Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE)

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Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE) Page 4

by Bella, Krista

  Her father made an angry noise. "And to think my baby girl's work got ruined all because of some careless punk out joyriding on his motorcycle. Have the police found him yet?"

  "No, daddy, they haven't."

  Jim growled, "I ought to come down there, track that sucker down and show him—"

  Suddenly, there was an urgent knock at the front door, causing Roxy to jump with surprise.

  Roxy struggled to her feet. "Sorry, daddy, someone's at the door."

  "Roxy, now you listen to me right this second—" Jim began to protest.

  "Love you, bye." Roxy hung up quickly and made her way to the front door. "Stay," she said in warning to Rocky as she stepped over the dog. Though she probably need not worry. Rocky was generally well-behaved when company stopped by.

  She had barely taken the lock off the door when Cassie, dressed in her waitress uniform, barged in past her into the living room.

  Roxy placed her hands on her hips and glared. "Learn a little patience why don't you?"

  Cassie stopped a few feet from Rocky and turned and fixed her emerald gaze on Roxy. "I heard about what happened with your insurance from Haley. Those damn dead beats should be paying you."

  Roxy shut the door and then walked back over to the couch and flopped down. The sofa let out a horrifying creak when her weight settled in.

  With a roll of her eyes at the sound, Roxy grabbed the box of bon bons she had been eating before her father called and began digging in. "Girl, you're not saying anything I haven't heard all ready."

  Cassie glanced at Rocky, who had gotten up from his place from the floor and moved to the other side of the room. For some reason that Roxy could not fathom, Rocky always avoided Cassie whenever she came over to visit. "Please tell me you're going to sue a hole in their asses."

  Roxy snorted. "I don't have a chance in hell."

  Cassie crossed her arms. "There's gotta be something."

  Roxy shook her head. "I signed a contract. Not only that, I do not have the money to risk getting into a long drawn-out legal battle that will leave me in worse condition than I already am."

  Cassie stood staring at her for a moment and then asked, "Well what are you going to do now?"

  It was the same question Haley had asked her, and quite frankly, the questioned terrified her. She had rent to pay, student loans, a car note...and food...she could never live without food.

  When she had put everything she had in opening her business, she hadn't thought of putting away money for an emergency such as the one she found herself currently in.

  "I don't have the slightest clue."

  Suddenly, Cassie fixed an unnerving stare on Roxy.

  "Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Roxy demanded.

  Cassie smiled deviously and looked pointedly at Roxy's chest. "You know Roxy, with boobs like those you could probably make your own porn site and make a lot of money. Then you could solve all your problems."

  "Get outta here!" Roxy choked incredulously.

  "I'm serious! There are websites dedicated to men who love BBW."

  "You must be on crack," Roxy huffed indignantly. "I have a lot more class than that."

  Besides, I did not go to college to end up turning tricks on the internet for men with big women fetishes.

  Cassie snapped her fingers. "Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."

  "Yeah, but spreading my big hammocks for perverted freaks on the net for a few desperate bucks ain't one of them."

  Cassie laughed. "I heard you sister. I was just joking anyway."

  "You know, Cassie, sometimes I don't know with you—"

  Knock. Knock.

  Making a sour face, Roxy set aside her bon bons and jumped up from the couch for the second time that night. Of course the asshole couch made a groan of relief when Roxy was off of it. "Who the hell could that be?"

  "It's Ben," Cassie supplied.

  Half-way to the door, Roxy paused and frowned. "Why would your brother be coming over here?"

  "You gave him that guys melted license plate to see if he could do anything with it, remember?"

  Roxy smacked her palm against her forehead. "Oh yeah, that's right. I totally forgot about that." She went to open the door, but paused again to look down at her shorts and tank top. "I need to go change. I don't want your brother seeing my cellulite on my thighs."

  Cassie rolled her eyes. "Stop being silly All women have cellulite. It's natural. Ben is not going to care."

  "That's easy for you to say. You probably don't have any."

  "Sure I do."

  "Oh yeah?" Roxy glared. "Show me then—"

  "Just open the damn door!"

  Grumbling about skinny bitches having the nerve to tell her what to do in her own house, Roxy opened the door.

  Dark slicked-back hair and emerald green eyes that matched Cassie's and high cheekbones that would make an Abercrombie model drop-dead jealous, greeted her. Dressed in a black police uniform, Cassie's brother, Ben, cut quite the figure with his slender physique.

  Ben courteously tipped his head to Roxy before walking in. "Howdy, Roxy."

  Roxy blushed and closed the door. "Hey Ben." She caught a whiff of strange-smelling cologne as Ben walked by. It was kind of musky, feral smelling. Surprisingly though, Roxy liked it.

  Please don't look down at my thunder thighs.

  Roxy gestured to her favorite love seat. "Have a seat, Ben."

  Cassie's face melted into a mock hurt expression. "How come you did not offer me a seat?"

  You barge into my house before I can even open the door good, why do I need to offer you a seat?

  Roxy stuck her tongue out. "Cause rude skinny bitches don't get to sit in my favorite chair."

  Cassie placed her hands on her hips. "What do you have against skinny bitches—"

  Suddenly, Rocky lunged forward and let out menacing growl at Ben, who was currently sinking his firm ass down into Roxy's love seat. Her Husky, who was usually the model of sweetness, was baring his fangs menacingly.

  "Rocky, no!" Roxy scolded sharply. "Down!"

  The stubborn Husky continued to glower and growl at the handsome policeman. Roxy quickly scurried over and placed a restraining hand on her pet. After a few moments of soft persuasion, she was able to get the dog to calm down and to move back into the corner of the room, though he still kept a watchful gaze on Ben.

  "I'm sorry about that," Roxy apologized, her face flushed with embarrassment. "He usually does not act that way."

  "It's alright," Ben replied smoothly, his emerald eyes glued to the Husky. "I've always had a difficult time with dogs."

  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  At her confused expression, Cassie supplied, "Ben has to deal with unruly dogs every day."

  Roxy frowned at her beloved pet. Rocky was not an unruly dog. In fact, he was friendly and loving as can be. She had no idea why he was acting this way with Ben, but rather than make an issue out of it, Roxy let the matter drop. Not everyone could be dog lovers, and, she supposed, Rocky would not love every one either.

  It was more than likely that the dog sensed that Ben was not friendly to his kind.

  "Would you like something to drink Ben?" Roxy asked, putting the issue behind her.

  Cassie scoffed. "Roll out the red carpet, why don't you?"

  Ben ignored his sister, his eyes still on Rocky. "No, but thanks for asking, I had a whole carton of milk before coming over here." Then he tore his eyes away from Rocky and settled them on Roxy. For a moment, Roxy felt a chill go down her spine. Ben's eyes were so like his sister's, chillingly so. They had a watchful quality to them that was quite unnerving. "I wasn't able to make anything out of the plates. They were too melted. Sorry Roxy."

  Damn it.

  "Figures," Roxy muttered. She hadn't expected that Ben would be able to track down the fleeing motorist, but it was better to try than to do nothing at all.

  "Geez, I'm sorry too, Roxy," Cassie echoed softly. "I thought Ben would be
able to help you."

  Roxy wandered back over to the couch, sat down with a defeated sigh and crossed her legs. "It's alright." Her eyes immediately went to the box of chocolates sitting on the night stand, but she resisted the urge to snatch them up. She did not want to seem like a greedy pig in front of Ben. "I must be cursed with bad luck and this was destined to happen to me. I mean, why else would something so random and outrageous happen anyway?"

  "Don't talk like that." Cassie came over and sank down beside Roxy and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's only going to make you feel worse."

  "Not worse than I already feel."

  "Well you're going to have to do something."

  Will everyone please stop telling me what I need to do? Roxy thought with annoyance.

  The saying was getting old. Of course Roxy realized she was going to have to do something and she would figure it out in due course. She just needed time.

  Ben smoothed back his hair and fixed his striking green eyes on his sister. "How about getting her a job at Harvey's while she figures everything out in the meantime, Cass?"

  Cassie's face suddenly lit up like a light bulb and she snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah! That's a great idea Ben! I don't know why I did not think about that before."

  Roxy reared back away from Cassie and gawked. "Me waiting tables at that red-neck, hell hole den? No friggen way!"

  I did not go through all of what I went through to wind up back where I started.

  It had been hell working her way through her jobs in college. Always one with an independent streak, Roxy had a real problem with authority. That's why she had wanted to start her own business. She could not count how many times she had come close to being fire for having the nerve to speak her mind.

  Cassie made a face. "Oh c'mon Roxy, how bad could it be?"

  "Bad. Really bad." Roxy looked Cassie's lithe form up and down. "Besides, I'll never fit in there anyway with all you skinny bimbos anyway."

  Cassie shook her head. "Nonsense. With those curves, you'll be the talk of the place."

  Roxy laughed scornfully. "I sure will be."

  Cassie casted a pleading look over at her brother. "C'mon Ben, tell Roxy how hot and sexy she is."

  Ben eyed Roxy's crossed legs as if he were eying a piece of meat and grinned. "I'd hit it."

  Scandalized, Roxy blushed furiously. "Ben!"

  "See?" asked Cassie. "You got my hot brother's stamp of approval. What more could you want?"

  "I don't know," mumbled Roxy.

  "Seriously Roxy, you have bills to pay. They're not going to pay themselves."

  There was definitely that looming over her head. Rent was due soon, and, Martha, Roxy's cantankerous old landlord, would be coming to collect.

  "I mean, what else do you have to lose?" Cassie persisted.

  My sanity.

  After a several minutes of enduring Cassie's pestering and Ben's flirtatious compliments at the urges of his sister, Roxy let out a heavy sigh. "Alright Cassie, shut up already! If it means so much to you, I'll do it."

  Chapter 5

  "Remember, we're not here to kill cats," said Hunter, sitting on his Harley in front of his gathered gang, looking very much the alpha dressed all in black leather.

  Jackson resituated his firm ass cheeks on the seat of his brother's dirt bike as the drone of over twenty motorcycles filled a back alley in a seedy area of Pofolk, and took a drag on his nearly-depleted Newport.

  Jackson, who was dressed all in black leather just like his brother, and looked just as bad-ass, minus the Harley, sat in the middle of the bike formation, watching his brother speak.

  While the other shifters sat at rapt attention, it was all Jackson could do to look at his brother atop of his polished Harley that gleamed in the moonlight. The lost of his Harley still pained him deeply. He felt naked without it, metaphorically speaking, and the embarrassment of having to ride his brother's old dirt bike was almost too much for his pride to bear.

  By now, all the members of the gang knew Jackson had crashed his bike into a cafe, thanks to the constant local news coverage asking for the whereabouts of the 'mysterious biker', but they still did not know the exact cause of why Jackson did it.

  Hunter had approached Jackson about the situation, worried that somehow the incident would land the club in trouble, but Jackson had assured his brother that no one had gotten a good look at his face the day of the crash and that he had nothing to worry about.

  It's all that chubby chick's fault, Jackson thought, images of a big ass and even bigger tits flashing through before his eyes.

  No matter how hard Jackson tried, he could not get the sexy big girl out of his mind. To make matters worse, whenever he thought about her, the blood went rushing below like a raging river.

  Even now, his leather pants grew tight at the thought of her large breasts in that outfit. Jackson tried his best to brush the lusty images from his mind and focus on what Hunter was saying.

  "We're just here to take their meat...and their money."

  "Fuck that!" Anthony growled. The pale-faced blonde sat nearby, dressed in black, but had a cut off vest that showed off his biceps and tattoos. "I say we kill em. Kill em all."

  "Yeah!" someone else shouted in agreement. "I'm tired of hitting shops, night after night and getting shot at. Let's just start the war and be done with it!"

  The crowd of shifters began to cheer and howl with excitement.

  "Shut the fuck up!" roared Hunter, quickly quieting the den of roused wolves. "The war will start when I'm ready and not before. Until then, you hairy bastards are going to do as exactly as I say."

  There were some grumbles among the rowdy crowd, but no one dared speak out against Hunter.

  Pussies, Jackson thought. All of them.

  Please he had cowed his followers, Hunter got up from his bike and gazed around at all the gathered faces. "You all know your jobs, right?"

  Most the shifters nodded.

  Hunter 's gaze continued to move through the crowd until his eye's fell on his brother. "Jackson, did you remember everything I told you?"

  Hunter wanted Jackson's group to hit a small shop on the other side of town. There would be very little loot to be had from such a small establishment. Screw that. Jackson needed a lot of cash to replace his Harley. If he was going to hit somewhere, he needed to hit a place that he knew had a lot of money.

  "Yep," Jackson lied, quelling the smart-ass response he wanted to fling at his brother for singling him out. "Sure do."

  Hunter stared at him, gold specs of suspicion swirling around in his piercing eyes. Jackson tensed his body. Hunter had an uncanny ability to be able to sense when someone, namely Jackson, was lying or up to no good.

  After what seemed like an eternity of scrutiny, Hunter ducked his head at him and swaggered back over to his bike and Jackson relaxed. "Alright cubs," Hunter growled as he climbed on and fired up his engine. "Let's head out."

  The sound of fired-up motors and cackles of excitement filled the alley. Jackson calmly watched the gang began to disperse, Hunter at the lead.

  When they had all disappeared off into the night and Jackson was left with his group, which included Anthony and a few others, he turned to them and said, "We're going to hit Sergio's on the west side of town."

  "What?" asked Anthony, his ugly face twisted in confusion. "The fuck are you talking about? That's not the joint we were assigned to hit."

  Surprisingly, Anthony hadn't teased Jackson about crashing his bike into the cafe yet, though Jackson knew it was only a matter of time. Anthony would be sorry when he did.

  Jackson paused, keeping a smile from spreading across his face. "Sergio's is better. It has way more meat than that little rinky-dink spot Hunter is sending us too."

  "You're just saying that because you want money to replace your bike you ruined," Anthony accused.

  Jackson shrugged. "So?" Did Anthony think Jackson would settle for riding his brother's dirt bike forever? Not having any kind
of real job, how else was Jackson supposed to replace his bike?

  Jackson waited for Anthony to say something that would earn him a solid punch in the face, but instead the pale-faced shifter glanced up the alley where the gang had exited. "So? That wasn't Hunter's orders."

  Jackson smirked playfully. "So what?"

  Anthony glowered. "So what? He's pack leader. We are supposed to follow his orders no question asked."

  As if that makes a difference, Jackson thought.

  He viewed his brother as his equal and certainly not someone who could command him around, regardless of whether he was leader of the Silver Wolves or not.

  Pack leaders needed to be tested constantly to show that they deserved their position. Defying his brother's orders would certainly piss Hunter off and that in itself was reward enough for Jackson.

  Jackson began making his way to the alley exit. "I'm going. You can follow me if you want to or not."

  "What are we going to do?" Jackson heard one of the wolves ask Anthony behind him a second later.

  "I don't know."

  Jackson had put his group in a tough position. Obey the pack leader or follow the pack leader's brother. Either way, Jackson was hitting Sergio's with or without them.

  "Well make up your mind. I'm going to catch up with Hunter if we're not doing anything."

  When Jackson reached the corner, his sensitive ears picked up Anthony's next words. "Shit, let's just follow him. We can't let the cocky bastard have all the fun."


  "Can we get ten more beers?" asked the disgusting slob. "Now, and not twenty minutes later like last time."

  Go get it your damn self, Roxy thought, holding back a roll of her eyes.

  Roxy held in the cranky snap and gave the big-belly bearded man and his neck-beard buddies crowding a circular table that was filled with empty beer mugs a forced smile. "Sure thing! Coming right up."

  It was only her third day at work and Roxy was already finding her job insufferable. The tips were awful, the customers rude and obnoxious, and the women she worked with were even worse.

  It also did not help that it was a packed night at Harvey's with every seat in the entire restaurant being filled with raucously loud people that gave Roxy a splitting headache. Roxy's mood had soured as the night went along, especially after she had clumsily dropped an entire plate of Buffalo wings on a family of four, who had demanded that she apologize, bring the manager out and offer them a refund.


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