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Page 9

by J. S. Frankel

  His voice, deep and ominous, sent a chill down Harry’s spine. He’d been inches away from dying only a week ago and did not want a repeat performance. Allenby was far more dangerous and resourceful than anyone could have ever imagined.

  “As you have no doubt witnessed, my clones are almost perfect duplicates. I would be very careful of every person you meet from now on. They may not be the people you think they are.”

  The video ended after that. Overton closed the lid. “So he’s back to making clones again. I wonder how he managed to get them here.”

  Harry had been wondering the same thing. “Maybe... he’s managed to set up gestation chambers, preset to incubate them. Maybe he’s got someone else doing his dirty work for him—”

  “That’s a lot of maybes and what-ifs,” Overton cut in. “So we have to worry about clones springing up from the dirt. That’s just wonderful.”

  “It’s not that,” Harry sighed and shook the soreness from his muscles. “He wants me. These are... just a distraction.”

  “Why he want you?” Pavel asked.

  It should have been obvious right from the beginning, but only now did the truth seep in. “He needs me because he can’t work out the formula for his own self-improvement program. He needs my, uh, expertise.”

  Pavel considered his words, nodding slowly. “So you are only one with secret? You know how to fix? I see machine in computer room before. I remember it. That is how I was made. Why not you use it on me?”

  “You wouldn’t live through the procedure.”

  So far, Harry had resisted telling him the truth. He’d gone over the data on Pavel’s condition. The stress incurred by those who underwent the transformation was enormous. Only the young could withstand it, and the young in perfect shape. Pavel, for all of his strength, shouldn’t have lived through it the first time. There was no way he would make it through the second.

  After he explained the details as simply as possible, Pavel’s face got a determined look to it. “I will try,” he insisted. “If I die, then I die, but at least I die a man.”

  Harry wondered if it was the right thing to do, but a buzzing sound got his attention. It was from Overton’s cellphone. He opened it and walked away, speaking softly. When he turned back, a troubled look lay on his face. “That was Ulbricht, the real one. He’s coming here with a federal court order.”

  Pavel looked confused. “What that mean?”

  “It means he’s shutting us down.”

  Chapter Seven: Second Wave

  While waiting for Ulbricht, the police decided to drop in to offer their own special brand of joy, led by Chief Tolliver. Six officers followed by the chief walked into the building where the FBI’s finest were busy cleaning up. Blood and death had just been visited upon the place. Even though someone had opened the windows, the stink combined with the summer heat hung in the air like a shroud.

  As usual, Tolliver had his authority aura complete with stern expression working overtime, and as usual, he came straight to the point. “I just saw what was left of that thing you chased.” He cast his gaze at the corpses. “I’m seeing other results of your handiwork right now. Do we have any more intruders to worry about?”

  It was a question Harry couldn’t answer. His first inclination was to toss off a snarky reply consisting of “take a good guess” but knew that wasn’t the right way to go about things. Instead, he settled for, “I don’t know.”

  His response did not please Tolliver one bit, and the police chief’s scowl grew deeper. Harry then proceeded to explain what had already transpired, and warned him about the duplicates. “They could have already infiltrated your ranks. They might look just like you or be a bit off, but the guy in the alleyway passed as Ulbricht.”

  “It means we have to be doubly careful,” Overton added. “I’m going to warn my men as well.”

  Tolliver’s eyes narrowed to slits and his voice sounded most withering. “Goldman, you and your wife have brought nothing but trouble to this city. Last time you were here, we had a lot of our own killed, not to mention the FBI personnel who didn’t make it. I’m in charge of this city, and—”

  “And we’re doing what we can to alleviate the problem,” Overton cut in. He confronted the chief, pulling himself up straighter. “Harry had no idea this would happen. This is the work of a very clever, devious, and determined individual. Harry, his wife and Pavel deserve our support, and as of right now, I’m still in charge of this operation.”

  Tolliver tossed him a look as if to say not for long and stalked out without saying another word. Needless to say, Overton hadn’t mentioned he’d just been effectively fired, but did it really matter?

  No, Harry decided, it really didn’t. The police chief would never see reason because he wouldn’t let himself see reason. With a sigh, he sat down on the couch and rubbed his temples. The pain from the slashes had already started to fade.

  Overton walked off to put in a call to the hospital. He came back long enough to say everything was fine. “They’ve moved your wife to an undisclosed location,” he said. “It’s for her safety.”

  A second later, he sat down and made a call to someone else, while Harry fumed. Thanks for telling me this all of a sudden, he thought, his mind turning bitter. Finally, when the agent hung up, he sat back and didn’t offer a word.

  This was downright rude, and Harry poked him on the knee—hard. Overton shot up quickly. “What was that for?”

  Oh, he’s got to be kidding me! “Uh, take a look at the guy in front of you,” Harry said, miffed that he’d been sloughed off as if he didn’t matter. “I don’t care if you think this is on a need-to-know basis. I’ve got a right to know. Anastasia and I are married, or haven’t you figured that out?”

  Sighing, the agent responded by rubbing the top of his head in a furious motion as if to dredge up the proper words. “We did it for your safety as well. Your wife and baby will be protected, so no leverage deals for Allenby. In your case, if you ever get captured, you can say you honestly don’t know.”

  Harry sat back and stewed. Thinking it over, perhaps it had been the best decision, although a consultation would have been preferable. Pavel, who’d been listening quietly, leaned over to whisper in Harry’s ear, “I find out for you. No worry.”

  How could he... ? Never mind, he more than likely could. Russian intelligence, software expert... what else was he keeping secret? Those thoughts and more swirled through Harry’s mind, but he put everything on hold when he saw the real Ulbricht stride in, his face a mask.

  As usual, the senator was impeccably dressed in a dove-gray suit. He came flanked by five large men whom he introduced as security personnel and thrust a piece of paper at Overton who gazed at it but didn’t take it. “What is this?”

  “This is a court order which basically says we own everything in this building,” Ulbricht said, satisfaction seemingly oozing from every pore. “The Genesis Chamber is what we want, along with the data. We have a van outside, and we’ll take the chamber, thank you very much.”

  Harry got up in a flash, but Overton quickly interposed his body between him and the senator before any violence could be initiated by either party. “And if I refuse?”

  A snap of the fingers from Ulbricht caused his mini-army to reach for their pistols. “Then I’ll have to take it by force, and we don’t want that, do we?” His mask morphed into that of an autocrat wearing a thin smile. “No, we don’t, so just show us where it is. We’ll handle it from that point on.”

  Reluctantly, Overton took the paper, read it over, and tucked it inside his suit. “This way,” he said and motioned to the stairs.

  Fuming, Harry stood motionless, raging at the senator’s unyielding attitude, and then followed everyone, with Pavel once again bringing up the rear. In the basement, Jason and Maze stood up when the door opened and they caught sight of the new agents. “What’s going on?” Jason asked, bewilderment showing in his eyes.

  “They’re taking it,” Harry said, re
signed to the situation. “They’re taking everything. Let them.”

  The agents went to work, hefting out the Genesis Chamber and struggling with it through the doorway. Ulbricht then directed them to take the computers, but Overton intervened. “These are vital to tracking down other possibilities of transgenics hiding in the country as well as finding Allenby. It isn’t obstructing justice to use them.”

  “Fine, you can keep them,” Ulbricht said after heaving an exaggerated sigh. “But I want the discs, the backups, and any other information on the transgenic community you have. You can track them all you like from here. We’ll do the rest from Washington.”

  Overton glowered and Maze protested when they searched her desk. Jason did his own version of intervention which meant covering his desk with his arms, but got a punch to his ribs for his efforts from one of the agents who’d stayed behind. He fell to the floor with a gasp, and Maze swiftly went to his side.

  “You creep!” she spat at the large, hulking man who wore a grin.

  Pavel growled, but the grinning agent had already pulled his pistol. “I don’t think you’re bulletproof, Rover,” he said. “Sit or else you get to play dead.”

  Another growl came from Pavel, but he moved off and waited at the opposite wall, staring at the big man.

  Enough already... Harry helped Jason into his chair and then turned to confront the big man. “Try it on me,” he said as his anger mounted. “Tell you what, tough guy—take me on. I’ll even fight with one hand behind my back.” Pre-transformation, he would have cowered from facing off against anyone. Not now. He didn’t have to.

  “Harry, it’s okay,” Jason said, still clutching his side. A pained expression was on his face, but he was trying to suck it up.

  “No, it’s not.” Harry swiveled his head around to face the agent. “How about trying it on me, sluggo? Are you up to doing a punch for a punch? I’ll even let you go first.”

  A look of indecision suddenly replaced the one of confidence, and he glanced at Ulbricht who merely shrugged as if to sanction it. The agent turned back, balled up his fist, and launched a right hook. Harry saw it coming, and didn’t flinch. The punch connected... and he didn’t move an inch. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Setting himself up, he drew back and measured the man in front of him, focusing on the guy’s stomach. His movements, slow and precise, almost mathematical, made the agent start to fidget and he said, “C’mon, punk, hit me and get it over with.”

  Pavel called out, “He is nothing—nothing!”

  “Just getting ready,” Harry answered, ignoring his Russian ally’s exhortations. His mind was on other things, but he wanted to make a point first, not only to Ulbricht, but also to himself. This was all about self-control... and while he really wanted to cut loose, it would serve no purpose.

  However, acting the part, he extended and then withdrew his fist, making exaggerated motions. “I’m checking muscle connections and thinking about tendon strength. I’m also thinking about nerve endings and which blow will cause maximum pain. If I hit you in the solar plexus, it will probably make you throw up. I don’t want to get dirty.”

  He then switched his position and concentrated on the man’s face. “If I hit you on the jaw, I’ll more than likely shatter it. So give me a few seconds to decide.”

  “Oh crap,” the man breathed as he started to shake harder.

  “No, that comes after I hit you.”

  His words, softly spoken yet containing menace, made the man quiver, and sweat streamed down his face. Even Ulbricht got alarmed, saying, “This doesn’t have to happen. Call him off.”

  “I’ll call him off when your man apologizes for roughing up one of my staff members,” Overton shot back. “Now, on the other hand, since Mr. Goldman isn’t a member of my staff and is a private citizen, he’s free to do what he likes.”

  “Almost there,” Harry announced, drawing his arm back. A second before he let fly, a wet spot appeared on the front of the large agent’s pants. The smell of urine, thick and foul, filled the air, and a yellow stream trickled past his pant cuff to form a quickly spreading puddle around his shoes.

  “Oh Jesus,” he whispered, and fled the room. He fought his way past the four other agents who’d returned from loading up the chamber into their van.

  Pavel chuckled, shaking his head. Abject misery was something not to be viewed by anyone.

  Straightening up, Harry tossed a glance at Ulbricht. The other man’s face held nothing but rage at being shown up.

  “Were you really going to hit him?” Jason whispered to Harry.


  A beeping sound came from the computer section and Maze’s voice cut through the tension. “Guys, we got something!”

  Instantly, the almost-massacre was forgotten. “What is it?” Overton wanted to know.

  Staring at the screen, Maze had called up a map of New York. “This is satellite imagery,” she said. “We’ve got movement.”

  “What kind of movement?” Ulbricht asked as he came over for a look.

  “It seems there are three transgenics... and they’re chasing one more.”

  The action was happening on the outskirts of the city. Overton checked his pistol and put it away. “Harry, Pavel, come with me.” He nodded at the other four agents. “You’re also coming.”

  Running to the garage, they piled into their cars and tore out of the area. Harry and Pavel went with the agent in his car, and Overton kept in contact with Maze as he drove wildly along the highway, beeping his horn and yelling alternately at the other drivers as well as into his cellphone. “Maze, tell me what you have.”

  Shouts and instructions came through, and Overton stepped down hard on the gas pedal. “We’ll get there soon,” he said. “We’ll get there...”

  “There!” Pavel stabbed his thick forefinger against the window. “I see them over there. Stop car now!”

  He’d pointed to a forest just off to their left. Hauling the vehicle over to the side of the highway and ignoring the honks and shouts of outrage, Overton skidded to a stop. “Yeah, I see them, too.”

  As the car containing the other agents shot by, Harry kicked open the door. “That’s our cue,” he said as he exited, dropped to all fours, and took off up the embankment and into the field with Pavel close behind. He’d discovered he could cover more distance by acting like his feline half, and apparently Pavel could do the same as he bounded along in the same manner.

  “Is up ahead,” Pavel yelled.

  As Maze had mentioned, there were four of them, three mixtures Harry couldn’t identify. They were men, though, large and powerfully built, and were in pursuit of a fourth smaller person that looked to be part deer and part human.

  Halfway through the chase, though, two of them broke off and veered in Harry’s direction. “We got company,” he said. “Get ready.”

  The hybrid mixes neared their position. Just as Harry stood up, ready to fight, three shots rang out. The hybrids dropped to the ground, dead. Swiveling his head around, he saw Ulbricht’s men standing, holding rifles.

  “Stand down,” another voice said. It was Overton, and he came on the run, pistol in hand. Puffing and panting, he bent over, heaving in great gulps of air. “There are still two more out there. I need them alive.”

  “We have orders to shoot,” one of the agents said. “And guess who’s giving them?”

  Of course it had to be Ulbricht. No traces... he wanted every transgenic person gone. Harry wondered when the authorities would come for him. Maybe the senator didn’t have enough pull to achieve that... but he did have enough clout in this instance.

  The larger hybrid broke off its chase of the smaller one, with the latter running into the woods and the former abruptly swerving around. Uttering a snort of rage, it ran in Harry’s direction. The agents began firing as soon as it came within range, but the creature showed surprising agility and dodged the bullets. It then proceeded to wreak havoc on the four men, tearing through them in a matter
of seconds. Blood painted the air and the men fell before they had a chance to scream.

  Overton got off one shot, but the monster head-butted him, knocking him down. Pavel then grabbed the creature around its waist. Grunting and straining, the creature kept struggling. “Help is needed,” Pavel gasped.

  Joining the fray, Harry sank his claws into the thing’s neck and wrenched it around. A sharp, popping sound resulted and the creature collapsed. Knuckling sweat off his brow, he turned in the direction of the forest and called, “Okay, it’s safe to come out now.”

  Silence greeted him, but a few seconds later, the figure of the deer-person appeared at the edge of the woods. Stepping forward in much the same manner as the animal it had been modeled after, it approached with caution.

  Up close, Harry realized two things. One, this creature looked more human than the others he’d seen. It wore a shapeless smock with a number of slits in the back, but from what he could make out its arms and legs were a mix of animal and human. The body under the smock also had a lithe, shapely look to it. As for its face, it had mainly human features... feminine ones.

  “Do you have a name?” he asked.

  “It’s Linda,” she answered after looking at all them in turn. When it came to Pavel, she gazed at him with a curious expression on her face, but didn’t shy back, and when she spoke, it was in the flat tone of someone young, confused—and angry. “Thanks for saving my ass out there. We have to talk.”

  Overton, once up and recovered, led the questions, but must have decided to take the conversation elsewhere as he motioned to his car. “The last thing I need is Ulbricht looking over my shoulder,” he said. “There’s a safe house nearby. We can talk there.”

  Harry got in the front seat while Pavel took the back along with Linda. Overton hurriedly drove off. He threw looks of concern over his shoulder every few miles, but finally heaved out a sigh. “The press hasn’t caught on yet. If we’re lucky, the rest of the FBI hasn’t, either.”


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