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Captured By The Alphas (BBW BIKER ROMANCE)

Page 7

by Bella, Krista

  Now was the time.

  The officer outside knocked on the door again, this time harder. Roxy stood there thinking. If she told whoever this was what happened, would they believe her.

  Logic dictated that she simply not say anything and let whoever was outside go away. But when the door knob started turning rapidly, she thought better of it.

  Fixing her hair into place, Roxy swung open the door with a fake smile, only to be greeted by her best friend and brother.

  "Roxy!" Cassie exclaimed with relief. "Thank God you're alright!"

  Cassie looked the worst that Roxy had ever seen her, her hair in wild disarray. Ben, who looked extra suave with his dark hair slicked back, was a perfectly calm in contrast, and his green eyes looked behind Roxy shoulder, taking in everything in her living room. It looked to Roxy like he was looking for something.

  Feeling guilt, Roxy closed the door slightly until her large frame took up the doorway. "Of course I am alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

  Cassie gawked at her as if she had gone mad. "Because I thought you were kidnapped! Sergio's was robbed. He was left beaten and bruised."

  Relief spread through Roxy. She had been wondering if the group of thugs had left him alive. The guy had rubbed her the wrong way, pointing out her weight, but he certainly did not deserve to die for it.

  "Nope," Roxy lied. "I'm fine. But that's awful! Sergio's was robbed?"

  I'm a horrible actress.

  But apparently, her horrible acting was lost on Cassie.

  Cassie nodded. "Tonight. About the same time I sent you to pick up the meat." Cassie tried to look over her shoulder. "Can we come in so I can tell you all about it?"

  "No," Roxy said flatly.

  Cassie's jaw dropped further. "Um, why the hell not?"

  Roxy glanced nervously behind her. "Because the house is a total mess."

  Geez, Roxy, you can't come up with a better excuse than that?

  Cassie made a face. "So? Who the hell cares?"

  "You do."


  Roxy nodded. "Yeah, you're the ultimate neat freak. Always OCD about staying clean and away from germs." It was something Roxy had always noticed about Cassie. She was obsessive about keeping clean and had an odd habit of licking her hands.

  "You sure are right about that, Roxy." Taking his eyes away from Roxy's living room, Ben chuckled, earning a smack on the arm from his sister. "Cassie can go a little overboard sometimes."

  "Quiet dummy, you're supposed to be on my side." Then Cassie turned back to Roxy and sighed in frustration. "Why are you being so difficult? Did you know your car is still sitting at Harvey's? Which makes me ask, how did you get home anyway?"

  Before Roxy could respond, Ben grabbed a hold of his sister's arm. "Quit pestering her, Cass. It's obvious that she does not want to be bothered right now."

  Cassie began to protest and struggled against her brother's grasp. "But—"

  Ben's face took on a stern cast. "Let's go, Cass. Now."

  Cassie paused and glanced uncertainly at Roxy. "Are you really going to take her side over your own sister?"

  Ben nodded. "Yep, as a matter of fact I am. You called me because you wanted to check and see if Roxy was alright. She is, so now let's go." He glanced at his police car. By now, several nosy neighbors were out on their lawns looking at all the commotion.

  Cassie looked at her brother and then back at Roxy before letting out a defeated sigh. "Alright," she grated. "We're going. But call me if you need or see anything."

  "I will," Roxy lied.

  Cassie seemed to sense it. "Roxy, she growled slowly. "I mean it."

  Ben nodded at Roxy, a twinkle in his eye. "Good night Roxy. Stay safe."

  The two turned away, but halfway to Ben's control car, Roxy called out.

  "Can you come pick me up in the morning so I can get my car from Harvey's?" she asked Cassie. Though Cassie had not said anything, Roxy assumed that Harvey had fired her. It was not the nicest of men.

  Cassie looked at her. It looked like she wanted to curse Roxy out. Finally, she nodded. "I can do that."

  "Thanks Cass."


  Roxy watched them get into the vehicle and drive away. It was only after the pulsing lights were out of sight did she close the door and sigh in relief.


  "She had a wolf in the freaking house!" exclaimed Cassie as her brother drove them back to Harvey's. "I could smell him the moment we stepped out of the car."

  Ben slowly pulled to a stop at a red light. "I know," he replied calmly.

  "You know? Cassie asked incredulously. "Then why aren't we going back there and saving Roxy?"

  Ben tapped his fingers on his steering wheel as chatter over the scanner buzzed in the background. "Because, if there is a wolf in her house, she invited him in there."

  Cassie's jaw dropped. "And that's okay with you?"

  Ben nodded. "Why not? Wolves are no different than us."

  Cassie could not believe her ears. "No different? Look at all the crimes they have been committing lately." She slapped her hand on the dashboard. "Come on, Ben, you did not become a cop to suddenly-.."

  "And why have they been committing these crimes and breaks in, hmm? It's because our kind has been raging war against them by trying to control resources and keep them hungry. And what do dogs do when they get hungry Cass? They get desperate...and wild."

  Cassie sat back and crossed her arms. "And we have every right to." The light turned green and Ben began moving the car forward. "If I didn't know any better, it sounds like you are siding with them."

  It wasn't fair. She had called her brother to help her find out what happened to Roxy, not hinder her. She halfway wanted to push him out of the car and drive back to Roxy's place.

  "I'm not," Ben said. "I'm just trying to get you to see that we are not any better than the wolves, though some of us think we are."

  Cassie shook her head. She did not like this docile Ben. The wolves were their enemy. Why should she try to see from their point of view?

  She glared at her brother as he turned another corner. They would be coming up on Harvey's soon. "Whatever, Ben, but if something happens to Roxy, I'll never forgive you."

  Ben waved away her anger. "She'll be fine."

  "How do you know? There might not be anything left of her come morning."

  Ben glanced over at her. "Because, Miss Thing, if you hadn't been so wrapped up in your emotions you would have noticed the smell coming from inside the house."

  Cassie's eyes widened and Ben nodded.

  "Roxy let that wolf inside that house because she wants to mate."

  Chapter 8

  "They're gone now," said Roxy to Jackson who was now seated on her favorite love seat. Rocky sat obediently in front of him, staring at him like he was enamored, his tongue rolled out.

  Roxy had thought for sure that Jackson would have fled out the back door once he saw who Roxy was talking to. Now she did not know if she was appalled or pleased to find out he had stayed.

  What Jackson said next surprised Roxy and confused her all at the same time. "Thank you for not ratting me out. After what I did tonight, I could not go back to my brother's garage." He paused and peered at her curiously. "I had no idea you were buddies with a cop cat."

  Roxy frowned in puzzlement. "A cop cat? Huh?"

  A strange expression came over Jackson's face. "Never mind."

  Maybe this guy does hard drugs besides crashing cafes and robbing meat shops on the side, Roxy wondered as she went over to flop down on the couch. She glanced instinctively at the night stand where she usually put her favorite snack. The stress of the night had her wanting to snack on comfort food, even though she had barely eaten her dinner.

  "I risked a lot lying for you," Roxy informed him.

  You just look too damn good.

  Indeed, he looked right at home lounging in her love seat, his long legs casually spread wide in a position that said its owner was proud and confiden

  "I saved you," Jackson reminded her.

  A jolt punched Roxy in the stomach and she gaped. "Saved me? Are you serious! You are the one who kidnapped me!"

  Jackson patted Rocky on the head. "Only because I wanted to look tough in front of the pack." He shook his head. "I thought they would call my bluff and leave off with the loot, but they wanted to see where I was going to go off with you."

  Jackson sure had an odd way with words. He referred to his fellow gang members as his pack. But Roxy was starting to see that, along with being as handsome as the devil, he was pretty strange.

  "I'm sure."

  I am alive after all.

  "It's the truth," Jackson insisted.

  "I should have just turned you in," Roxy said stubbornly.

  Who am I trying to convince? Him or me?

  Jackson stared at her. "Then why didn't you?"

  Roxy averted her eyes from his intense gaze. Because you're so damn hot and I should be ashamed of myself for lusting after you.

  Jackson continued to stare at her. "I hate that you think that I am some idiot thug that wrecked your cafe who goes around causing mischief and robbing places."

  But isn't that exactly what you're doing? Roxy was confused.

  "When if you really knew what was going on, you'd totally understand."

  Roxy looked back at Jackson. "What is going on?"

  Jackson glanced at Rocky who was still staring up at him with his tongue out. "I can't tell you."

  "Can't or won't?"

  "A little of both."

  Roxy threw her hands up. "Just great. Kidnap me and then don't tell me why you do what you do."

  What I really need to be telling him is to give me the money I need to get my cafe fixed or else I'm going to turn him in.

  Jackson's eyes seemed to burn. "But there is something that I can tell you."

  "What? Like how you tricked me into to coming back to my house so you could rob me blind?" It perfectly made sense. Roxy would deserve it too for being so weak. It was sad, considering that Roxy prided herself on being a strong young woman.

  If Jackson's eyes were burning before, they were on fire now. "About how I have thought about just one thing since crashing my bike into your cafe. I have been consumed by nothing else since that day—day and night. Every. Waking. Moment."

  His fiery gaze was sending titillating tingles up and down Roxy's spine. "What?" Roxy whispered.

  His next words made the air leave her lungs and set her heart to pounding. "You."

  Jackson rose from his seat and came over to the couch. On his way over, Roxy noticed the bulge in his jeans. She was impressed. It looked quite big. It couldn't be for her. It just couldn't be.

  Roxy's flight response was telling her to get up and get as far away from this man as she could, but she couldn't move. She was frozen.

  Jackson bent down and pressed his lips to hers. Roxy was instantly taken aback by the passion behind it and the response it elicited. It literally felt like her body went up in flames.

  Gasping at the warmth she felt spreading quickly inside of her, Roxy wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his hard body down a top of hers. Jackson came down into her eagerly and their bodies seemed to meld together.

  Jackson's tongue swirled against hers like a slippery eel. Roxy caught a hold of it and sucked on it like a slurpee. He tasted so good. His hands fondled her body, hungrily roving along her curves, groping here and groping there.

  I can't believe this is happening.

  Burning. Fire. Tingling. Roxy felt all these things while locked in their passionate kiss. And it only became more passionate. Roxy ran her fingers through his hair. Jackson's hands moved up and down her thighs, kneading her flesh through her fishnet stockings.

  Overwhelmed with desire, Roxy tried to wrap her legs around Jackson's waist, but only succeeded in rolling them off the couch and onto the floor.

  "Ow!' Roxy cried, embarrassed by her clumsiness and thinking she heard a crack. Somehow during the fall, Jackson had remained on top of her. "Sorry," she apologized.

  Jackson did not seem to hear her. He moved his lips to her neck and began kissing it repeatedly. Roxy threw back her head and groaned. Jackson was so hungry for her. It totally turned her on. In that moment, she did not care if it was wrong or that he ruined her cafe or that she barely knew him.

  All she knew was that she wanted him.

  Jackson's kisses became lower and lower until the next thing she knew, her top was off and her large breasts with stiffened nipples were on display.

  Jackson's eyes completely lit up when he saw them. He bent down and flicked a tongue along her right nipple. Roxy shuddered. He did this several times until her body was quivering with anticipation. Then he wrapped his lips around them. Roxy squealed and threw her head back.

  Through her ecstasy, she spotted Rocky staring at them, sitting in front of her favorite love seat. Though her body was screaming for release, she stopped Jackson mid-suckle.

  "Rocky is watching us."

  Jackson spared the dog a quick glance and shrugged. "So? It's what dogs do."

  Without giving Roxy a chance to respond, he went back to work on her breasts, this time with more vigor. Roxy moaned, quickly forgetting about Rocky. She felt heavy moisture gather between her thighs. Moisture that was soon to be all over Jackson's hand. His hands were moving down her curves, caressing her skin along the way. Next, he worked his way down from her breasts, gently kissing her along the way. Then his hands were at her sides, pulling off her undergarments and stockings.

  Spreading her large thighs out wide, Jackson took four of his large fingers and began rubbing her mound in a circular motion.

  "Ohhhh," Roxy groaned, arching her back.

  He rubbed up and down and all around. Back and forth. Applying pressure and then gently easing up. Roxy could feel her moistness spreading out in the carpet beneath her as she squealed and squirmed. She felt absolutely drenched.

  Looking up at her with that intense gaze, Jackson suddenly dived in and buried his face into her muff and began working his powerful jaws, licking and sucking. Roxy gasped, and clutched at the floor, making claw marks in the carpet.

  "Oh that feels so good," Roxy whispered, her thighs trembling around Jackson's neck.

  Jackson darted his tongue in and out of her hole while alternating sucking on her button. Then he stuck his fingers inside of her and banged softly while sucking and licking her lips. Roxy thought she would explode, and she was about to, when Jackson suddenly pulled back.

  Roxy looked at him like he had lost his mind, the fires that built inside her stomach abating somewhat. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded, her body quivering with incredible need. "Don't stop!"

  Jackson wiped her juices off from his chin. "Are you ready?"

  Ready? Of course she was ready! Her body temperature was only two-hundred degrees and she had already created a small river. Not to mention, it had been so long since she had last had sexual foreplay, and never had she had it with a guy as hot as this was.

  But to Roxy, it seemed as if Jackson's question had another meaning—one which she wasn't sure if she totally understood.

  Not caring what he meant, only that he continued giving her that amazing pleasure, Roxy nodded. "Yes."

  Staring at her, Jackson began taking of his clothes. It was not quite what Roxy had been hoping for—she wanted him to get back down there and keep working those powerful jaws, but she would take it.

  Roxy's breathed caught in her throat when Jackson removed his shirt. His body was as magnificent as she thought it would be. Hard abs. Pure muscle. Chiseled thighs. Iron-hard ass. Not an ounce of fat on his entire body. Anywhere. But when he pulled off his jeans, and it flopped out, bouncing up and down like a jack-in-the-box spring, Roxy's jaw dropped and her mouth watered. He was so big.

  Not giving her time to marvel at his god-like physique, Jackson laid on top of her. Then he entered. If Roxy thought she was in heaven before
, she was in Nirvana now. She gasped as she felt her slick juices guide him in easily, marveling at how he felt inside of her. Jackson leaned forward and kissed her. A hot kiss. Burning. Smoldering. Their bodies melded together, the sweat on Roxy's stomach merging with his.

  This was perfection. This was meant to be.

  She needed this. She wanted this.

  Roxy latched on to his rock-hard ass cheeks as he slowly thrust into her, slowly at first, but then he picked up speed until he was pounding away. Each time his powerful thighs slammed into her, a clapping sound filled the room.

  Jackson's breath quickened as he pumped in and out, his face twisted into a mask of pleasure. Roxy felt fire all over. Her face started to burn. Her stomach twisted. Her heart pounded. Sweat glistened on Jackson's chest as he placed his powerful hands on Roxy's side and gripped her love handles to steady his rhythm.

  Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Clap, clap, clap. Roxy's big thighs jiggled with each hump. It was coming. Roxy could feel it. Jackson was nearly wheezing now, his eyes that strange orange color she had seen back at the junkyard.

  The tidal wave was rising in Roxy's stomach, powerful and unyielding. Roxy felt her whole body tighten in anticipation and then that's when it hit like a monster wave crashing against the shore.

  "It's coming."

  A few seconds after he uttered those words, Jackson threw his head back and Rocky, who had gotten up and moved closer during their passionate sex, did something odd. He howled.

  Roxy's thighs trembled as jolt after jolt went through her, tidal wave after wave crashing inside of her until finally it stopped and she let out a contented sigh.

  Jackson collapsed beside her and let out an explosive breath. "That was one hell of a work out, even for a dog like me."

  Roxy pouted. "But you did all the work." She still could not believe she had invited the man, who had crashed her cafe and kidnapped her, into her house and had wild sex on her living room floor.

  She must have been going crazy.

  He certainly drove me crazy with that tongue of his.

  Jackson smiled and pulled her close. Roxy rested her chin on his sweaty chest.

  "Don't worry," he assured her. "We'll have all the time in the world to let you do all of the work. Besides, I didn't get to try my favorite position."


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