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This Regret

Page 22

by Victoria Ashley

  His face instantly turns to hatred as he steps up to stand right in front of me and places his finger to my forehead, his nail digging into my skin. It hurts, but I refuse to back down and show this coward any fear. “I’m not going anywhere, you-“

  “Stop it, dammit!” Jen pushes her way in between us and slaps Nate’s hand out of the way. “Phoenix, please!” Her eyes plead with me to listen, but I can’t. I fear for her life. She’s my best friend. I would never forgive myself if I left here and something happened to her. I don't know how far he would take it. You watch Lifetime movies about this sort of thing all the time. I won’t cave in on this one. I won’t, no matter how bad she wants me to.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Jen. Didn’t you hear me the first time?” Is this girl freaking nuts? She must not be as smart as I thought, if she thinks I’m falling for this crap. I’ve heard of too many women falling victim of domestic violence, thanks to my mother and her movies. I’m not stupid. I know abusive behavior when I see it. “Now go inside and lock the door, Jen.”

  Nate reaches around me and grips Jen’s arm, pulling her into his chest. “You listen to that bitch and get inside. You heard her.” He shoves me backwards as I reach for his arm. “I’m taking her inside with me and you better get the fuck off my property before I show you the things I can do. Just mind your own damn business. That’s how little girls like you get hurt,” he slurs.

  Reaching for the screen door, he slings it open shoving Jen inside by her hair. I catch a glimpse of Jen’s hands reaching for her hair, as she stumbles over the threshold, letting a small screech escape her lips.

  Anger courses through me and I start shaking. I can’t even believe what is happening right here in front of my face. How long has this crap been going on? I will cut this ugly piece of shit's dick off and store it on the mantle before letting him hurt her or Jax.

  Following close behind them, I reach for the back of Nate’s muscle shirt, stretching it backwards in my fist. I yank as hard as I can in an attempt to get him off her, but it’s no use. “You sorry bastard! You're nothing but a waste of space. Don’t you dare touch her.”

  Swinging his arm backwards, he slaps me across the face, sending me flying into the wall. The impact must have been enough to wake little Jax, because the room is filled with his screams and now . . . I want to scream.

  He’s sitting there in the middle of the living room floor, reaching out his arms for someone to hold him, his face red and wet with tears, clearly showing he's scared.

  “It’s okay, baby boy. Mommas right here,” Jen cries out from in Nate’s arms.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Nate pushes Jen down onto the hardwood floor as she reaches her arms out for Jax. She lands face first onto the floor, her arms stretched out in front of her. “I can’t handle all of this fucking noise. All I hear is waaaah wah waaaah. Now shut up for once,” he says, covering his ears and leaning against the wall like a psychotic maniac losing his grip on reality.

  Pushing myself to my feet, I run past Nate and over to where Jen’s lying on the floor. She has blood running down her nose, probably from the impact of her face slamming into the floor. At this point, I could kill this son of a bitch. Jax is still screaming in the middle of the living room and Jen is now standing here in my arms with blood running down her face. This is bullshit. This shouldn’t be happening right now.

  I turn to face Nate, while holding my arms out, blocking Jen behind me as I start walking backwards toward Jax. Nate pushes away from the wall as if he’s about to come after us. “Don’t you fucking do it, Nate. Just leave. You’re not wanted here. You need some serious help. You have anger problems and a drinking issue that needs to be dealt with”

  Nate lets out a sadistic laugh as Jen bends down and reaches for Jax. We all just stand here in silence, waiting for Nate to speak. He’s so damn creepy. I need to find a way to get him out of here before he hurts anyone else.

  “I need help?” He rubs his hands over his head really fast and hard before turning around and repeatedly slamming his fists into the wall, leaving dents and holes. “I’ll. Show. You. Who. Needs . . .” He talks while punching his fist into the wall in between each word. This guy is really losing it.

  “You need to leave before he hurts you, Phoenix,” Jen cries into my ear while gripping my arm. “Please do this for me. I don’t want any of this on you. You have enough to take on.”

  “No!” I shake her arm off and reach into my pocket for my phone. “I’m not letting this scumbag hurt you anymore. This isn’t right.” My hand shakes as I scroll through my contacts before he sees what I'm doing. I find the number that I’m looking for and press the call button. Nate is still facing the wall, punching it, while slurring nonsense. If I’m going to get us any help, then it’s now.

  When I see that the call timer is counting the call, I lock the screen and shove my phone back into my pocket, praying that I made the right decision. Luckily, I get my phone back into place right as he spins around and slaps himself in the face.

  “What is wrong with me, huh?” He tilts his head to look at us. “You do this to me. Do you know that? You do this to me.” He slaps himself in the face again before taking a step forward and peeking his head around us to look at Jax. “Where’s my little boy? Come to daddy, Jax.” He holds his arms out and belches, while walking toward us.

  “I don’t think so.” I put my hand on his chest, stopping him before he can reach them. “Don’t touch either one of them, you sick fuck.”

  He looks down at my hand on his chest before bringing his eyes up to meet mine. His jaw twitches as he reaches up and grips my mouth, pulling my face to his. He blows his foul breath into my face and smiles. “Get the fuck out of my way.” He shoves my face, pushing me out of the way and reaching out for Jax.

  “No! Don’t touch my baby,” Jen screams while walking backwards to get away from him. “You’ve had too much to drink. Let me make you some food and take care of you. You look tired, baby.” She reaches her arm out and Nate grabs it, pulling her and Jax into his reach.

  “Shut the fuck up and give me my son.”

  I start to panic at the thought of Nate hurting little Jax, so I do the only thing I can. I reach for the lamp on the nearby table and swing it into the side of Nate’s head, causing him to fall to the floor.

  “Fuck you, Nate!” I reach my arm out for Jen to grab it. “Come on, Jen. We need to get out of here right now.”

  We both look down at Nate as Jen rubs the back of Jax’s head to comfort him. “It’s okay baby.”

  “You stupid bitch!” Nate reaches up to touch the side of his head and pulls his hand away to see blood. “You just made a huge mistake. Jen, you can thank your friend for what I’m about to do now.”

  I push Jen toward the door and we both take off running as Nate scrambles to his feet. Right as we reach the door, he grabs on to the back of my shirt and pulls me backwards hard causing me to land on the ground. Jen stops to check on me and I wave my arm at her to go, while grabbing a hold of Nate’s pant leg. “Get out, dammit! I'm fine.”

  Nate leans over me and grips my face in his hands, crushing it between his fingers and spits. “Stay out of Jen’s life. She is mine. I own her.”

  The screen door swings open, causing all of us to stop and stare. Nate looks horrified as he looks up at Kellan towering over us.

  As soon as I see him standing there, relief floods my body. His fists are clenched at his sides and his eyes are black from the dilation of his pupils as he takes in the sight in front of him. I somehow know he will stop at nothing to protect us. In this moment, I love him for that.

  Kellan pushes Nate out of his way, causing him to land on his ass and reaches down to pick me up. His jaw clenches as he looks me in the eye and rubs his hand over my face. His touch is so soft and caring, but protective at the same time. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head and swallow.

  “Are you serious?” Nate laughs, but I can tell he’s nervous. “This assho
le again.” He gains his balance back, standing to his feet again.

  “Ladies, get outside.” Looking straight at Nate as if he’s about to kill him, Kellan screams, “Now! I will take care of this.”

  Jen looks at Nate with tears staining her face before walking outside with me following right behind her. As soon as we’re out the door, she breaks down in more tears. “Oh shit! What is Kellan going to do to him? This is all my fault. I should have told you a long time ago. I was scared. I was so scared.”

  I pull her and Jax into my arms and squeeze them close to me in a hug before walking her down the stairs and over to Kellan’s truck. “I’m not even going to stand here and pretend like I’m not mad at you for not telling me. I am furious, trust me.” I take deep breaths, inhaling through my nose while looking out into the empty street. “You could have gotten you and Jax both killed. Do you get that?” My voice comes out harsher than I meant it but it's out of sheer terror. I pull her back into my arms and rub the back of her head. This woman has no idea how broken I would be if something were to happen to her and Jax. I love them to death. They’re my family.

  She just nods her head and cries into my arms. She doesn’t say anything and I don’t expect her to. How can she?

  Minutes later, the door to the house bursts open to Nate flying to the porch on his face. Kellan steps out behind him and walks over to stand above him. He crouches down next to his head and grabs his chin, pulling back and twisting it to face him. “If you ever put your hands on anyone again you'll regret it. I don’t care if it’s Jen, Phoenix, your child or anyone else. I will fucking kill you. That's a promise. You think I'm bull shitting, just try me and see. I will kill, for my family especially and I don't break a promise.” He stops and yanks his head back further, causing Nate to growl. “Do you fucking hear me, you piece of shit? Your days of abusing women are over!”

  Nate spits blood onto the porch but doesn’t respond.

  Kellan turns in our direction and raises his chin to us. “Get inside my truck and turn the other way.” His jaw stays clenched as he watches me open the door and push Jen and Jax into the back of the truck before I jump in myself.

  Jen’s breathing quickens once I close the door behind us. “Shh! It’s okay.” I try to comfort her as I watch Kellan drag Nate over to his Jeep and throw him into the driver seat. I’m not really sure what is happening, but I can see Kellan leaning into the Jeep as if he’s having some private words with Nate. I shouldn’t be watching, but I can’t pull my eyes away. I see Kellan’s muscles flexing, but I can’t see anything else.

  I don’t allow Jen to look up again until Nate’s Jeep is started and he’s hauling ass out of the driveway. I am happier than hell to see Nate gone. The only thing I’m worried about now, is him coming back to hurt them when they're alone.

  We stay seated in the truck until Kellan walks over and opens the door for us. He instantly reaches inside and pulls me out, setting me down on my feet. He runs his hands over my face, examining me, while breathing heavily. “Are you hurt? Did that asshole hurt you?”

  I shake my head and force a smile. I hurt a little, but he doesn’t need to know. Right now, my concern is with Jen and Jax. “No, I’m fine.”

  He runs his hands over my face one last time before gripping my hair in his hands and leaning in, crushing his lips against mine. He kisses me long and deep before turning his head sideways and pulling away from the kiss. When he does, my heart stops. “Okay, good.”

  He exhales before looking past me and walking back over to the open door. Jen is still inside holding Jax while crying. Taking notice of Jen’s bloody nose, he yanks his shirt over his head and grabs a bottle of water out of the front seat, pouring it onto his shirt. “Don’t worry, Jen. I won’t let that piece of shit hurt you again.” He presses his wet shirt to Jen’s face and brushes a piece of hair out of her face. “I can promise you that.”

  Jen looks up with wet eyes and stares at Kellan as he takes care of her. She doesn’t say anything, but I can tell she’s thankful for him helping her.

  Seeing him take care of my best friend like this, makes my heart swell. He’s everything any girl could ever want. Right now, I want him more than ever. I want him so much it hurts.

  “Thank you, Kellan,” she manages. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  Kellan turns to look at me, but doesn’t stop cleaning Jen’s face. “You know I would never let anyone hurt you, ever.” He looks angry as he shakes his head. “I could kill that son of a bitch.”

  Jen’s hand reaches out and grabs Kellan’s shirt, causing him to turn back and look at Jen again. “I’ve got it, Kellan. Thank you for helping.”

  Kellan looks at Jax, who is now calm and sleeping in his mom’s arms, before walking away from the truck and pulling me along with him. “I have Tyler on his way here. He’s bringing a new set of locks for the doors. That piece of shit is not getting back into this house.” He looks over at the truck as if he’s trying to be sure Jen isn’t listening to what he’s about to say, then he turns back around. “I saw Nate over a week ago at that bar next to the shop. He was pushing some woman around and I had to step in and help her. He’s been doing this to others as well as Jen. I had no idea until today who he was.”

  Of course. That doesn’t surprise me one bit. I always knew there was something off about him. That jerk. I just don’t understand how Jen has dealt with all of this alone. “He’s an asshole. I’ve always hated him. I can’t even believe this happened. She’s denied it for years, although I always had my suspicions.” I shake my head. “I’ll let Jen know once she calms down.” Great! More salt to rub on the wound.

  “They always do,” he breathes. “Trust me. You just have to know the signs and help them. They won’t help themselves because they’re too blinded by love and by the image of who their loved ones used to be. I took care of him that night at the bar and made sure Maxine was safe.” He turns his eyes away and looks at the ground. He almost looks ashamed.

  This makes me really nervous for some reason. What does he mean by 'he made sure she was safe?' Jealously courses through me at the thought of him comforting another woman. I feel so stupid right now. I should be worrying about Jen, not myself. So I smile and lean in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you. Thank you for coming as quickly as you did.”

  He looks me in the eye and sucks in his bottom lip, cupping my face in his hands and pressing his forehead to mine. Him touching me makes my stomach fill up with butterflies. He looks as if he has something he wants to say, but instead he pulls away as Tyler pulls up on his motorcycle.

  We both watch as Tyler quickly jumps off his bike and drops his helmet into the grass before running over to kellan. “What’s going on, bro? I got here as fast as I could.”

  Kellan reaches out and grips Tyler’s shoulder. “Everything’s fine now. Did you bring the set of locks? I need you to do me a favor and help me change the locks on this house. We have an asshole situation to deal with and I need to make sure my friend and her son are safe.”

  Tyler’s eyes go dark and suddenly he looks pissed. “Do I need to fuck someone up, man? You know how I feel about that shit.”

  Jen finally steps out of the truck and her eyes land on Tyler. She looks a little shaken up, as he looks her up and down, then turns to face Kellan. “The situation is taken care of for now. If you want to help out in another way you can,” Kellan says.

  I’m not really sure what that means, but I hope to find out. I want Jen to feel as safe as possible.

  Tyler nods his head and then turns to face Jen. He walks over to her and Jax and stops right in front of her. Reaching for her hand, he takes it in his and looks her in the eye. “I’m here to help you in any way I can. I know you don’t know me, but I’ve seen enough women get hurt and it kills me. I’m going to change the locks on your door and if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here for a while to be sure he doesn’t come back.” Jen just stares at him with a tear running down her face. She doesn’t know what
to say or maybe, she’s just going to decline the offer. For her sake, I hope she doesn’t. “Is that okay with you?” He reaches out and places his hand on her chin, tilting her head up to look at him. “I promise it will be okay.”

  She nods her head and starts sobbing. Tyler doesn’t hesitate with pulling her face into his chest and rubbing the back of her head. He may not know her, but somehow I get the feeling, he’ll care about anything his friend cares about. Tyler too, is a protector.

  Kellan breaks my concentration, causing me to pull my eyes away from Jen and Tyler. “Go and take care of your friend and we’ll take care of everything else.”

  I get ready to walk away but he grabs my arm to stop me. He just stands there looking in my eyes, but doesn’t say anything. I get lost in his stare until he speaks again. “Never mind. Just take care of Jen.” He smiles and I return his smile before walking away, and grabbing for Jen’s arm.

  She follows beside me, but stops to look back at Tyler as him and Kellan watch us walking away.

  We really have to find a way to thank those boys later. For now, I need to take care of my family.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Shortly after changing the locks, Kellan left, saying he had a client waiting on a tattoo he promised to get done by today. I could tell he didn’t want to leave and him walking out that door almost seemed like torture to him. He stood there hesitating for way too long, staring at me with this strange look in his eyes. Tyler gave him the nod and he finally left after telling him to take care of us girls and Jax.

  A huge part of me wished he would’ve turned back around and kissed me again, but I knew that first kiss was only out of worry. Anyone else would’ve done the same if they were really worried about someone they cared about getting hurt. Although I know he cares about me, it hurts that it’s not in the same way I care about him. Sometimes though, a girl just needs to be kissed senseless. The cycle with us seems like it will never change. It will always be me chasing him and him running away. Sucks for me and tears me apart.


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