Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE)

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Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE) Page 5

by Bella, Krista

  Harvey had not liked that one bit.

  And on top of all this, Roxy's personal affairs could not be any worse. The city had sent her a letter advising her that she had better have her ruined cafe shop cleaned up and repaired or else she would be fined.

  After finding that out, Roxy had tried to contact her insurance company, only to be rebuffed again. And of course, her land lady, a nasty old bat named Martha, had saw fit to remind her of her upcoming rent payment that was due.

  My problems can't get much worse than this.

  Roxy spun away with her serving tray, her smile immediately morphing into a nasty scowl, and made her way back to the kitchens. "What's the matter Roxy?" a familiar voice asked loudly over the din of the restaurant when she hit the hallway that led to the back.

  Roxy turned her eyes on Cassie and let out a frustrated sigh. Her friend was dressed in a scantily clad waitress uniform Harvey required all his girls to dress in; a plaid skirt, low-cut white top that showed off cleavage and white heels.

  Roxy was dressed much the same, but she had on skin-tight stockings and a pair of spanx that kept everything held in nicely together.

  Since working at Harvey's, it had been just like Cassie said. Roxy had become the talk of the place. Men ogled her large breasts and curvy frame. The problem was, most of them were slobs that Roxy would not give the time of day even if Hell was freezing over.

  Still, it made some of her co-workers mad that a fat chick could get more attention than them, and to Roxy, that almost made coming in for work worth it.

  "I don't know how you do it, Cass," Roxy complained. "I'm about to lose what's left of my mind."

  This is exactly why I tried to start my own business. Having to deal with people like that slob back in the den when I used to work two jobs, day in and day out, nearly drove me insane.

  "Give it time Roxy," Cassie pleaded. "You've only been working here a few days."

  A few days too long you mean.

  "I don't want to give it time," Roxy growled. "I just want the guy who crashed my cafe to pay. I want his nuts served on a platter."

  Ben, who had been looking for the guy who had wrecked Roxy's cafe all week, said he had found a small lead and would get back to her. Roxy hoped it was soon. She really wanted to know the mindset behind a person who could leave the scene of such a horrible accident.

  Cassie giggled and made a face. "Ooh. Sounds kinda kinky."

  "You would think so," said Roxy disgustedly. "You pervert."

  Cassie opened her mouth to reply, but before she could say anything, Harvey stuck his shiny, balding head out of a doorway down the hallway. "Hey London, got that meat from Sergio yet? We are almost all out." He wiped at the sweat beading his bald head. "Those greedy bastards out there are hungrier than usual."

  "Shit!" Cassie cursed under her breathe. Then she raised her voice. "I'll be right on it, Harv."

  "You'd better be." Harvey eyed the two girls suspiciously before disappearing back into the kitchen.

  Cassie turned back to Roxy. "Why don't you go get the meat for me?"

  Roxy's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me? Work the new fat chick to death and then send her to do menial errands, why don't you?"

  Resituating her serving tray, Cassie pouted. "Oh come on Roxy, it will give you a breather from all those assholes out there. Just think of it as an unofficial break."

  Roxy paused. Cassie did have a point. Roxy definitely needed a break before she wound up unloading on some redneck who'd lost his manners.

  "I don't know where it's at."

  "It's just right around the corner from here," Cassie supplied. Deftly, she snatched out her notepad and scribbled out the directions.

  When Cassie handed her the paper, Roxy scanned the directions for a moment and then looked up and said, "Cassie."


  Roxy's face melted into a relieved smile. "Thanks."

  Cassie returned Roxy's smile, her emerald eyes sparkling in the dim hallway. "It's what I do."


  "I don't know why I'm doing this," Roxy grumbled as she made her way up the sidewalk. Harvey's being one of the few Pofolk hotspots that kept late hours, the parking lot had been overcrowded and some rude customer had seen fit to park their car in front of Roxy's, causing her to have to walk to the meat shop. "Because I needed a break."

  Good thing Cassie had come to her with the task when she did. Otherwise, a certain slob was going to wind up with a mug full of beer to the head.

  "And I would have wound up spending a night in the county jail."

  But Roxy was sort of happy how things had turned out. She needed some exercise anyway and she found that she was enjoying her walk. The night sky above was clear, twinkling with stars, enhanced by a full moon, the air fresh and crisp. The streets were empty as most businesses were closed or closing and there were no offensive red-neck assholes in sight.

  Once she hit the corner she stopped and looked up at a large, red sign that had white letters spelled out in cursive font. Sergio's. This was it.

  The building was medium-sized and had a canopy that stuck out from the roof, long glass windows and hardwood as a front door.

  Just as Roxy was about to place her hand on the handle, she heard a howl in the distance. She paused and frowned, a chill running up her spine.

  What the hell was that? she thought.

  Call her crazy, but Roxy thought it sounded like a wolf.

  "C'mon Roxy," she whispered. "Really? A wolf in the city?"

  A glint of moonlight caught her eye, and suddenly, images of a pack of wolves running wild entered her mind. She shook off the image and the feeling a moment later. It was all nonsense. She had just imagined it.

  "I'm stressed out so bad, that now I've started hallucinating," she muttered.

  Shaking her head at her silliness and taking a deep breath to banish the spooked feeling, she pulled open the door and walked inside. Instantly, the smell of meat and blood greeted her. Normally, Roxy's stomach would be growling at the smell, because she did love a good cheeseburger, but now the smell just made her nauseous.

  The shop was simple; a counter, several tables and plastic blade fans spinning overhead.

  "You came in just in time," said a scratchy voice. "I was just about to close up."

  Roxy looked over at the counter to see a skinny, young man, maybe a few years older than herself, garbed in a white apron spotted with blood, staring at her. Dark hair slicked back, he had a light mustache shading his lip and eyes that were a light green.

  "Are you Sergio?"

  His eyes look familiar, she thought. For some reason, they reminded her of Cassie's, though hers were much darker.

  He grinned at her and nodded. "Yep. But just call me Serg."

  Roxy walked over to the counter and handed over the list that Cassie had given her. "I'm here for Harvey's order."

  Sergio took the note from her hand. While he was doing so, Roxy noticed his long fingernails. They were so long, they looked claw-like.

  Has this guy ever heard of a nail clipper? she thought with disgust.

  Sergio looked up from the paper and grinned pointedly at her waist line. "You don't look like the usual girls Harvey sends up in here to collect my meat."

  A surge of anger shot through Roxy's breasts. Really? "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she growled.

  Did anyone have any respect anymore? Just because she was a big girl did not give someone the right to disrespect her. It was all she could do to keep from reaching across the counter and showing Sergio that she had some claws of her own.

  Sergio looked slightly taken aback by the anger displayed on Roxy's face. "I-I-I didn't quite mean it that way."

  Placing her hands on her hips, Roxy lined forward and gritted her teeth. "What did you mean, then?"

  Sergio licked his lips. "Well...the girls that work at Harv's look...different."

  "What do you mean by different?"

  "Well, they are all—"

"By different, do you mean skinny bitches who starves themselves to fit into their cheap outfits along with their fake breasts that look like they were made for an anime cartoon?"

  Sergio scratched the back of his neck. "Well if you put it that way—"

  Suddenly, the doors to the shop burst open in and a group of young men dressed in black leather walked in. Roxy was instantly struck by the predatory movements of the group. They looked like a pack. A pack of dangerous wolves.

  Roxy quickly found her gaze drawn to the leader of the pack. Despite the fact that he must have meant trouble, Roxy could not help but marvel over his good looks. Hot body, chiseled jaw and mesmerizing eyes. Roxy almost melted on the spot.

  Yet, there was something so familiar about this handsome creature, but Roxy could not pinpoint what it was. The stud's eyes met hers and Roxy's breath nearly left her lungs. His gaze was so penetrating. And he appeared to be checking her out.

  Is he looking at my breasts or my thighs? wondered Roxy.

  She could not be sure, but it almost looked like he wanted to eat her.

  Sergio put his hands up. To Roxy, it looked like he recognized the men. "Look guys, I don't want any trouble."

  The leader tore his eyes away from Roxy's curves and sneered at Sergio. "Trouble? Who says were here for trouble?"

  Without warning, one of the men in the group suddenly let out a menacing growl at Sergio and then crouched. Roxy was wondering what the hell his problem was when he leapt clear across the room, over the counter and onto Sergio.

  Her eyes going wide, Roxy let out a surprised gasp. What the hell?

  Roxy had seen some impressive jumps in her life, but nothing like this one. The dude had jumped at least eight feet like it was nothing.

  Yowls and howls came from behind the counter as Sergio and the freaky jumper began trading blows. The rest of the thugs began letting out eerie howls and trashing the place.

  Oh my God! Roxy thought with panic. This can't be happening.

  She watched in horror as one of the men leapt over the counter, just as easily as the thug who had attacked Sergio, broke open the register and began stuffing bills into a beige sack.

  Run dummy!

  Shaking off her fear at the carnage before her, Roxy made a clumsy beeline for the door. She only made a few feet before she was grabbed by one of the thugs, a short, pale-faced young man who looked like he did steroids with a mug only a mother could love.

  "Look at this porker Jackson," the thug said as Roxy struggled against his strong grip. "We could feed off of her for days."

  "Let me go!" Roxy screamed.

  "Quiet chubs," the thug growled, pulling Roxy against his barrel-like chest. "You're not going anywhere."

  Roxy was not going to give up without a fight. Twisting her body frantically about, she managed to bite him in the arm, drawing blood. The thug howled with pain and let her go.

  "You big bitch!" he swore, grabbing a hold of his arm, his face twisted with pain.

  Big bitch? Roxy thought as she gagged on the sour smell of the man's flesh. You're ugly as all hell and your skin tastes like shit!

  Not wasting time any time with a retort, Roxy spun around and raced out the front door.

  Her heart pounding in her ears, she stumbled up the street. By the time she made it to the corner, she was gasping for breath. It was only then that she dared to look behind her. Surprisingly, no one had followed her out of the shop, but she could still hear the yells and howls in the distance. It would be only a matter of time before one of the men came after her.

  She looked around the street for help, but not surprisingly, there was no one around and it appeared that most of the businesses were closed. Roxy sighed with relief, when across the street up ahead, she spotted a shopkeeper outside a shop in the act of closing down.

  "Hey!" she yelled breathlessly. "I need help."

  She quickly crossed street and began making her way towards the man while screaming like a mad woman.

  Either the man was deaf, or was pretending he did not hear her because he picked up a sign and walked back into the shop. Cursing, Roxy picked up speed. She would make it there and have the man call police on the pack of criminals.

  She was several yards from reaching the shop and salvation when something darted out in front of her with super fast speed, knocking precious air from her lungs and latching on to her curves.


  Roxy gasped and looked up into the eyes of the devil, the sexy dude the ugly-face back at the shop had called Jackson.

  He grinned, a devilish grin if Roxy had ever seen one, and growled, "I got you."


  She should have been back by now.

  Hefting a bunch of dirty plates onto her shoulder, Cassie made her way back to the kitchens, dancing in and out of the isles. Just as she was passing by the table crowded with the rowdy men Roxy had been serving before she left, she felt a violating pinch on her right butt check.

  "Hey sexy, how about another margarita?"

  Cassie spun around and hissed, her emerald eyes blazing at the man's offending paws. "How about you learn some God damn manners?"

  The rude offender, a man with dark greasy hair, reared back and adopted an innocent expression. "Chill girl, I was just being nice."

  You call putting your greasy hands on my ass nice? Pig.

  "Touching serving girls is not allowed," Cassie growled. "The sign outside says so."

  If you can even read.

  "I touch the other waitresses and they don't seem mind," the man protested. The other men around the table had taken notice and now were quietly watching the exchange. "Nor do they mind the tips that I give them."

  I am not like the other girls.

  "Tipping doesn't not give you the right to touch."

  And just because they are stupid and allow themselves to be fondled by low life slobs for money doesn't mean I am that way.

  "I would think that's what you girls want." The man critically eyed Cassie's skimpy outfit. "You walk around her practically naked and expect a man not to get a little excited."

  Cassie held back the urge to swipe her claws across the slug's face. He failed to see that touching her body without her permission was a violation, even more so because of what she was.

  "Just don't do it again," she hissed angrily. With that, she turned and continued on her way to the kitchens.

  "Damn," she heard one of the men at the table say behind her with a chuckle. "She's one bitchy wildcat." The men laughed and several of them began making cat noises.

  Too bad he doesn't know how true his words are.

  She had just dropped off her dirty plates and was preparing to go back into the restaurant when Harvey accosted her.

  "Where the hell is your friend with the meat?" he demanded. "We're completely out."

  "I don't know," Cassie admitted. "She should have back by now."

  Harvey crossed his arms and snorted. "She's probably out there eating it all."

  Cassie narrowed her eyes. "Hey, that was a little uncalled for!"

  Harvey glared at her as if all his problems were her fault. "Well so is your chubby friend not returning with my meat."

  "Hey Harv," one of the cooks called from the kitchen doorway. "I really need that meat. I'm on the last burger patty."

  "See." Harvey's scowl darkened. "Get her back here now or her fat behind is gone." Muttering angrily under his breath, Harvey spun and stalked toward the kitchen.

  "Bald-headed asshole," Cassie muttered.

  Despite Harvey's nasty attitude, Cassie agreed on one thing. Roxy should have been back by now. Something was definitely keeping her held up.

  I better go find out what's happening quick. After what happened to her cafe, Roxy really needs this job and it would be just my luck that I would have gotten her fired within her first few days of working.

  Cassie quickly discarded her apron and serving tray and made her way out of the restaurant and into the night. Once outside on the sidewalk
, her senses kicked into overdrive. Her vision quickly adjusted to the moonlight and she could hear a pin drop a mile away. Even though she was in heels, her steps became light, cat-like.

  Cassie absolutely loved the night. Here, she was completely in her element. Here, men like the grubby patron that had grabbed her ass were her prey.

  Avoiding all pedestrians, she made her way to Sergio's. At the end of the block she stopped and sniffed at the air. Immediately, the hairs stood up on the back of her neck and she was filled with dread. She knew that smell.

  Not wasting any time, she rushed to the meat shop but skidded to a stop when she saw the devastation. The shop was in shambles, broken glass everywhere. Inside, she could hear a wounded Sergio faintly moaning for help. Here, the smell nearly overwhelmed her. As she looked around at all the carnage, it occurred to her that there could be only one pack of animals responsible.


  And even worse.

  They had taken Roxy.

  Chapter 6

  "So what do we do with ol' big girl here?" the pale-faced thug named Anthony asked as the motors of six motorcycle engines sputtered out and died.

  Sitting on a Harley in front of an old forgotten junk yard, with her mouth bound with duck tape, Roxy struggled against her binds. If only she could speak to let the ugly-faced punk know what she thought of his stupid insults.

  At first, she had been terrified when she had been captured by the thuggish hunk and his crew, but after being called degrading names, bound and gagged and stuffed on the back of Harley with a dude who smelled like burnt cigarettes and bloody meat, she was just pissed off.

  The guy in charge, the hot one named Jackson, stepped off his raggedy dirt bike and casted a glance Roxy's way before looking thoughtfully at the ground. "I don't know. Let me think." His voice was so deep and sexy, augmenting his already devastating good looks.


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