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Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE)

Page 3

by Bella, Krista

  "Was Hunter being an ass to you?"

  Jackson let out a deep breath along with all his bottled-up anger. "No different than normal, I'm afraid."

  "Don't let it bother you." Tara inched closer. "But it's a damn shame that you wrecked your bike. That thing was a beauty."

  Jackson resisted the urge to immediately say, "I didn't wreck my bike," and instead shrugged with nonchalance he did not feel and Tara did not believe. "Shit happens."

  "Maybe I can help you feel better," Tara suddenly purred, moving in closer.

  Jackson paused, shocked. Though he knew Tara wanted him, he was surprised she would come out and announce it so boldly. But why should she care when Hunter was screwing as many chicks as he could behind her back?

  Maybe she isn't so dumb after all.

  Jackson studied her then, her slender body and sexy outfit. She stared back at him challengingly, suggestively playing with her side pony-tail, twirling it around her index finger. He was tempted, God he was tempted, if for nothing else than to get back at Hunter.

  He was just about to open his mouth to say, "Sure, I'm down", when images of the big girl's curvaceous body flashed through his mind, sending odd tingles through his bloodstream.

  Suddenly, Tara's slender figure wasn't so appealing.

  "Nah, I think I'll pass," he refused a moment later. "I'm kind of tired from getting banged up and need to get some rest so my regen can do its job." He nodded over at the garage lobby. "I'm gonna pass out on the lobby couch."

  Tara frowned with disappointment and the hurt of rejection flashed briefly in her eyes. "Okay. I hope you feel better. I'll be out here if you need me." She turned and walked over to where a group of Silver Wolves' women were surrounding Anthony, who was busy showing off his muscles and many tattoos.

  Watching Tara's ass sway as she walked towards the crowd, Jackson shook his head.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  By all rights he should have taken Tara out back and given her the fuck that Hunter never could, but he simply did not have it in him. Jackson was not sure if it was because of losing his bike, his desire for the big human chick, or both.

  After a moment of watching the girls ogle over Anthony's tasteless tattoos, Jackson headed into the garage lobby. Thankfully, there was no one inside to harass him.

  With a deep sigh, he walked over and flopped down on the couch, lying all the way out, his large feet dangling over the edge. Several ragged breaths later, he felt the weight of the day's events press down upon him.

  The day wasn't even half-way over and it already seemed it had lasted an eternity. He had lost one of his most prized possessions and most-likely ruined someone's life.

  Though he hadn't reflected on it much since making his way to the club meeting, he realized that he had totally ruined the grand opening of someone's business. Whose it was, he had no idea.

  Maybe it was the big-boned human chick, he thought.

  For some reason, the thought that it could have been the object of his desire made him feel even worse.

  He could not very well track the woman down and apologize. Sorry wouldn't do shit. He had burned down her business. If the business was really hers, it was likely she had put in a lot of time and effort to get where she was at.

  Seeing as how she looked around Jackson's age, or younger, the work had to be a lot.

  She's probably super smart and shit with several degrees.

  Running in packs with his brother, Jackson had dropped out of high school in the eleventh grade. To him, education was absolutely useless to a wolf. Why should he go to school, and then college, and then land himself in a bunch of dept to a human institution when wolves got what they wanted for free from the land anyway, and anything that they did need, they could just take?

  Except all nice things cost money, Jackson thought sourly. And now I have no bike. It's only going to set me back twenty-grand to get another one.

  It was a problem he was going have to deal with. For now, he made himself feel better by believing that the big girl had insurance that would most-likely pay for all the damage he had caused.

  If she was smart enough to open a business, she would have to have insurance, Jackson told himself.

  After several moments of reassuring himself to feel guilt free, he turned over on his side, closed his eyes, and concentrated on going to sleep.

  Several breaths later, his eyes popped back open as he felt a hard throbbing down below.

  "Shit," he muttered, realizing he had another big problem as images of big breasts and ass flashed before his eyes.

  No matter how hard he tried, Jackson could not get the big girl, her dangerous curves and all, out of his mind.

  Chapter 4

  "I'm very sorry, Miss Jenkins," said Mike, "but I regret to inform you that we are unable to reimburse you for your loss at this time."

  Roxy wanted desperately to slide her big ass across the man's wooden desk, grab a hold of his annoying polka-dotted tie, and choke him within an inch of his life.

  But she wasn't about to do that. She wasn't about to fuck up her expensive white silk blouse, that was unbuttoned at the neck, and satin black skirt. She was a professional business woman, and damn it, she was going to act like one.

  "What do you mean?" Roxy demanded. She could literally feel her blood pressure rising as she stared into the insurance man's nervous face.

  Since the day of the accident, Roxy had gone through all the motions required to get reimbursed for the accident that had robbed her of her life savings.

  The biker had left the scene, leaving no note or no way to contact him. His Motorcycle, the only piece of evidence, had been burned beyond recognition, the numbers on the license plate melted.

  When the initial investigators had said they could not determine what the numbers on the plate were, a frustrated Roxy had gone to Ben, Cassie's brother, who happened to be a police officer, for help.

  While Ben had given her no promises about finding out who the mysterious biker was, at least it was something.

  Mike stroked his tie nervously. "We found an electrical wiring problem within the building. Due to it being your responsibility to make sure your business was totally safe, we have found that this occurrence is totally your fault and could have easily been avoided."

  Anger surged through Roxy's large breasts and she slammed her palm against the hard wood. "That's total bullshit and you know it!"

  So much for acting professional.

  Mike jumped at the violent sound and squirmed uncomfortably. "I'm really, really sorry Miss Jenkins, but that's just how it is."

  Leaning menacingly across the table, Roxy growled, "I don't care what your stupid investigators told you, or what they were told to find to ensure that I would not be reimbursed, but you assholes are going to pay for my god damned Cafe or so help me God!"

  Mike's hands began trembling as he stared into her angry face. "Miss Jenkins, I'd like to remind you that making threats is a federal offense. Please calm down."

  Roxy rose to her feet. "No, I'm not going to calm down! Do you have any idea how hard I worked to be able to open that place? I went through college working two jobs, day and night, practically killing myself! And you fuckers, who are always trying to get out of paying for legitimate claims, are just going to piss on it? Well you know what? Fuck you!"

  His hands shaking violently, Mike leaned forward and repeatedly pounded a red button on the phone dial pad. "Security!'

  Barely two breaths later, the doors to Mike's office flew open and two burly men burst into the room, huffing and puffing.

  Even though she was hotter than a stuffed jalapeno, Roxy knew she would get her big ass handed to her if she went up against the men.

  "Don't fucking touch me!" she snapped when the men came over to restrain her. "I'm leaving." She stomped over to the door, but stopped in the doorway to snarl, "Expect a lawsuit!"

  Outside the law practices building, she leaned against the brick wall and took a
deep, steadying breath. Before she knew it, she was sobbing.

  Get a hold of yourself Roxy.

  But the tears kept falling.

  When she was done, she wiped the tears away and stood straight up.

  "I will get through this," she told herself out loud.

  Roxy made her way through the parking lot to her car. Putting it in reverse, she backed out of the parking space with a feeling of resolve. She would find a way through her hardship. She always did.


  "So your insurance isn't going to pay anything?" asked Haley as she ran on the treadmill next to Roxy, dressed in black spandex's that showed major camel toe and a white crop top, her blonde pony tail bouncing with each step.

  "Not one cent," Roxy huffed, her lungs feeling like they were about to explode as she struggled to keep up.

  I don't know why I thought this was a good idea.

  Hearing about Roxy's plight, the fitness instructor had urged her to come by Po Family Fitness for a work out session to release some of her pent-up stress. Initially, Roxy had been reluctant, content on sitting at home moping with her dog, Rocky, but had eventually given in to Haley's annoying persistence.

  Now she was regretting the decision to come. She looked extra-ridiculous struggling on the treadmill in her stretch pants and tube top, and her boobs, which were bouncing around like boulders inside of her bra, were giving her major back trouble.

  She caught several young men who were using the weight lifting machines glancing her way, but she could not tell if they were looking because she was a big girl, or at the spectacle of her bouncy jugs.

  Roxy hoped it was the latter.

  "That's total bullshit!" breathed Haley.

  "That's exactly what I said," Roxy gasped, wiping at the side of her sweaty face. She could feel the sweat rolling down the sides of her stomach in heavy droplets, soaking the top of her sweats. She would not be surprised to find out when she got home later that she had sweated off a good thirty pounds.

  Haley turned the resistance on the machine up a notch and picked up her speed effortlessly. It made Roxy's thighs aches just looking at it. "I hope you gave them hell, girl."

  Roxy half-gasped, half-laughed as she stumbled to stay on the conveyor belt. "You kidding? They practically had to throw my fat ass out of there."

  "That's my Roxy," Haley laughed as she casually messed with the machine's monitor all while maintaining her speed.

  How the hell can this tramp spare the breath to laugh? Roxy thought with annoyance. I can barely spit three syllables.

  Haley tossed a glance at the struggling Roxy. "And still no sign of the guy that crashed your cafe?"

  Roxy hadn't given much thought to the stranger with a hot body since the incident. She was still shocked how he had been able to get up and walk away with how badly he was banged up without any one seeing him.

  That's how badly he didn't want to have to give up his insurance number, thought Roxy. If he had any insurance.

  It had been a cowardly move, a move that pissed Roxy off royally. She had put everything she had into getting that cafe.

  But no, he had to flee the scene, leaving her without any explanation as to why he saw fit to crash his motorcycle smack dab into her Grand Opening ceremony.

  But it was okay. Roxy was a firm believer in Karma. What goes around, comes around. And she hoped that the young man, if he was still alive, would soon find that out.

  Roxy grabbed a hold of the machine's console bars and took a deep breath to be able to get her next words out. "Nope. Cassie had her brother Ben run records at all the hospitals and nearby hospitals for a man checking in with injuries that were similar to a cycle crash and it turned up nothing"

  Haley shook her head and coldly said, "Damn, we should have let him burn up in flames inside that cafe."

  "Haley!" Roxy gasped, nearly falling off the conveyor belt. Roxy was pissed about the incident, but not that pissed. "That's downright awful!"

  "Well, the bastard did crash your opening ceremony and leave you with a huge problem," replied Haley casually. "I'd say he deserved it."

  "I agree he needs a little ass whooping, but come on now Haley, not that extreme," Roxy growled. Actually, Roxy was proud that she hadn't panicked in the moment and her first thoughts after the crash were about the stranger's safety, rather than her burning business.

  "Please, girl, he should be a burnt skeleton by now, out on display in a museum exhibiting what happens to bad motorcyclist drivers." When Roxy shot Haley a horrified glare while trying to stay on the treadmill, Haley laughed uproariously. "I'm just kidding Roxy!"

  "Well I did not find it funny one bit!" Roxy rasped.

  "It was so worth it." Haley turned off her machine and jumped off, looking no different than she had the moment she stepped on it."You should have seen your face!"

  Why? Do I look like a rounded pumpkin whose melting like the Wicked Witch of the East to you?"

  Gasping with relief, Roxy smashed the off button and stumbled off the conveyor belt. The room spun around her and she had to grab a hold of nearby handles to steady her balance.

  Taking on a serious expression, Haley stepped beside the dazed, confused and exhausted Roxy, and put a concerned hand on her sweaty shoulder. "Well, what are you going to do about your problem? With no way to pay for what happened, you're going to be up Shit Creek."

  Regaining her sense of balance, Roxy picked up her towel that she had left hanging on an adjacent machine and wiped at the sweat that covered her face. "I don't know... but I'll think of something."


  "There was another break in last night. A Pofolk business owner claimed he caught five men, who he believed were suspected biker gang members, trying to break into his meat shop in the middle of the night."

  The camera cut to a grey-haired older man dressed in a red apron and jeans and whose neck was redder than a tomato. "I told em five times that they had five seconds to get off my property before I opened fire on 'em. But that did not stop them. One of them came for me, snarling, swearing and carrying on, and I shot 'em three times in the chest."

  The camera shifted back to the newswoman who was standing in front of a shop with shattered windows that was poorly taped up.

  "The shop owner, Gerald, who lives in an upstairs room above his shop, claimed that the man he shot got up and fled with the rest of the gang into the dark of night. Gerald says he quickly gave chase, but the men were too fast for him.

  There is no word if the man succumbed to his wounds or not, but news of this brazen attempted robbery does not sit well with Pofolk residents, especially, when earlier this week, a young Pofolk woman by the name of Roxy Jenkins had her new business crashed and destroyed by a reckless cyclist—"

  Sitting on her pink couch eating her depression away with a box of bon bons dressed in white shorts and a pink tank top, Roxy changed the channel in disgust. For the past several days the local news station had run stories about break-ins involving businesses around town accompanied by unflattering news clips showing a tearful Roxy in front of her burned down business surrounded by Haley and Cassie.

  Roxy hated seeing herself on TV, and even worse, hated seeing herself cry like a baby.

  She did not know what to make of all the recent burglaries, but she did not like being linked with what seemed like un-related incidents. The strange part about all the vandalism was that all the places being hit were meat shops, not exactly a place you wanted to rob to get rich.

  "Maybe they are a bunch of hungry bums," Roxy muttered to herself."

  Whatever their reasons were, Roxy did not have time to worry about break-ins being perpetrated by crazy lunatics. She had to figure out what she was going to do about her current situation.

  With her insurance not covering the accident, it was only a matter of time before the city came knocking at her door, demanding that she clean up the mess that had been left.

  "Rocky get down from there now!" Roxy snapped over a deliciously creamy part o
f her snack.

  Rocky, her white and grey pet Husky, quickly jumped off Roxy's favorite love seat, a house warming gift from Haley, and guiltily sank to the floor in front of Roxy, his piercing blue eyes glued to her face.

  Immediately, Roxy felt a twinge of guilt. She hadn't meant to snap at her loyal dog and trusted companion. It was just the frustrations of all her problems were getting to her.

  "I'm sorry, Rocky," Roxy apologized softly. "Mommy did not mean to yell at you. I just got a lot on my plate at the moment—"

  Right at that moment, her cell, which was sitting on the night stand next to the couch, rang.

  Roxy quickly set aside her bon bons and picked it up. Maybe it was the insurance company calling her to tell her they had a change of heart. Hello?"

  Fat chance. "I heard about what happened," said a deep voice dominated by a thick, southern drawl.

  Roxy held back a groan. "Hey daddy."

  When she had called her mother, Hannah, to tell her about the cafe disaster, she had specifically told her not to tell her father, who was overbearing to a fault.

  Growing up, Roxy's father, Jim, had been so patronizing, that Roxy could hardly wait to graduate high school and go off to college.

  I'm so going to kill mom when I see her, thought Roxy.

  "Tell me everything that happened," Jim demanded. "I want all the details."

  Roxy let out a long sigh. "I really don't want to talk about it right now, daddy."

  Her father went on like he did not hear her. "What do you mean you don't want to talk about it? This was a major incident Roxy!" There was a short pause. "Do you need me to wire you some money?"

  Roxy gritted her teeth. "No daddy. I'm a big girl, remember?" Pun intended, thought Roxy. Having put on nearly thirty pounds since she was last at home, her father would be hard pressed to recognize his now full-figured daughter. "I can handle this myself."

  "How?" Jim demanded. "You put everything you had into opening your own spot."

  Tell me something that I don't know. "I know that."


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