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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

Page 8

by Zoe Perdita

  Then his lover stumbled into the room and shut the door. Even in the almost total darkness the little wolf could see his smirk. "Running away? You know how much I like that," he growled and pounced, knocking Timothy back on the bed with an oomph.

  The sudden swoosh of the drawer and the clink of metal on metal made the omega's skin prickle with excitement. What was Gunner going to do?

  Suddenly, the man pinned Timothy's hands above his head and clamped the handcuffs in place. "Easier than rope," he said as his mouth attacked the smaller wolf's chest.

  Moaning and writhing, the little wolf tugged at the cuffs, but Gunner wrapped them around his bed frame, keeping Timothy in place. The metal cooled his fever hot skin- scorching with lust for his lover. Now he was totally at the other man's control, and that idea made his cock ache with lusty need. Whatever the man wanted to do to him it was okay. It would feel good, and it would be worth it.

  The wolf clamped his mouth over Timothy's pink nipples; pulling the skin roughly as his tongue tickled the nubs. The little wolf arched his back, biting his lip and sucking the air between his teeth at the mixture of pleasure and pain assaulting his body. How he wanted to run his fingers to Gunner's silky hair, grab onto his muscles as they shifted under his strong back, but the cuffs held him firmly in place.

  Growling, the larger wolf smashed his lips into the omega's, forcing his tongue into the smaller man's eager mouth. Their rock hard members nudged against each other, throbbing and aching for contact. Gunner grabbed them both in his slender fingers, pumping them with increasing fervor. Timothy rolled his hips into his lovers, their bodies moving as one. As the pounding in their cocks grew, Gunner bit his lip- bruising it, making Timothy moan and yank at the cuffs binding him.

  Then Gunner leaned back, leaving the little wolf's sweat soaked body chilly in the cool air. With their pricks still mashed together, the larger man nudged a finger under Timothy's balls, tracing the taint with the barest of prickles. The omega gasped in delight.

  "What are you doing?" he mumbled, hardly able to speak coherently with his body lost in their moment of passion. Was Gunner going to claim him now?

  His lover didn't answer; only thrust harder, the friction between their turgid shafts growing with each moment. The mounting pressure building in his balls. Then a finger nudged his puckered entrance, searing the nerves up Timothy's back and down his thighs with fiery delight.

  "Ah," he gasped.

  "So tight," Gunner growled and removed his rough digit. He only stopped for a moment, reaching for the trusty bottle of lube and smearing the thin liquid over his hands.

  Once again he gripped their dicks as one, with the silky cool liquid and dripping pre-come they slid against each other with ease. Then his finger probed at Timothy's most secret entrance, the fiery rosebud flinching at the intrusion. Timothy wiggled- writhed and trembled under the touch. His mind so fogged from pleasure it was difficult to think straight. But this was really happening. Gunner was trying something new.

  Suddenly, the larger wolf shoved his finger inside- the scorching jolt burned through Timothy's veins. The finger groped, thrusting in and out in time with the hand stroking their shafts into an oblivion of desire. Finally, it nudged against something inside him, and Timothy gasped. The intensity of the pleasure so sharp– so precise he came right then and there. His hot seed spurting over his wiry smooth chest.

  In the darkness, Gunner smirked, but he didn’t stop his assault on the little omega's body. His hand still gripped their cocks, rubbing them against each other with a slick thwap while his other finger mercilessly fucked Timothy's virgin ass. Waves of pain, delight, and passion rolled over the little wolf in turns, and he squeezed his eyes shut, gasping and moaning, his breathing a ragged mess like the nerves all over his tortured body.

  Finally the larger wolf groaned and emptied his load alongside Timothy's own. The salty scent of semen filled the room– the heat of it clinging to the smaller man's body, but he didn't care. His world was almost complete.

  Gunner pulled his finger free with a slight pop and rested his head in the crook of Timothy's neck, smattering of the little wolf's pale skin with feather light kisses. The omega barely heard the click of the key in metal as Gunner freed his hands. Then his lover rolled to the side, pulling the smaller man into him, and Timothy slipped off to sleep wrapped in warmth and satisfaction.

  The next morning, the little wolf blinked open his eyes, the pale shafts of late autumn sunlight hanging in the cool air. Like the rest of their house, the bedroom was sparsely furnished with only a bed, dresser and nightstand- all ultra modern and chic. It seemed out of place in a turn of the century house, but he didn’t mention that to the Eurasian wolves. It was their home, not his.

  “God morgen,” Gunner said in his native tongue and smiled.

  “What?” Timothy asked and glanced at the nude man next to him. Even in the dim light he still shone like some kind of demi-god. “Is that good morning?”

  “Yes, you uncultured American wolf,” the man teased, running a slender finger down the omega’s chest.

  Timothy grinned at him. “We don’t have a reason to learn Danish around here. Most people just think it’s a breakfast food.”

  Gunner chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. “I know. Do you know how to cook them?”

  The smaller wolf blushed and he brushed his longish bangs over his eye patch. They’d talked about cooking before, but he hadn’t expected Gunner to remember his ramblings about desserts and recipes. “I experimented with kringles last Christmas. I made ten different flavors, but I don’t know if they were that good. My pack liked them well enough.”

  “If this is your passion why do you work at the Full Moon Café?”

  Timothy bit his bottom lip, avoiding his lover’s deep green gaze. “I never said it was my passion- I just enjoy cooking.”

  “You’re face lights up when you talk about it and your heart beats just a little faster. I hope you let me taste your cooking one day,” Gunner said and lightly kissed the omega on his scarred forehead before he climbed out of bed.

  Timothy stared as the man slipped on his boxers and jeans. Gunner wanted to taste his cooking? Why did that make his palms sweaty- his heart flutter.

  “I’m going to pick something up for breakfast. Will you be here when I get back?”

  The little wolf frowned. He wanted to say yes. To stay with the gorgeous man all day and night, but his pack waited for him. “I should probably get home.”

  Pulling a shirt over his head, Gunner nodded. “If you’re here, I’ll be happy to cook for you- although it may not be that good.”

  After his lover left, the omega showered and crept into the living room to grab his own clothes, still crumpled on the floor from the night before. He dressed and walked into the kitchen.

  Christian sat at the table, eying Timothy over his coffee. The man's blond hair dangled over his shoulders, mussed from a night's sleep, his creamy skin almost as pale as his hair. It was so long it cascaded to the middle of his back in a silky smooth sheet. Was it as soft as Gunner's golden hair? Dammit! He shouldn't be thinking about his lover's brother like that.

  While taller, Christian seemed to have the same build as his half-brother- lanky but muscular, like a swimmer. It almost reminded Timothy of his own wiry frame. The Eurasian wolf's ice blue stare followed Timothy around the kitchen as the smaller man filled a glass with water. A low gurgling grumbled in the little wolf’s stomach.

  "You could stay for breakfast," Christian said, a frown on his full lips. "Gunner will be back from the store shortly."

  Timothy shook his head. "I couldn't. I really need to get home, but thank you," he said and quickly set down his cup. He needed to leave before his lover returned or Gunner would make it nearly impossible. If he went now he could make it back right before his pack rose for their late Sunday morning breakfast.

  As he headed for the door he felt Christian's eyes boring into his back, stripping down all of his defenses
. The man didn't like him- that much was clear. And Timothy really couldn't blame him. He probably thought his brother deserved someone better, not a pathetic little omega. Well, Gunner hadn't claimed him so the wolf still had a chance for a better future- a future with a stronger mate.

  Reaching for the handle, Timothy stopped and turned around. Maybe if he eased Christian's mind the man would like him, at least a little bit. "Gunner hasn't claimed me so you shouldn't worry about that," he said, brushing his wavy red hair over the eye patch and scar.

  The other wolf raised a pale eyebrow and lifted his cup to his lips. “I know. Why would it worry me?”

  Timothy shrugged. “I just thought you, um, never mind. Tell Gunner I’m sorry I couldn’t stay,” he said. How was he supposed to explain he knew Christian didn’t like him? Talk about awkward. Sighing, he walked outside and hurried home.

  He rushed inside the lodge about forty minutes later, but stopped dead in his tracks when he smelled the warm scent of bacon and sausage sizzling in the pan. Peeking into the kitchen, he saw Jake, their new alpha, cooking everyone a large breakfast. Alex was going to have something to say about this.

  "You’re back early. Thought you were visiting family or something," Jake said, flipping over a pancake in the skillet. He already had quite the pile going, but he'd need a lot more to feed the five hungry wolves in their pack.

  Although he'd already taken a shower that morning Timothy still kept his distance from the other wolf just in case he still smelled of Gunner. "I wanted to get home in time for breakfast," he said. I'm going to go take a shower- unless you want me to help."

  Jake smiled an easy smile- something that seemed to be happening more often the longer he lived with them. "I think I got this. You need a break every now and then, Tim."

  The omega's cheeks burned- shame coursing through his veins- shame and guilt. How could he lie to them like this? They were his pack- his family. Yet he was willing to betray them for a couple of strangers? He opened his mouth, ready to tell Jake everything, but the words just wouldn't come. His throat closed up and hid his secret. Why couldn't he do it? Why couldn't he tell them about the new wolves? Because they might not accept them. And what would he do if they drove Gunner and Christian away? He'd be alone with his pack- alone forever- but maybe that's how it was meant to be. He was an omega, after all.

  "You okay?" Jake asked, his hand gripping the smaller wolf's shoulder tightly.

  Timothy nodded quickly and pulled away. "Yeah sorry. Just tired is all." And he rushed out of the room.

  During breakfast, the omega watched the other wolves in his pack. Holden's handsome and weatherworn face lit up whenever he talked to Jake. His light brown hair stood on end and his tan skin shone golden in the morning light. Next to him Jake’s pale skin almost glowed, his dark hair messy on his head and his green eyes especially sardonic. Neither of them had shaved in several days and their rough cheeks reminded Timothy of Gunner's own golden stubble. Dammit! He needed to stop thinking about those other wolves!

  He glanced at Danny next, whose dirty blond hair, tan skin, and boyish features garnered him a decent amount of attention from girls in their small Idaho town. Too bad none of those women were Danny's mate. While the wolf held a position in the pack above Timothy’s own, it was precarious at best. Should sometime happen to the omega, Danny would natural fall to that unwanted spot.

  Finally, he looked at Alex- the beta- and the man stared back with his shrewd, hazel eyes. His chocolate brown hair hung loose, just brushing his tightly muscular shoulders. Unlike the other men in their pack, Alex's full lips, high cheekbones and stubborn chin made him almost beautiful. But the look he gave Timothy at that moment was anything but.

  The omega swallowed the lump in his throat and scarfed down his breakfast. Did Alex know? Could Alex know? But if he did why hadn't he told Holden and Jake? Dammit!

  When they finished eating Timothy offered to do the dishes. As the pack's weakest member it was his job to pick up the slack. Holden, Jake and Danny all left to go about their weekend business, but Alex stayed behind and leaned against the counter.

  "You’ve been gone a lot these past couple weeks," he said, staring out of the huge windows at the forest stretching below them. Timothy glanced outside too. While the evergreens kept their color, the other trees lit the woods in fading yellows, oranges and reds.

  "Just been busy," Timothy said and felt the blush seep up his cheeks.

  Alex snorted. "Really? So busy you're gone almost every night right after dinner? A lot of times you don't even get back until after midnight."

  "Aren’t I allowed to go out?" he asked. It's not like it was against pack rules to have a social life. Alex himself had friends around town that he went to bars with on occasion.

  The beta grabbed the little wolf’s wrist just as he reached for another dirty dish. "You never went out before. You haven't had friends outside this pack since high school. What the hell are you up to?" he demanded.

  Blood rushed to Timothy’s ears, and he pulled his hand back. "It's none of your business, Alex!" And he scrubbed the dish furiously, his cheeks burning the whole time.

  A thin smile spread across the taller man’s lips. "You're hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is, omega," he said and stalked away.

  Timothy's heart slammed in his chest, and his hands trembled as he finished washing the dishes. Alex couldn't find out. He just couldn't. It would ruin everything. But there was nothing the omega could do about it- nothing at all.

  The next day, Timothy glanced across the street as he climbed out of their car in front of the Full Moon. Gunner and Christian were coming right along on their new business venture, the two work trucks parked out front told the story of their progress.

  Alex snorted. "The owners are never even there. What the hell do they think they're doing anyway?"

  "Opening a café?" It was true the Eurasian wolves didn't drop by their own shop very often, but Timothy didn't know why. His heart ached as he glanced at the building his lover owned. He should end it before things got out of control- before there was no going back. The omega had a pack, and he couldn't afford to lose their support. If they kicked him out he couldn't survive as a lone wolf like Jake. He didn't have the same disposition- and who knows if Gunner and Christian would take him in. Probably not. They got on just fine. They didn't need a pathetic omega like him.

  "Go over during your lunch hour and snoop around," Alex said, his fingers digging into Timothy's shoulder. "I want to see what they're doing, and if they are going to take any of my business."

  The little wolf nodded. Not that he had much of a choice- if Alex gave him an order he usually followed it. So during his lunch break, he crossed the street to the old ice cream parlor that the Eurasian wolves now owned. The workmen were also on a break, leaving the building mostly empty, but Timothy smelled the familiar fragrant musk of his lover and Christian inside.

  "Hello?" he called and glanced around the dining hall. Black-and-white checkered tile graced the floor and the walls were adorned in a cheery coat of yellow paint. It had a sophisticated yet relaxed feel different from the laid-back atmosphere of the Full Moon Café. A sudden exhilaration overtook the little wolf. What would this place look like when it was finished? How amazing would it be to see it full of tourists and locals, all crowding in for a taste? Just looking around, Gunner and Christian seemed to know what they were doing.

  Suddenly, Gunner to peeked this head around the corner and smiled. "Oh, Timothy! I thought I smelled someone I knew. Come into the kitchen, little one."

  Timothy's heart jumped into his throat at the sight of his lover. He'd do it later- end it later. For now he'd just enjoy the other wolf's company. "It looks good," he said as he stepped into the full kitchen lined with top of the end appliances. Their kitchen at the Full Moon only had a fancy microwave and a refrigerator.

  Gunner's arm snaked around the omega's chest, pulling him into a hug. "It's coming together. Right, Christian?

  The taller man, his hair tied back into a low ponytail, nodded. "We'll open in about a month- if we can find a chef."

  Even though they both wore casual jeans and formfitting shirts they looked more pulled together then the little wolf felt in his café uniform. "What kind of chef?"

  Christian's ice blue eyes burned into Timothy's. "One that can cook the right recipes," he said and pointed at a menu.

  "Neither of you can cook?" the omega asked as he glanced at the items on the sheet of paper. Most of the fare included soups, salads and sandwiches- things he could easily put together with a unique twist. The dessert list excited his senses just reading it. To try those new recipes and to work in that kitchen with Gunner and Christian watching over him would be like a dream. An impossible dream. Sighing, he set the list back on the counter and forced himself to smile.

  Gunner nipped at Timothy's neck. "Not well enough food for restaurant. Makes you wonder why we're opening one, right?"

  “It does. Kellogg’s a small town. I’m not sure we have a whole lot of top of the line chefs around here.”

  “Can’t you cook?” Christian asked suddenly.

  The little wolf shrugged, a blush heating up his pale cheeks, and he brushed his long bangs over his eye patch. Why did Christian have to stare at him like that? Those critical eyes sizing him up as Gunner’s touch enticed his eager body. “Yes, but never professionally.”

  “You have a degree in the culinary arts, don’t you?” his lover asked as his hands traveled down Timothy’s body. Just a caress from the gorgeous wolf set his whole skin a light with lust.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean much.”


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