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Whispers From the Dead

Page 15

by B. L. Brunnemer

  I looked up to tell her to go to hell. Only she looked curious. I sighed. “During a panic attack, you don’t think straight. Your mind is racing; you’re swimming in fear and just trying to keep your head above the water. It’s hard to think rationally.”

  “So, you ended up at Asher’s how?” she asked an eyebrow raised.

  “You’re supposed to distract yourself to help stop an anxiety attack. I couldn’t remember how to make breakfast and Asher loves to cook. So, I figured he could help me remember,” I explained, my shoulders tense. I didn’t like explaining this to her, but she didn’t seem to be making fun of me.

  Those blue eyes ran over me. “That sucks.”

  I blinked at her. “Yeah, it really does.”

  Tara turned to Rory and changed the subject. She went on and on about Student Council and their fund raisers over the next few weeks.

  Was Tara… being nice? It seemed so.

  My thoughts moved back to the twins. I wondered how they were. What the guys were doing. I was worried about all of them.

  After dinner, I headed upstairs with Hades. I laid down and checked my phone. No calls, no texts. I need to know everyone was alright. I sent a text to Miles.

  Alexis: Is everyone safe?

  It was several minutes before I got a response.

  Miles: Everyone is safe. Isaac is crashing at a friend’s house while Ethan is at Ryan’s.

  I let out the breath I had been holding and relaxed into the mattress. My phone vibrated again.

  Miles: Are you alright?

  I smiled to myself.

  Alexis: Yeah, just worried about everyone.

  Miles: Everyone is alright. I promise. Get some sleep.

  Lexie: Night.

  I looked at my phone, debating what to do. Fuck it. I texted the twins separately.

  Alexis: I love you.

  I didn’t get a response. I didn’t need one. I just needed them to read it. I fell into a troubled sleep that night.

  Chapter 11


  I cursed and grumbled as I made my way through the hallway. I had a shitty night where I couldn’t fall asleep and when I finally did it was full of rotting Sophie dreams. Then, of course, Mr. Davis at the cemetery was a dick, demanding to know when it would be his turn. Not to mention my stomach was aching. Probably from stress.

  The only thing that put a smile on my face was the way everyone got out of the way of Hades. My baby was rather scary looking, even with the service animal vest on.

  I met the guys at our usual table, though Isaac and Ethan weren’t there. As the guys greeted Hades I examined their faces. Zeke had a split lip, a black eye, and a bruised jaw. While Asher had a bruised jaw and a cut with bruising over his cheekbone. Miles was untouched.

  “What the hell happened to you two?” I snapped.

  Zeke shrugged. “After the twins left they needed a fight. So, we gave them one.” He was so matter of fact that it left me speechless for a few heartbeats. Was this guy logic? Then again… I understood that need to hit someone. I looked to Miles.

  “Tell me the twins aren’t hurt?” I asked.

  “The twins have minimal injuries,” Miles assured me. “Zeke actually took the brunt of it.” I shook my head and let it go.

  “Since Hades is here, I take it we aren’t walking you to classes today?” Asher asked with a grin.

  I smiled. “Nope. She told me to bring my service dog. So, I brought my service dog.” The guys chuckled.

  Zeke turned to Asher. “Bet you ten she’ll be in the office again by the end of lunch.”

  Asher chuckled. “Deal.”

  The morning bell rang.

  “Well, we need to get to class,” I said innocently. The guys chuckled again as I walked away. Feeling a little better, I headed for History.

  I brought Hades into the classroom as if nothing was different. I sat down then told Hades to sit next to my desk. He took up the whole aisle between desks. Everyone kept sending looks my way, or at Hades. I couldn’t really tell.

  After the late bell rang, Mr. Matthews went to the podium then looked out over the classroom. His eyes settled on Hades.

  “Lexie, who’s idea was it to bring a dog into my class room?” he asked dryly.

  I gave him an innocent smile. “Well, Mrs. Weaver didn’t want my friends to walk me to class anymore.”

  He smirked. “Alright. Just don’t let him eat any books.”

  My classes continued on like that for the rest of the morning until Math.

  I was working at my desk when Laura leaned over the gap a little. “What kind of dog is he?” she asked. Laura was a pretty girl, when she smiled and stopped hiding in her long straight brown hair.

  “He’s a Neapolitan Mastiff,” I said, looking back down at my work.

  “So, he’s going to be huge,” she said.

  I nodded then turned to her again. “Yep. He should reach my belly button by the time he’s done growing.”

  Laura smiled. “I’ve got a dog at home. A terrier. She’s nowhere near this big.”

  I smiled. “Maybe we should arrange a playdate for the dogs at your house,” I suggested.

  “He plays with Zeke’s dogs but they are bigger than him. It’d be good to expose him to smaller dogs.”

  Her eyes grew wide, her face pale. “Um, I don’t think that would work.” She nervously looked back down at her notebook. “Your dog would probably scare mine to death.” I eyed her. That was strange. I tried to shrug the feeling off as I went back to my work without another word. I kept trying to be friends with Laura but she was keeping me at a distance. Maybe I should stop trying?

  “But at one of the parks might be a good idea,” Laura offered. I looked up to find her smiling a tense smile. “That could be fun.”

  I nodded. “Sounds good to me.” She smiled then went back to work. So, it wasn’t me… Why would she have an issue with me going to her house? I ran over the scenarios until the bell rang. She hurried out before I could say good-bye.

  I kept a good grip on Hades as we walked towards Chemistry.

  “There she is,” a voice said. “I told you she goes this way.” It was the guys from the abandoned hospital, Travis and Keith. They were striding towards me.

  “Hades, guard me,” I whispered down to him. He instantly went into what Zeke called alert mode. His ears were up and he was against the side of my leg, looking around both of us. If someone got within two feet of me, he would growl.

  “You’re Lexie, right?” Keith asked as they reached me.

  “How did you find me?” I asked as I kept walking.

  “You’re the only redhead in school,” Keith pointed out.

  “And Zeke Blackthorn isn’t exactly easy to miss,” Travis added.

  I tightened my grip on Hades’ leash as we entered the hallway. “This is creepy as fuck, did you know that?”

  “We want to know what you saw that night,” Travis stated emphatically.

  I looked up at Keith. “You saw it. They were like shadows.” I went to leave. Travis blocked my way. I instantly backed up a step taking Hades with me.

  “I only caught a glimpse and that was after you saw something before anyone else.” Travis pointed out. My hands clenched around Hades’ leash but at the same time my temper sparked.

  “No, I didn’t,” I told him clearly. He stepped closer. Hades growled, barked and lunged forward, I gave him more leash for him to make his point. Hades suddenly had Travis’ attention.

  He stepped back several feet. Everyone walking by glanced at us but didn’t stop.

  “If you’re psychic, do you know how much good you could do in town?” Keith took a shot, moving to the side. “You could really help people.”

  “I’m not,” I repeated. I didn’t like the way they made me feel boxed in against the hall wall.

  “Haven’t you heard about the power surges around town?” Keith asked. “The rumors of ghosts have gone up over 100% in the last few months.”

I had heard about the power surges. Hell, last week a transformer on our block blew and needed to be replaced. It was hard not to notice all the electric company trucks everywhere in town. But the sightings of the dead, that concerned me.

  “What rumors?” I asked in a placating tone. I didn’t want to give this guy anything that would increase his interest in me.

  “Ghost sightings have been popping up all over town,” Travis informed me. “It’s getting weird out there and if you’re a psychic, you can really help.”

  Okay, I wanted out of this conversation as fast as possible.

  “I’m not, so leave me alone.” I went to walk around Keith but Travis was faster than I thought. Hades growled again.

  “You’re seriously not going to help us?” Travis snapped.

  “You’re about five seconds away from me loosening my grip on my dog,” I growled at him quietly.

  “Lexie?” A familiar voice called from down the hallway. Morgan started walking towards us, frowning at the boys blocking my way.

  “Hey, Morgan,” I said. I’d never been happier to see that shaggy dark hair and those dark, heavily-lidded eyes. Morgan was taller than both Travis or Keith. But don't let his lean body fool you. He had some serious strength in those lean muscles.

  “Why are you blocking her way?” Morgan asked Travis and Keith. “If a girl wants to leave, you don’t stop her. And you certainly don’t block her in.” Keith’s cheeks turned red, Travis just scowled.

  “We were having a private conversation,” Travis announced.

  “And I was trying to leave so I could go to class,” I pointed out. Keith grabbed Travis’ shoulder and got him moving.

  “Come on, we’ll be late,” Keith muttered while keeping his friend moving.

  I turned back to Morgan. “Thanks, I was about let Hades loose on them.”

  He grinned. “You’re welcome. Nice dog.” Morgan started walking again.

  I didn’t tell Hades to heel, which was the command to stop guarding me, until I reached the class room.

  Mr. Turner took one look at Hades and smiled. “What’s with the dog, Lexie?” I explained the situation to him quickly. He was laughing as he waved me to my group. My attention immediately went to the twins. Isaac had a split lip and a bruised jaw. Ethan had a black eye and a bruise on his chin.

  “Damn,” I said softly. “Are you guys okay?” Isaac continued looking down at the table, his eyes unfocused. Ethan clenched his jaw and didn’t answer. It felt like a blow to the stomach.

  My eyes burned. They weren’t talking to me. I sat down slowly then looked to Miles. He gave me an understanding smile as he reached over and ran his hand up and down my back comfortingly. Hades left my side to go to Isaac’s. Isaac reached down and scratched Hades’ ears.

  During the rest of class it really started to get to me. If I could just talk to them… and what Lexie? You lied to them for months, and now they are hurting because of it.

  We did the lab in silence. I hated this. My stomach started aching more and more. Cursing my luck, I made a mental note to stop at the bathroom once class was over.

  When the bell rang, Ethan and Isaac all but ran out of class. Not able to take it anymore I followed them around the corner.

  “Guys,” I called. Ethan stopped, his gaze on the ground as he clenched his jaw. Isaac kept going. I went to Ethan’s side. “I know you’re mad at me, and I deserve it-”

  “I’m not mad at you,” he growled. I went still. Ethan took a deep breath and let it out slowly before he looked at the wall. “I’m just mad. And I’m going to be for a while. So, just… leave me alone.”

  “And not talking to me is a part of it?” I asked carefully.

  He nodded. “Isaac hasn’t said a word since he left the house. He’s not talking to anyone. Not even me.” He turned and walked off. Tears filled my eyes. Isaac wasn’t talking to anyone?

  That wasn’t good, that so wasn’t good. Wintergreen reached me before Miles stepped next to me and held out my bag. I must have left it inside.


  “You’re welcome,” Miles said gently in that silky-smooth timbre I loved. “This is their process, Lexie. When they are angry they break off and don’t talk to anyone.”

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  He nodded. “When they are ready to deal or talk about it. They’ll come back.” I bit the corner of my bottom lip as I looked at the direction they went. I didn’t like it.

  My stomach cramped hard, bringing me back to my current situation. “I’ve got to hit the restroom,” I told him.

  “I’ll hold on to Hades outside,” he offered.

  “Thanks.” We walked to the nearest girl’s bathroom. I left Hades with Miles and went in alone. I quickly checked my makeup in the mirror before going into a stall.

  Sure enough, my period started. I cursed. As if I didn’t have enough problems right now? I dug into my backpack then cursed a long blue streak. I was out of fucking tampons. I wanted to punch the stall wall. And the bathrooms didn’t carry the dispensers. Fuck! I made a makeshift pad and hoped it would hold until I got home.

  After washing my hands and checking my shoes for trailing toilet paper, I walked outside to find that Zeke and Asher had found us. Great.

  “I- I need to head home real quick,” I said cryptically as I slung my bag over my shoulder. Asher opened his mouth then stopped as understanding filled his eyes. Yeah, he had a sister, he’d get it.

  “Why?” Zeke demanded. Both he and Miles looked confused.

  “Because I do,” I told him.

  Miles was looking at the bathroom door, probably figuring it out when Zeke growled, “Why do you have to go home?”

  Completely irritated, I snapped. “Because my period started and I don’t have any tampons in my bag.”

  Zeke’s brows darted up. “Oh.” The shock on his face was almost comical.

  “Zeke, you’re so dense sometimes,” Asher told him as he fought back a smile.

  Zeke shot him a look. “Well, I don’t have to deal with this shit. Sylvie’s in menopause or whatever it’s called.” My face was burning when Miles brought his backpack around his shoulder.

  “Okay, now that everyone knows, I’ve gotta go,” I announced quietly.

  “Don’t they have dispensers? Like the condoms in the guy’s bathroom,” Zeke asked. My face felt like it was on fire.

  “No, they don’t,” I said pointedly. “Hence, why I have to run home.” I wanted to disappear out of this conversation. I might not even come back to school today after this.

  Miles opened the front pouch on his backpack and pulled out a tampon still in the wrapper. “Here.” He held it out to me. I gaped as I barely took it from him. I was speechless.

  But the guys weren’t.

  “Why do you have those in your bag?” Asher asked, holding back a laugh. Zeke was looking at Miles as if he was from another planet.

  Miles shrugged, his ears turning pink as he closed his backpack. “I read an article about how if you’re friends with a girl, you should carry a couple for emergencies.” he admitted.

  Zeke and Asher burst out laughing. I was just stunned. Then I was hugging Miles tight.

  “Thank you so much, sweetie,” I said before pulling back and kissing his cheek.

  “You’re welcome,” he muttered, his face red. The others were doubled over when I walked back into the bathroom.

  When we got to our usual lunch table the guys had finally stopped laughing. I told them what Ethan had said to me.

  “That is their usual reaction,” Zeke admitted.

  “Don’t take it personally Ally, it’s just the way they are,” Asher said as he pulled out his lunch.

  I pulled out my lunch bag. “I’m still worried about them,” I muttered.

  “We are too,” Miles admitted. “We can only wait now.” I had just taken a bite out of my sandwich when the P.A. system crackled to life.

  “Alexis Delaney, please report to the Office. Alexis Delaney
.” The female voice announced. I growled before handing Hades half my sandwich to eat as I put the rest of my lunch away.

  “That’s probably about Hades,” Zeke said before turning to Asher. “Pay up.”

  Asher was digging in his wallet as I stood up.

  “I’m not in the mood for this shit today,” I grumbled as I picked up my bag. The guys chuckled.

  “Don’t get suspended, Lexie,” Miles warned.

  “Fine, what about a write up? Can I get a write up?” I asked impishly. Miles shook his head. I grumbled dramatically as I walked away with Hades.

  It didn’t take long to get to the office.

  “Delaney as requested over the P.A.,” I said sarcastically. The woman at the counter frowned at me. Okay, maybe I should pull in the attitude a bit.

  “Mrs. Weaver will see you now,” The woman said pointing to the door behind the counter. I walked around the counter with Hades and went to the mostly open door. I knocked.

  Mrs. Weaver looked up then her gaze went to Hades.

  “Lexie, have a seat,” she said politely. I came in and sat down in the chair across from her desk. Hades sat on the floor next to me, panting away. I scratched his ears as Mrs. Weaver eyed him. “We seem to have had a miscommunication.”

  “We have?” I asked dryly. Her gaze darted to me and she wasn’t amused. Yeah, I should pull it back.

  “When I said you could bring your service dog I assumed it was a lab, or golden retriever. One of the dogs mostly used for service animals. I did not expect you to bring a guard dog,” she said.

  I raised an eyebrow at that. How did she know he was a guard dog? Hades had only growled at someone once today.

  “You told me to bring in my service animal, I brought in my service animal. The fact that you thought I had a different breed of dog isn’t my fault,” I pointed out.

  “Alexis, I’m getting very tired of having you in my office,” she said. Great, I was tired of being in her office. “So, I’m going to make myself clear. You will leave the dog at home.”

  I bit back a grin. What she was telling me was very illegal. You couldn’t stop someone from bringing a service animal into a school or anywhere for that matter. Thankful to Rory, who had insisted I memorize the laws about service animals, I leaned forward.


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