Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 12

by Zoe Perdita

  Suddenly, Gunner gasped, and the heat of his come spilled inside Timothy’s entrance. The little wolf moaned at the sensation, the hot substance drowning him, and Christian pulled his cock free of the omega’s enthusiastic mouth.

  With a slight pop Gunner freed himself as well and gripped the base of Timothy’s rock hard cock in his fist, holding it firmly. The omega glanced up at his mate, the man’s hair sticking to the side of his forehead, and smiled. Leaning down, Gunner kissed him softly, wrapping his free hand around the back of the shorter man’s neck and pulling him close.

  Timothy felt the sticky come dripping down his thighs as Christian spread him wide, pushing his own lube slick shaft inside. He yanked at the cuffs, the metal biting into his flesh, and moaned. Now he belonged to both of them.

  The longhaired wolf peppered the omega’s back with kisses, each zealous thrust slightly harder than the last. As the man’s cock nudged Timothy’s prostate, waves of electric pleasure shot over his body- building in his balls until he practically squirmed for release.

  The warmth of Gunner’s body and Christian’s hands stabilized the little wolf, and the desire for release fogged his very being. The world narrowed to nothing but the stabbing sensation in his ass, the hand holding his cock, the sound of his moans and Christian’s shallow intakes of breath, the smell of his lover’s bodies engulfing him in a never ending ocean of hungry desire.

  Then, when Timothy thought he couldn’t take it any longer, Gunner’s grip loosened. His mate’s hand pumped him without abandon as Christian’s powerful thrusts sped up, his whole body tipping over the edge of a great precipice and there was nothing he could do to hold it back.

  Body trembling, he almost screamed as he tipped over the edge, the waves of lusty satisfaction overtaking him in a sea of pleasure. He gasped for air, unsure if he could even catch his breath again. Timothy’s mind swam, his legs so weak he could hardly stand upright, as Christian emptied his own load inside the little wolf’s body.

  It took a moment for his senses to come back- the smell of the kitchen. The beating of their three hearts. The solid concrete floor beneath their feet. A hand brushed the hair from Timothy’s sweat slick forehead and the little wolf squinted open his eyes, looking up at Gunner. He hadn’t even meant to close them!

  “Are you okay?” the man asked with his slight Danish accent.

  The omega nodded, fighting to breathe normally before he tried to speak. “Everything is perfect,” he finally panted.

  Gently, Christian pulled his deflated dick free and ran a hand over the little wolf’s abused bottom. “We think so too,” he said in a gruff voice.

  Gunner nodded, his green eyes shining. “Just like you, little one, just like you.”

  For once, Timothy’s cheeks didn’t flush at the compliment. Instead he smiled at both his lovers, his hands still bound behind his back. Whatever happened that night didn't matter anymore. They were his mates now, and no one could change that.

  Chapter 7

  Timothy stood next to the window of the lodge and watched the autumn sun set behind the mountains. It had been an uncharacteristically sunny day for fall, but maybe that was a sign of good things to come. His skin pickled with electric anticipation at the thought of what was happening that night. Gunner and Christian, the Eurasian wolves who were also his lovers, would join his pack and claim him. Although, in truth, they officially claimed him earlier that day in private. It was another lie to the members of his pack, but the first one he didn't feel badly about. Why was that? He'd been keeping Gunner and Christian a secret for almost a month, and when his pack found out about them they'd been furious- well, most of them had been furious. Jake, one of his alpha wolves, tried to protect him from the brunt of the anger by claiming he too knew about the Eurasian wolves. But was that true? Timothy hadn't spoken with the former lone wolf about it yet.

  The forest stretched out below him, the last rays of sunlight igniting the yellow, red and orange trees dotting the landscape. Tonight was the night. What would the alphas make his lovers do to join the pack? They'd never accepted a member besides Jake- and he was Holden's mate. Being the omega, Timothy didn't know what kind of trials his leaders had in mind. But the sharp knot in the pit of stomach twisted and grew with each passing second. Holden had been furious with him about the lies, but that didn't mean he'd try to overpower Gunner and Christian just to prove his dominance, did it? Timothy hoped not. The thought of his alphas dominating his lovers made the bile rise in the little wolf's throat and his stomach turned sour. No. He shouldn't think of that. Whatever happened at least the three of them would be together, and they'd be mates. No matter what Holden or Jake did nothing could change that fact- he hoped.

  Sighing, Timothy turned away from the window and walked into the kitchen. His mind wandered back to earlier in the afternoon as he prepared the roasts for dinner, mixing rosemary, thyme and garlic in a bowl. Christian’s long pale blond hair cascaded over his equally fair shoulders and chest as he ravished the little omega's eager body. Gunner, Timothy’s other mate, was equally beautiful with messy golden hair, a rough jaw and bright forest green eyes. His fingers and lips burned as they caressed the little wolf's flesh into a fiery world of unimaginable delight. They'd filled him with their seed and their acceptance, even though he was only an omega, a pathetic half-blind omega.

  "Worried about tonight?" Jake asked suddenly, and Timothy jumped at the sound of the man's voice. He hadn't even heard the former lone wolf come into the lodge.

  Timothy bit his lip to keep from lying. "A little. You’re home early."

  Jake ran his long fingers through his messy dark hair and nodded. His green eyes had a shadow underneath them like a smudge of blue-black paint. Had he and Holden ended up arguing late into the night?

  "So are you," Jake observed and leaned against the counter.

  "Early shift," he said and shrugged. In the back of his mind, Timothy wondered if Alex, their beta wolf, let him go home early because he was mad at the omega. It seemed more likely than not. He'd been the one to find out about Timothy's secret lovers in the first place and bring it to their pack's attention.

  "Need help?" Jake asked and rubbed his dark, unshaven cheeks.

  "No thanks. I can do it." What would it be like when Gunner and Christian joined the pack? Would they live here in the lodge? Or would they keep their house on the other side of town? Would he have to cook for two more hungry wolves twice a day?

  Timothy rubbed the herbs into the slabs of red meat, the blood squeezing up between his fingers and enticing his taste buds with its tangy smell. Jake watched him prepare the roasts and slip them into the double ovens. They’d be ready when the rest of the pack members got home in a couple of hours. Washing off his hands, Timothy's cheeks burned under his alpha’s gaze. He probably wanted to talk about Gunner and Christian, but what was the omega supposed to say? Sure, he wondered why Jake had lied for him, but finding out the truth might be worse than keeping it a secret- he'd learned that the hard way last night.

  "Are you ever going to look at me, Timothy?" Jake asked.

  The little wolf glanced at the taller man and brushed his wavy red hair over his milky white blind eye and the scar that accompanied it. He usually kept it under an eye patch when he was in public to hide his deformity. But his mates didn't seem to mind the imperfection at all. He'd have to ask them about it sometime.

  "Are you okay with this? With what's happening tonight?" the former lone wolf asked.

  "Yes, as long as they get a chance to join the pack fairly." And you or Holden don't dominate them, Timothy wanted to add, but he didn't.

  Jake nodded thoughtfully and scratched his chest. He hadn't even gone upstairs to take off his button up shirt or tie. Unlike Holden, Jake didn't wear a police uniform although he was a detective. "Are you okay with them claiming you publicly?"

  Timothy's cheeks flushed, and he wrung his hands in front of him. Although he'd already taken two showers he wondered if the alpha wolf coul
d smell the musky scents of Gunner and Christian on his lithe body. "Truthfully?" he asked and looked up into Jake's startling green eyes.

  The alpha nodded and set his jaw.

  "I wish it were private, but I know it's part of my punishment so it's okay. I never thought I'd find a mate anyways- let alone two. As long as they join the pack I'm happy." It was mostly the truth.

  "Do you know why I didn't tell Holden about them?" Jake asked.

  Timothy bit his bottom lip and wished his fair skin didn't flush so easily. "Not really, besides what you said last night."

  Jake smiled with just the corner of his mouth. "Well, that was all true. We both know how Holden can get about his territory. But besides that I saw how happy they made you, and it was a nice change. Just because you're an omega doesn't mean you don't deserve happiness, Timothy. Promise me you'll remember that," the alpha said and squeezed the little wolf's slender shoulder.

  Timothy blinked his eyes, trying to hold back the emotions welling up inside him. First Gunner and Christian overwhelmed him with their desire, and now Jake with his kindness- it was almost too much to take. "Thanks, I will."

  "And don't let Alex tell you otherwise. He doesn't pick on you because you're the omega. He picks on you because he's jealous."

  The little wolf looked at Jake and raised an eyebrow. "Jealous? Nobody's jealous of me."

  The alpha chuckled, his deep voice rich and smooth like chocolate. "He is too. He's jealous of Danny because he gets to work with Holden, and he's jealous of you because you're good at stuff he isn't."

  Timothy gaped at the taller man. "Good at what stuff?" What talents did he have that the beta wolf didn't? Not only was Alex gorgeous but he also owned a café- the most popular café in all of the Kellogg. What more could he want? The only thing Timothy had that Alex didn't were two mates, but the beta never seemed interested in taking one anyway.

  "You are one hell of a good cook," Jake said and smiled, his eyes sparkling.

  "Thank you." He'd always brushed off such complements before as politeness, but maybe they were true. Maybe he was a good cook. Good enough to cook for restaurant even. That sure would make Alex angry if he left the Full Moon Café for Gunner and Christian's new place. They’d offered him the job the day before, but the omega hadn’t considered it a possibility, but maybe it was. He already knew working with his mates would make him happier than staying under Alex’s critical gaze all day.

  The alpha patted Timothy on the back and turned toward the stairs. "Jake?" The omega called after him. "Why lie to Holden for me?"

  The former lone wolf smirked. "For one, I knew he'd get over it. Plus, I've got to keep him on his toes. I don't want him to get complacent in his place of power now, do I?"

  Timothy nodded and watched the alpha walk up the stairs. Outside a dusting of early evening stars twinkled across the purple sky. Soon his mates and pack would become one. And maybe, just maybe, he'd take another step toward his own happiness.

  Even with five steaming roasts, a huge pile of mashed potatoes, bread, butter, and cooked vegetables, dinner was still quiet affair. Alex scowled at everything even as he shoveled it in his mouth, his chocolaty brown hair mussed from a days work and his sharp hazel eyes squinted. Danny seemed more mopey than usual, but it was difficult to tell since he never spoke much to begin with, at least not to Timothy.

  Holden's lips were set in a grim line and his eyes had the same smudge of darkness underneath them as a Jake's. His tan, handsome face looked tight and his shoulders, broad and strong, tensed at every sound. Was he worried about something? Timothy hoped the alpha hadn't changed his mind about Gunner and Christian joining their pack. No. He couldn't do that. Not after he already said they could.

  After dinner, Danny helped Timothy clear the dishes, and the omega looked at the higher ranked wolf. The deputy never cleaned unless specifically asked to do so. What was he up to?

  "Those Eurasian wolves are really going to be both of your mates?"

  Timothy's cheeks heated, and he nodded. "Yes. I guess it's common in Europe and Asia for family members to claim one mate," he explained.

  Danny brushed the dirty blonde hair from his tan forehead and the look on his face was almost admirable. "How did you become lovers with them?" he whispered, although the other three pack members had already gone upstairs.

  The omega shrugged. "Like I said yesterday, Gunner pursued me and then it just sort of happened."

  "He really chased you through the woods and caught you like that?"

  An unbidden smile graced Timothy's lips at the memory, and he nodded. "Yeah, he wanted to catch me for some reason."

  "Did you know they were your mates all along? Like Holden said with Jake?"

  In the back of his mind, the omega wondered at Danny's sudden interest in his love life, but he found answering the wolf's questions was easier than he thought. "I felt something but I don't know what it was. They're beautiful- it's hard not to feel something when you look at someone that gorgeous."

  Danny stared at his face intently. "But you didn't know, deep down?"

  Timothy thought back to his first meeting with the Eurasian wolves. How they'd marched into the café and spotted him right off. Gunner was so demanding and cocky, while Christian was aloof and kind of rude. At that moment he'd never dreamed he'd find one mate, let alone two, so the idea never entered his mind. But had it been different for his lovers? They'd pursued him steadily enough. He'd have to ask them that too.

  "Well?" Danny demanded and tapped his foot on the wooden floor.

  "I wished they'd be my mates, but I'm an omega so I didn't think it was possible."

  For a moment, the other wolf looked at him like he understood something he hadn't before. Then he gently patted Timothy on the head. "Good luck, you know, tonight and all," he said and turned away, walking up the stairs.

  The little wolf watched the man go and his heart felt, for the second time that day, just a little lighter.

  Gunner and Christian arrived about an hour later, and Timothy's pack walked outside to greet them. The omega beamed at his new mates in their black wool coats and fashionable scarves. Christian's hair was tied into a ponytail at the base of his neck while Gunner’s was just as stylishly messy as always. Their eyes sparkled when they caught Timothy's gaze, and the little wolf knew then no matter what happened that night they already shared an unshakeable bond.

  Timothy clenched his hands as he looked over at his pack. Jake’s handsome face was neutral, although his eyes glimmered with just a touch of mischief. Like usual, Alex scowled at the new wolves and his hands were clenched into tight fists. Danny stood next to the beta wolf and looked like someone who was waiting in a long line at the post office.

  Holden frowned at the Eurasian wolves, but Jake put his hand on his mate's shoulder and squeezed it. Timothy wondered what that touch meant, and he hoped it was positive and not the other way around.

  "You showed up," Holden said and looked them both over with his critical blue eyes. Even in the shadows of night they shone like pinpricks of blue flame in the darkness.

  "Of course. We came for our mate," Gunner said and smirked.

  Christian nodded, crossing his arms over his well-toned chest. "Did you doubt us, alpha?"

  Holden didn't dignify that response with an answer. Instead he set his jaw and grimaced at both of them. The little wolf's heart hammered in his chest. What had the alphas decided? How would the Eurasian wolves join the pack?

  Then Jake stepped forward and pulled his sweatshirt over his head, bearing his muscular chest and the sprinkling of dark curls that covered it. "You have to prove your worth. Evade us in the woods for one hour."

  "You’re hunting us?" Christian asked and the slow smile spread over his lips.

  Timothy glanced back and forth between his mates and his pack. This is what Holden and Jake decided?

  Holden nodded. "We hunt as a pack with our omega," he said and glanced at the little wolf.

  The little wolf
swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes widening as he realized the implications of their test. Not only would Christian and Gunner have to escape five rival wolves- but also Timothy had to prove his own loyalty to the pack. Is that why they chose this test? If he aided his pack it could mean losing his mates. But if he helped his mates he would be betraying his pack. Cold sweat broke out over his back and forehead. What was he supposed to do?

  "Is that understood?" Holden asked, his eyes boring into Timothy's.

  The little wolf nodded slowly and glanced at his mates. To his surprise neither of them frowned, instead their eyes shone bright and confident in the night. Perhaps they were used to evading larger packs; he silently wished them the best of luck.

  Jake put his hands on his hips and continued. "If you succeed then you'll join our pack and claim your prize in front of us. Is that understood?"

  "Completely," Gunner said and Christian nodded curtly, as if he wanted to get the chase over with. Timothy couldn't blame him- he felt the same way.

  "Good. We'll give you a five minute head start once you transform," Jake said.

  The Eurasian wolves slowly stripped off their clothes and folded them neatly, placing them inside their car. Even in such a situation the omega couldn't help but admire his lover’s fine forms. Both men were lanky yet muscular, like swimmers. Their smooth chests and toned arms shone pale in the dim light of the gibbous moon. Taking in their limp cocks a surge of lust shot through Timothy's groin at the memory of them buried inside him earlier that day. And when they joined the pack he'd get a repeat performance. If they joined the pack. No. He couldn't be negative about this. The Eurasian wolves were smart and resourceful enough to pass this test. They had to or the omega might lose them forever.


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