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Second Chance Romance

Page 7

by Jill Weatherholt

  They headed toward the door, and Rebecca grabbed Melanie’s hand. “Okay, let’s go tell my daddy our plan.”

  One step at a time. That would be Melanie’s mantra. Her next step, after riding the Ferris wheel with Rebecca, would be to convince Aunt Phoebe to move. Then she’d deal with everything else in her life that she’d placed in a holding pattern the past year.

  With that plan in mind, Melanie felt better than she had in a long time. Then she looked down at the little girl, and the knots in her stomach returned. How on earth would she ever be able to stay away from this enchanting child?

  Chapter Five

  The sight of Rebecca and Melanie walking out of the bathroom nearly brought Jackson to his knees. They held hands just like mother and daughter.

  “We’ll wait for you over there.” Larry pointed toward the lemonade stand.

  Jackson nodded.

  “Daddy!” Rebecca shouted and ran toward him with her arms open wide. “I missed you.”

  He snatched her up into a tight bear hug, never wanting to let go. When his ex-wife had told him they were expecting a child, she hadn’t been happy. At first, Jackson hadn’t been, either. They’d been having a rough time due to her heavy drinking. She’d promised to stop many times. And thankfully she had while she’d been pregnant. Things were good between them for a while there. But after Rebecca was born, it was back to the old Taylor. And he’d been taking care of his little girl ever since.

  “Aw, sweetie, I missed you, too. You okay?”

  “Those mean boys made me sad, but Miss Melanie made it all better.”

  Jackson turned toward Melanie. Something was different. The persistent sadness he’d seen lingering in her gaze had been replaced with a sparkle. “Thank you for everything, Melanie. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here.”

  “Well, you could have gotten arrested for going inside the women’s restroom. I doubt it’s acceptable in these parts.” She smiled.

  He laughed. Although he enjoyed the lighthearted and funny side of Melanie, he worried about Rebecca. He didn’t want her getting attached. After all, Melanie was here for only one reason—to take Phoebe away. He hoped to put an end to that idea, and she would head back to DC the way she came...alone. Still, the thought of her leaving put an ache in his heart.

  He turned to Rebecca. “Can you tell me more about those boys? Do you know them?”

  She shook her head. “Not really, but they go to my school. They’re older and mean.”

  Jackson could feel the heat circling his neck. He would have liked to have been there to protect his daughter from the bullies, but he knew she’d have to learn to handle situations like this on her own. “You did the right thing by ignoring them. Let’s forget about them. We’re here to have some fun. Are we all ready to go on a few rides?” His daughter and Melanie eyed each other with devious smiles plastered on their faces. Something was up. “What’s got the two of you grinning like you got an extra prize from the box of cereal?”

  He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened in the bathroom, but anything that made Rebecca look so happy was fine by him. “Is someone going to clue me in?”

  “I’ve decided I want to ride the Ferris wheel today,” Rebecca announced with a wide smile. “Miss Melanie and I are going to ride it together.”

  His brow arched. “Both of you—really?”

  Melanie stepped toward Rebecca and reached for her hand. “We decided to conquer our fear of heights together—today.” She pushed her shoulders back. “If you’d like to come along, I’m sure there’s room for all three of us.”

  Rebecca pulled her hand from Melanie’s grip and twirled two times.

  Jackson laughed. “I think it’s a great idea.” He reached down and hoisted Rebecca onto his shoulders. “Let’s go!”

  Fifteen minutes later, they were all loaded and ready to ride the Ferris wheel. Rebecca was sandwiched between her dad and Melanie, while Mary was with her father and uncle in the next cart.

  Jackson glanced at Melanie and Rebecca. Both gripped the metal bar in front of them with their eyes shut tight. “Come on, girls. The ride hasn’t even started.”

  Melanie’s brow lifted, and she looked around. “Okay, I’ll keep them open if you do, Rebecca.”

  Rebecca followed her lead and smiled. Her hands still firmly gripped the bar. “It’s a deal.” She glanced off to the side of the ride. Her smile disappeared.

  “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Jackson frowned when he saw a group of boys, probably around twelve years old, standing near the Ferris wheel. He figured they were the ones who’d teased her. “Don’t let them spoil our fun.”

  A soft melody played, and the ride gave a slight jerk. Melanie and Rebecca squealed simultaneously.

  Jackson laughed and shook his head. “You are two of a kind.” He kept his eye on his daughter while their cart lifted off the ground and began slowly loading the others who waited in line.

  “Daddy, I feel sick,” Rebecca announced when their cart reached the highest stop on the ride.

  “It’s just nerves, sweetie. Once we get going, you’ll enjoy the view.”

  She nuzzled against him and squeezed his hand. “I don’t like hanging up this high.”

  Melanie pointed. “Rebecca, everyone looks so tiny from up here.”

  The little girl sat up straight and glanced around. “Those boys who teased me look like ants.” She laughed and took in the view. “I think I see our house way over there, Daddy.”

  “I’m not sure if it’s visible from here, but it does look like you can see forever.” He admired the red-and-gold brilliancy surrounding them. “God does beautiful work, doesn’t He?”

  “He sure does, Daddy.”

  Jackson squeezed his daughter’s hand, happy she was thankful for God’s gifts. Melanie, on the other hand, remained quiet, and her body tensed at the mention of the Lord.

  “You know what would make this day even better?”

  “Some pizza afterward?” Jackson poked Rebecca’s side.

  She squirmed in the seat. “No, if Phoebe was here with us. I miss her.”

  He eyed Melanie. Was this how it would be when Phoebe moved to DC? “We all miss her, but she’ll be home soon.” If Melanie got her way, his daughter would be crushed, and so would he.

  “Aunt Phoebe misses you, too,” Melanie added.

  Moments later, with the ride in full swing, Jackson’s joy escalated at the sound of Rebecca squealing and laughing with each turn of the wheel. When Melanie joined in, it was obvious they’d overcome their fear of heights.

  Back on the ground, they disembarked. Within seconds, Rebecca and Mary were jumping up and down, begging to ride again. However, this time they wanted to sit together, without any adults. After a few minutes of pleading, Larry and his brother offered to go on once more, but in the seat behind the girls.

  Jackson glanced at Melanie. “How about you? Are you ready to go again?”

  Melanie looked up and rested her hand across her midsection. “No, thank you. I think I left my stomach at the top.” She pointed up. “Look how high it is. I can’t believe you talked me into getting on that thing.” She gave him a nudge with her elbow.

  “Me? I didn’t talk you into this. You and Rebecca cooked up this plan yourselves.” He laughed. “There’s a nice park over there.” He pointed. “You can keep both feet on the ground.” He winked and led them toward a circle of benches with a bubbling fountain in the center.

  She nodded. “Sounds good. I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  Before Melanie took a seat, Jackson watched while she reached inside her purse and pulled out some loose change. “Here, make a wish.”

  He smiled and took the offered currency.

  Melanie closed her eyes tight as thoug
h she were back on the Ferris wheel. Her lips moved ever so slightly before she tossed her penny in.

  She smiled at him. “It’s your turn. Make it a good one.” She looked back toward the fountain.

  Jackson wasn’t much for this sort of thing, but he didn’t want to offend her by declining her offer. He closed his eyes and released the coin. “I guess we can’t tell each other our wishes or they won’t come true,” he said.

  Melanie stared at the water in a trance. There was sadness in her eyes. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?”

  “It’s nothing.” He cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. It’s just that I know I’m asking for the impossible.” She walked toward the bench and took a seat, turning her face up to the sun.

  He followed and sat next to her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She nodded. “When I was little, I remember my grandmother never passed a fountain without stopping to make a wish. I always wondered what it was that Mamaw desired so much.” She paused and ran her fingers through her hair. “Several years ago, after she passed away, I was going through her things, and I found the diary she kept after my papaw died. It wasn’t anything detailed, just snippets of her life, her worries and visits made by the family.”

  Melanie looked up at a flock of black crows squawking overhead and disappearing into the nearby woods. “Throughout her diary, she wrote about how much she missed her beloved husband. He passed away at a young age, and she never wanted to remarry. She always said he was the man God had created for her, and there was no one else.”

  Jackson smiled. “That’s a nice thought.”

  “Thanks to the diary, I got the answer to my question.”

  “What question?” Jackson leaned in closer when a group of children ran by cheering.

  Melanie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “What she’d always wished for at the fountains.” She paused and looked way. “She wanted to be with her husband again. She didn’t want to be alone.”

  He appreciated her openness and was actually a little surprised by it. She hadn’t shared much with him about her life. He wasn’t sure how to respond to her, and the silence lingered for several minutes while the sounds of birds chirping filled the autumn air. Jackson remembered the times he wished his ex-wife hadn’t left, but through prayer, he discovered she’d done him and Rebecca a favor. Now all that remained were the scars. Although he missed the companionship of a woman, and he wanted Rebecca to grow up with a mother, trust didn’t come easily for him. “I suppose no one wants to be alone.”

  He relaxed his back against the bench and watched the girls board the Ferris wheel. Now was as good a time as any to quiz Melanie a little. He puffed up his chest and released a heavy sigh.

  Melanie turned. “What is it?”

  “I hate to bring this up, but are you going to give up the idea to move Phoebe?” He picked at his jeans. After sharing a nice afternoon with her, he didn’t look forward to the fallout from this conversation.

  “Jackson, I know you love Phoebe. I also know she’s been like a mother to Rebecca, especially after your ex-wife left, but she’s my aunt and I know what’s best for her.”

  Jackson stood with a jolt. “How can you know what’s best? All of these years, you’ve never come to see her. Not once, and from what Phoebe said, all you ever do is work. When would you even have time to spend with her?” He paused and gave her a hard stare. “The people who love her most are here. She should live the last years of her life.” He let out a long breath, relieved to get it off his chest. He reclaimed his seat on the bench.

  “You don’t know much about me or my life in DC, only what Aunt Phoebe has shared, and from what I understand, that’s very little.” She paused and looked up toward the puffy clouds passing overhead. “I’ve had a difficult time this past year. I’m not ready to share it with you now. I may not ever be, but please, I’m begging you not to stand in my way. It’s best for everyone involved.”

  He released a defeated breath. There was no point in arguing anymore—not here. He spotted Rebecca and Mary. As they raced toward the bench, their faces beamed. He knew now wasn’t the time to continue this conversation. What he needed now was a hug from his daughter. He would try to forget that Melanie was out to alter his happy family unit forever.

  * * *

  Monday morning was more hectic than usual. Jackson had spent twenty minutes wrangling Rebecca out of bed. Although she attended afternoon kindergarten, she’d needed to go to The Bean with her father and catch her bus there. She’d insisted today was pajama day and had refused to get dressed. When they were finally ready to leave the house, the electric garage door opener hadn’t worked. If Rebecca hadn’t screamed to warn him, he would have bashed right through the door.

  Now, at The Bean, coffee was flowing like a river across the Corian countertop and straight onto the floor.

  “Daddy! You put too much water in the machine. The coffee’s going everywhere!” Rebecca announced while she placed the salt and pepper shakers on each table.

  Had he filled it twice? It was possible, especially after the discussion with Melanie at the fair and the wild morning. He barely knew what end was up. Jackson raced for the mop.


  He stopped in his tracks.

  “Oops. Sorry, Daddy—it just slipped out of my hand.”

  A mound of black pepper covered the tile floor. “Stay away from the broken glass, Rebecca. Let me clean this up first.”

  Jackson’s shoulders tensed at the jingle of the front door bell. Why hadn’t he kept the door locked? He wasn’t ready for customers. The place was a mess.

  “Miss Melanie! I’m so happy you’re here. My daddy really needs your help.” Rebecca’s squeals pierced his ears.

  Jackson cringed. The last thing he wanted was for Melanie to think he couldn’t handle things on his own, but it was too late, the damage done. He braced himself for her scrutiny.

  She glided across the floor and looked as though she’d just stepped out of the beauty salon. Her hair was perfect, her skin the color of fresh summer peaches. He scratched his head and wondered how someone could look so put together at 6:30 a.m.

  “Well, I’d ask for some coffee, but I prefer mine in a cup.” She grinned.

  “Very funny.” A slow smile came to his lips and turned into a belly laugh. He couldn’t help it. He didn’t know why, since they’d left things on such a sour note, but seeing her this morning made him happy. “We’ve kind of gotten off on the wrong foot this morning.”

  Rebecca skipped toward them. “Yeah, Daddy almost drove his truck through the garage door.”

  Melanie arched her brow. “You have had it rough.” She stowed her purse behind the counter. “It’s a good thing you have me to help.” She winked and grabbed an apron off the hook behind the kitchen door.

  She sure was cute when she wasn’t fighting with him over what was best for Phoebe. He couldn’t help but wonder why she was in such a good mood and so willing to help all of a sudden. Had what he’d been saying finally sunk in? He needed to know. “So, what makes you all smiles this morning?”

  Melanie walked from behind the counter. “Last night, I spoke with one of my partners at the law firm. He gave me some good news about the international kidnapping case I’ve been working on.”

  His shoulders dropped. Of course she was happy about work. It wasn’t because she’d changed her mind about Phoebe and knew it was the right thing to do. It was all about her job. “International kidnapping. That sounds like something from a movie.”

  “It’s a high-profile case, and once Aunt Phoebe and I return to DC, I’ll be the attorney in charge. It’s a great opportunity.”

  Jackson walked to the sink. He turned on the water and let it run for a minute. Steam swirled up in his face as he looked over his shoulder,
watching Melanie sweep up the pepper while Rebecca held the dustpan. She thinks this is a done deal. Boy, is she ever wrong.

  * * *

  Melanie carried the broom and dustpan into the kitchen. Alone, she released a loud sigh and gripped the edge of the counter. Weakness settled into her knees. Her reaction to seeing Jackson dressed in a white cable sweater with the sleeves pushed up, revealing his muscular arms, had caught her totally off guard. But it wasn’t only his striking good looks that made him attractive. It was the obvious love he had for his daughter. Her heart melted, watching the two of them together. But this wasn’t good. There was no time for a silly crush. She had things to take care of so she could return to her job.

  With her mind preoccupied, the dustpan slipped from her hand and bounced across the floor.

  “You okay in here?” Jackson poked his head through the swinging door.

  Her face was hot. “Sorry... It just slipped out of my hand.” She wasn’t about to tell him the way he smiled at her turned her into a complete klutz. She definitely needed to get a grip.

  “As long as you’re okay.” His head disappeared and then popped back through the door. “Maybe you should stay away from any sharp objects back there. I’m sure the pointiest tool you come into contact with at your swanky law office is a pencil.” He started to close the door.

  “You’re quite the comedian.” She placed her right hand on her hip and gave him a big eye roll. “And anyway, look who’s talking. Didn’t I walk into a pool of coffee? I guess the coffeemaker is too high-tech for country folk like you?”

  He pushed the door wide open and gave a soft chuckle. “Actually, you might be right about that.”

  “Speaking of, do you want me to come out and get the coffee going? There are only ten minutes until opening, and if this morning is anything like Saturday, the herds will start to pile in any minute.” She smiled and pushed her hair away from her face.

  Jackson blew out a breath and nodded. “That would be great. I don’t want to flood the place again.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I seem to be all thumbs this morning. It doesn’t feel right being here without Phoebe.”


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