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Captives of New Pompeii

Page 12

by Aubrey Ross

  Quade would catch up to her in no time, but she had to clear her head and reassess her options.

  The lift door slid open and she groaned. Caleb stood there, gorgeous as ever, a predatory smile instantly curving his lips. She turned, intending to wait for the next car, but his hand closed around her upper arm and he pulled her into the lift.

  She moved as far away from him as the confined space allowed. He immediately caged her with his body. “Pause lift and lock out manual overrides, authorization, Thrax one-two-nine.”

  “Don’t do this, Caleb.” She turned her head, unable to endure his penetrating stare.

  “Don’t do what? Accept your offer? You all but insisted I fuck you the other night, but I thought you weren’t ready for that sort of emotional upheaval. I let you walk out of my cabin while my balls turned blue.”

  She understood his anger. He had been gallant and understanding. “I’m sorry. Last night was unexpected. I didn’t plan to…”

  “Fuck the man who had you in tears the night before?”

  “I can’t explain it. I just—”

  “Have you always been a tease?”

  She gasped and glared into his eyes. “I am not a tease! You dismissed me without fucking me. I had nothing to do with that decision.”

  He pushed off the wall and moved back to his side of the car. “Then you’re finished with me? I cushioned your fall, but now you’ve found a new cock to ride, so my services are no longer needed?”

  “It’s not like that.” Her argument sounded pathetic and her conscience screamed that it had been exactly like that. “I’m not like that.”

  “What are you like, Laetif? Do you even know who you are?” His anger ebbed, but his disappointment was even more cutting. “I could have helped you find out. Do you really think that Quade will satisfy you? He’s unimaginative and—”

  “Oh my God! You watched us, didn’t you?” He didn’t deny it and her temper flared. “How dare you invade my privacy! If I chose to fuck every person on this ship, it is none of your goddamn business!”

  “You flew into my arms, hysterical because your husband had dispatched one of his men to seduce you. I half expected you to be waiting in my bed when I finally made my way there this morning. But there was no you and not even a message!” He took a deep breath and jerked down on the hem of his uniform jacket. “I was understandably concerned, so I pinged your cabin but you didn’t respond.”

  “So you accessed the security feed?”

  He confirmed with a stiff nod. “Imagine my surprise when I found you in bed with the villain you were so determined to escape. I watched long enough to be sure you were willing and then I went to bed.”

  She let out her breath in a ragged sigh and looked away from his handsome face. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I’m sorry.”

  “He will never satisfy you.”

  “He managed well enough last night,” she muttered, just wanting the conversation over.

  “You have a dark side, Laetif. I can sense it because I’m just like you. If Quade can’t bring himself to hurt you, he will never be enough for you.”

  “You know nothing about him.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her face.

  “I saw all I needed to see last night. You’ll be able to ignore the restlessness for a while, but you’ve had a taste of what I can give you. The craving inside you will grow. You’ll think about it until your thoughts fuel your dreams, and then your dreams will lead you back to me. You won’t be able to stop yourself.”

  “Do you realize how arrogant that sounds? I won’t be able to stop myself from crawling back to you?” She rolled her eyes and ignored the strange ache pulsing deep inside her. She did not need Caleb any more than she needed Quade! No man was responsible for her happiness. Mikko had taught her to rely entirely on herself. “You’re a self-absorbed prick with a massively inflated ego.”

  He chuckled and reactivated the lift. “Deny it all you like. I’ll be waiting when you come to your senses.”

  * * * * *

  Quade strode down the corridor, frustration speeding his steps. He’d spent the last five days with Laetif and now the ambassador required an in-person update. Laetif knew he regularly communicated with her…the fuckwad, but there wasn’t much either of them could do about it.

  Laetif was nothing like he’d expected. She was warm and funny, almost painfully intelligent and undeniably vulnerable. The combination appealed to him, made him eager to see her smile and hear her gasps of pleasure. She made love with an abandon that enthralled him, made him want more almost as soon as he came inside her.

  The scream was muffled, so distant he wondered if he’d imagined the sound, until it came again.

  He rushed to the interrogation room and slapped his hand over the manual trigger. The door remained locked, but a buzzer sounded inside the cabin.

  “Do not disturb means do not disturb!” Xyell’s angry voice came over the comlink.

  “You paged me, Sir. Shall I come back later?” Please God, let him open the door. Quade could not stand having another battered woman on his conscience.

  The door slid open and Xyell yanked him inside the small cabin. “I paged you over an hour ago! Explain the delay.”

  Quade cleared his throat and clasped his hands behind his back. He gazed straight ahead but scanned the room with his peripheral vision. A young woman was bound spread-eagle on Xyell’s fancy rack, her head lolling on her shoulders. Quade’s hands clenched and red hazed his vision. This had to stop. It had to stop right now!

  “I was otherwise occupied,” he told Xyell, his voice tight and emotionless.

  “I can just imagine how you were occupied.” Xyell studied his face like a snake sizing up its next meal. “Has she returned to Thrax, or have you kept her too busy for other activities?”

  “The only other person she has spoken with is Doctor Thrax and—his assistant.” Felicia’s name almost slipped from his lips, but he changed course just in time. Damn it! He had to be more careful.

  “Has she comed anyone, sent messages or accessed the datastream?”

  “Nothing, Sir. I suspect she’s curtailed her activities because I’m there.”

  Xyell shrugged. “As long as she stays out of trouble and out of my way, that’s all that matters.” He looked at the woman and lust ignited in his gaze. “Care to join me? There is nothing more stimulating than someone else’s pain.”

  “No thank you, Sir. I should be getting back to my post.”

  “Don’t forget this is a post. You are still under my authority.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, Sir. Will that be all?”

  Xyell waved him away and Quade didn’t hesitate. He returned to Laetif’s cabin as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself. She greeted him with a smile, but he rushed to the companel and activated an encrypted link. “Send security to cabin 914. Someone is in danger.” He sent the simple message to Captain Thrax then paused. Should he contact security directly? He didn’t dare. Security channels were monitored. There was no way to send a message anonymously.

  “What’s going on?” Laetif came up beside him and slipped her arm around his waist.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  She chuckled. “I wouldn’t have asked unless I wanted to know.”

  “The fuckwad is being particularly horrible. I couldn’t turn the other way.”

  Her smile was warm and tender, which only compounded his guilt. “I’m glad.”

  He shook his head and stepped away from the companel. “I’m a fucking coward. I should have done this days ago.”

  “Crossing Mikko is dangerous. You don’t have to explain that to me. He could make you disappear with the snap of his fingers, and that would leave your daughter at his mercy. I get it, Quade. Probably better than anyone.”

  “It shouldn’t matter!” He twisted away from her comforting touch and scrubbed his face with his hand. “Why is B’s life more important than the women he’s abusing? I
’ve been selfish, nothing more.”

  “You took action now. That’s what’s important. You did the right thing.”

  “Will Thrax take the message seriously? How will I know if—”

  The door buzzer sounded and Laetif smiled. “Sounds like Caleb got the message.”

  As she figured, Caleb was in the hall. She opened the door for him and he walked straight to Quade. “How long has it been going on?”

  Quade didn’t bother pretending he didn’t know what the captain was talking about. “Did your men stop it? How did you get here so fast?”

  “I was in my cabin, so I dispatched the head of security. He was a whole lot closer. He just reported what he found.”

  Quade squared his shoulders, preparing himself for whatever action the captain chose to enact. “The cabin was outfitted the day after we departed. Xyell has been interrogating people ever since.”

  “Interrogating? Is that what he’s calling it?” Caleb shook his head, his disgust obvious. “Why the fuck did it take you so long to report this?”

  “Mikko has his daughter,” Laetif supplied.

  “That’s not an excuse,” Quade said before Caleb had the opportunity to voice the criticism clear in his dark green eyes. “I should have taken action as soon I saw that people were being mistreated.”

  “I agree, but I also understand your hesitation.”

  “What will happen to Mikko?” Laetif asked.

  “He’s on his way to the brig, but I have no concrete reason to keep him incarcerated.”

  “What are you talking about?” Quade snapped. “That woman was barely conscious. Who knows how long he’s had her in that cabin.”

  “The survivors belong to Xyell. Legally he can do whatever he wants with them.”

  “That can’t be right.” Laetif shook her head, eyes wide and tormented. “We have to do something.”

  “I’ll keep him there as long as I can, but I suspect before the day is through I’ll have a vidcom with Prince Tarhee. He’ll remind me that Ambassador Xyell has diplomatic immunity. I’ll have no choice but to release him.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Quade stomped away from the companel, too angry to remain still.

  “And you can take your complaint to the emperor because he is the only one with the authority to revoke diplomatic immunity.”

  “We cannot just turn a blind eye. There has to be something we can do,” Laetif insisted.

  Caleb smiled, his gaze shifting from Laetif to Quade and back. “We can post guards in the hallway and make damn sure Xyell knows every move he makes is being recorded. Hopefully, that will keep him from hurting anyone else while he’s on the ship. Of course, he could tell me to shove it and blithely do whatever the hell he feels like. I have no authority to make him behave.”

  “Or we could just smother him in his sleep,” Quade muttered.

  “Don’t tempt me.” After a lingering look at Laetif, Caleb glanced at him and said, “Thanks for the tip. I’m glad you finally came to your senses.”

  Shamed by the subtle reprimand, Quade crossed to the viewport and stared out into the black vastness of space.

  Laetif came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Do you think the fuckwad will realize it was you?”

  “Probably. The raid was too coincidental.” He sighed and crossed his arms over hers. “It had to be done. I just couldn’t remain silent anymore.”

  She squeezed him, communicating her approval without saying a word.

  * * * * *

  The days flew by in a flurry of activity and frustration. Felicia’s dreams were filled with shadowy impressions and an inescapable sense of danger, but the images never solidified, never allowed her to act upon her feelings. Aiden patiently listened to her warnings, but she could offer him nothing specific.

  After the fourth dream, Aiden told Caleb that something was wrong and the captain informed him that Xyell had been arrested for abusing the passengers. Felicia was relieved that he had been caught, yet the vagueness of her visions frightened her. Was she being punished for the intimacies she’d shared with Aiden? It didn’t seem likely, but the nagging concern lingered in the back of her mind.

  Each group of refugees who Felicia spoke with reminded her how simplistic her life had been before the evacuation. The refugees seemed innocent and helpless to her. She could imagine how much more the contrast must affect the Fedorans. They might not possess the omniscient power of the gods, but their technology provided them with advantages that were nearly as awe-inspiring.

  “One more group then we’re finished for the night.” Aiden told her.

  She offered him a wan smile, unable to muster any more enthusiasm. There were only four days left until they reached Fedoros and Felicia’s anxiety grew with each passing day. They spent their days together and slept in each other’s arms each night, but whenever she tried to instigate sexual interaction, he insisted she wasn’t ready.

  Shouldn’t it be her decision when she was ready to be with him? He intentionally kept them busy, working well into the night, so they were both exhausted by the time they hurried down the hall to his cabin.

  They were ahead of schedule tonight and if the last group went smoothly, they would reach the cabin two hours early.

  “We are way ahead of schedule.” He echoed her thoughts “Maybe we should start on tomorrow’s—”

  “No,” she insisted. “I need a break and so do you.”

  He exhaled then smiled. “You’re right. We’ve earned a few hours of R and R.”

  “R and R?”

  “Rest and relaxation.”

  She had something entirely different in mind, but she kept the thought to herself.

  The final group sat through orientation in dazed acceptance. Felicia remembered all too well how it felt to have her world ripped out from underneath her. She had been assimilating the changes for almost two weeks and it still felt surreal.

  Aiden updated the log while Felicia impatiently paced his office. “Let’s go. You’re going to wear groves in the floor.”

  They said goodnight to Shika and headed to their cabin.

  Felicia’s heart began to flutter in her breast. Should she talk to him about her restlessness or make a bolder statement? She had tried subtlety before with frustrating results. His caution was honorable. He didn’t want to take advantage of her, but ignoring the attraction smoldering between them was dishonest.

  Her dreams had stopped the day Xyell was arrested. Laetif told her he’d been released, but apparently the pressure Caleb was putting on him had halted his sadistic behavior.

  Following their usual routine, she took the undershirt he handed her and walked into the utility room. He would be in bed when she finished with the lights dimmed and she’d crawl in beside him safely clothed in the soft, simple garment. At least that’s how this scene had played out over and over since her first nightmare… Was that what was bothering him? Was he afraid their intimacies had unleashed her nightmares?

  She quickly undressed and donned the undershirt, motivated by the possibility. As she had expected, he was already beneath the covers when she emerged from the bathroom. His chest was bare and his gaze followed her with cautious longing. His desire for her had not waned. She’d felt his erection pressed against her buttocks too often to fear he’d lost interest.

  “Are you ready to sleep or did you want to watch a vid or something?”

  “Or something,” she replied with what she hoped was a sexy smile.

  His eyes closed for a second then he said, “Felicia, I don’t think—”

  Knowing where that weary acceptance lead, she quickly changed direction. “I need your help with something.”

  He sat up, clearly curious. “All right. What can I do for you?”

  She chose her words carefully, determined to reach beyond his hesitation. “I feel like my life is in transition. I am becoming a different person than the woman I was in Pompeii. I am wiser, more mature, perhaps a bit more cynical.
But I am definitely more aware.”

  “That’s all perfectly natural, considering what you’ve been through.”

  “I agree.” She moved to the bed and sat on the edge, pivoting to face him. “There are many things I still do not understand, but I am no longer frightened by the transition.”

  “I’m glad.” He reached for her hand and pulled her closer. “I didn’t directly participate in what happened to you, but I can’t help feeling responsible.”

  “Then you agree that it’s only fair that you help me complete my transition?”

  “Of course. I’ll do whatever I can.”

  “Good. I want you to couple with me.”


  She placed her fingers against his lips, halting his argument. “I need this, Aiden.”

  “I gave in to my desire for you and you had nightmares for days afterward.”

  “My nightmares had nothing to do with our activities. Xyell was abusing the passengers and I’m convinced Perion is still alive. I’m not sure why my visions are so fuzzy, but I do not believe it has anything to do with you.”

  “You’re under an incredible amount of stress. We literally changed your concept of reality. It’s no wonder that your powers are a bit off.”

  “I agree.” She paused, absorbing the explanation, refusing to give in to her uncertainty. She wanted Aiden, needed to experience the pleasures Laetif whispered about. “This is the final obstacle in my recovery. Perion took something beautiful and natural and made it dirty and despicable. I want to reclaim that part of my soul. I will not be a prisoner to the past.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I will do nothing that harms you.”

  Rather than argue with him, she stood and took off the undershirt. “I want to know what it means to be a woman, and I want you to be my guide.”

  He crawled out of bed and took her in his arms. “You continually amaze me. I’ve never known anyone stronger than you.”


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