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Well Played

Page 27

by Keeland, Vi

  Fawning over him sort of caught me off guard. I hadn’t been thinking about what he looked like lately. I missed the man inside that body. But seeing the full package on display tonight made me ache for all of him. When Levi finally shook the last person’s hand, he scanned the room, and his eyes landed right on me. I felt his gaze all over. My heart jumped into my throat, my body tingled, and my eyes watered. Luckily, my son tugged at his uncle’s hand, which caused him to look away. The two of them walked over to Shelby, and Levi hugged and kissed his mother. There were empty seats at her end of the table, but Tanner, Alex, and I were seated in the middle, and there weren’t any open spaces.

  Levi made his way around the table, saying hello to everyone he hadn’t greeted yet, while my son dutifully stayed by his side. When he got to his brother, Tanner didn’t even bother to get up. He knocked back half the glass of vodka the waitress had delivered two minutes ago and held his hand up.

  “You still know how to make a grand entrance, I see,” Tanner grumbled. “Being late means extra attention, all of it on you.”

  Levi’s lips flattened to a grim line. “I came as soon as practice was over.” He looked over at me and nodded. “Presley.”

  I forced a smile. “Hi, Levi.”

  Alex grabbed Levi’s hand and started to tug. “Uncle Levi, come sit next to me.”

  Levi’s eyes flashed to mine before returning to Alex. “There aren’t any seats open, buddy. I’m going to sit down at the end near Grandma.”

  “I got it!” My son took off, darting down to the end of the table. He grabbed a chair that was almost the same size as he was and carried it back to where we were seated. Setting it down, he looked pretty pleased with himself. “Now there’s a chair. Mom can move over a little and so can I. There’s plenty of room.”

  There really wasn’t. But Alex was on a mission, and before I could say anything to discourage him, he was already moving his chair down and asking the woman next to him on the other side if she could make room.

  “Mom, can you move down a little?”

  “Ummm… Yes, sure.”

  When my eyes caught Levi’s, I could see he was as hesitant as I felt. But he glanced around the table and found everyone looking at him. Rather than make a scene, he smiled. “Thanks, buddy.”

  Levi was a large man, so even though my son had managed to squeeze in a chair, his shoulders and legs barely fit when he sat down—which meant our bodies were practically touching. His muscular leg was less than an inch from mine. I could feel the heat emanating from it, and it seemed to travel up my own leg and warm everything below the waist. I had the strongest urge to shift my thigh to rest against his. Because I knew this was the closest I’d be getting to Levi all weekend, and I longed for his touch—even a leg pressed against leg, as sad and desperate as that was.

  Instead, I took a deep breath, looked up, and smiled. Surviving dinner sitting all together was going to be a challenge.

  Even though other people, including my son, monopolized most of the conversation, there were points when Alex roped me into joining, telling Levi stories about the different guests who had stayed at the inn. The entire time, I had to act like my heart wasn’t racing, and that I wasn’t utterly and completely consumed by the man sitting next to me. A few times our eyes met, and so many unspoken words passed between us—all under the watchful eye of Tanner, who was now draining his fourth or fifth cocktail. I’d lost track.

  Tanner looked around with his empty glass in hand. “Where the hell is the waitress?”

  “She’s busy bringing out desserts,” Levi said. He picked up the full water glass in front of him and set it down in front of his brother. “If you’re thirsty, how about some water?”

  Tanner scowled. “I’ll leave the agua for the professional athletes in training.” He slid the glass back across to Levi, sloshing it onto the table along the way. Then he looked around again. With the waitress still nowhere in sight, Tanner pushed his chair back. “Looks like I have to go get my own. Anyone want anything?”

  Levi and I shook our heads, not that Tanner waited for our responses. He was already heading for the door, presumably to the bar in the main restaurant. He definitely didn’t need another drink, but I was relieved to have a minute without him watching me like a hawk.

  Levi leaned in and whispered, “Has he been drinking like this a lot lately?”

  I shook my head. “Not at all.”

  Levi’s eyes roamed my face. It looked like he wanted to say something more, but then he nodded and turned away.

  A few minutes later, the door to the private dining room opened again, and Tanner strolled back in. Only now, he was no longer alone. A tall, shapely redhead wearing a dress that was definitely a size too small for her walked next to him.

  I held my breath as he approached the table with a full drink and a vicious smile.

  “This is Arielle.” He pointed to her and then took a big slug from his glass. “Like from the Disney movie, Aladdin.”

  I mumbled under my breath. “Or The Little Mermaid.”

  “Hey, big bro, Arielle here is a Broncos aficionado.” He pointed to the woman again. “Go ahead. Tell him his passer rate last year.”

  The woman flashed a glossy smile. “Sixty-seven point seven percent. Highest in the NFL.”

  “And how many yards did he throw for?”

  “Four-thousand, seven-hundred and seventy.”

  “How about the year before?”

  “Four-thousand, three-hundred and twelve.”

  Tanner tilted his glass to his brother. “You’re welcome.” Then he announced to the table as a whole. “Can everyone please move down to make room for Arielle?”

  I wanted to tell him to cut it out, but if I challenged him, I was afraid he would make an even bigger scene. A few people looked over at Tanner with concern on their faces, yet they shifted their seats. Tanner strolled down to the end of the table and grabbed an empty chair, then returned to make it fit next to his seat.

  If this was an attempt to make me jealous, he’d failed to realize it wouldn’t work. Jealousy only rears its ugly head when something you want is threatened.

  He held his hand out for Arielle to sit and flashed a wicked smile at me. “Presley, honey, why don’t you come sit next to me so Levi can sit with his new friend?”

  Levi looked over at me and then at his brother. His teeth were clenched as he spoke. “That’s not necessary, Tanner.”

  “Sure it is. And Presley doesn’t mind at all, right, babe?”

  Through my peripheral vision, I saw practically the entire table watching the scene. So I quietly got up and walked around to the other side, hoping to diffuse the situation. Arielle squealed a thank you and ran around to take my seat next to Levi.

  Tanner proceeded to finish his newest drink and snaked his arm around the back of my chair. Levi said nothing, but kept staring daggers at his brother. I began to worry things might come to a head. I did my best to remain calm, but when I noticed Arielle’s hand slip into Levi’s lap, I’d had enough. I tossed my napkin on the table without touching my dessert.

  “It’s getting late. I’m going to take Alex back to the hotel.”

  “What? The night is barely getting started,” Tanner said.

  “Actually, I think this night has gone on long enough.” I stood.

  Tanner tried to stand, but he stumbled back into his seat. “I’ll go with you.”

  I placed my hand firmly on his shoulder. “Please don’t. Maybe Arielle can find a friend for you.”

  I looked at my son. “Come on, Alex.”

  Then I caught Levi’s eye. “Goodnight, Levi. Enjoy your evening.”


  An hour later, I was back in my hotel room and still hadn’t calmed down. My heart pounded, and I found it difficult to hear with the sound of the blood whooshing through my ears. That was probably why my son had to tell me someone was at the door of our hotel room.

  “I didn’t hear anyone knock.”

  “I heard it.”

  I dreaded the thought of another scene with Tanner. “Okay. You stay in bed. Let me check.”

  Looking through the peephole, I was relieved to find it wasn’t Tanner; it was his mom. But even though I could breathe a little easier, I still wasn’t in the mood to talk. Yet I slipped the chain from the top lock and opened the door.

  Shelby smiled warmly. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “You didn’t. Alex is in bed, but he’s still awake, and I was…unwinding.”

  She nodded. “Pretty sure I’d need two bottles of wine to unwind after what you were tangled up in tonight.”

  I sighed. “It was not a relaxing evening.”

  “I understand.” She lowered her voice. “I hate to bother you, especially at this late hour, but my son asked if I would come keep an eye on Alex so he could speak to you.”

  “It’s late, Shelby. And to be honest, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to speak to Tanner right now. I need to cool off a little.”

  “Oh…no.” Shelby shook her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean Tanner. It’s Levi who asked me to come.”


  * * *


  Wearing a hoodie and sunglasses, I waited in front of the hotel and prayed no one would recognize me. Coming here wasn’t smart, but there was no way I could stay away after Presley had left the dinner so upset tonight.

  The moment I’d laid eyes on her earlier, it felt like all the willpower I’d tried to muster up since leaving Beaufort had disappeared into thin air. I’d just wanted to leave that freaking dinner and take her home with me, make love to her all night long. Instead, all I’d been able to do was observe her. Presley hadn’t looked happy in the least. And Tanner’s bizarre behavior only made everything worse.

  My heart raced as I continued to pace outside the hotel, hoping my mother wouldn’t return to say Presley refused to see me. A man walking by kept staring, and I prayed he didn’t come up to me. I adjusted my hood even lower over my head.

  I turned and felt instantly calmer at the sight of Presley approaching through the sliding glass doors. She wore what looked like polka dot pajama pants and had a hoodie thrown over her shoulders. Her hair blew in the wind as she walked in my direction.

  I waved so she would notice me, considering I was unrecognizable in this getup. When she stopped a few inches away, it took everything in me not to reach out and touch her. I had to remind myself I had no right to do that. She wasn’t mine anymore, even if touching her would have felt so natural.

  Fumbling with my hands, I said, “Thank you for coming out to see me. Were you asleep?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  I gently placed my hand on her back and led her away. “Let’s move to the back of the building. I don’t want anyone to recognize me.”

  We walked along the grass at the side of the hotel before stopping in a quiet spot, illuminated by a streetlight.

  She crossed her arms. “What’s going on, Levi? Why did you want to see me?”

  “Do you have to ask? I haven’t been able to think straight since I saw you tonight. And after the way you abruptly left the dinner—I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I came to you.” I could see her face turning red.

  “You should’ve just forgotten about me and taken that woman home,” she spewed.

  I raised my voice. “Are you kidding? I don’t know what the fuck Tanner was even thinking bringing her over to the table. I had no interest in her whatsoever.”

  “Too many choices, huh? I suppose that’s what happens when you can have any woman you want. It’s tough being you.”

  My brows drew together. “That’s what you think?”

  She exhaled, her tone softening. “I don’t know, Levi. I don’t know what to think anymore. I just know being around you after everything we’ve been through is too painful for me. It’s way harder than I ever imagined. And just the thought of you with someone else—”

  “You think I’ve been out here messing around with women?”

  “I have no idea what you’ve been doing because you haven’t reached out to me!”

  My voice shook. “I haven’t reached out because it’s too damn painful, Presley. All I’m trying to do is the right thing for all of us. But if you think I can just move on and start dating random women again like nothing ever happened, you’re underestimating my feelings for you.” I moved closer to her. “I haven’t been with a single person since I got here. Meanwhile, I find out Tanner’s been taking you on dates. I’ve been freaking consumed with jealousy, even though I’m supposed to be accepting all of this.”

  She shook her head. “Nothing is happening between Tanner and me. Yes, I went out with him, but it wasn’t a date. I’ve sounded like a broken record trying to drill into his head that I’m not interested in him that way.”

  My pulse calmed down a bit. “I called my mother’s house the night she was watching Alex. I thought—”

  “I know what you thought. But it simply wasn’t the case, Levi. Tanner and I are getting along, but it’s nothing more than that. We went out to meet Tom and Lily. And once Tom mentioned your name at dinner, you were all I could think about for the rest of the night. It’s so pathetic.”

  Immense relief came over me. And that was messed up, because it was the opposite of what I should’ve been feeling. Wasn’t I supposed to want her to work things out with Tanner, for Alex’s sake? But did he even deserve her? The way he acted tonight had me second-guessing if my brother had really changed all that much.

  “I could read your face tonight, could see how upset you were that Tanner brought that girl to our table,” I said. “I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression and think I went home with her or something. I somehow knew you would be worried.”

  That set her off.

  “You didn’t want me worrying or upset?” She lifted her arms into the air. “How do you think I felt when you shut me out of your life and took off to Denver early? Why should tonight be any different for you? You suddenly care about my feelings?”

  I tried to defend my actions. “You know why I did what I did. It was a sacrifice.”

  “You sacrificed me to your brother, like an object that can be passed around. You can’t just give me to someone, Levi. What you and I had wasn’t interchangeable.” Her voice cracked. “If you don’t want to be with me, then just leave me alone. You don’t need to check on me or coddle me. You can’t have it both ways. You’re either in my life or out of it.”

  When she started to cry, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I took her into my arms and held her so tightly. Surprisingly, she didn’t resist. All of the feelings I’d tried to control since arriving back in Denver pummeled me at once.

  I kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  When she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, I lost all control, lowering my mouth to hers. A hungry groan escaped me as I savored her taste. My dick hardened as I yearned to be inside of her again. Wrapping my hands around her cheeks, I kissed her even harder. Fuck, I missed this. I missed us. In my mind, she was mine. Despite this time that had passed, there was no part of me that was okay with losing her to Tanner—or anyone else, for that matter.

  We got lost in our kiss until she suddenly pulled back.

  Panting, we stared at each other. We’d always had a hard time resisting the physical pull between us, and tonight was no different.

  What she said next nearly undid me.

  “It doesn’t matter how much I love you,” she said. “I’d rather never see you again than have to see you with someone else or be reminded constantly of the fact that I can’t ever be with you.”

  My chest constricted. Love?

  She’s in love with me?

  I’d known I was in love with Presley. But to hear her use that powerful word came as a shock.

  I examined her eyes. “You love me?”

  Presley blinked repeatedly, lookin
g as if she hadn’t meant to utter it aloud. But it was too late. She’d said it. Instead of addressing my question, though, she shook her head. “Does it matter? If I say yes, will it change things between us?”

  When I took too long to answer, she looked away.

  “That’s what I thought.” She frowned. “I have to get back to Alex. Goodnight, Levi.”

  That was the last thing she said before running away and disappearing into the hotel.

  She left me in a daze, trying to process how I could continue to abandon someone I loved—who loved me back. I hated that she’d seemed almost ashamed to admit her feelings for me. I looked up at the dark sky and prayed for an answer. Something had to give. I couldn’t go on like this. Not only was I going to ruin my career because my lack of focus had rendered me useless to the team, but more importantly, I didn’t know how to live without her.

  But could I betray my brother? That was the only question left to answer. Was I willing to do that in order to be with the woman I loved?

  It took me a full ten minutes of pacing before I made my way back toward my car in the lot at the front of the hotel. I noticed a man stumbling out of a vehicle at the curb. It wasn’t until I heard his laugh that I realized it was Tanner.

  What the fuck?

  I looked inside the car and noticed the person driving. It was the redhead he’d brought to the dinner table earlier. I couldn’t even remember her freaking name.

  He muttered something to her before slamming the door. My stomach sank. She took off, leaving him on the curb.

  My blood boiled. He didn’t notice me standing there, so he hadn’t seen it coming when I grabbed onto his collar and dragged him a few feet.

  “Hey! What the hell are you—”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I spat, keeping my hold on him.

  “Levi? What are you doing here?”

  “Tell me what the fuck is going on, Tanner.”


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