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Enslaved by Charybdis

Page 12

by Bruce McLachlan

  They walked along a short corridor flanked by doorways, but it was the one at the end that proved to be their destination, the others apparently leading into various other regions of Atlas’s private domain. The panel hissed open, revealing a sheet of material with a slit in it evocative of a tent. The women parted the slash, dragged Mina through it, and the portal drifted closed in their wake.

  The large room they entered was designed to recreate the sumptuous tent of a desert sheik. Small brass oil lamps placed strategically throughout the large space provide a sombre illumination, and the walls of the circular chamber were hidden behind cascading sheets of elaborate embroidered material depicting a variety of scenes taken from the myths of Atlas. Several dense wooden poles decorated with metal rings rose up from the floor to ceiling, the mock tent’s supports used for tethering slaves, while whatever other doors led in and out of the room were well concealed.

  Large pillows were strewn everywhere around low tables spread with a variety of food and drink, and the only other furniture were several large wooden trunks with gold clasps. A cage was formed from thick, spiralling bars, and was large enough to house the slave locked inside it - a naked woman wearing a black leather hood with one small air hole over the mouth. Sitting quietly in her small prison, blind and relatively deaf, she had been reduced to a pleasing decoration on Atlas’s whim.

  The owner of this lush faux tent reclined in splendour, a padded mound of silk and satin bearing his formidable muscular weight as he held the hose of a water pipe and puffed absently away on the scented fumes, adding another pleasing layer to the purveying aromas of incense and spice. ‘Welcome to my humble abode, nymph.’ He smiled and extended his free hand.

  The women brought Mina over and delivered her leash to their master as they bowed with respect. Then without a word they slipped away and out of the tent, leaving Atlas and Mina alone with the caged woman.

  ‘What do you think?’ he asked, tugging on the leash so she was forced to kneel before him.

  Sitting to attention, she kept her eyes lowered so as not to irk him, stifling a moan as her sore bottom pressed against her leather-clad ankles, the welts across her cheeks reviling being rested on. ‘Very pleasing, master,’ she replied humbly.

  ‘An indulgent recreation of a bygone era,’ he mused, taking another deep inhale of the pipe before going on. ‘I think I would have liked to live like this. Far less bother than all the effort that goes into running a less mobile and temporary palace.

  ‘Do you know why you are here?’ he asked abruptly, keeping the chain pulled taught between them.

  Mina’s eyes followed the line of silver links, the polished metal sparkling in the soft light. It was a trivial sight, but one that made her insides warm with lust, for this single line of steel was a potent symbol of her slavery, of her service to whoever wanted her. Staring at it, she felt all the more owned and controlled, her powers of rebellion evaporating as she dwelt on the fact of her submission. ‘Someone has paid you to have me captured, master. I can only surmise they would be an obvious culprit, so they could not do it themselves. Perhaps it was Lady Stheno, or Lord Helios, or Poseidon. I’m not sure who commissioned you to steal me away, master.’

  ‘Clever girl, but you’re only partially correct.’ He pulled more forcefully on the chain, making Mina shuffle forward on her knees. ‘Service me,’ he ordered bluntly.

  Mina hesitated an instant, and then leaned in between his legs. It was arousing to be casually ordered to perform such an intimate act, and she was more than willing to obey. Opening his trousers, she drew free his semi-erect shaft. She closed her lips about his stiffening flesh and began rocking her head slowly back and forth, diving onto the rapidly swelling rod as her tongue tickled the tip and rolled around it. With her lips locked to his skin, her suction hauled upon him, making the Titan close his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of her submission.

  The sight of his pleasure made Mina sigh with libidinous longing, and she treated herself to images of stepping up and lowering herself onto his manhood, feeling him thrusting up inside her as she rode him all the way to an orgasm, his powerful hands grabbing her bouncing breasts and tweaking her nipples. Using her fingers to gently massage his testicles and stroke his thighs, she started speeding up her licking and sucking as she felt him growing harder and more rampant as a result of her efforts, his length engorging as his climax drew near. Hungry for depravity, her lusts fired and raging, when she felt a warm influx of salty treacle against her throat she gulped it down greedily, milking him of all she could while he came as though it were the most precious elixir. Then her bobbing head slowed to a halt, and she used her tongue to clean him before she finally withdrew and sat back, keeping herself crouched humbly before him.

  ‘Hmm, not bad, but you could have been much better,’ he stated. ‘I’ll have to put you in some appropriate bondage, let you think about it, practice, and do better next time.’

  Mina’s features sagged into a frowning pout. To have her skills questioned and revealed as less than perfect, to have them classified as sub-standard, was a grievous wound to her pride. Then her desire for restraint flared and latched on to her hurt self-esteem, making her even more eager for it so she could hone her skills and do better in the future and prove she was not inferior. After learning to love whipping, humiliation and total rubber immobilisation, she was damned if she was going to fail at something so mundane as fellatio.

  Leaving her with her dismay as she wondered what she could have done to improve her oral attentions, the Titan rose and walked over to a large trunk. Flipping open the gold locks, he looked around inside it for a moment. When he did not see what he required, he ran his hands along the interior of the trunk. ‘Now where did I put that training pole?’ he muttered, straightening up and looking around the room. ‘Sterope!’ he shouted.

  The burly black woman stepped into the tent through a slit in the folds as a door hissed shut behind her. As soon as she entered, she bowed against the floor and did not rise as she awaited her instructions.

  Atlas looked over at her and opened his mouth to speak. But he thought better of it as his eyes took in her gorgeous body. Walking over to her, he ran his hands across her raised bottom, drifting his fingers along her vulva as she sighed, delighted to be of use to him and pleasing him. ‘Where did we leave the training pole?’ he asked, his voice a throaty whisper as he revelled in the feel of his property quivering beneath his touch.

  ‘It’s in that trunk, master,’ she gasped, throwing a leather sheathed arm forth to indicate a trunk on the other wall.

  ‘Bring it to me,’ he commanded, releasing her.

  With a spry jump the woman stood up and jogged over to the container. Flipping the lid open, she promptly produced a metal pole some two yards in length. Set in the very centre was a jet phallus, the toy merging with the shaft, with a set of replica testes formed on the other side of the pole almost as a counterweight.

  ‘Bring rope, and the nipple pads with you as well,’ the Titan instructed.

  The magnificent slave gathered up the additional devices before heading back to her master and reverently handing him the tools.

  Atlas reached down and retrieved Mina’s leash, using it to bring her to her feet, her acquiescence to its tugs deliberately slow so she could feel the pull of the device to her throat. Drawing her over to one of the upright poles, he placed a hand to the D-ring and used it to turn her around, pushing her back against the wood. Standing erect, her eyes downcast so she was staring at his bare chest, Mina studied his actions through the corner of her eye, an attentive and eager student waiting for her lesson.

  A cross formation of rope was set upon her chest, pinning her tightly to the pole, the lines running through the ringlets along the other side and anchoring her in place. Secondary lines were wound above and below her breasts, crushing them between the two multiple rings of rope and further hugging her torso to the p
olished wooden shaft along her spine. His firm hands then grabbed her wrists and stretched her arms along the sides of the pole before using rope to exploit the hoops that had been screwed into the wood there. The crisscross pattern of ropes grabbed her wrists, locking them to the pole before winding up her limbs, gradually stealing away all movement until her arms were fully immobilised. The leather upon her flesh allowed the strands to be pulled tight, the polished hide protecting her only a little.

  ‘Spread your legs, slave,’ Atlas ordered firmly.

  Without hesitation, Mina shuffled her boots apart, the heels digging into the carpet making it hard to balance as she opened herself for him.

  ‘Not that much, you wanton little nymph,’ he scolded indulgently as Mina tottered unsteadily, her body hanging more heavily against the ropes as her toes and heels tried to sustain her weight.

  She brought her legs a little closer together, marvelling at the feel of the ropes across her, compressing her, squeezing her body against the pole, her breasts once more starting to fill with enhanced sensitivity because of their mild strangulation.

  ‘There, that should do it, slave.’

  Mina pressed her heels back into the floor, lifting the burden of her body from the cocoon of ropes. A metal shaft was placed into the back of her knees and slender strands of rope used to tie it there. Placed above and below the joint, they ran across it in woven X patterns, spreading her wide and holding her tight to the steel. An individual line of thicker rope was tied to her ankles, and formed with deft moves into a knitted stirrup pattern, the coils circling her joints numerous times and throwing supporting lines beneath her insteps, creating an obvious suspension fetter. The excess of each coil was then taken up and threaded high over her head, reaching across to the opposite side of the upright wooden pole and through a lofty ringlet. The two snaking lines dangled down the sides, brushing against her trapped arms as Atlas strode purposefully behind her and took up the reigns to her ankles. A steady but forceful pull started drawing in the twin lengths, pulling her ankles inward and upwards and making her knees battle against the pole. Her legs lifted from the floor and were drawn towards her chest, the shaft bringing the dildo towards her lips.

  Mina groaned from the contortion and the stress of being held up by a cage of rope, but the Titan stopped before the rounded tip of the black toy met her mouth. Tying off the hoisting ropes, he stepped back around in front of her and accepted the final addition to the position from Sterope. Two metal power plugs were slotted into covert sockets on the artificial testicles, these now being revealed as moulded batteries. The two cables reached out to a self-adhesive pad, and each one was pressed to her nipples.

  The last part of her bondage was the addition of two slender cords that wound around her waist, locking above her hips, which were pulled forward away from the pole by her elevated legs. The cords were gathered in a few coils about her and then flung down between her legs, the pair of coarse strands pulled tight so they dug into her exposed sex and then tied together around the pole. Any attempt to lift her legs higher and deliver the dildo more easily into her mouth would have the cords grating against her crotch.

  Finally, with this incentive for Mina to use her neck as the primary means to service the dildo, the Titan stepped back and studied his workmanship to ensure all was secure and steady.

  ‘I’m sure you’ve already figured it out, slave, so I’ll leave you to it,’ he decreed, and turned a small switch between the testes.

  Soft irritating nips of current ate at her breasts, the dildo flinging the spiteful shocks into their sensitive peaks. Mina jerked beneath their attack and strained her neck forward, grabbing the phallus with her lips and swallowing it up. Rocking her head against the shaft, she moaned and quivered, her neck muscles instantly aching from the extreme pose she was forced to adopt to properly service the toy.

  The nips decreased a little in speed and intensity as her mouth tested the toy trying to find out what its sensors decreed to be the most effective fellatio. When she got closer to the ideal the voltage coercion diminished, but when she strayed from the preordained ideal method of sucking, the punishment began increasing again.

  After a few minutes of trial and error Mina learned what was required of her mouth and tongue, and she continued using them as best she could as the weapons on her nipples went still. She watched as Atlas slumped back across his soft throne of pillows, Sterope kneeling beside him as he returned to drawing on the pipe. The havoc in her neck was gradually making it harder to comply with the dildo’s demands, the suction the toy required also causing new levels of stress to her cheeks and throat. When she started to lax the shocks to her nipples began again, causing her to strain her legs higher, the scratching caress through her loins as the cord ate deeper into her vulva and chafed her a powerful incentive to keep sucking. But it was a dilemma choosing between enduring the pain of the crotch rope and granting her neck a brief reprieve from its strained position. Working on the shaft, sustaining the required parameters Atlas required of his slaves’ oral attentions, Mina moaned and strove to spare herself the more stringent parts of the lesson.

  After what felt like hours of this repetitive indoctrination she was elated to see him rise and walk towards her, only to have her hopes of release dashed when the burly Arab simply walked past her without even glancing at his suffering captive. She heard sounds of him delving into a trunk, and her eyes met those of Sterope as the girl looked towards her. Her gaze slithered across Mina’s bound form, a libidinous fire smouldering in their depths, before the return of her master made her look down humbly.

  ‘Just so you don’t get too complacent, I think an added distraction might be useful in your lesson,’ Atlas told Mina, stepping before her holding a limp balloon of thick black latex fitted with an inflator bulb from which two chains emerged. One hung down and supported a tear-shaped leaden weight while the other divided in half and led to a set of clover clamps.

  The bulb was forced between her bottom cheeks, the Titan stuffing it into her anus as her sphincter clenched with the feel of him filling her. The distraction made her deviate from the commanded skill of the sensors monitoring her fellatio, and she cried out as sudden intense bites of current chewed at her nipples, making her throw herself back into her task with renewed fervour and inspiration.

  Meanwhile, Atlas began inflating the sac in her buttocks with a swift volley of squeezes that released hissing air into the well of the bulb. The latex sphere continued growing, expanding and forcing itself against her tracts, reaching outward as her insides tried to contain it. And as the effect intensified the pressure became more than she could bear. Whimpering and mewling in protest, she somehow managed to keep herself gagged with the dildo, sucking it diligently.

  Just as she was becoming concerned about the havoc in her anus, the Titan stopped inflating the bulb. She had only a moment to languish at the level of distress he had inflicted on her, however, before it grew worse. The clamps reached up, the chains swinging in a slack arc to snap padded jaws to each side of her vulva. Taking a great and copious bite of her sex lips, already conveniently parted by the crotch rope, the clamps then hung limp, and their clinging presence on her labia immediately began the familiar arctic cramping and pounding as sensation was driven out of the afflicted area.

  ‘There, all done,’ Atlas stated with satisfaction, and returned to Sterope, where he busied himself caressing her dark form, feeling her up as she moaned softly with pleasure and wriggled delightedly in his hands.

  Mina nearly gagged on the dildo and wept tears of strain. She knew the bulb could be ejected if she simply strained to spit it out, but instead she was forced to keep her sphincter clenched, holding the accursed ball within her. If she relaxed, or tried to squeeze the thing out, the weight would be pulling at the clamps on her sex rather than simply hanging on the balloon. Atlas had not lied when he told her it was a distraction, for it took all her concentratio
n to ensure she stuck to the right sucking rhythm while keeping her bottom clenched tight as the weight sought to drag the orb out of her.

  The shocks to her nipples grew more regular as she was occasionally forced to manoeuvre her buttocks, clenching them around the gradually escaping globe, which distracted her from properly servicing the demanding dildo between her lips. The globe’s bulbous dimensions were always threatening to slip out of her sphincter, making her panic and force her ring to cling to it even more fervently, sucking it back deep into her tracts where she could hold it more easily. She wanted to let it out, but she feared the resulting added strain of the clamps as they gained new strength and pulled at the highly sensitive lips of her sex. Atlas’s tuition was stark and intense, and even as she suffered under it, she felt perversely pleased that he could be so cruel, that he was willing to just watch her suffer without intervening, and was capable of adding even more pain to her stress. Simultaneously, she wanted more than anything to be released from her torment, but once she was free, she knew she would relish the memory of it. The absurdity of her dilemma tore at her thoughts as beads of perspiration formed on her brow and ran down her face, the waters of her flesh conjured by the terrible strain.

  Lost to her awareness of the all-consuming ordeal, Mina could not even pay attention as the other Pleiades started entering the room and gathering obediently around their master. Time ceased to exist and dragged on forever as she devoted herself to enduring her bondage and making sure it did not grow even worse.

  ‘So, this is her?’ a man’s voice remarked. ‘When I saw her with Tethys and Oceanus she was languishing insipidly on a leash. I have to admit, she looks even more charming all tied up and in turmoil.’

  Mina opened her tear-filled eyes, her face and body hot with exertion, her neck cramping and aching from the endless bobbing motion she was forced to perform for her fellatio training.


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