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The Clever Fox: Part Three (The Pleasure Hound Series)

Page 4

by Ines Johnson

  Emet had nearly forgotten Alyss was in the room with them, his every sense had been so attuned to Adom. They made their way up the stairs and into the bedroom Adom and Emet had shared for years. Emet watched Alyss enter the room tentatively. He saw her eyes track their progress as Adom worked the buttons of Emet’s shirt.

  Adom pulled the fabric over Emet’s shoulders. He trapped Emet’s forearms, gave him a shove, and Emet fell backwards onto the bed. Adom grabbed at his pant’s buckle and freed him of the garment. Emet hissed as his erection sprung free.

  Adom took his time unlacing his shoes and pulling off his socks. Emet was naked from the torso down, only his arms were covered by the binding sleeves of his shirt. He tried to calm his writhing, knowing Adom would only prolong his touch the more he knew how much Emet wanted it.

  But it appeared Adom was as eager as Emet tonight. He prowled up the bed, delivering kisses to the insides of Emet’s thighs as he came. Emet’s erection jerked as Adom’s mouth inched closer to the place he wanted him most.

  Adom got to his destination in record time. Upon arrival, he gave Emet’s dick a long lick from root to tip. Emet’s whole upper body collapsed back on the bed. With his body bared, Adom’s mouth ensnared the length of Emet’s cock and they both groaned.

  “Can I try?”

  Both males stilled at the needy tone of Alyss’ voice.

  Adom toyed with the head of Emet’s dick as he regarded Alyss. He crooked a finger, then rolled to the side to make room for her. Alyss stepped out of her shoes and came to kneel on the bed. Adom held Emet’s brown cock as an offering to her. She pulled her hair out of her face and leaned into Emet. Emet’s hips jerked, meeting her halfway. She gave him a tentative lick, and it felt like a punch to the gut.

  She smiled up at him. “I thought it would be hard. It's as soft as your lips, like a kiss.” And then she kissed his cock head again and again.

  Emet curled his hands into the sheets. He tried to still his hips. He didn’t want to harm her with his eagerness. A lick to his testicles sent his back arching off the bed. When Emet opened his eyes, he saw Alyss’ head bobbing up and down on his dick, while Adom’s face was buried beneath his testicles.

  Emet writhed, he panted, he bucked, desperate for relief. He struggled to break free of the binds of the shirt. Adom reached behind him, knotting the shirt in his grip so that Emet could not escape. Their eyes connected. The command in Adom’s gaze stilled Emet’s struggle with the shirt.

  Adom lifted Alyss’ head from Emet’s cock. Her lips glistened from her exertions and Emet’s precum. Adom licked at her upper lip, sucked on her bottom lip. He captured them both and sucked them clean.

  Emet’s erection was painful as Adom reached behind Alyss to pull her dress over her head. He removed her under garments under Emet’s starving gaze and straining dick. Then he turned Alyss and positioned her over Emet’s hips. Emet’s cock pointed up to the sky.

  Adom tilted Alyss’ head back for a kiss as he guided her body down and onto Emet’s cock. Emet clenched his hands into fists as her tight heat surrounded him. Her hands came to rest on his chest, her eyes squeezed shut, lips parted as she took him. Meanwhile, Adom smiled from over her shoulder. He placed his hands on her hips. When he pulled her up, Emet was ready tear his shirt apart to get his hands on her. But no sooner than the thought entered his mind did Adom guide Alyss down in a circular motion over his dick. They all groaned.

  With just that one stroke, tension gathered in Emet’s balls. He would not last long. The smug smile on Adom’s face told Emet that his bondmate was well aware of his predicament. Emet ignored the conceited bastard and focused instead on Alyss. If he would explode soon, he was determined to take her with him.

  Emet reached out his tongue and caught a nipple in his mouth. A shudder went through Alyss and she dug her nails into his chest. It was a bad move since the pinpricks of her nails reminded him of the rope’s bite. Emet came even closer to climax.

  He tilted his hips up on her every descent. He pumped everything into her as he suckled and laved at her breasts. His orgasm demanded release, but when he looked at Alyss face, he saw a pleasurable frustration.

  Why wasn’t she coming?

  He angled his hips so that his dick met the patch of nerves at the front of her core. Adom’s fingers circled her clitoris. And her breasts received their due attention as well. She should have gone over moments ago. But the tense pleasure remained.

  He glanced at Adom and saw he was frowning, likely wondering the same thing too. Then Adom inhaled sharply and the dawn of understanding lit his face. He removed his hands from Alyss clit. He caught both of her arms behind her back and pulled. Emet saw the tension in her arms just as he heard her guttural cry of release.

  Alyss’ head went back, her mouth opened in ecstasy. Her inner muscles clenched against Emet. He could hold back no longer. He came with a mighty roar. He heard a ripping sound; his shirt being torn down the middle as his hands came free to catch Alyss as she fell into his chest. Adom released her arms and both she and Emet collapsed back onto the bed.

  It took Emet a few moments to open his eyes, and when he did, he saw that Adom towered over them. He undid his trousers and brought Alyss’ ass to him. Emet felt Adom enter her core from behind, felt Adom’s balls slap against his own as he drove into Alyss.

  Alyss clutched at Emet’s chest as Adom pumped into her. She panted with an open mouth. Her teeth sunk into Emet’s pecks. Emet decided he liked the biting. When he saw the frustration mix with her pleasure once more, he knew what to do. Emet grabbed at her arms and held them behind her back until she came again.

  When Alyss came down from her high, Adom pulled her off Emet. He flipped her over and onto the bed. He pulled her thighs to him by her knees and pumped again. Emet watched his lover move in and out of Alyss’ core. His lips watered and he rose onto his elbow for a closer look at the two. He leaned down, reaching his tongue out to Alyss’ clitoris, also getting a mouthful of Adom’s cock. Emet laved at Alyss’ clit and Adom’s balls until they both came so hard the bed shook.

  With a few final jerks, Adom collapsed onto the bed. Emet reached over and gathered the man he loved to him. He nuzzled into his neck. He planted soft, butterfly kisses on his brow. He slid his lips over Adom’s sated smile.

  “Should I…should I go to my room?”

  Emet glanced over at Alyss. “I’d like to see you try to walk after that.”

  “I’m just glad she didn’t pass out,” drawled Adom.

  “No you’re not,” said Emet.

  Adom chuckled. “You’re right. Give me a minute, Alyss, and I’ll make you see stars.” Adom turned and gathered Alyss into his arms. His threat was mute as he fell asleep a minute later.

  Emet rose and stretched out on the other side of Alyss’ body, making a cocoon of warmth around her. Emet looked down at Alyss who ran a hand across Adom’s sleeping face. She looked up into Emet’s eyes. Her own golden eyes brimmed full of trust and acceptance. Emet hoped his showed her his love and devotion.

  He reached over and planted a small kiss at her temple. “Welcome home,” he said.

  Wanna see what’s next in erotic romance stories from Ines Johnson?

  “SPIRITED AWAY” was written on a dare -of sorts. I was joking around with my critique partner about the subject matter in erotic fiction on Amazon. KDP has provided a space for creatives to write stories beyond my scope of imagination like dinosaur erotica, troll romance, and tentacle monster sex. Then, I said to my critique partner, "I bet I could tell a tentacular tale with a plot and a point." My critique partner didn't take me seriously…

  Turn the page for a sneak peek at my newest series, an erotic tale of alien abduction and spiritual enlightenment…with tentacles.

  Chapter One: ORBIT

  It was bluer than he expected. A blue so deep, so dense, that it did more than call to him; it lulled him forward.

  Chen leaned forward, nearly pressing his nose to the screen that allowed him to
spy the celestial body from his perch in the Heavens. The white clouds that moved over the blue taunted him, revealing a flash of sapphire on the eastern coast, covering up a waves of azure in the western hemisphere, while cobalt swirled in each pole. Chen stared so hard at the brilliant colors swirling before him that soon it felt as though he were looking directly into a star.

  Chen squinted. His large eyes drew to slits. The play of colors lulled him into such a state that he leaned far forward in his seat. Not just his eyes were pulled, something deep inside yearned for him to come closer. Chen came ever closer. Suddenly, he lost his balance and toppled over.

  Chen righted himself and opened his eyes wide. Traveling through the Heavens was a monochrome of black space and white light from stars. The color blue was not prevalent in the universe. He’d seen the Earth many times in his mind, but never before with his own eyes. His mother’s memories had not done the young planet justice. Soon, he would no longer need to filter his experience of that world through the prism of her recollections. He would be making his own memories, having his own experiences to sift through. And he wouldn’t be making them alone. The blue wasn’t the only thing pulling him to the planet.

  She was there on the planet, somewhere.

  Chen shifted in his seat at the very thought of her. The thought was a feeling that pulsed through him as a wave of energy. He had no face to go with the thought of her. He had no idea what she would look like, sound like, feel like. But he would soon.

  Chen pushed that thought aside, and pushed away from the console. Soon he would be a bonded male. But before he gave his soul over to a woman, he was determined to have a bit of fun. It had been so long since he’d felt pure joy. Chen turned back to the blue planet, a light of mischief in his eyes.

  He had a whole itinerary planned. He’d been planning it since he was a youngling. The first item on his list was to dive into the pure blue waters. He’d visited many planets, but the few that had the elements to produce water were unsafe. The waters, none of which were blue, were either toxic and needed to be filtered before consumption. Or the liquid bodies were filled with life-threatening organisms intent on making a meal or a host of him.

  From his mother’s memories, Chen knew that most of the aquatic life on Earth was friendly, or at least not as deadly. The first thing Chen wanted to do was to dive into the depths of the ocean and allow the waves to crash over him.

  The next thing on his list was to sample Earthling food. He wanted to try blueberries, plums, figs and eggplants. He’d never experienced sweet fruits in his life. Taste did not translate well in telepathy, but sight did. It was true. He had a blue motif going on.

  And finally, well not finally, but the third thing he absolutely must do on this visit after his body had been washed in the waters and his belly was full of food, Chen planned to ride a Bengal tiger. These creatures fascinated him the most. He’d sifted a memory from his mother’s childhood where she’d seen one in a distance. There was the metallic taste of fear surrounding the edge of the memory. But unlike his mother, Chen could communicate with any species. He would make friends with the beast and then grab a ride. Perhaps the beast would like to accompany him back to the ship too, along with her.

  Excitement hummed through Chen at this amendment to his plan. As the ship moved closer into the Earth’s orbit, he plotted his visit. It had been nearly one-thousand revolutions of the planet around its star since his kind had visited. The beings there must be far advanced in enlightenment since that time. Chen imagined people helping one another, living in harmony with each other, the animals, and the planet. He would go down, experience the items on his list and then perform his duties. It would be a fulfilling experience all the way around.

  “We don’t have much time.”

  The no nonsense sound of his brother’s voice interrupted Chen’s plans. Chen turned around in his seat and into a face that was exactly like his own, except for the deep frown lines marring Hsing’s brow and the grim line that marred his expression.

  “This is a momentous occasion, Hsing,” Chen said. “We have returned to the place of our ancestors.”

  “This is the place of our mother’s ancestors,” Hsing corrected. He peered out at the blue orb, no hint of wonder or excitement in his eyes. “We no longer have a homeland. Or have you forgotten?”

  Chen hadn’t forgotten. It was burned in his mind, just as it was in his brother’s mind. Just as it was in every male aboard this ship’s mind.

  “You will complete your mission,” Hsing continued, “and you will return immediately,” Hsing’s voice brooked no argument. “It is not safe to orbit this planet. Too many eyes are upon it.”

  They both looked out into the darkness of space as though they could see the myriad of other beings who enjoyed stealing down onto the young planet against the orders of the Council. At the moment, the Heavens were barren. Chen’s eyes caught once more on the many hues of blue upon the orb before them.

  “All journeys come full circle,” Chen said.

  “You will come full circle, brother. You will go down and take a female and return.”

  “Abduction is against my nature, Hsing. Coercion won’t make for a happy life.”

  “We don’t need happiness Chen, we need to save our species. Just take the first woman you see. This diversion is already a disruption to our itinerary.”

  “If only we had father’s sutras on human women-“

  “But we don’t. We have nothing from our family. Nothing from our homeland remains.”

  Hsing came before his brother and peered into his eyes. It was an unnecessary exercise. There was no thought Chen could hide from Hsing. Still, Chen looked away from the scrutiny.

  “We do not have time for your childish play, Chen-Na. You will do your duty to your family and to your kind. The alternative is the extinction of our race. I know you understand this.”

  “I do, Hsing-I.”

  Hsing came closer and put a hand on Chen’s shoulder. The rare show of affection startled Chen.

  “You look only within, Chen. You seek joy, zen, and a higher plane of enlightenment, but war follows you. You must look outside of yourself and for once let reality inform your path.”

  Hsing gave Chen’s shoulder a squeeze. Then he looked once more at the pale, blue dot before departing the room. Marching back to his command console no doubt.

  Chen followed his brother out of the rooms and into the common area. All around him he spied the devastation the war had on his people. Hsing had a point. He had to do what he must for their survival.

  Chapter Two: ASHRAM


  The vibration of the chant tickled the back of Shanti’s throat, and she coughed. The hacking sound broke the flow of the aural vibration. A few eyes of her fellow chanters opened and glared at her.

  Shanti winced in apology. Few acceptances were forthcoming in the room full of zen-seekers. She wished the sky would open up and she could float away.

  That is until the yoga instructor’s gaze found hers. Yogi Wizdom’s hazel eyes locked with Shanti’s. His easy smile spoke of encouragement, patience, and peace. None of the things Shanti felt. Instead, Shanti felt warm, hot, and wet.

  "Focus on a single point," Wizdom encouraged the room of meditators. "And in that point, you will find enlightenment."

  Everything in Shanti was focused to one point all right. It all all arrowed straight to her core. Shanti shifted on her yoga mat as she imagined those hazel eyes gazing down at her while she lay prone instead of folded into a lotus flower. Wizdom’s brown skin made Shanti think of chocolate sauce, spiced chai tea, curried lentils.

  Wow, when had her fantasies become Indian in flavor? Wizdom wasn’t Indian. He was American, just like her. She’d found that out her second night at the ashram when she’d spent a good twenty minutes chatting him up, sharing stories of their unconventional youths.

  They’d both grown up with alternative parents who believed in healthy eating, yogic exercise,
and mindfulness. The difference, she learned, was that Wizdom’s parents were music moguls who’d adopted the lifestyle late in their lives and passed the knowledge, along with their millions, down to their only child. Shanti had been born on a commune to the sound of drumming and her mother yowling at the moon during her water birth -not in a tub, in the actual ocean. When Shanti’s parents passed, they did so without a dollar to their name.

  Shanti had been hoping to get to know Wizdom even better the other night. Hoping that the knowing would come while they were between the sheets. Hoping that he would focus on a single point of her anatomy, and that she’d be the one finding enlightenment. But they’d been interrupted.

  Bow, short for Rainbow, Montgomery had sashayed her size zero Lululemons into the midst of Shanti and Wizdom’s conversation. Bow sent friendly smiles in Shanti’s direction. Even though Shanti never attended a formal high school, mean-girl was a universal language. Bow continued to send Shanti false smiles while cockblocking Shanti’s efforts to get Wiz alone for the rest of the night.

  But now, as Wiz led the class in the final breathing exercise of the yoga class, he smiled at her. Shanti wondered if he was thinking what she was? Was he thinking of bending her body over on the meditation pillows? Was he thinking of slowing down her breaths and teasing her until she was left panting and gasping? Was he thinking of opening her body as well as her third eye?

  Wizdom’s mouth opened wide. Shanti leaned forward as though she were going to kiss him. He closed his eyes. His lips rounded into an O and…

  “Ommm,” he chanted.

  Shanti sighed in frustration as her libido crashed back down on this plane of existence. She shut her eyes and tried to pick up on the tail end of the intonation, but she was completely out of tune. She sat on a cold marbled floor -the yoga mat gave little cushion. Her long legs were folded into the unappetizing pretzel of the lotus position. She tried to concentrate on the words of the chant but her big toe was going numb. She tried wiggling it, but then her ankle lost its footing on her knee. Her body tilted to the right. She tried to correct her self, but over-corrected and crashed down to the left, into the person sitting beside her.


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