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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

Page 24

by Zoe Perdita

  The beta wolf knew he was good-looking – but he was prettier than he was truly handsome. His pouty lips and stubborn chin lent him a feminine air. His long hair didn't help matters but cutting it would admit defeat.

  No matter how hard the beta wolf tried he couldn't muster up more than a 'good morning' and 'how are you' to his customers. He left the friendliness to Cammy or Timothy, when the omega still worked there. It's not that he was rude, but personal relations always confounded him. In the back of his mind Alex still wish he was a leader – an alpha with his own pack and not a whimpering second in command.

  West was more like Holden or Jake or even Gunner -- only not quite as rugged. He was the quarterback that all the girls dreamed about in high school or the laid-back frat boy working his way through the sorority house. And he was Alex's fucking mate.

  A knock on the door shook the beta from his thoughts. "Yeah?"

  Cammy peaked inside, her curly hair framing her pretty round face. "Alex? I'm off in five minutes. I think West needs your help."

  Right. She’d opened that morning so she couldn't work until closing. He nodded and stood up. "Yeah, I was just about to head out."

  A slow smile spread over her lips, and she ran her finger up and down the doorframe. "So. West is cute."

  Alex scowled as he slipped the apron over his shirt and tied it around his back. What the hell was she getting at?

  "You think so?" he asked as the heat rose to his cheeks.

  "I'm pretty sure every woman who was in here this morning thought so," she said as a grin lit up her face.

  "Every woman?" West was his mate. Those women had no right ogling him like a piece of meat! Alex took a deep breath to calm his frayed nerves. "I'm pretty sure he's gay."

  Instead of widening her eyes into a look of outright shock, Cammy giggled. "Of course he's gay. I meant he's cute for you Alex. What do you think?"

  "What makes you think I am gay?" the beta spat and instantly regretted it. It's not that he cared – although being out in Kellogg, Idaho wasn't exactly going to make his life easier. It was the notion that Cammy thought him and West were a cute couple. He didn't spend time staring at the redheaded man, did he?

  "You’re not?" she asked. "I know you probably wanted to keep it quiet, but you've never had a girlfriend. Ever. And since Timothy is gay I just figured –"

  Alex put his hand on his forehead. If he wasn't careful he'd get a tension headache just from the stress.

  "Is it that obvious?" he asked softly. Cammy had worked for him for several years. She wasn't a stranger; she was more like the closest thing to friend he had besides his pack.

  She shrugged her round shoulders and leaned against the doorframe. "Well it's not that obvious. At least to the people who don't know you well. They probably just think you're mysterious and brooding. So do you like West?"

  Alex scowled at his desk. Why couldn't he just say 'no' and get it over with? But no matter how hard he tried the words wouldn't come out his mouth. "It's been five minutes. You're off," was all he could manage to say as he swept out of his office and into the café proper.

  The line was only five customers long, and West seemed to be handling it with his typical charm. Although he did flash a smile of relief at Alex when the beta stepped up to take the next order. Cammy, infuriatingly, gave him a thumbs up as she left. Why was she so interested in his love life all of a sudden?

  They worked through the rest of the afternoon in a haze of order taking and drink making. Alex had never been so aware of another person before. It seemed West was intent on moving as closely to the beta as decorum allowed – brushing Alex’s arm, slipping his firm chest against Alex’s back, the brush of his thigh on Alex's side and the gentle nudge of his cock on the beta's backside as he slipped past.

  West’s proximity wasn't the only issue. His unique musk lingered over everything in the café. Alex never noticed Timothy's odor that strongly; he’d never felt a surge of liquid lust pump through his veins until he smelled West. How the hell were they supposed to work together when the whole day felt like some extended game of foreplay?

  As the customers wound down Alex what's about to pull West aside and establish ground rules for touching each other at work when Timothy entered the shop. Both beta wolves froze and looked at him.

  The omega fidgeted as he walked toward the counter, smoothing his shirt over his flat stomach several times. At least it was a new nervous twitch. His mates somehow got him out of the habit of moving his hair over his eye patch. Was Timothy reacting that way to West or him?

  Unlike the new beta, their pack's omega only came to Alex's shoulder. His hair was the same dark, coppery red as West's – although Timothy's was longish and wavy while West's hair was short, straight and prone to messiness.

  Seeing them side-by-side, Alex realized how alike they looked. Their pale skin, the golden freckles across their cheeks and noses and the way they held their mouths were almost identical. Even West had that slightly impish nose. While it made Timothy look boyish it granted West part of his handsome charm.

  "Little brother," West said and inclined his head.

  Timothy nodded and chewed on his bottom lip. "How are you, West? It’s been a long time."

  Alex took a step back to give the brothers space but kept an eye on them nonetheless. He hadn't seen Timothy interact with his family in years. And he'd never seen West interact with family – unless he was telling the truth when he said they played together as kids. If they had why didn't Alex remember?

  West smiled. "Too long. Holden said you put in a good word for me."

  The omega tilted up his chin to look West in the eye. "Of course. You probably wanted to get out of there as much as I did."

  Alex expected West to laugh or brush the comment off with a joke or sarcastic remark. Instead the new beta nodded – his lips set in a stern line. "Just took me a little longer than you. Turns out more packs want omegas than they do betas. But I think this'll be a good fit."

  Timothy glanced at Alex, and the beta scowled back. If West told Timothy about them he'd beat the living shit out of the stupid new wolf.

  "Yeah. You'll really be settled when everyone moves back to the lodge. Um, Alex, do you want dinner tonight? I could fix something for you guys to take home again."

  "That’ll be fine," he said as he wiped down the counter.

  The omega nodded, the shadow of a smile slid across his lips as he turned to go. "I’d better get back to work. I'll see you guys later."

  Alex watched Timothy leave before he glanced back at West. The new beta stared after his little brother with a look of barely contained fury smoldering in his eyes. He stood so still and so straight that in that moment he looked just like he was frozen in time.

  A million questions flitted through Alex's mind, but he didn't dare ask any of them. Whatever West was thinking about gave him a look the beta had never seen– a look that sent shivers up and down Alex's spine.

  Around seven that night West locked the front door while Alex wiped down the tables. The new wolf seemed to recover from his conversation with Timothy earlier, although he was quieter than he had been in the morning. Unfortunately Alex needed to do the accounting, so they couldn't head home right away. But maybe that was a good thing. If they went home now they'd be alone, and the moon only knew what happened when the two of them were alone. As it was they had to wait for Timothy to fix dinner anyway. Alex just needed to find a way to keep West busy so he could work.

  "What did you think of my performance, boss? Will I get that employee of the month plaque I've always wanted?" West asked and stepped up behind Alex. His body didn't touch the beta wolf, but his presence radiated undeniable lust.

  "Get the blinds," Alex ordered and moved to the next table in an effort to escape his mate and the lingering want flowing through his veins. Even if the shop was closed they still had work to do.

  West chuckled and walked to the windows. "Sure thing. Don't want anybody spying on us, boss?"
r />   The beta scowled at his mate. If he gave into West's taunts they just end up fucking in the dining room of the café. How many health codes would that be breaking? It was best just to ignore him, although blood rushed and Alex's ears and his cheeks burned.

  "Finish cleaning up out here. I have some work to do in my office. Don’t disturb me unless it's an emergency," he said and stalked out of the room before West could respond.

  A few minutes later the new beta knocked at his office door. Alex gritted his teeth. "What? It better be an emergency."

  West stepped in with a pile of cash in his hands. "You’re doing the accounts right? It’d probably be easier if you have the money."

  Alex didn't know who he was angrier with – himself for forgetting to empty the register or West for taunting him with it. "Put it on my desk," he growled.

  West smirked and flapped the money against his open palm. "Or what, boss?"

  Alex stood up and leaned across the desk. It would intimidate Timothy, but West just raised an eyebrow. "Or I'll make you."

  The new wolf leaned back into him, their lips nearly brushing. Electric shocks tickled Alex's nose and mouth.

  "Sounds fun,” West breathed.

  The beta narrowed his eyes and stared at his mate. The man’s skin was flawless besides the golden freckles and the bruised lump on his jaw that Alex gave him the night before. There was a challenge in his eyes – a dare. His shoulders and biceps were tense and waiting for Alex to respond. They’d built up to this inevitable showdown all day long, and now it was time to play it out.

  It was Alex's chance to prove he could dominate his mate – to somehow regain his lost pride from the night before – but he couldn't win against West using sheer force. As much as he hated to admit it the other beta was physically stronger. But the man had to have other weaknesses, right? Emotional weaknesses.

  "It must really prickle your fur that Timothy found a suitable pack before you did. What was it like stuck back there in that trailer park, West?” Alex asked.

  The other werewolf's jaw tensed, but just slightly. "Not as nice as your fancy lodge, but I managed. It's not like you came from much better."

  A smile slipped over Alex's lips. Good. He was getting to the new beta. "How many years has it been since Timothy and I joined Holden? Seven? Eight? That’s a long time. And in order to get out you had to call in a favor from an omega. How does that feel?"

  "Wait, do you think I'm jealous of my little brother for finding a pack first?" West asked and raised an arched eyebrow over his large brown eyes.

  "I saw the look on your face after he left," Alex spat. The bastard wasn't throwing him off when he was getting somewhere!

  West let out a short bark of laughter and shook his head. "I'm not jealous of Timothy. I'm happy he got out – he needed it more than I did."

  Scowling, Alex stood up straight and dug his fingers into his desk. "Then what the hell were you so pissed about?"

  "You really can't guess? You've been one of Timothy's pack mates for eight years and you don't know how he got that scar?"

  The beta's mouth fell open. Anything he said would sound like an excuse – hell, it would be an excuse. True, Timothy never told him what happened but he also never asked. Never bothered to find out.

  The corner of West's mouth turned up into a satisfied smirk. "You'll have to ask him if you want to know. Now, where were we? You wanted the money, right boss?"

  Alex narrowed his eyes. How could the bastard get to him so easily? Nothing he did have any effect! "Give it. Now!"

  "Are you going to fire me if I don't? Holden won't like that too much. It's only my first day."

  The beta snatched at the money clenched in West's fist, but the other wolf pulled it back and shook a finger in Alex's face. "Uh-uh. That's too easy. If you want the money come and get it," he said and stepped backwards out of the office and into the café.

  Alex's body surged with a mixture of desire and rage. He had to take West down -- had to force that cocky wolf into submission or his mate would control him forever. There was no way in hell Alex could handle that.

  He raced after West, his blood rushing in his ears, and banged his thigh against the edge of his desk. Shit!

  His mate leaned against a table with a mocking grin on his face. “Shall we transform? Holden can’t scold us for that.”

  “No,” Alex growled and pictured the damage they could do to the café. Holden might not scold them, but Alex would still be left with the bill.

  West set the pile of cash onto the tabletop and crossed his arms. “Fine. We’ll have a good old-fashioned wrestling match. If you win, you get the money. If I win, well, I think you know what’ll happen.”

  It took every ounce of self-control Alex possessed to keep him from leaping on the other wolf. He was the boss! He should be able to grab the money and fire West for insubordination, but Holden effectively neutered him that morning. How was his own mate every supposed to respect him if he was such a weakling?

  “Fine,” Alex grumbled and stepped closer to the new beta.

  The redhead pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the table before he started on his belt. The smooth skin, firm over his defined muscles, just begged to be touched. Bruises decorated his shoulders and a pale line of red ran down his arms – evidence of their morning affair.

  A rush of excitement filled Alex’s cock. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, it’s not like we can wrestle with our clothes on. What fun would that be?”

  Alex wanted to protest. It wasn’t supposed to be fun! They had work to do. But his mouth wouldn’t form the words. Without thinking, he pulled his sweater over his head and slipped his belt and pants down. Eager need flared in his belly. If he did this right he could fuck West right in his own unique territory. That would teach his arrogant mate a lesson for sure!

  After a moment, both beta wolves stood naked and facing each other. West’s eyes traversed over Alex’s body like a starving man staring at a banquet. The predatory passion in his mate’s gaze sent shocks of delight over Alex’s flesh. At least the bastard wanted him enough to size him up like that.

  The beta squared his shoulders and stood with his feet shoulder width apart as he tried to ignore the ache in his cock. He’d be ready as soon as the other wolf attacked.

  West’s teeth glinted in the dim light. “Look at how hard we get just looking at each other. That’s love, Alex. You’ve got to admit it.”

  The beta sneered at his mate. “We just met yesterday. That’s not love; it’s lust.”

  West stuck out his bottom lip slightly, his eyes falling for the fraction of a second. Was that sadness? “That wasn’t the first time we met. I said I’d help jog your memory. I guess that’s what I’m going to have to do.”

  Then West lunged at him. The wolf slammed into the beta with his shoulder hunched low and caught Alex right in the middle of his bruised stomach.

  Alex coughed and stumbled back, gripping his mate’s shoulders and flipping his body to the side. No way in hell he was going to go down easy! They rolled across the floor, banging into table legs and chairs in a mad dash for dominance.

  Their bodies smashed against each other, legs spread and muscles straining for the upper hand. Finally, Alex rolled on top of West and pinned the man’s shoulders to the ground. His lover’s chest heaved, his pink nipples hard. As he shifted, their iron clad cocks brushed against each other – flooding Alex’s body with passion.

  West moved his hips in a slow thrust. The friction from the reaction made stars dance in front of Alex’s eyes. Shit! Why did such a small touch feel so fucking intense?

  The wolf licked his lips, inviting Alex in for a kiss. “You caught me. Now what are you going to do with me?” West teased.

  The beta felt the frown furrow his brow as the needy hunger filled his groin. Had he really won? West was going to give in that easily? “I should take the money and get back to work,” he growled.

  It was the sensible t
he thing to do – the thing a normal manager of a coffee shop would do. But most normal coffee shop managers weren’t also werewolves with cocky mates.

  West raised an eyebrow and slid his hips in deliberate circles. “Oh? Is that what you want?”

  Each collision of flesh on flesh seared Alex to the bone. “No,” he breathed and inhaled the overwhelming scent of his mate.

  “Then do what you want,” West groaned, running his long fingers over Alex’s slender hips, up and down the tense muscles of the beta’s legs until he trembled with barely contained desire.

  “You know what I want,” Alex growled and leaned into West. The man was like a redheaded sex demon or something. How the fuck did he make writhing on the floor look like the position of power?

  Fireworks exploded inside Alex’s body as their lips met. The feverish heat of their soft mouths and flicks of hungry tongues shot tingles of pleasure all the way to the beta’s toes. If he hadn’t all ready been kneeling down, his legs might have given out.

  He melted into the kiss, breathing the sweet scent of his mate through his nose. How were West’s lips so delicious? How did they blend together into a fog of lust with just the slightest touch?

  Without a thought, Alex smoothed his palms over his mate’s chest. The other wolf’s heart pounded beneath the beta’s hands, his lungs heaving just like Alex’s own. For a moment, he forgot why they’d wrestled in the first place. He just wanted to make out with West forever.

  Strong hands wound their way up Alex’s flesh. Fingers trailed over his six-pack and toward his pectorals, pulling and pinching at the beta’s sensitive nipples with biting desire.

  Alex gasped, his body heaving into those talented digits, and he ran his teeth over West’s full bottom lip. He pulled the plump skin into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. Kissing over the swollen side his mate’s face, the beta suckled at his neck, licking and biting at the smooth skin until West groaned with pleasure.

  Lips trailed down the beta’s neck. Each kiss and brush of skin raised goose bumps across his flesh. How had he waited so many years for this kind of breathtaking pleasure?


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