bleachers and we climbed over the wall at about where third base would have normally had been, and headed out into the field. This party was one for the ages. You couldn’t even recognize that this was a baseball field. They had built a dance floor all the way across the outfield. There were tons of lights and a lot of people dancing. It was a hoppin’ party.

  I could see that there was plenty of alcohol pouring and whatever other recreational fun people had brought with them. It definitely looked like a good time.

  There was DJ at about where 2nd base would be and behind him was the bar area where people could chill out and talk and have a few drinks.

  Both families were well represented at the party. Even the older Montagues and Capulets had come out for the celebration.

  To my surprise, there seemed to be a pleasant ambiance and everyone was having a good time. We made our way behind the DJ to where the alcohol was being served and helped ourselves to an open bar. My group consisted of my cousins and closest friends: Benvolio, Balthasar, Abram, and of course, Mercutio.


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