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The Bluegrass Billionaire Trilogy: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 15

by Alice Ward

  We ordered wine and steaks with a side salad. We laughed and reminisced about our college days. We had many friends in common and shared the gossip we each knew. It was a wonderfully warm, pleasant evening and made me wonder why everything I shared with Worth was filled with drama and intense emotion. Could I have warm evenings like this with Worth?

  Brandon kissed my cheek and left me at about ten o’clock, promising to pick me up the next morning. He forgot, however, to leave me his phone charger so I could keep my phone going. I thought about calling home to let them know I was fine before my battery was dead. I chose to call Dad directly. Without details, I told him I had taken a room in the city to wait out the blizzard. He said he thought it was very wise and wished me a good night. I settled under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately. It had been a very long and very emotional day.



  I stood in the plastic-sheeted doorway to the new annex and surveyed the progress so far. I hated things that weren’t complete. I tapped Jeremy’s number.

  “Hey!” he answered on the second ring. “Helluva snow, isn’t it?” he said cheerily.

  “When is this mess going to be done?” I said without ceremony.

  “Well, good morning to you, too, asshole!” his voice was half perturbed and half amused. “Typical Worth,” he added.

  “Sorry. You know how I am. I want this done and to get the business on track.”

  “Worth, everything is on track with the construction. Within a week, you can bring in all those torture tables and spa accessories. Ten days from now you can have your grand opening and listen to your praises being sung from the heavens. So, back off now, buddy, and let me do what I do best,” he pushed back.

  “This is what you do best?” I let the innuendo lay there.

  “Asshole,” came Jeremy’s final word as I hung up.

  I looked around at the havoc and couldn’t imagine that the crew would have it all together. There were two therapy hot tubs to be installed, special wiring, drywall, trim, paint, flooring, drapes. The list was long and it put me in a very bad mood.

  Patsy was tapping at her computer, doing her best to not catch my eye. She knew me well enough by now to understand my black moods.

  “When are the interviews?” I asked.

  “Beginning immediately after lunch. I’ve cleared your calendar of patients for the rest of the day.”

  “Clear my calendar for the rest of the week. In fact, take the rest of the week off. I’ll handle the interviews and we’ll be swamped next week so you should plan on overtime,” I ordered her and went into my office, slamming the glass door. It was unusual for me to be out of humor to this extent. I could only credit it with the unresolved issue of Auggie, our upcoming marriage and the fact that I did not have a house underway… and it was her fault.

  The light on my desk blinked, indicating a client was in the waiting room. I went through the door like a bull. “Patsy, I thought I told you…”

  Before I got the sentence completed, she pointed into my waiting room and rolled her eyes. I turned and walked into the comfortable room and saw Beverly Dexter seated there, her long legs crossed at the knee which gave me the distinct impression of nothing but legs. I responded immediately and even my bad temper did nothing to deter it. “Ms. Dexter…” I started but was interrupted.

  She stood up and said, “When are you going to begin calling me Beverly as I asked? But never mind that for now. You and I are going to talk… in your office… and now.” She literally seized my tie and pulled me into the inner office as if she had a dog on a leash.

  “Thank you, don’t mind if I do.”

  She smirked, dropped my tie and took a seat opposite my desk. She tossed a packet on my desk and said, “Read it, sign it and I’ll get started immediately.”

  I was fairly confounded, but it was a welcomed respite from the dark mood I’d just been in. I sat down in my chair and asked, “Can I get you something?”

  “No time for that, Worth. Read the papers.”

  The packet contained contracts that essentially bound me to hire her to design and supervise the building of the house I wanted. It bore no resemblance to the blarney Auggie had superimposed but was the specifications I originally asked for. “You’ve changed your mind about me?” I asked her bluntly.

  “Not until yesterday when Auggie called me. She filled me in that she’d been upset with you and sabotaged the project. I forgave her. It was in my financial and professional interest to do so.”

  I had to admire her style. She came right to the point and she was motivated by ambition. I understood this.

  “And Auggie?” I broached.

  “What about her?” She crossed those legs again and I felt myself becoming mute.

  “She’s okay with this?” I asked, somewhat dubious at the sudden turn-around of Auggie’s insistence that she be on hand to approve every aspect of the construction.

  “Of course. Why else would she send me?”

  “She sent you.” It was a statement of disbelief.

  “What’s wrong with you? Of course she sent me. Why else would I be here? Look, Worth, I’m a busy woman and the weather hasn’t turned into a friend. Do you want me to build that house or not?” She was driving a hard line and knew she had me over a barrel.

  “I need to look these over and talk to Auggie first,” I began.

  “Why? You know what you want, I know what you want, now let’s get it done. Those are standard contracts, but I have other offers waiting. If you don’t want to sign, then give me a hug and I’m out of here. Auggie begged me to come back and give you another chance — and I really don’t understand why you’re so concerned with what she thinks. After all, she doesn’t appear to be the least concerned with what you think…”

  “What makes you think that?” I asked her, feeling a rock in the pit of my angry stomach at what she was about to say.

  “Well… only that I went by Brandon’s office this morning to drop off some papers for the Sunset development and Auggie’s car was in his parking lot. There wasn’t another set of tire tracks anywhere and nearly six inches of snow covered her car. It had clearly been there all night. So, I can only draw the conclusion that she was with Brandon. Look, it’s none of my business what’s going on here. Do you want to do business, or not?” Her look was daring me and I never backed down from a challenge.

  I picked up a pen on my desk and signed every document without even reading them. I handed them to her. “Please ask my secretary to make copies on your way out,” I told her, my mind elsewhere. “Break ground and get started. We’ve got valuable time to make up,” I ordered and twirled in my chair so she could not see the expression on my face. I felt like I’d been kicked in the gut.

  I heard her leave and watched out the window until her car cleared my parking lot. “Just lock up when you leave,” I told Patsy as I strode by.

  I drove to Brandon’s building and there, alone in the corner of the lot was, indeed, Auggie’s car. It clearly had not been driven overnight. It confirmed what the Dexter woman had told me. Auggie had spent the night with Brandon.

  I gave her one more chance. I dialed Auggie’s phone and it went immediately to voice mail. She wasn’t accepting calls. Then I dialed the house number and her dad answered. “No, Auggie isn’t here. She was out overnight and hasn’t returned yet.”

  There was no way to describe the blackness that set into my soul. The woman I loved, the woman who was to be my wife, the only person on the planet I was supposed to completely trust had betrayed me. I tried to blank out the image of Brandon, naked and thrusting into her beautiful body and I thought I would pass out. Enraged, I knew I was out of control and so I went to the only place that had ever offered me solace… Joe’s.

  I started drinking even though there were interviews set up for later that day. At that point, I didn’t care. Not about anything. Not about the business and although I tried hard to convince myself I didn�
��t care about Auggie, either, the truth kept rising. I pushed away my drink and drove, somewhat shakily, back to the clinic to wait.


  Brandon picked me up for breakfast and we began the slow drive back to his office. When we arrived, my car looked like an iceberg in the middle of what was an otherwise empty, but plowed parking lot. Brandon took my keys, cleaned off the car and held my arm while I got into it. It was icy beneath the snow.

  “Brandon, what can I say?”

  “Say nothing, it’s what I’m here for,” he answered and bent to kiss me on the cheek. “Sure you can handle the roads?”

  “Yes, I’ll drive slowly,” I said and he nodded and firmly shut the door, tapping the hood as he walked toward his door. He turned once and waved and I responded likewise.

  I hadn’t showered and was still wearing the tear-stained clothes from the day before. I decided to go home and get cleaned up first, but dreaded it because I knew it meant seeing my mother. Resolved, I knew I had to do it eventually and steeled myself for it as I pulled into the driveway.

  Luckily for me, she was napping. I met Dad in the living room. “Worth called here looking for you this morning.”

  “I’m getting cleaned up and I’ll go talk to him,” I told Dad and he nodded.

  “Probably a good idea,” was his only comment.

  I dressed carefully, choosing colors that suited me particularly. I suspected I was in for an emotional afternoon and while I wanted to look my best, I didn’t want to make Worth desire me. I wasn’t ready to go there yet, not until I knew whether it was possible we were blood-related. In my purse was a release for Worth to sign. I had no idea how to get him to do it, but I was always up for a challenge. This challenge had a great deal at stake.

  I pulled into his building parking lot and noticed the new sign. I knew he had a great deal on his hands and wondered if Beverly Dexter had gotten in touch with him yet. There were construction vehicles parked everywhere and a variety of tarps and plastic sheets blocked off his office from the rest of the building. The doors were blocked open and it was chilly inside. It felt foreign, compared to the usual neatness of his domain. I saw Jervis’ door had been removed and it looked like there was a hot tub being installed in that space. I smiled to myself and was proud of the businessman I was going to be marrying… hopefully.

  I walked into Worth’s office and found it empty. He was evidently off somewhere in the complex and I took advantage of his absence to use his bathroom. In there, I opened the medicine chest over the sink and saw the toothbrush he kept there. I slipped it into my bag, flushed the toilet and emerged. Worth was standing there facing me, his feet planted wide apart, a black look of rage upon his face.

  “Hi!” I greeted him, aware that it was not appropriate given the look on his face but not having anything better in mind to say.

  He stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

  I felt completely ill at ease. “I see they’re getting things done,” I tried, hoping that the reason for his anger had something to do with the workmen, and not with me. I was wrong.

  “How dare you!” he said. The look on his face was fury, but his voice was deadly level. I knew this was about as mad as he was capable of getting and although I figured he’d be upset about my not checking in with him the night before, this was well beyond anything I’d imagined.

  “Worth, sit down. Let’s talk. You’re mad, I can see it.”

  “You think?” he shouted and I reached behind me and shut the door to his inner office. There was no reason to involve others. “You were with him!” The shout roared through the room.

  I went blank. “Him? You mean Brandon? Oh, yes, of course I was,” I answered innocently. Then it struck me what he meant. “Oh, wait, Worth… no, it’s not what you think. You think I was with him, as in spending the night with him? Oh, no, no, no. Don’t you know me better than that? What happened to our up front trust we agreed on?”

  “How would you explain your car in his parking lot all night?”

  I was puzzled. “How would you know that, unless you were spying on me?” So much for trust, I told myself.

  “Explain yourself,” he ordered and his voice was strong enough to make me fall backward into the chair opposite his desk. Visions of my mother ordering me in the same tone surfaced in my head.

  “How dare you speak to me like that! You know that’s a trigger for me. What the hell is the matter with you, anyway? Don’t you trust me?”

  He stared at me and I could see the realization of our situation dawning in his eyes. I said it again, “Do you trust me, Worth?”

  He sat down, his fingers tapping the surface of his glass desk. He settled, knowing that this was a make or break answer. “Yes.”

  “Yes? You don’t act like you trust me.”

  “I do, I do, dammit,” he cursed, looking at the window to try and regain his composure.

  “How much?”

  “How much what?” he asked.

  “How much do you trust me?” I pushed the point home.

  “With my life,” he said and he uttered those words with the realization that yes, he probably did trust me with his life. It must have dawned on him at that very moment.

  I opened my purse and slapped the permission slip onto his desk. I had tri-folded it so only the third with the signature line was legible. “Do you trust me enough to sign this without reading it?”

  He cocked his head and frowned. “What is that?”

  “Worth, I asked you a question. If you trust me, you’ll sign it without knowing what it is. This is a test, Worth. Do you trust me?”

  He grew dark again, accepting my challenge and overriding whatever common sense would have kept him from signing a blank document. He picked up a pen and with a great flourish, made a show of putting his name on the permission line. Before he changed his mind, I slid the paper quickly back into my bag. “Now, as to what happened last night, if you promise to stay calm, I will explain it.”

  He nodded, folding his hands in his lap in his best imitation of a stable psychologist.

  “Alright then. I went to visit Mrs. Jessup at Sunset Village yesterday. While I was there, it started to snow. When I left her, I went to Brandon’s office. We talked about Sunset,” I continued, careful to not lie but to not necessarily reveal my entire reason for being there. “He suggested that since the weather was bad, that we have that date you paid for and he would take me to dinner at a local restaurant near his home. I agreed, we had dinner, he dropped me off at a hotel and he went home,” I stressed the last three words. “This morning, he picked me up, we stopped for breakfast to let the rush hour settle down and then took me back to his office so I could get my car. Since I hadn’t planned to be out all night, I went home first to shower and change and then came here to see you. I didn’t have my phone charger with me and it went dead at some point in the night. I knew you had probably been trying to call me, and since I wanted to see the progress on your office, I thought I’d come in and surprise you. This wasn’t exactly the kind of surprise I was expecting, though,” I finished and was proud of myself for not lying or twisting any facts. I just left a couple of internal feelings out, not to mention the giant detail that he and I might share a father, for God’s sake.

  Worth studied me and knew I wasn’t lying. I would have been disappointed if he’d thought I was. I wasn’t. I continued. “Now, I thought we agreed that you would not interrogate me again?”

  He relaxed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. You have to admit, the evidence seemed pretty damned incriminating.”

  “Only if you were looking for it to be,” I pointed out. The look on his face told me he probably agreed with that. “So, how did you know I was with Brandon in the first place?”

  “Ms. Dexter came by this morning. She said you’d fessed up and encouraged her to come and work out the details to have her move forward on our house. She questioned whether we were seeing one another and I walked around that, naturally.”

  Him saying that encouraged me that what I had just walked around fell securely under the “walk around” rule we had between us.

  He continued. “She mentioned that she’d been by Brandon’s office to have something signed and saw your car there, covered with overnight snow. The rest… well, you can imagine where my mind went from there.”

  I smiled and stood up, walked around his desk and kissed him on the cheek, hugging him from behind. “Yes, I can imagine where your mind went from there and you can rest assured, Brandon and I did nothing you wouldn’t approve of. Let’s put this behind us, shall we? I can understand why you were angry and now you understand why there was no reason to be, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay, why don’t you show me around the construction before I leave?” I asked and this seemed to lighten his mood considerably.

  Worth walked from area to area of the office space and explained where the various therapies would be conducted and how they would work together in an overall healing process. I was proud of his good business sense, and proud of the fact that he would be growing a business that would obviously put him light years ahead of his peers in embracing more than just talk therapy. “It’s beautiful, Worth, and it’s not even done. I can’t wait until it’s all ready. When do you think that will be?”

  “A week,” he said and I nodded in approval. One thing about Worth, he did not waste time. He walked me to the door and out to my car. “I want you,” he said simply. “No, I need you,” he emphasized.

  My mind went blank. I couldn’t sleep with Worth until all the questions were answered. It would take several days to get the tests back. “I can’t right now, Worth… a woman thing. But I want you to know I want you, too!” I kissed him lovingly and left.

  I drove straight to the doctor’s office and went in the back door as instructed. I dropped off the toothbrush and the signed form. The nurse didn’t question anything. She’d already been instructed by Brandon to expedite things.


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