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Beautiful Elixir (Beautiful Oblivion #3)

Page 17

by Addison Moore

  I do miss my girls.

  “It was productive to say the least.” Mel leans in. “Why the hell is Stearns here?”

  My mouth opens, and for a moment, I consider telling them about our devious plan, but Caleb made me promise I wouldn’t tell a soul outside of the souls I accidentally already spilled the beans to. And, since I’m all about the truth now, filling them in just yet isn’t an option.

  “We’re hanging out. He’s with Brylee now, so I don’t see why not.”

  Mel’s features harden. “And you’re with this Caleb guy, right? So everything’s cool?”

  “Yup. Couldn’t be cooler.” I laugh while brushing my hands over my arms to keep warm. “It’s funny how that works.”

  “Wow.” Charlie looks to where Keith and Brylee are all but making out. I can see she’s enjoying her role as Keith’s new squeeze. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they fell into bed together. She’s a little slut, and, well, he is too. “So nobody finds this weird?”

  “Why would we?” Mel doesn’t take her steady gaze off me. “Kennedy is in love with somebody else. She couldn’t care less about Keith Stearns.” Her face darkens, she gives a mean shiver, but it looks more like anger.

  Caleb comes up and wraps his arms around me from behind.

  “So—Mr. Hot Shot Attorney,” Mel says it playfully, but you can tell Caleb is up for an interrogation. “I did a little homework on you. Nobody messes with my BFF without my approval.”

  Now it’s my turn to blush. My sorority sisters have really stepped up through all of this. Melanie and Charlie in particular have my back. It’s sweet, and I won’t forget this. I most likely will go back in the spring, and, when I do, I’ll find a special way to thank them.

  “Homework?” Caleb’s chest rumbles against my back. “You dig up any skeletons that you think you can rattle?”

  His mother comes to mind. God, if Mel says one thing about his mother, I’ll dropkick her.

  “Nope, you’re clean. I did hear about your brother, though. Sorry about that. It must be very hard.”

  His body goes rigid against me. “It is. It’s very hard.” He gives me a gentle squeeze. “You ready to make the rounds?” He brushes a kiss against my ear, and I melt into him. I wish the crowd would disappear, and we’d magically find ourselves down at the south end of the lake, at our spot, ready to claim it in a special way, but we don’t.

  We take off and find Brylee and Keith making out by the woods. Shocker. But I suppose it’s good for our bizarre PR. Together we walk the periphery of the party, the headiness of the music, the cheery atmosphere really does make this feel like we’re hanging out with friends, with a special friend. I pull Caleb in as we amble toward Neva and Warren getting down and dirty on the dance floor. Neva spots us and gyrates her way over.

  “What the hell?” She looks from me to Keith. “Is this truce in honor of my birthday?” You can smell and see the liquor pluming from her lips. It’s that cold, and she’s that toasted.

  “Happy birthday, wench!” I pull her in. “You can do better than that,” I whisper in her ear. I don’t really care to see Warren end up with any of my friends or relations. He wasn’t a great guy before he tried to force himself on Reese. I don’t care if he was wasted. No still means no.

  “I see you have.” She eyes Caleb like she’s checking him out. “What’s with the rumor going around that you’re going to shank Keith?” She glares at him a moment. “By the way, I’m rooting for her.”

  Crap. “I’m not shanking anyone. I’m over it. Keith and I are both over it. He couldn’t care less that I’m with Caleb now.” I pull Caleb in close and touch my lips to his in a meandering kiss.

  “Yeah”—Keith agrees—“and she couldn’t care less that I’m tapping this.” He plants a wet one on Brylee, and I wait for some visceral reaction, but there isn’t one.

  Huh. Keith and Brylee could hop on stage with the band and start going at it in front of God and everybody, and I really wouldn’t care. My arms tighten around Caleb. He’s made me better in so many ways. He’s healing me one kiss at a time.

  “Let’s get to somewhere we can all be alone,” Caleb whispers.

  “I know just the place.” I lead the four of us past Neva’s shindig, over to the quiet side of the lake where the boathouses sit unassuming, watchful, as the party rages on in the distance.

  “I got a key, if you want to head in,” Keith offers.

  “No.” Caleb leans against the railing with me snuggled warm in his arms. “I think we should stand out here for a while, visible yet secluded. We don’t want to make it seem like we went our separate ways.”

  “Would you look at all the stars? You don’t see these at Yeats. The city hides the stars with its bad breath.” Brylee wraps her arms around his waist as they mimic Caleb and me. “So what went down with you guys anyway?”

  “I cheated. We broke up. The end.” Keith’s eyes glow like fireflies in this dim light.

  “That about sums it up.”

  “Something must have happened to make you upload those videos.” She looks to Keith with innocence.

  The truth bubbles up the back of my throat like acid, about as controllable as vomit. Here we go.

  “I didn’t upload those videos,” Keith says it low while staring me down as if wanting me, of all people, to admit it.

  “I don’t know how we ever got here.” A mean wind blows past us, and we all huddle a little bit closer. “But I did do something I’m not proud to admit.” The whites of their eyes glint back at me as if the three of them are expecting some spectacular confession. “I lied about the videos. I told Caleb I didn’t know you were filming. The truth is, I was ashamed. It’s not something I ever aspired to do. And since I’m in a confessing mood, I really cared about you Keith, but there’s something you should know. Those summer breakups you seemed to plan regularly? Caleb was there for me. This isn’t anything new. Caleb has had my heart from the beginning.”

  Keith blows out a breath. I can tell he’s trying to process this all—pissed by my last admission.

  “I’m sorry.” I shudder. “I just want to get it all out in the open. No more secrets. I’m done with it.” I take a deep breath, fighting the tears begging to come to the pity party. No, thank you. This is about being a stronger person not a blubbering nitwit. “There’s something else I’d like to share. Keith already knows this but—you see, years ago, I lied for my mom. She and my dad were getting a divorce, and she basically gave me a script. It read like the white trash diaries. She made me tell the court all kinds of terrible things—that he abused us—that he brought women over into my mother’s bed in broad daylight.” My lips quiver, and I take a moment to quell the tears. “She made me tell the court that I saw him doing a line of coke in our bathroom with some whore. It was a load of bullcrap, but my mother was so hurt. She was so terribly hurt that my father would bang this twenty-year-old girl who was interning for him. She was desperate to get him back. Anyway, my sister didn’t side with her—I did.”

  “That’s pretty screwed up.” Brylee clutches her chest like she might be sick.

  Keith takes a step in. “I should have made you go to therapy the first time you said anything. You went through a lot, and you kept it all from the world. You were cold and distant, and it’s because this has been eating away at you ever since.”

  “Sorry. I liked my walls.” I strangle Caleb with my grip as if confessing to him in code. “You think we should get going?”

  Caleb nods. His eyes glow a brilliant blue even in the dull moonlight—the color of protection, the color of love. We head back toward the party, content with our little show.

  “Hey, Ken?” Keith comes over just as Caleb and I head for the cabin. “I just want to say I forgive you. No hard feelings. Tonight wasn’t just an act. I didn’t mind hanging with you.” He pulls me into a solid embrace, and it feels like we’ve just shed a lead coat.

  “I forgive you, too. No hard feelings.”

and I head into the house and quietly make our way to my bedroom. I’ve never had Keith spend the night here, and for that I’m grateful. I open the door, and just as I’m about to switch on the lights, he glides his hand over it.

  “We won’t be needing that.”

  “Oh? Are you about to cross-examine me?”

  “I’m about to investigate an entire body of evidence.” He runs his finger over my hips. “A beautiful body that belongs to a beautiful soul. I’m proud of you, Kennedy. You did good out there.”

  A wicked laugh gurgles from me, low and quiet. “I’m about to do even better in here.” I pull him in by the collar. “Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of having you in my bed? Of course, there’s not much room. I’ll have to be on top all night.”

  A dark growl comes from his chest. “Sounds like the perfect bed to me.”

  I stiffen a moment as Brylee’s words come back to me. “Can I ask you something point blank?” It’s going to be awkward, but I’m done with skirting any big issues only to find out later down the line that there was more than a shred of truth to it.


  “Are you—how do I put this?” I steady my eyes over his. The eyes are the only ones I really trust. The mouth, I’ve found, is simply a puppet of a wicked, wicked, brain. “Are you fucking Zoey?”

  “What?” His head inches back, his face locked in horror. His eyes shout hell no, and I can tell it’s the truth. “Not now, not ever.”

  “Just wanted to be clear. I didn’t think so, but someone mentioned they saw you two at the lake—that Zoey wasn’t dressed.” I wave the ludicrous idea away. “I trust you completely, Caleb. And if you ever did cheat on me, I think I really would lose my mind. Anyway, I’m sorry I had to drag you here.” I pepper the rough stubble on his cheek with kisses. “But I couldn’t stand another night without you.”

  “I’m guessing your father appreciates the fact we’re not at my place.”

  “He’ll be gone soon.” I dot kisses all along his jaw.

  “Do you think you’ve restored your relationship?”

  I bite down hard on my lip contemplating this. Now that I’m all about the truth it takes some time for the answers come.

  “I think maybe, yeah. My mom was right. We all need a big sit down, but if we can put this behind us.” I shake my head. “Caleb, it’s strange, everything was such a nightmare in the beginning, and now I have you and my dad. Maybe my sister?” I give a little laugh. “It’s as if it’s too good to be true.”

  “It’s true. Get used to it, Kennedy, because your life is about to get a whole lot better.” Caleb sits me on the bed. He performs a slow, methodical striptease in the shred of moonlight pouring through the window, and I devour every divine moment. Caleb is a god, a glowing being of alien perfection. It’s so hard to wrap my head around the fact everything is going so well. But Caleb is the most miraculous treasure, my heart’s deepest desire for so very long. Our lips smooth over every inch of one another’s bodies as Caleb buries his mouth over the most tender part of me, the most rock hard part of him thrusting down my throat. We go on like that for hours, our limbs twisted, our bodies knotted up in lust, me pulling his hair, him pulling mine. Those rock hard abs against my skin, his hot kisses warming my every inch. This is what I’ve dreamed of for so long on this very bed. And now my bedroom will never be the same.

  And with Caleb in my life, neither will I.

  We rouse lazily, well after eleven in the morning. Caleb admires my girly décor, my row of tiny ceramic Disney princesses, analyzes me by the books on my shelf, by the mountain of clothes building on the floor.

  My phone bleats, and I flip it over. I glance at the screen, and my entire body goes numb with shock.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks while fondling my soccer trophy from eighth grade.

  “It’s a text from Brylee.” I can barely get the words out. I can barely breathe. “Keith is missing.”


  The next few days are lost in a whirlwind. Keith’s family isn’t so amused that the day their son’s phony obituary declared he passed away, he up and disappears. Kennedy is back to being the prime suspect, and her father and sister leave town with a shred of doubt hanging over their heads regarding her innocence once again. Then another bomb drops—this time right into my lap.

  Zoey struts into my office with her sky high heels, her low cut dress with a hard V that shows off her cleavage straight to her belly. Which reminds me, I’ll have to instate a strict dress code, yesterday.

  I take the envelope she hands me without glancing at all that flesh happening in front of me.

  “It’s not postmarked.” I flip it over, still nothing.

  “Really? That’s weird. It’s addressed to you. It was with the mail I picked up downstairs.”

  I run my finger along the thin seam and pull out a CD.

  Whenever an attorney receives a suspicious piece of mail that can somehow talk back to him, it’s never a good fucking sign.

  I wait for Zoey to leave before putting it into my laptop and hitting play.

  Here goes nothing.

  The audio comes on—scratchy—nothing but static, so I turn it up all the way.

  A female voice murmurs something. Then adds, “I’m sorry. I just want to get it all out in the open. No more secrets. I’m done with it.”

  “Shit.” I bow my head because I know where this is headed.

  “There’s something else I’d like to share. Keith already knows this but—you see, years ago, I lied for my mom. She and my dad were getting a divorce, and my mother gave me a script. It read like the white trash diaries. She made me tell the court all kinds of terrible things, that he abused us, that he brought women over into my mother’s bed in broad daylight. She made me tell the court that I saw him doing a line of coke in our bathroom with some whore. It was a load of bullcrap, but my mother was so hurt. She was so terribly hurt that my father would bang this twenty-year-old girl who was interning for him. She was desperate to get him back. My sister didn’t side with her—I did.”

  Just like that it cuts out. What the hell? Why?

  The memory comes back to me, fresh and alive. That’s the conversation we had at the lake. We thought we were alone with the exception of Keith and Brylee. All kinds of insane thoughts run through my head. Was Keith recording that? Brylee? God, was it Kennedy herself? She did all but accuse—ask me if I was having an affair with Zoey.

  I speed out the door and startle Zoey into slamming her laptop shut.

  “What?” She sits up wild-eyed.

  “Did you tell Kennedy we’re sleeping together?”

  “No.” She spins her chair to face me fully. “Why? Did she say something?”

  I take off before I can answer. No matter what the hell happened—whoever the hell recorded that—I’m guessing it’s going to be used against Kennedy—against the entire Slade family.

  By the time I hit Loveless, Kennedy’s SUV is already gone. I shoot her a quick text but no response.

  My phone buzzes, but it’s not Kennedy’s name staring back at me, it’s Abel.

  Listen asshole, next time why don’t you show up yourself. Sol let me know you sent your girlfriend to give him a little last minute comfort. And where the fuck are you anyway? Dad and I want to see your sorry ass at the courthouse Tuesday. We’re a family. It’s time to start acting like one.

  “What the hell?” I put a call into Kennedy, and this time she answers.

  “Hey, handsome! You like wild salmon or farmed? If your performance last night in bed is any indicator, I’m guessing wild, wild, wild. I think you even threw in some spawning action. Honestly, I think we should delay the kids by at least five years. What do you think of zucchini? Organic, of course. I’m not a sadist.”

  “Kennedy, listen to me. Did you go see my brother?”

  “What? See whose brother?” Her voice is cool, calm as if she were touching the produce, gauging whether or not it was ripe enough as we speak
. And, as much as I’d love to know, I can’t tell if she’s fucking with me.

  “Never mind. I need you to come home right away.”

  “Did they find Keith?” Her voice is tight. Kennedy has been desperately upset at what his fate might be.

  “No. I just—I need to see you. I miss you.” A pang of grief pinches through my gut. It’s true. I miss Kennedy. I miss the Kennedy of a few days ago who I would never have thought capable of something like this, not that I do now, but something is not adding up. Unless…. I glance around at the dark navy waters of the lake as if it held the very secrets I was so desperate for. Unless the girl posing as my girlfriend was young enough to pass for Kennedy, resembled Kennedy in some small way. Maybe she was hiding near the boathouse that night? Maybe, just maybe, one of Kennedy’s many friends has been anything but a friend—a wolf in sheep’s clothing all along. Somebody is out for Kennedy, and the profile they just built looks an awful lot like her.

  * * *

  “What do you mean—what girlfriend of mine do I think I could have pissed off?” It’s clear that the only one getting pissed is Kennedy.

  She drove straight to the cabin, abandoning the groceries in her cart to speed the hell over.

  “I’m saying which of your friends, your sorority sisters, might have an ax to grind? This is someone confident enough to try and pass herself off as you to my brother. Granted he’s never seen you, but it sounds as if she was banking on that, too.” My stomach knots up at what he might have told her. Fuckfuckfuck. “I got this CD in the mail. No return address—hand delivered in fact—it’s a voice recording of our conversation down by the boathouse the other night. It’s you condemning yourself for what you did to your father.”

  Her face bleaches out, anemic as snow. “Oh, God.” She staggers toward the couch. Her reaction looks genuine, and for this I’m relieved. I’m pretty sure I can get a court order to show us the video from the visit with Sol, but that might take weeks. “That’s what he meant.” She gives a breathy laugh as if she’s at the brink of delirium. “My father called and said to prepare for a shit storm. He said, do yourself a favor and don’t turn on the television—said it had to do with his career, not to worry—it wasn’t about Keith.”


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