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Encircle (Colosseum University: Thorwald Crest Book 3)

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by Flynn Eire

  Truth was—I believed him. Maybe I wanted to believe him because then someone I had been deeply in love with wouldn’t have betrayed me, intentionally tried to hurt me… But simply neglected me?

  “You don’t do it three times with a bleeding virgin even if it’s a girl who does have a cherry to pop,” Diego snarled. I peeked out from behind Jericho, my mouth falling open when I saw my crest leader’s eyes had turned a deep red and his fangs were fully extended. He was that pissed? On my behalf!

  I loved Diego. I had thought that I was in love with him at some point, but no, that was simply experiencing kindness, genuine kindness for the first time in my life. Besides, my heart belonged to another.

  “I lost control,” Pierce whispered. “I was a virgin too, and I didn’t think anything could ever feel like that. I assumed he felt the same. I mean, he was making all kinds of noises that sounded like pornish good and—”

  “Stop, just stop,” I begged, tears burning in my eyes as I buried my face in Jericho’s back. “I don’t want to hear how much I liked it. I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to die, it hurt so much. You were so rough I couldn’t get a real word out. And then you left me there, used, bleeding, wiped out, and sore in a way I didn’t think possible. How could someone leave a partner like that, no matter the circumstances of misunderstanding, if they weren’t being victimized?”

  “My parents were coming. I freaked and thought the last thing you needed with your super strict family was people finding out we had sex, and if mine found out, there was no way they wouldn’t make a huge scene and issue of it. I kissed you, told you I loved you, and I wished I could stay but I didn’t want them to find us together.”

  “I was passed out by then. I blacked out a few times from the pain, but I wasn’t conscious the last time you finished.”

  “I thought you were starting to fall asleep since you were muttering. I’m sorry I didn’t tend to you or help—”

  “You don’t get to apologize like it’s a small side note you overlooked. You have no idea what they did to him after he was found like that!” Diego roared, and Jericho flinched, the meaning clear.

  It took Pierce a moment to catch up though, but when he did, the rage in his voice actually made me peek at him. “Who hurt you?” Death was in his eyes. I couldn’t think of another way to categorize it. I’d seen that look in him before. He would kill. He’d almost gone that far for me before, but I’d been there to stop him.

  “Everyone,” I answered honestly. “The floor leader for the dorm found me when I hadn’t turned in my key that next morning, still unable to move. And instead of helping me, he grabbed a few of his buddies, telling them he’d found a ‘cum dumpster,’ and they raped me. When they were done, one of them carried me to the showers and left me there while they moved all my stuff out into the hall, took back the key, and went home. A teacher stumbled across me sometime later and helped me, but I lied and said I’d fallen in the shower.”

  “Why didn’t you—your scream. Did you find your scream? Well, I know you did, because you used it on me, but did you find it then?”

  “Yes.” That was all I said. I wasn’t getting into specifics about screaming in fear when I had woken up in the infirmary at our old high school, almost melting the doctor’s insides before I had realized what was going on.

  “Foster, I know sorry isn’t good enough, but I will find a way to—”

  “Don’t say you’ll make this up to him because you can’t,” Spyros decreed. “It’s just not possible to make amends for something that awful. There’s still more to the story, asshole. You haven’t asked how he got into this college, which isn’t the college associated to the high school you’d been there. You think once bullies raped him with no consequence, they did it only then? No, Diego had to save him, and the Foster I met after he transferred was—gods, what they’d done to him.”

  “I-I don’t understand. What are you saying?” Pierce sounded like he was about to break down. Hell, I was from simply telling this many people.

  “You were the one who protected me,” I sighed, flopping back down to the bed. “They found me after you did that to me. They took it as a green light for open season to do whatever to me. Then you didn’t come back the next year, and the ‘big idiot who got in their way’ wasn’t there anymore. They did everything and anything they wanted with me.”

  “I was touring different high schools with my father to take a look at those who would be crest leaders the next year, strong potentials that might one day be added to either of our crests,” Diego explained, filling in how I went from that abuse to being safe in his crest. “And when I wandered off, I found a gang bang in one of the class rooms, a teacher watching, obviously having already taken a turn. So before anyone tries to put this back on him for not telling anyone and allowing himself to be hurt, fucking teachers knew.

  “They did nothing but let it slip to his family that he’d found his scream, and he was shunned. So there was no one to help Foster. Everyone failed him, and you set the first domino in motion, so save your apologies. They’re meaningless. Even if you’re not a bastard who intended to hurt Foster, you still are a horrible person for the situation and aftermath you caused. I found him a year after what you did, so you didn’t even try hard to find him after your promises of love.”

  “My parents found out. They forbid my contacting him or anyone at my old school after—”

  “After they beat you half to death and threatened Foster’s life if you so much as called him,” the security team leader cut in. “Tell them everything, Pierce. They’re being honest with you, and while I can see how badly you fucked up, I know the other side of the story.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked him and only him, not glancing at Pierce.

  “When he transferred in, he was in our dorm room, that’s how we became friends, and I brought him into my crest later. He was a mess. His parents found out somehow a month before school started again, and when he showed up the first day, it was obvious how much abuse he’d taken. I mean, us demons heal crazy fast, but he had cuts and bruises and broken ribs, so the abuse had to be constant and ongoing.” He focused on me, his eyes firm and set. “So the immediate aftermath was due to his negligence, but beyond that, he went through hell because of his feelings for you and trying to be near you, taking massive abuse so his parents didn’t hurt you.”

  I didn’t answer, letting that sit with me a moment before turning towards Spyros. “I can’t take any more of this. You promised me crepes and fun. Let’s go.”

  “But, you’re obviously tired and—”

  He was right that I was tired, too tired to hold back how I was feeling for once. “I need to run away even if it’s for a few hours. I’m suffocating.”

  Ten minutes later we were in one of the crest cars heading towards town.

  “What’s this?” I asked Foster, reaching under his dorm bed and grabbing the book that was sticking out. When I had it in my hand, I realized it was an album.

  “No! Don’t touch that,” he screeched and yanked it out of my hands. “It’s rude to explore people’s hiding spots. Don’t do that again or I won’t let you into my room.”

  “I’m sorry. It was poking out, and I assumed it was accidentally under there.” His frown slowly melted away, and he got down on all fours to hide the album again. I bit back a groan, loving when he stuck his cute ass up in the air like that. Foster really needed to be more careful though. His guard was always down, so free with himself… Because if most men saw him in a position like this, they would pin him down and do dirty, dirty things to him.

  The kind of things I dreamt about nightly.

  “Hey, can I please see it? It’s obviously important to you, and I want to know everything about you.”

  Foster froze then slowly turned to look at me. “Promise you won’t laugh? I won’t ever forgive you if you laugh at this, Pierce. I’ve never shown it to anyone before. Can I trust you?”

  “I won’t laugh, and I will
take any secret of yours to the grave,” I swore, completely serious though it probably sounded more flippant. Foster knew the truth though. He knew I was always serious when it came to him. I watched, enchanted with him as always, as he took a deep breath and slowly handed over the large album. I gave him a wink, set it on my lap, and opened it.

  Only to find there wasn’t anything funny to laugh at. I flipped through the pages slowly, studying every picture I saw.

  “I-I don’t un-understand. Why would I laugh at this? You’re very talented at taking photos and finding the best angles.”

  “I never know if you’re really as slow as you act or if you feign not knowing what’s going on so people take the time to explain the situation to you so there’s never misunderstandings,” he muttered, plopping down next to me. I wanted to say the second one, but I knew it was the first. I wasn’t smart. I didn’t quickly catch onto things. I was strong. I had a scary power as a demon. Those were my only good qualities.

  “I’m slow,” I muttered, hating to be so obtuse when it came to Foster. “I see awesome photos of pretty things. I would never laugh at that. I know I’m missing something though.”

  “You big softie,” he chuckled, bumping my arm with his shoulder. “I knew if I could show anyone, it would be you. I’m a closet pretty thing lover.” His smile was soft as he reached out and touched the plastic protecting a photo of a litter of puppies. “I love cute things, fluffy, bright, pretty—all of it. My parents would never let me have half the stuff I want, so I take pictures. I don’t ever want to forget the pretty things in the world, even always being around cold, hard people. So I take pictures of it and save them for when I need them.”

  I tilted my neck and laid my head on top of his. “I knew you liked that stuff, Foster. Anyone who cares enough to look would know that. You light up when you see cute things. The only surprise I learned by seeing this is you are a talented photographer. I bet you could sell most of these as prints for happy things, like ads about family or greeting cards.”

  “Thanks.” He looked at the pages with me as I flipped through them. “That would be cool to make greeting cards. Thank you’s and birthday cards, that sort of thing. I think most people just download free ones and print them off nowadays. Does anyone really still buy them?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t limit yourself to them. Just take pretty pictures and sell them.”

  “Okay. I’d love a job like that.” He sighed happily, and I wanted to pull him onto my lap and hug him forever, keep him safe from the evil I knew to be in the world. “If I ever get a big head, yell at me though. I don’t want to be one of those crazy photographers that takes pictures of fruit and sells them for hundreds of euros per print.”

  “You got it. I won’t let you get all full of yourself.”

  I sat up with a gasp, grabbing my head when it throbbed at the sudden movement. Shit. Why did it hurt so much? Then I remembered, glancing around to see I was in the infirmary. Right. Foster’s scream had almost melted my insides and blew my ear drums. Injuries that bad took even a demon a while to recover from.

  But at least I got to see Foster. I can’t believe I really did and he’s here and… I was up and racing towards where the Thorwald crest stayed in the next second. Foster was here. I could see him.

  I had to think back on the map we’d studied of the school’s layout, but even with my headache and the slight dizziness, it was no trouble since I made sure to sear it into my mind. I hadn’t wanted to look like an idiot my first time out of the gate with my team and in front of our new crest leader.

  Yeah, blew that one. He just thinks I’m a rapist and the worst person ever.

  As I reached the right area, I realized a flaw in my plan… I might have known which dorm Foster was in, and even the correct floor, but we weren’t given everyone’s room assignments. Otherwise, I would have known he was here long before I’d randomly caught sight of him that morning.

  Luckily for me, there were name plates with the resident who lived there under the dorm numbers. I scanned them until I found “Taher” and stopped. I could actually see him again. Gods, I’d been looking and hoping to find him for years, and now he was right here! I didn’t hesitate, knocking on the door, probably harder than needed with my excitement.

  “What’s wrong?” Foster demanded as the door flew open inward. “It’s four in the morning!”

  “Oh fuck,” I breathed as I drank in the sight of him. He was wearing the same thing he used to when we roomed together. A button up nightshirt that was made for someone probably my size, that made it almost a short dress on his five-five frame… And nothing else. Leaving most of his creamy, lean legs showing. “You still dress like that for bed.”

  “Pierce!” he gasped, wide awake, his chest heaving. “Y-yes—now I do, again—safe. I do now that I’m safe here. I didn’t used to before Diego—” he snapped his mouth closed, and I saw him wince at biting his tongue. “What are you doing here and at this hour? Please—”

  “I’m sorry, right, you’re scared of me. Shit. I wasn’t thinking other than I could see you after so many years of dreaming to find you. I just rushed over here in excitement.”

  “Yeah, always leaping before you think or look,” he grumbled, lowering his gaze. “Or dressing apparently.” I wasn’t sure what he meant until I glanced down and realized I was only in my boxer briefs. Right, I had been bleeding and my clothes were taken off in the infirmary. “I don’t want to be alone with you like this and—”

  “Right, we’re in the hallway.” I slid into the room and closed the door.

  “Pierce, go,” he whispered, backing away from me. “I’m not being alone with you in my room ever again.” Foster didn’t see as well as I could in the dark room, demons having an affinity for darkness after all. His foot tangled on something, and he started to fall backwards, but I lunged forward and caught him in time.

  “I got you,” I breathed, very aware of how close we were and the places skin touched. I leaned my head down, under his spell as always, and pressed my lips to his. Fuck, he tasted sweeter than I remembered. When I tried to push my tongue past his lips, I got the shock of my life.

  Foster bit me. He bit my lip hard. I jerked back, and then I heard a loud sound the instant before my cheek throbbed.

  “Let me go!” Foster shrieked. “Get out! I didn’t invite you in. Leave me alone. I hate you, Pierce! Don’t ever kiss me again or touch me.” And I saw the truth of his words in his eyes, cutting me deeper than any blade could.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right, I lost my head.” I quickly let him go, making sure his footing was solid, and retreated to the door.

  “That’s not a legitimate excuse! Think for a moment before you do things. I’m so scared of you I was hiding behind a friggin giant while people were around. In what world did you imagine I would agree to be alone with you in my room, both of us half naked, and in the dark? Just get out!”

  His anger and emotions practically paralyzed me. I snapped out of it when the door I was standing in front of flew open and the knob slammed into my back. Of course the door didn’t open any further than that, but someone must have reached in, because the lights came on.

  “Foster, are you alright? What’s going on?” a deep voice snarled. “Who’s in there?”

  “Gwen, I’m okay, but make him leave. Please? I want him to go, and he’s just standing there.” Foster was crying, sobbing even, as he sank down to his knees.

  “I’m sorry. I love you. Don’t cry. I’ll go. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” I rasped, moving from in front of the door. “You startled me. I just wanted to see you. Please don’t cry. I can’t leave you crying like—”

  “Yes you can,” that same guy, Gwen, snarled and grabbed my arm. I was yanked out of the room and tossed against the wall on the other side of the hallway. “You go near Foster again, and I’ll kill you. I don’t care if you’re a strong demon, someone on Major’s security team, or a crest member. Foster’s not your concern anymo
re. The people who love him, protect him will look after him. And keep him from the likes of you!”

  I opened my mouth to argue but then closed it. He wasn’t wrong. I had no right—even if I hadn’t screwed up with Foster—to stick my nose in his business after being absent so many years. However… “I can make them pay for back then.” I yanked my arm away and rushed to the room I knew Diego stayed in, needing to talk to him.

  Except he was already awake, looming in the doorway with a look of death on his face. “What part of ‘don’t even speak to Foster’ was unclear?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t really put much together about yesterday with my brain being melted. I just woke up and realized I could see him, but—”

  “You really are like a dog who wants his master back,” he muttered, and I did a double take.


  “Nothing. Just stay away from Foster until I say so.”

  “I’ll try.” He gave me a scathing look at my answer, but I shrugged. That was all I could agree to. I didn’t want to upset Foster anymore, and I definitely would do better on reading situations that made him uncomfortable, but I couldn’t get Foster to forgive me if I avoided him. He was worth more than simply pretending like it never happened, and I would break down every wall of the past to show him I would never have knowingly hurt him. “I have a favor to ask, no, more like a request.”

  “Oh, this is rich. Because you’re in any position to be asking favors. I have enough on my plate, and you woke me—”

  “Please, it’s for Foster,” I begged, even dropping to one knee. “I know I screwed up. I will find a way to make things right, and Gwen is correct that I have no reason to involve myself in Foster’s affairs now. However, I promised to protect him back then, and I didn’t. He deserves justice instead of—”

  Diego’s eyes lit up, and he gave a creepy smile. “You know who the dorm advisor or whatever he was called is, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and I know where he is.”

  “The school wouldn’t tell me when we tried to poke around.” He rubbed his hands together and nodded. “Okay, what’s your plan? Where is he? Who is he?”


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