Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 13

by Zoe Perdita

  Slowly, his own pack members stripped off their clothes and Timothy joined them. Once all seven men stood nude in the clearing before the lodge, Gunner and Christian shifted into their wolf forms. Their bodies bent and cracked, bones reshaping themselves to accommodate a wolf instead of a human.

  After they'd transformed, Timothy frowned. Dammit. Christian's white coat wouldn't blend into the forest at all- he'd stand out like a beacon of moonlight on the darkest night, and Gunner's golden coat was still too light for the black forest. Not only that, but two of their pack members, Jake and Alex, had almost black coats while Danny and Holden's were lighter brown. The omega’s fur was a rusty red, dark enough to blend in at night. Hopefully they were faster so they could keep away.

  Casting one last glance at him, Gunner and Christian turned and ran into the woods. His heart dropped as he watched his lovers fade into the shadows of the forest. They had a plan, right? As long as they had a plan everything would be okay.

  Jake counted out five minutes on his watch and then the pack transformed as well. Neither alpha gave him any hints as to how this hunt would progress, but maybe that meant they'd go easy on the Eurasian wolves. Somehow Timothy doubted it.

  As a wolf his senses sharpened considerably, and he blinked his eyes and took a deep breath of chilly night air. The faint scents of his lovers lingered in the distance, but were they far enough away yet? Several nocturnal animals, raccoons and bobcats, prowled the woods as well. Hopefully they'd do something to throw off the Eurasian's smell.

  Turning his snout toward the moon, Jake howled and Holden answered him with a short bark. Then the black wolf nudged Danny and ran into the woods. Timothy moved to follow them, but Holden growled and caught the omega by the tip of the tail, and the little wolf yipped in surprise. Alex stood in front of Timothy, his head bent and his shoulders raised in a warning to the smaller wolf. So they wanted him to go with them. Great. There was no way he could help his lovers if Alex and Holden were keeping an eye on him like that.

  Timothy bowed his head in submission to his pack mates and followed them into the woods. Unlike Jake, who tracked Christian and Gunner directly, they moved west, probably to cut off the Eurasian wolves in their escape. Holden led the way, his massive form dwarfing the omega, while the dark brown beta wolf took up the rear. They trotted instead of running to keep their strength, but Timothy wondered how they would time a whole hour without a watch. Hopefully, they wouldn't cheat.

  Sniffing the air, the little wolf caught random whiffs of his mates, but it was difficult to tell if they came from downwind or the surrounding trees and bushes. How had Gunner and Christian marked the area with so much of their scent? Maybe that's what they'd done last night after they left. He hoped it was the case.

  Farther and farther into the forest they went, the cold and quiet of the woods surrounding them. Dead leaves and pine needles crunched under their feet and the smells of rot and decay filled their noses with unpleasant odors. Scurrying feet, too small to be a wolf, padded across the forest floor. It could be some other were-animal, although it probably wouldn’t introduce its self to them even if their wolf pack had no control over what other animals did in the area, and were-creatures in general weren't uncommon.

  Suddenly, Holden growled and leapt forward, startling Timothy from his thoughts.

  The little wolf’s heart stood still in his chest as he ran to catch up. Please don't capture them, he begged silently. Please let them join our pack. He wasn't quite sure whom he asked. The moon in all her silvery glory? Or just the forest in general? It didn't really matter as long as his mates stayed safe.

  Peeking around Holden, he saw a tuff of fur stuck into the crevice of a rock. Gunner's musky scent emanated from it, but the wolf was nowhere to be found. A trick to throw them off! Maybe Gunner and Christian knew what they were doing after all. The omega almost barked in relief but held back as not to upset his pack mates.

  Holden covered the fur with his own heavy odor and turned back to the woods to continue the hunt. Behind them, Alex growled into the darkness, but the omega neither smelled nor sensed either of his mates. Hopefully, Jake and Danny were having just as much luck finding them.

  After another steady trek through the thick trees and undergrowth Timothy heard the tell tale sound of padding paws through the wood. Sniffing the air deeply, he couldn't catch the scent of Christian or Gunner, but the sound came from downwind. Holden stopped and pricked his ears to the sparkling night sky and glanced at Timothy and Alex. He glanced downwind, giving them the signal to surround whoever made the noise.

  Timothy's heart stood still as he crept over dirt, rocks and leaves to crouch in a bush behind the offenders. It couldn't be them. They were smarter and faster, weren't they? His lovers evaded capture this long. Getting caught in such a simple trap seemed unlikely- at least the omega hoped so.

  A growl broke through the trees, deep and low, and frustratingly familiar. Then Holden and Alex leapt forward and a commotion of snarls, swiping paws and flying fur filled the air. Timothy stayed put behind his bush- an omega wouldn't be much help in a situation like that. Plus, if it was Gunner and Christian he didn't want to be responsible for taking them down.

  When the dust settled, he peeked out and slowly crept forward, blinking his eyes. The only wolves in the clearing for his pack mates- Holden, Alex, Danny and Jake. But the scent of his mates filled his nose. They must have marked this territory thoroughly in order to guide all five wolves there. Timothy wagged his tail and sat back. Glancing at the moon's progress across the sky he knew their hour was almost up. Just a little bit longer and his lovers would join the pack.

  Carefully, they made their way back to the lodge, sniffing and scanning the woods for the Eurasian wolves, but there was no sign of them. Every second that ticked forward filled with Timothy's heart with relentless joy. How had he doubted them? His mates- his lovers- they could do anything. They would do anything for him.

  As they came over the rise in the hill, Timothy smelled the musky scent of Gunner and Christian and bound towards them before he could stop himself. Both men leaned against their car in the nude, the light of the moon bathing them in her silvery glow.

  "It’s been an hour and two minutes," Christian said as though he was talking to a waiter at a restaurant with very bad service.

  The little wolf shifted back into his human form, his slender body assaulted by the chilly night air. But none of that mattered- they'd won! Gunner and Christian, his lovers and mates, now belonged to his pack! Timothy careened into them, wrapping his arms around Gunner’s trim waist, the man's heart pounding against his own chest as he buried his face in his lover’s neck. From behind, Christian completed the circle, his firm body and half hard cock smashed against Timothy's back and ass. Surrounded by his mates and their sultry embrace, the little omega couldn't be happier.

  "Congratulations," Jake said, and Timothy turned to look at his pack mates. They'd all transformed back into their human bodies and he hadn't even noticed.

  Holden gritted his teeth. "After you swear submission to us you'll be members of our pack," he growled.

  Slowly, Christian and Gunner released Timothy, and they both knelt in front of Jake and Holden, their heads bowed. The little wolf stared at his lovers. How easily they gave up their freedom for him. A nagging worry caught his heart, and he hoped he’d done the right thing. He hoped more than anything they'd be happy in his pack under the leadership of his alphas.

  "We submit to you," they said just out of sync with each other.

  Jake nodded and patted them both on the head. But Holden stood for moment, his hands on his hips and his jaw tensed. He looked like a man trying very hard not to lose his temper at a dog who just ripped up his favorite running shoes.

  Then the alpha looked at Timothy, and he sighed heavily. Reaching out, he padded them both on the head- slightly harder than need be- and cleared his throat. "Welcome to the pack."

  Gunner and Christian stood and shook hands wit
h Danny and Alex, although the beta wiped his hand on his hip when they were done as if the Eurasian wolves were filthy.

  Holden crossed his arms. "You can claim your mate now."

  Timothy's heart jumped into his throat and a giddy excitement shot through his veins like electricity. When he'd imagined this moment before it was always awkward and unnatural- his whole pack watching him writhe in unimaginable pleasure- but since they'd already claimed him it no longer seemed like a big deal. Maybe after this Holden and Alex would realize how much they meant to one another. How much Timothy loved them, and how they returned that love wholeheartedly.

  Gunner and Christian approached him like predators about to pounce. Their eyes danced in the shadows, pinpricks of blue and green light. Then Gunner gripped Timothy's chin and smiled before he leaned in for a kiss. Their lips melted together- the heat of his lover’s mouth engulfing him. The little wolf gripped his mate's strong shoulders and marveled at the muscles shifting underneath his pale skin. Gunner's unshaven cheeks tickled Timothy's own as the man probed his tongue inside the little omega's willing mouth.

  Christian assaulted him from behind. The blond man's long fingers trailing over Timothy's smooth skin, his burning lips peppering it with kisses of intense desire. Lower and lower his mouth and hands moved until they stood parallel with the little wolf's aching ass and groin. Without any preamble, Christian took Timothy's half erect cock in his hands and slowly pumped it to life.

  Yes. This moment was just how it should be.

  "Ah," Timothy moaned as Gunner's slips traversed down his neck, nipping and kissing all the way. His fingers scratched the omega's hips and stomach with blunt nails. Then the man's teeth found purchase on Timothy's pert nipples and bit and pulled them- tickling the round pink nubs with his hungry tongue.

  No one else could make him feel like they did compelling his body and soul into fits of lusty need so readily. The little wolf ran his fingers through Gunner's smooth golden hair and squeezed his eyes shut- his body alive with desire. He barely even remembered his pack mates watched. How could he when assaulted with such enticing pleasure?

  The lips of his lovers scorched him from both sides. Gunner's mouth left the little wolf's nipples and wrapped around his weeping member. Christian released the throbbing shaft just as his half brother lapped at the tip, teasing it and suckling it in turn. Timothy groaned and buckled his hips into Gunner's willing mouth, the man swallowing his aching length whole. From behind, his other lover spread open his rounded ass, exposing the puckered entrance to the cold night air. Timothy's whole body trembled in anticipatory excitement as the first tickling wet touch connected with his tight rosebud, still sore from the pounding it got earlier.

  How had he lived before he met them? No. That wasn’t living- it was just existing.

  Christian’s tongue trailed over his twitching taint, the man's hands gripping and rubbing his tender balls. Each suck and lick brought him closer and closer to the peak of his passion, and they hadn't even fucked him yet! Timothy tried to clear his mind, but the sensations rippling through his body made it nearly impossible to do so. He moaned again and dug his fingers into Gunner's shoulders.

  "Wait! I am going to come!" he gasped. His balls twitched as he emptied his load into the Eurasian wolf's mouth.

  Timothy panted and slowly opened his eyes. Had he ruined everything?

  Then Gunner released the omega's softening cock and looked up, smiling and licking his lips. "That was just the beginning, little one," he said and kissed Timothy's toned thigh gently.

  Christian's tongue still lapped at the little wolf's twitching ass and re-ignited Timothy's body with lust. Right. He could always come again.

  "Lube,” the blond wolf groaned, and Gunner nodded and went to the car.

  Glancing up, the omega noticed his pack watching them with rapt attention. Where they that interested in his love life? Danny and Alex's erections both curled against their firm stomachs. While Holden and Jake stood close together, the former lone wolf's arms wrapped around his mate from behind. A blush burned across Timothy's pale flesh, but he didn't have time to think about it. The loud squirt of lube filled the quiet night air, and Christian's slender finger slipped inside his bruised bottom.

  Timothy bent over automatically and groaned at the sudden intrusion. The tip of the finger played with his sweet spot, sending shocks of delight up his back and down his sweat slick thighs. Gripping his knees, the little wolf steeled himself for Christian's cock, but the length didn't impale him like he thought it would. Instead of the man wrapped his arms around Timothy's waist and pulled him upright, settling the omega on his lap as he sat on the car.

  Then the fat head of Christian’s erection, slick with lube, squeezed inside his tight entrance. Timothy arched back and gasped as the throbbing shaft filled him to its hilt. His lover’s lips caressed the sensitive skin of the little wolf’s neck and ears, the man’s fingers digging into the omega’s hips as he slowly moved himself in and out.

  Fuck! They weren’t just going to claim him; they’d make love to him- slow and steady- for his whole pack to watch. Each aching thrust brushed past the bundle of nerves buried in Timothy’s body, awakening his erection from its slumber. Gunner stepped in front of him and gripped the base of the omega’s cock, holding it firmly as he assaulted Timothy’s mouth with passionate kisses. The little wolf’s whole body writhed for another release- another surrender to his beautiful mates- but Christian seemed set on being as gentle as possible.

  “Harder,” the little wolf groaned, his voice hardly more than a breathy whisper.

  Christian’s lips smiled on his neck. “Are you sure?”

  The omega nodded and wrapped his arms around Gunner’s back, gripping onto the slick muscles as they slid under his fingers. The first stabbing thrust took him by surprise, a yelp escaping his lips at the mixture of pleasure pain that jolted across his flesh. Yes. That was it. That was how he wanted them to claim him. His pack always thought he was weak- pathetic- an omega. Which might have all been true, but he could also take more punishment than most of them. Not only that, but he enjoyed the punishment. It filled not only his body’s need, but also another deep seeded hunger that lay buried in his very being. That’s why Gunner and Christian were perfect for him. They all fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle- all three of them.

  He wanted to lean forward, to taste Gunner’s salty cock in his mouth, but the angle was too awkward. Instead he lapped and kissed his lover’s neck, the rough edge of the man’s jaw exciting his senses even further. A chorus of pants and huffs filled the clearing, and Timothy knew they didn’t all come from him or his lovers. Opening his eyes, he caught sight of Holden and Jake, their bodies intertwined in a struggle for dominance on the gravel driveway- it looked like Jake was winning. Then glancing at Danny and Alex, he noticed each wolf held his own stiff erection, pumping them slowly as they watched the show like starving men in front of a banquet.

  A feeling Timothy had never experienced welled in his chest. What was it? Pride? They got off on him and his lovers? It must be. Another sharp thrust shook the thought from his head, and he moaned and pushed his ass back onto Christian’s cock. The man behind him grunted, shoving himself into the abused hole with vigor. He was close- the omega sensed his lover’s pleasure creeping up on him almost as strongly as he felt his own- strange. Then the hot seed spilt inside him, and Christian gasped and thrust a few more times for good measure.

  “My turn,” Gunner said and kissed Timothy one last time before the little wolf climbed off his other mate.

  Hot come dripped down his thighs and out of his ass, goose bumps rising on his sweat streaked flesh in the nippy night air. Gunner didn’t waste any time, he slid Timothy’s body onto the car, lifting the little wolf’s legs for access. With a fresh squirt of lube, he forced his blunt shaft inside, much to the little wolf’s delight.

  The omega gasped, the cool metal of the car easing his feverish skin as his mate thrust into him, the f
at head of his cock connecting perfectly with his twitching nerves. Then Christian leaned over him, the man’s lips and teeth attacking Timothy’s ripe chest. Each bite and nip further enticed his over stimulated body, and his mind fogged with the glorious pleasure of the moment.

  His pack mates faded into the forest, and all Timothy could focus on was the length inside him and the blond hair tickling his chest- the sharp pinches of teeth on flesh and the thrilling high of his lovers engulfing him with their passion.

  Slowly, Christian gripped the omega’s cock and lowered his full lips over it, and the omega rolled his hips into the lusty blend of sensations- the mouth and dick pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Three orgasms in one day! He hadn’t performed that well since his early twenties! But the wasn’t the most important part. Gunner and Christian were his mates, his loves, his life- and he couldn’t think of a better way to express it than this moment.

  “Ah! Ah! Ah!” he gasped as his balls twitched again, his come spurting into his lover’s mouth.

  Then Gunner moaned, his cock buried to the hilt as the rich heat of his load overflowed inside Timothy. It squeezed out of the little’s wolf’s ass, joining Christian’s come on his thighs and the hood of the car. It’d be a mess to clean up, but he didn’t think they’d mind.

  The omega fought to catch his breath, to return to the here and now. Leaning forward, Gunner rested his head in the crook of the omega’s neck while Christian rubbed a slender finger down the little wolf’s cheek.

  “Are you happy, Timothy?” Christian asked, his voice a tender growl.

  The omega stared up at the night sky; the stars twinkling with a new intensity as the warmth of his mates surrounded him. “Yes. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

  Gunner grinned, his heart beating against Timothy’s chest. “That’s what we want to hear.”

  After the few minutes the waves of passion faded, their high dimming to a gratification buried deep within his soul. Slowly, Gunner got up and pulled Timothy with him. The omega glanced over at his pack mates, who watched them with interest, but whatever satisfaction they’d endured had already spilt on the ground.


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