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Downs, Jana - Cat and Mouse [Beast Games 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 11

by Jana Downs

  Tobias sighed. “They feel like I have advantages. To name a few, personal freedom. I get out of my chores at times, and I’m allowed to wander about the house and grounds unescorted at your bidding. Not to mention the fact that I am accompanying the Ludus to Louisiana.” He paused as if thinking about something. “Honestly, the bruise was an accident. I did in fact back into a table. The head chef was giving me a talking-to about the whole mating business, and I got a little intimidated by some of his underlings. I backed up into the kitchen table. You don’t need to worry about the rest of the servants.”

  “What about your family? Do they feel the same way?” Cass asked. He knew that Tobias’s family was important to him. They were a fundamental part of his mate’s identity. When he spoke of them it was always with affection, and his uncles, cousins, and siblings played a huge role in how he lived each day. Everything Tobias did was in pursuit of their comfort and security. The mice may have been the house servants, but with Tobias’s quiet influence, they were happy in their positions. He’d even shared about how he’d gotten his youngest nephew a job helping out in the gardens because he was fond of the outdoors. It would kill Cassisus to know that their mating was causing his little mate difficulties.

  “They think I am following orders, so the point is moot right now. If you return from Europe and we continue our affair, it might be a different story. But for now they are content.” Tobias reached his hand through the bars and grasped Cass’s. “Seriously, don’t worry over it.”

  Cass’s frown deepened. “What do you mean if? We’re mated. That can’t be undone.” Once they were joined they would always crave one another. It wasn’t a hunger that could be slaked with one brief encounter. Their animals would bond and be bound until they died.

  Tobias went to pull his hand back as he realized what he said, but the gladiator didn’t let him go. “I don’t know, Cass. I mean, so long as we’re around one another from time to time, our animals should be content.”

  The tiger inside Cass growled in anger. There was no way that his Beast would be content if given only a crumb of affection. “You weren’t planning on continuing where we left off when I got back from Europe?” The question was quiet, but it was also deadly. He hoped Tobias really considered his answer before he blurted it out, because from where Cass was sitting, there was only one correct answer to his question.

  “I had thoughts about it,” Tobias murmured. “It was before we started to get to know one another. I had different plans initially.”

  It was like someone struck Cass in the gut. “But you weren’t speaking in past tense. You were speaking like leaving this mating alone after I went to Europe was still a possibility.”

  “Well, I don’t want to rule out anything at this point.” The words were like cold nails being driven into Cassisus’s heart.

  “You know, I may be arrogant, but I’m not cruel,” he said, pulling his hand back. “You treat me like a yo-yo. You tell me that you’re giving this a chance, and then you tell me that it is possible that I won’t even get the opportunity to be with you past the next week. We like one another, we have a good time, enjoy each other’s company. But that isn’t enough. No. You still want the ‘freedom’ to walk away. So here you go, walk. I don’t want to see you again until you can tell me for sure what it is you want from me.”

  “But, Cass—”

  “No buts, Tobias,” Cass interrupted. “You are playing with me, and I don’t like it. I’ve told you from the beginning that I am in and that I take this fated mating seriously. But you haven’t been serious all.”

  “I am serious. Cassisus, listen to me!”

  The cat hissed, his lips curling back to reveal his fangs. “You walked away from me once, and I forgave you. I won’t forgive you a second time, Tobias. It isn’t fair that you get all the power, and I have none of it. Maybe I took what you said to me too far and let you control the course of our relationship—”

  Tobias made a noise of frustration. “We don’t have a real relationship! Don’t you see, the only reason we’re even talking is because we’re mated. We have nothing in common!”

  Cass turned his back on the mouse, fury coursing through his veins. “Yeah? Then why the fuck did you waste my time for the past week? You don’t like what you see? Then why didn’t you say something?”

  “I like what I see!” Tobias shouted. “I love it!”

  Cass sighed. “You need to figure it out, Tobias. Seriously. If you want this, really want this, then I will give you the moon, stars, and everything in between. But if you don’t, walk away now and stop using me to get whatever power high you seem to get from being my superior.”

  Tobias snorted. “I’m your superior? What about ‘It’s your duty to oil my body,’ or ‘Go fetch something’?”

  “You really don’t get it at all do you, silly mouse?” Cass rumbled a little bitterly. “I ask things of you, and sometimes I ask wrongly. However, I have never ever made you do something you didn’t want to do. Anytime you pointed out a problem, I have fixed it with little to no questions asked. A superior is someone who has the power to hurt you, and you have that. No more. Not until you find what it is you’re looking for in this. I’m no one’s bitch.”

  Tobias didn’t say anything for a minute, and Cass was half-afraid that the mouse had gone. He swallowed and tried to breathe past the crushing panic that the thought brought with it. Tobias would figure it out. He had to. They were mates. He’d read the book that Tobias had brought him, and in Cass’s mind Tobias was no different than Angelus, the human mate of a lion shifter from the ancient legend Tobias had shared, in that neither male could recognize when they had won. The lion shifter, Antinious, had been slow to trust, but once he was committed, he was all in. Cassisus felt the same way. He could call it mating, fate, whatever he liked. Cass had genuine affection and feelings for Tobias that were developing at an astronomical rate. Maybe it was too soon, but when fate handed him limes, by God he made mojitos.

  The soft hand that touched his back made every muscle in his body tense. The touch was soft, light, but the feeling of Tobias’s hands was unmistakable.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Servants wear many faces, Cass. Sometimes I don’t know which one to wear where,” Tobias said, pressing a kiss to Cassisus’s bare shoulder. “I wish I could wear the same face with everyone, but it just isn’t practical.”

  “What is practical, love? Hurting your mate? Alienating the one man who doesn’t ask you to be anything but yourself?”

  Another kiss was placed on his back, this time on his spine. Electricity followed the movement. “You’re right. I know you are. I’m afraid that our mating will bring change. Already, it’s harder to be the dutiful servant. Flavius is a great master, and he treats me like an equal as well. I wish we lived in a time when shifters were free.”

  The mouse had to have shifted and shifted back to get in here. Cass’s body was hyperaware of the fact that his mate was finally in his domain and naked to boot. He swallowed and tried to keep his mind on the topic at hand. “Maybe someday we will be. Humans like Flavius obviously know that we are as worthy of affection, love, and freedom as any other man.”

  “I don’t have enough faith to make that possibility a firm reality. I wish I did,” Tobias whispered.

  An idea started to form in the back of Cass’s mind, a crazy insane idea. “Master Flavius is a man with many secrets, Tobias.”

  “Yes,” Tobias agreed carefully. His arms wrapped around Cass’s waist and started playing with the ridges of his abdomen at the same time the mouse rested his forehead against Cass’s back. “And?”

  “Perhaps there is another way. Perhaps we can create our own freedom in a world that would have us all slaves.”

  They could run the house like a community. They’d all have jobs and pay for the services they did for the community. Nothing would change, but everything would change. They would have the freedom to go where they wanted on the grounds. Those who wanted to chang
e occupations could. Anyone who wanted something wouldn’t have to ask permission but instead earn a commission and buy it for themselves. They could be people again.

  Silence reigned for a good minute. “Cass, it isn’t possible.”

  “But it is. Flavius has secrets, and if he has secrets he has weaknesses. What if we revolt quietly and gain the house?” Cass asked excitedly. There were already possibilities washing through his mind. A door. That was the first thing he was going to get. He was going to get a real door so that he and Tobias could go into his cell and shut out the whole world.

  “Cassisus, that’s madness! The master is a good man, and what if you succeed? What then? We’d have to keep up the charade or else the authorities would get involved. The only thing the master has to do is place a phone call, and everything is over. Don’t you see? It’s crazy!” Tobias protested, biting the shoulder he’d kissed. “Cass, think about this before you get riled up. He could sell us. I mean, he would sell us. Servants who are disobedient don’t last long in prestigious households like Flavius’s. You know that.”

  Cass was too far gone for Tobias’s logic. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? “I bet you anything that Corbin is his mate. What if we convinced them to be together and negotiated additional freedoms for everyone? That way we’d all be equals and no one would be threatening you about elevating your station.” Tobias bit him again, harder this time. “Ouch!”

  “Stop acting like a crazy person!” Tobias snapped around a mouthful of Cass.

  Cassisus laughed. “Don’t you see, Tobias? If Flavius gets mated to Corbin, then he won’t have much of a choice but to go along with this or give up his mate.”

  “Humans don’t see mating like we do,” Tobias reminded.

  “But that is the beauty of it, you see. I think Flavius does. You saw the way they were looking at one another. They were taken, and they both have the hunger. Don’t you see? It’s perfect! We just have to convince Flavius that running the house in a purely facile fashion is the best way to go. That will be the hardest part,” Cass said, his wheels already turning. What would he have to do to convince Corbin to essentially betray his mate so that they could have their freedom? It was all about the pitch. As long as they were slaves, Flavius wouldn’t and couldn’t acknowledge mating a shifter.

  Corbin just needed the opportunity to understand that he would only be able to fully be with his mate if he went along with the plan. Tobias’s hand wrapped around his cock and squeezed. It wasn’t painful, but it certainly got his attention. “God, Tobias!” he grumbled. His arousal started to fill as the mouse’s hands worked his length.

  “The things I have to do to get your attention,” Tobias muttered, continuing to stroke his and press kisses and bites to his back.

  “What are you doing?” Cassisus asked, his voice getting huskier by the second.

  “I’m distracting you of course, cat. You are being ridiculous, and if this will get you to see reason, then I am not above using my wiles.” Something about the way Tobias said “wiles” had Cass cracking up. Tobias’s spare hand poked him in the ribs. “Knock it off. They’re good wiles.”

  “Hmmm, you’re certainly getting better at it,” Cass contemplated, letting himself be swept up in his mate’s touch. “Is this a pledge to commit to this mating of ours and an acknowledgment that there will be conflict involved?”

  “Will it keep you from being insane and taking over Flavius’s house?” Tobias countered, rubbing the head of Cass’s prick in the same circular fashion that he’d taught him. It made the cat’s eyes roll. Man, his mate’s hands felt fantastic.

  Cass’s breathing started to hitch. “Baby, if you keep stroking me like that, I’m going to promise you whatever you want so I can come by your hands.”

  Tobias chuckled, the sound low and aroused. “When I’m with you everything makes sense, Cass.” The whisper was at odds with his seduction. There was a vulnerability in the words that Cass couldn’t remember hearing in his mate’s voice before. “When I’m away from you it’s harder. Cassisus, I’m scared. Things are going to change.”

  “The only constant in life is change, little one. I will take care of you, and I will love you if you let me, but you’re going to have to let me. This might involve conflict with the other servants, but mixed matings have happened before, and they will happen again. Maybe it’ll be good to shake up the house dynamics a bit.” Cass was thoroughly enjoying having his body brought into lusty awareness by his Tobias. Thoughts of rebellion started to fade. If Tobias would be with him and love him and be his mate, there was no reason for extremes. Tobias was right. Flavius was a good master. If Tobias was really going to try and make this work, it only made sense that Cass wouldn’t risk it.

  “Cass, I want this to work out. I want to be with you.” The way Tobias said “be with you” made parts of Cass really stand up and pay attention. Did he mean what he thought he meant?


  “I want it so bad,” Tobias admitted. Relief washed through Cass. He had thought for a little while that he was the only one who wanted to join in this mating. Tobias was always extremely cautious when it came to being alone with him, like he didn’t trust Cass to not ravish him if given the opportunity, despite Cass’s promises. Maybe it had been the other way around. Maybe Tobias didn’t trust himself. “You always push my buttons, and maybe I’m a masochist, because I find that incredibly sexy. You push me to be more than what I am.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m your mate. I want what’s best for you.” Keep going. Stroke me. Just like that. Tobias’s hands were surprisingly steady given the conversation they were having.

  “I like it. I want to rub against you and mark you with my scent. There are times when I know it’s all animal instinct, but there are aspects of our mating that I want you completely as a man.”

  Cass was loving this confessional. Maybe he’d finally gotten through to Tobias. It had certainly taken long enough. “I want you, too, Tobias. I want to take you into my bed and leave my mark on you. I want to fuck you and fill you so that you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you belong to me.”

  Tobias groaned. “Yeah. I want that, too.” He paused. “Do you think you’d ever let me fuck you?”

  Cass’s eyes flew open, and he looked over his shoulder in surprise. Among gladiators, yielding just wasn’t something one did. If two gladiators wanted to fuck, they usually wrestled for top position and the loser let the winner top him. Cass had never lost. But, this was his mate they were talking about…He bit his lip as Tobias’s confidence seemed to falter. Crap. “If you prove to me that you’ve actually committed and that I can trust you with my heart, then yes, Tobias. I’ll let you fuck me.”

  Tobias’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes,” Cass said, nodding. “I’ve never let anyone else inside me, and it’s a privilege I would only give my mate.”

  Tobias looked touched. “Okay. I think that’s fair.” He grinned suddenly, an unfettered smile stretching his lips wider than Cass had ever seen them.

  “What?” Cass asked, turning around so that they were face-to-face.

  “Hmm, I was just thinking that it’s only fitting that we take one another’s virginity,” Tobias said sweetly. Cass grunted. He was not a virgin. It didn’t matter if no one had ever screwed him in the ass, he had experience in spades. Tobias tsked. “There, there, gladiator. Don’t get offended. I think it’s sexy that I get to…” He frowned. “What do you call it when a male takes your virginity?”

  “If you say anything about popping my cherry, you are in big trouble, mister. I am not above bending you over my knee and spanking your ass,” Cass rumbled.

  Tobias winked. “If I say please?”

  Cass groaned. He was so lost when it came to Tobias and his whims. “You are trouble.” He bent down and claimed the other male’s lips, eager for a taste of what had been denied him the past few minutes. Tobias gasped into his mouth as their bodies came flush together for the fir
st time with both of them utterly unclothed. The smaller man wound his arms around Cass’s neck and wrapped his legs around the gladiator’s lean hips. Cass couldn’t believe that Tobias was actually letting this happen.

  He carried them both over to his bed and laid Tobias down on its surface with Cass’s body positioned between his legs. “You don’t have to sleep with me, Tobias. We can just get off together like we have the past few weeks.” It wouldn’t bother Cass in the least bit. Well, he amended internally, it would bother him but only in the fact that he wanted to be as close as possible to his mate, and having sex with him was about as intimate as they could get.

  “I want this. I want it before New Orleans and before you fight,” Tobias said firmly. “I don’t just want this because I don’t want you to do something stupid, either. I just…can’t wait anymore.”

  Cass understood completely. There was nothing he’d rather do than lose himself in Tobias’s sweet body, and denying his impulse to fuck had become a test in sainthood over the past week. He was Tobias’s, and Tobias was his. It was that simple to the animal he shared a consciousness with. There was no reason, not even the reasons that they hadn’t known one another long and they were rushing into things, could convince his animal otherwise.

  The cat would give his mate a time he wouldn’t soon forget. “Then hold that thought,” he murmured, rolling to his feet. Tobias was in his bed, waiting for him. A shudder of finality went through him. No turning back in mating. Their fates had been sealed from the moment Tobias had entered the Ludus on business for Flavius.

  “Hurry, Cass,” Tobias whispered. Cass turned his head to nod and nearly swallowed his tongue for his trouble.

  His mate lay on his bed, stroking his cock in slow, easy motions that were designed to tease rather than push toward orgasm. Ever since Tobias had discovered Cass had a penchant for watching Tobias masturbate, he’d done it to tease him and wind him up before they finally were able to touch and achieve pleasure together.


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