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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

Page 6

by Zoe Perdita

  “Yeah. It’s just my place in the pack.”

  Jake snorted into his cup. “Doesn’t mean Alex or Danny couldn’t help out now and then.”

  Timothy smiled at the former lone wolf. He’d never lived in a pack before so he was still getting used to the way they did things. “Holden helps sometimes. But I actually don’t mind. I like cooking.”

  Jake nodded and scratched his chest. “Hand me a spatula. I’ll take care of the meat while you start on the toast.”

  “Oh, sure thing,” Timothy said, a blush seeping over his cheeks as he did what he was told.

  Glancing at the taller man, his thoughts wandered back to the night Jake joined their pack. Timothy gave into his dominance immediately, averting any part of the chase or claiming ritual. Should he have tried harder to deny the man’s power? If he’d run away, like Alex and Danny, Jake would have claimed him. Those powerful hands groping at Timothy’s small body, nudging himself inside. No. Omegas didn’t deserve that kind of excitement.

  Even though the other four members of the pack all seemed to enjoy the experience- seemed to bond and grow closer because of it- omegas weren’t afforded that luxury. He was an outsider, a whipping boy. Sure, Holden and Jake liked him. Danny probably liked him too (it was hard to tell with Alex), but that didn’t mean he held the same rank or power in their pack. Not at all. And while the other members might happily find mates one day it wasn’t going to happen for him. As his mother said from the day he was just a scrawny little pup: omegas didn’t have happy endings.

  When the rest of the pack joined them in the kitchen, Timothy set the table and stood back to watch them eat breakfast. Holden and Jake sat across from each other, the police captain’s hair combed and his slightly weathered face as handsome as ever. Danny’s dirty blonde hair stood on end, and he had a pillow crease in the side of his golden cheek. Alex, the beautiful beta, tied his chocolate brown hair into a loose ponytail at the base of his neck and glowered at his food- typical.

  Looking down at himself, Timothy knew he didn’t quite stand up looks-wise. He was hardly five feet eight and slender. No matter how often he lifted weights, his frame stayed stubbornly wiry and small. Brushing the wavy red hair from his forehead, he absently touched the scar running over his left eye- the milky white blind eye he’d earned as a child. Even his smooth pale skin and the slight dusting of freckles on his impish nose couldn’t distract from that ugly eye and the pink scar running over his forehead and cheek.

  “We’re done,” Holden said as he wiped his lips and looked at Timothy.

  “Oh, I’ll get the dishes,” the omega said and hurried toward the table. As he reached for them, Jake wrapped his hand around Timothy’s arm.

  “No, eat first. I’ll get the dishes. You need to get ready for work, right?”

  The blush rose up his cheeks again, but Timothy just nodded at his new alpha. Why did Jake insist on being so kind to him? He was the omega. It’s not that Holden was ever rude- but he didn’t go out of his way to be considerate either. That’s not the way things worked in a pack.

  As Jake gathered the dishes, Timothy sank into his seat and piled his plate with leftover eggs, meat and toast. Danny and Holden left to finish their morning routines, but Alex stayed seated, his shrewd hazel eyes-watching the little omega finish his food.

  “He favors you,” the beta wolf said and stole a piece of sausage from Timothy’s plate.

  “Jake? I don’t think so. He’s never been in a pack before, and he was changed not born. He probably just doesn’t understand how it works.”

  Alex shook his head, his full lips positioned in a pout. “I find it hard to believe too, but I think he likes how pathetic you are.”

  The omega shoved another bite of eggs and toast into his mouth, chewing slowly. This was just part of their game- Alex would insult him and he would take it. Not much of a game, but it was one all the wolf packs played. “Or maybe he’s just kind.”

  The beta snorted, gripping Timothy’s narrow wrist. “He’s never kind to me or Danny. Jake’s trying to prove a point by singling you out.”

  Timothy furrowed his brow. His heart hammered in his chest at the power in Alex’s grip. Did the beta wolf know how sexy he was at times like this? “What point?”

  “That he doesn’t like you as the omega. He probably wants to shift the power in our whole pack now that he’s an alpha. Don’t you see it?”

  “No, because that’s just- just- It’s crazy! Who’s gonna be the new omega? Not you!”

  Alex stared into his eyes. “You know who.”

  “Danny? No way! He’s not an omega.”

  “Not yet. But if you don’t cement your place who knows what might happen,” Alex said and slowly released Timothy’s wrist.

  What was he supposed to say to that? Cement his place as the omega? He’d always been the omega and always would be- that’s just the way it was. He was the weakest and the smallest in the pack. Unless a weaker wolf came along Timothy’s place was pretty much set in stone.

  “Or maybe you’d like that. Maybe you wouldn’t mind if Danny got knocked down a few pegs. Why not? Being the omega’s a drag, isn’t it?”

  Timothy’s cheeks burned as he shoveled the rest of his breakfast into his mouth. “No!”

  Alex raised a sculpted eyebrow. “No? Really? You like being the omega?”

  Damn it! Everything Alex said just made his cheeks hotter! “I didn’t say that either. I’m used to it. I- I don’t mind it so much. Plus, there’s no way Danny’d ever get knocked down past my level. I’m already in the dirt. He can’t get any lower than that without going underground.”

  Alex stared at him, those almond shaped eyes studying him with fierce intensity. “At least you know your place,” the beta growled.

  Timothy watched him walk away and sighed. It was the only place he’d ever known- the only place he would ever know.

  After they got ready, Alex drove them into town for work like usual. The beta owned the Full Moon Café, the one and only café in all of Kellogg besides a Starbucks. Luckily for them everyone seemed to enjoy the local atmosphere more than the corporate one. Timothy knew Alex had some kind of business degree and money from his parents- both alphas of their own pack. No wonder the beta had such a big chip on his shoulder about not rising to the place of power. But not all wolves were meant to command; their society couldn’t function that way.

  As they pulled into their parking spot, Timothy noticed a couple of men on the corner of the street across from the café. They stood in front of an empty shop, an old ice cream parlor that had closed down a few years before. It was too far away to get a good look, but the men weren’t from Kellogg. For one thing most locals didn’t wear suits unless it was Sunday or they worked in real estate- and it wasn’t Sunday. “Hey, do you think they’re gonna buy it?”

  Alex glanced over and barred his canines at the men. “Maybe. Do you smell that?”

  Timothy sniffed the air and caught a slight whiff of animal- wolf musk to be exact- but with a lack of wind it was difficult to tell where the smell came from. “A little. Do you think it’s them?”

  “I hope not. We don’t need another pack around here. Come on. We have to get to work.”

  As he cast one last glance at the men a strange tingling sensation rose over his skin akin to goose bumps. Shaking it off, Timothy walked inside.

  Cammy, the only other employee, smiled at him as he slipped the apron over his head and tied the string around his back. “Notice the guys across the street?” she asked and handed him his nametag. She wasn’t a wolf, or even a were-anything, but she worked hard and got plenty of tips.

  “Oh, yeah. Know who they are?”

  “No idea, but I got a good look when I was opening this morning.”

  Timothy glanced at her plump but pretty face. If he liked women he might have a crush on a girl like her. “And?”

  She shrugged. “They’re gorgeous and definitely not from around here.”

  “Is that
all?” he asked as he filled the coffee pot and moved to arrange the pastries.

  “Nope. They’re also coming in. Do you want to wait on them or can I?”

  The familiar jingle of the bell sounded the men’s arrival, and Timothy looked up from the display case as they sauntered inside. For a moment all he could do was stare. The men looked similar, almost like brothers, but that wasn’t what caught his attention. The one on the left was slightly taller, his long blond hair hanging over his shoulders in a careless manner that also managed to look sophisticated. Maybe it was the suit- just looking at it Timothy figured the fitted gray jacket was some designer piece. It certainly wasn’t from Sears! The man’s finely sculpted features- high cheekbones, full lips and clever ice blue eyes- were only punctuated by the slight crook in his nose.

  The other man’s golden hair was short and mussed, like he just rolled out of bed and ran his fingers through it. Although he wore a similar suit, the rugged cut of his jaw and the pronounced angle of his nose made him look somewhat more approachable, although just as good looking. As he turned his head Timothy noticed the black line of a tattoo coming out of the man’s collar. What did the whole thing look like? He wouldn’t mind if the man took off his shirt to share it with them.

  But beneath the fancy clothes and the good looks there was something else- a ruthless wildness about the men Timothy knew all too well. While they might look like gentlemen, it was all an act- a show. At the core those forms contained a savage power. The slightly shorter one, his eyes a deep green, glanced over just as Timothy got a whiff of their scent. Wolves- but not just any wolves. The hint of musk was off- lighter and slightly less pungent- Eurasian wolves!

  Cammy was right; these men weren’t from Kellogg. Without a word, she patted Timothy’s shoulder and pushed him toward the cash register right before she disappeared into the back. Great. Now he’d have to talk to them alone!

  “C-can I help you?” he asked and brushed his hair over the eye patch he wore in public. Just looking at them sent a shiver over his pale skin.

  The man smirked, showing his razor sharp canines. “So polite. Is that all you want to say?” His voice only carried the slightest hint of an accent.

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  The man leaned over the counter, catching Timothy’s hand in his own. His long slender fingers burned as they caressed the omega’s skin. “You don’t know? A creature like you must have an opinion. We’re in your territory, aren’t we?”

  As if they peed on all the mailboxes and hydrants in town! “I guess, but it’s not my place to do anything about it if you’re just visiting.”

  “What a delightful way to admit you're an omega. What if we plan on staying? Do you really intend on giving in so easily?”

  Timothy pulled his hand out the man’s grip. “I’m not giving into anything. Do you want to order?”

  “If you insist on being so polite ask our names, Timothy,” the long-haired man said, almost like he was bored with the conversation.

  The omega glanced at his nametag as the blush spread across his cheeks. Damn his stupid fair skin! “Why don’t you just introduce yourselves?”

  The shorter man smiled again, his grin hungry. “Gunner Asulf. This is Christian my half-brother.”

  The long-haired fellow yawned.

  Timothy’s stomach knotted, a strange electric buzz radiating over his skin and exciting his groin as he looked at the strange men. Shit! That definitely shouldn’t happen!

  “Um, well- welcome to Kellogg.” Why did he say that? They were rival wolves! He should growl at them and tell them to leave or something. That’s what Alex would do- but only alphas and betas could get away with that behavior.

  “You really mean that, don’t you?” Gunner said and reached across the counter again, lifting his fingers to Timothy’s scarred cheek.

  The little omega’s heart pounded in his chest- his body urging him to give into the touch while his mind argued in the other direction. Right before the man’s fingers made contact, Timothy swatted them away and stepped back. Point one for his brain. “We have two really strong alphas, and they won’t like you coming into our town. You’ll have to deal with them, you know.”

  “We’re terrified,” Christian said. “Now, can we have two twelve ounce lattes?”

  Timothy gaped at the man, his ice-cold eyes boring into the little wolf. “Um, sure thing.” He fumbled with the cups as both men watched, the tingle on his skin increasing every second. His hands trembled, his stomach fluttering when he gave them their drinks.

  Gunner leaned in close and handed Timothy the money. The stubble on the man’s jaw looked like he hadn’t shaved in a day or two. What would if feel like under the omega’s hand? How about his lips? No! He shouldn’t think of enemy wolves like that!

  “Are you really staying?”

  Gunner grinned at him. “We are now, little omega,” he said, and they turned to go.

  Timothy glanced back and forth between the two men and swallowed the lump in his throat. His heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the way their pants hugged their rounded backsides as they walked away. No! He shouldn’t check out a pair of rival wolves! Especially if he didn’t even know what kind of pack they had- if they had a pack at all. Were they alphas? Betas? Eurasian wolves seemed to organize themselves into different family units so it was difficult to tell. But rival wolves were always enemies- that much was clear.

  A few minutes later Cammy emerged from the back. “So? How did it go? They were totally checking you out!”

  Heat flushed across Timothy’s cheeks, and he shook his head. “What? No, they weren’t. We need more pastries,” he said and hurried away. He should tell Alex about them, but the beta’s anger had an unpredictable edge. Better tell Holden and Jake together- they’d know what to do.

  But at dinner that night, Timothy couldn’t bring himself to say a damn word. He watched his fellow pack mates eat their roasts while he thought of the mysterious Eurasian wolves. What did they want to do in Kellogg, Idaho? No one moved out to a little town like that without a plan. Jake came for work and the rest of the pack grew up in the area. But Gunner and Christian weren’t really the Idaho type. They’d fit in someplace like New York or Los Angles- not in the middle of the woods. Although, they were wolves. Maybe that’s why they chose a small town, but that still didn’t explain everything.

  “Not hungry?” Holden asked as Timothy picked at his plate.

  “What? No, I am!” he said and took a big bite of the tender meat. How long ago had the other pack members finished?

  The Captain leaned against the counter, his unbuttoned shirt revealing his muscular chest. “You were thinking pretty hard about something. Anything you want to talk about?”

  Timothy chewed. Now was his chance to tell his alpha all about the new wolves- the rival, enemy wolves- that invaded their town. And even with the words right on the tip of his tongue he couldn’t say anything. What the hell was wrong with him? “No. Just tired is all.”

  “Alright. I’m going up. Night.”

  “Night,” he said and watched the alpha ascend the stairs. No doubt Holden and Jake would have another loud night of mating. What did that feel like? To be touched? Kissed? To have his entire body lost in a world of desire.

  Timothy remembered the look in Danny’s eyes when Jake claimed him- the way his body melted into the powerful alpha’s touch. Even Alex gave in like a lecherous schoolboy. Did it feel that good? What would if feel like with Gunner? Or Christian? No! That’s not something he should even consider. He needed to wipe those new wolves from his mind! The next day they’d be a distant memory.

  Unfortunately, things didn’t go as Timothy planned. Just after they opened shop, Gunner wandered in alone. Instead of a fancy suit he sported fitted jeans and a black T-shirt tight enough to show off his toned physique under his black wool coat. A breeze blew in behind him and littered the floor with changing leaves. Why did Alex and Cammy have to be working in the back again? />
  “Can I help you?” Timothy asked and tried to keep his face neutral. No need to let on how his heart tried to beat out of his chest, right?

  “Yes, you can. You’re going to meet me for lunch at the park- the one next to the river.”

  Timothy stared at the man with his one good eye and brushed his hair over the patch. “Why would I do that?”

  Gunner smiled. “Because I told you to. You like following orders, don’t you?”

  A twinge of excitement rose through the omega’s veins. “Not from you.”

  Without a word the man grabbed Timothy by the front of the shirt and yanked him forward. Gunner breathed in his face, the larger man’s golden blond stubble short and rough on his sculpted cheeks. “I know you like this, omega. I can hear your heartbeat, remember?”

  Shit! What should he do? Struggle? Pull away? But then his shirt might rip and he’d have to explain everything to Alex (who’d get really angry, no doubt). Waiting seemed like a better option. Gunner had to let go eventually. Pouting, Timothy stood still.

  With a smile on his face the man leaned closer and pressed his lips into the omega’s, engulfing the smaller wolf’s senses. The heat of his mouth overwhelmed Timothy’s urge to resist. Gentle warmth and rough desperation, that’s what kissing felt like? Slowly, Gunner’s free hand cupped the back of the omega’s neck, drawing him deeper into the world of desire- both of their hearts pounding as one. Parting his lips, Timothy moaned. Wait? What was he doing? This wasn’t right at all! He couldn’t just give in to the enticing spark of the other man’s mouth- the wave of heat that rushed to his cock at the slightest touch.

  Stumbling backwards, the little wolf wiped his lips. “Why-”

  “Meet me for lunch and I’ll tell you. Noon. The park,” Gunner said and turned for the door.

  “How do you know I’ll go?”

  The Eurasian wolf just smirked as he walked away, and the little omega frowned after him.

  Come noon Timothy wandered into the park with his lunch in a brown paper sack. Red, yellow and orange leaves- a flurry of fiery beauty- crunched under his shoes as he walked toward the other wolf. At least the weather was nice for eating outside. Plus, if he wanted to find out why they were there he had to meet Gunner- it was that simple. Once he learned the truth he’d tell Holden and Jake and everything would go back to normal. They’d scare off the new wolves or absorb them into the pack. Either way he had no control over the outcome. Omegas didn’t have control over anything, really.


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